On phone right now, so i can't say much. I'll settle for noting that 1) it seems like pritt's granddaughter is gonna be a new hero and 2) unless the new gov has better authority tolerance we're going to overcap that next turn, because pritt just promised the fingers a temple. Maybe even this turn if we end up with debtors from the war.
Think about how the situation looks from their perspective. Two generations ago, you were begging for help and getting absolutely savaged by the Northlands. In the generation after that, the numbers of warriors you had station in the Fingers dropped enormously (due to you sending them to fight with the Peace Builders). As far as the traders from Arrow Lake could tell, you ran out of warriors.
The reason that they're offering an ultimatum instead of simply attacking is because they think you'll give in. Your warrior situation looks extremely dire and in the past you revealed the secret of making brick walls to them. This gift has been horribly twisted over time into a sign of submission and recognition of Arrow Lake's greatness.
Combined with the fact that you're giving food to the Mountain Clans (trying to bribe them off from attacking you, it looks like) and they're certain you're weak and will capitulate.
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations.
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
I'm gonna enjoy watching us flay these dumb motherfuckers. Might as well take their settlement - we built a wall for them, after all, and they've clearly proved unworthy of it. Some ethnic cleansing and good old fashioned terror warfare should reassert a proper understanding of our relationship.
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
Seems like the best of the lot, it'll encourage a placement of value and obligation towards something other than personal glory, mainly dynastic or familial, which goes a massive way towards reducing the murderous strife amongst people, as that's driven most prominently by the desire for personal advancement at the cost of all else, as status is purely individual.
This will also place emphasis on caring for/cultivating those not ready or capable of playing the power game, which is a boon in driving forward the development of honour codes and ethics, and a less sanguine meritocracy.
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
[x] [Gov] The People should have a council with a representative of each settlement.
[x] [Record] In full, as well as the People could commit it to stone.
[X] [Core] Balance of People
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy.
[X] [Gov] The People should deffer now to a single leader.
I want a centralized leadership that can easily dedicate resources towards mega-projects and infrastructure.
[X] [Record] In metaphor, understood best through study and understanding.
Metaphor sol that the law can endure and fit into many different circumstances.
[X] [Core] Balance of People
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
Let;s be honest if we capitulate to their demands we'd collapse almost instantly from the internal revolts.
Another reason to like the future generations option is its resonance with TBF. As veekie noted, one of the biggest problems with noble rule is that nobles who use shortsighted strategies to get ahead (like Arrow Lake's slave binge) can either attain great power and normalize the practice or force other nobles to follow suit to keep up. With TBF's inbuilt assumption that things will one day go horribly wrong, such shortsighted strategies have a greater chance of being looked down on, and FFG will accentuate this.
On the topic of TBF, it amuses me that Arrow Lake's plight is practically parable material for it. They were blessed with absurd luck by the spirits of war, but squandered their luck on wealth and luxury beyond their means, and now turn on those they once called friends in desperation for more. Truly this must have been the will of the spirits when they told The People to aid the mountain clans, for now WE are the instrument of trial.
Finally, while the walls of Arrow lake are annoyingly non-flammable, their FIELDS are not, and last time we checked they ascribed great importance to those.
[X] [Gov] The People should defer now to a single leader.
[X] [Record] In full, as well as the People could commit it to stone.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations.
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
[x] [Gov] The People should have a council with a representative of each settlement.
[x] [Record] In full, as well as the People could commit it to stone.
[X] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
Building ties likely just means political marriages leading to an oligarchy. That seems like the worst of both worlds to me, either democracy or monarchy would be better and would lead to more centralized leadership.
One councilor per settlement is pretty doomed at present because we do not have the transport capacity for the council to meet with any regularity. Even an annual meeting would mean weeks of travel every year during which their home settlement is unled
[X] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
[X] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations
[X] [Core] Social Unity
[X] [Core] Balance of People
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy.
So with the clarification we know what these do now:
[ ] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations.
[ ] [Core] Revere the Spirits
Spiritualism/Science(this basically says Pay Attention to the World)
[ ] [Core] Social Unity
Will probably erode FAO
[ ] [Core] Balance of People
Will probably formalize FAO into more ritualized dueling than the current murdering.
[ ] [Core] Power in all Things
[ ] [Core] Benefit the Land
Naturalism(from our natural wonders fetish)
Martial: Hardened Neolithic Warriors and Holy Orders
Economy: Early Aquaculture with Very Early Agriculture Supplemented by Managed Hunting and Herding (Small Surplus)
Agriculture: Extremely Early Agriculture
Aquaculture: Early Aquaculture
Herds: Primarily small-team hunts with animal assistance
Hunting: Carefully Managed Hunting (Safe Hunting Cap: Substantial Room Left)Art: Advanced High-Quality Tools
Diplomacy: A Tribe of Two Faces, Spirit and Demon.
Magic: Fire, Stone, and Spirit
Mysticism: Mediators for the Spirits
There are three things of note to take away from the changes here. Firstly, when you look at our martial status, our armies appear to have recuperated from the casualties taken during the Northern War. We're not reduced anymore, and we still retain the hard fought hardened bonus that comes from having so many veterans. Secondly, when it comes to our endurance stats, we have received a +1 increase to each of them, which makes things much more stable for us. I think most of it comes from having completed the Temple at Crystal Lake rather than the Law Megaproject, but I'm not entirely sure. Finally in terms of prestige we gained another +1 in prestige, likely from the Law Megaproject having been completed.
It looks like due to the reforms that have been made, our hierarchy and specialization stats have gone up, notably with the specialization stat not seeming to hurt us anymore as it's not over the cap.
In terms of new developments we've gained the brewing technology. Not entirely sure if there are any knock on effects from this, as we hadn't heard anything about it from Priit in the update, however as we're just starting I think it will take some time before we discover it's more than just a way to make use of grains.
In terms of the new Temple we've built over at Crystal Lake, I'm somewhat curious as to whether or not it will host a Holy Order like the Frost-Scarred as the Fangs have a Temple at Hill Guard. Any comments @Redium ?
I applaud Priit for his efforts here, I really do, as this is one of the hardest tasks a leader can attempt to accomplish, shaping human nature and society as a result. I never expected that it would be Priit of all people to begin, let alone complete these reforms, when we first me him, but I'm glad that he did. He's really grown as a character. My second favorite who's appeared so far aside from Kaspar.
He had been visiting some of the People's outlying farms, speaking to the people there so that he could hear their opinions and learn about their lives. It wasn't something that a Big Man could do often, much less a warleader like himself. Normally, when he needed information, he turned to one of his subordinates who asked one of their subordinates in turn. It was like there was a layer of fog between his eyes and those of the people actually doing things. He hated that as a young man, but he'd needed to grow adept at it as more and more warriors fell under his command.
It was a tricky style of leadership that allowed someone to command a host greater than what should have been possible, but there were also obvious downsides: it placed a film across the eyes.
Reforms were needed: the People could no longer operate as they once had. Their number had simply grown so great that it was impossible for one person to raise themselves to the top of the People with strength and skill and then direct the thousands that made up the population.
Just out of curiosity, but in comparison to the other civilizations nearby, how do our populations rank? It seems to me like we're in the 5000 range right?
The People needed to start younger, almost from childhood, like the Holy Orders did with their best and their brightest. Leadership of thousands was a complex task. Ensuring that each person had enough food and supplies, that none of the wrong feathers were ruffled unnecessarily, that the spirits were properly honoured and half a hundred other tasks required extensive experience.
They did little, for the most part, but having them sit in to watch supplies being redistributed or plans made to finalize the new temple at Crystal Lake with blocks of quartz, or a mediation to resolve violence between one of the Fangs and an Ember-Eye taught them many valuable lessons.
I'm guessing that as we've built the Temples constantly for three turns that we've retrained Aeva's innovations in regards to administration and numbers right? As this excerpt seems to suggest that we have some numerical system we can use to keep track of how food and supplies are redistributed for our economy.
Priit was initially surprised at how positive the reception was at his decision. Many spoke to him of his vision in seeking to train the next generation of leaders. The fact that the children he selected were close kinsmen was barely remarked upon; wasn't in natural for a father and grandfather to show the next generation the best of their skills?
Was this not akin to the apprenticeship system that Aeva had shown Kaspar-In-Flesh intended? The fact that he had picked children sharing descent from Kaspar-In-Flesh only caused the move's legitimacy to soar. Kaspar's descendants had produced great things. Priit and Aeva were foremost, but even Kaspar's lesser descendants had become influential warriors, shaman, and leaders.
We've known for awhile that Kaspar was rather prolific, but how widespread are his descendants among the People? As over time I'm guessing it will be harder to keep track and record the lineages for everyone related to Kaspar.
Skill was carried best in families; it was obvious to see. It was, perhaps, not direct from father-to-son, or mother-to-daughter, but there was a recurring tie; Kaspar was Aeva's father and Priit's own great-great-grandfather. Based on what Priit could see, one of his Winterborn granddaughters born the same spark as People's past three leaders.
It looks like we are going to have another hero soon. @Redium Have you rolled or figured out what her area of expertise is in terms of heroics? Or will we just have to find out?
Also, it's interesting to see now that Winterborn has been defined as a trait of some sort.
There is something within each person that carries skill and knowledge, this fact is self-evident to the People and it is best to cultivate these unique talents from birth. The best potter is the one who learns at the knee of their father and mother; playing at their side with clay castoffs and helping them fulfill their duties. There are exceptions of course, some individuals do not carry the skill of their fore-bearers. These embarrassments are ruthlessly replaced for the shame they bring to their families. Bloodlines that fail to replace their own are weeded out in turn, just as the master hunter carefully culls the weak in a herd to protect it.
Effects: Increase the Specialization cap by 100%, raise the Hierarchy cap by 50%
Interesting. Are the effects of this trait just a one time boost, or do these effects scale later on? How exactly, are the caps for example determined over time?
Anyways, disregarding the technical stuff, this a pretty great trait as it will likely give us an edge in specializing compared to our competitors as we can train more effective specialists.
Though, it does also make me curious as to whether or not this will imbue a sense of competition between competing clans or families as there are likely to be many different families who are seen as skilled at a certain craft.
With the next generation of the People's leaders slowly being trained, Priit had to ask himself: how should he teach them to lead? There were some obvious answers to that: they should be smart, skilled speakers, good warriors, organizers of men and material, along with a dozen other roles. What they should lead in was obvious, but how should they lead the People?
To Priit, it was clear that the old ways no longer worked. The People could no longer allow themselves to be ruled by Big Men constantly competing and fighting, sometimes literally, for prestige. Hill Guard was a mess, a slow roiling boil of back alley and dark forest murders between those that aspired to lead; it was rare for a moon to go by now without broken bodies being swept out into Rahu Bay. Hunters were no longer willing to travel the deep woods any more. No potter felt comfortable collecting clay from the riverbank and traders were slowly starting to shun the settlement. It was rare for those without aspirations to die, but if they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, it was just as easy to slit two throats as one.
The warriors had been powerless to stop the carnage; in some cases they had even been directly implicated! Life was slowly grinding to a halt as the People of Hill Guard found themselves suffocated by fear and uncertainty. There had always been some level of violent problem solving, but as the People grew more and more populous, it became ever easier. No longer would an ambitious Big Man have to overcome the reluctance inherent in plotting murder one of their cousins or a dear family friend. Now they killed people completely unknown to them. It was easy to gather a small group of four or five, arm them with bow and spear, before going on a hunt of a different sort.
This has been stopped now that we've implemented Bloodline Inheritance correct? Because this almost seems like a low-key Civil War, with Hill Guard potentially being at risk as a settlement due to all of this violence.
With leaders now being limited and trained from childhood, it was the perfect time to nip those problems in the bud. If they weren't... Priit dreaded to think of it. A leader trained from birth could manage things far more effectively than one who picked it up late in life. How much worse could their infighting be?
Seems like Priit is thinking ahead. Now that we've implemented Bloodline Inheritance, we'll probably need to implement a system to manage the inheritance of leadership positions so that we don't end up with familial succession struggles. Though, no system is perfect, I just hope we'll be wise enough to foresee the problems ahead of time.
Still, he knew stories could change over time. What of Kaspar-In-Flesh? He had been Aeva's father and by the time of her death, could anyone be said to truly know him? He was the first to ascend to the spirits, that was well known, but what of the other stories? Was he really eight feet tall with the strength of ten men? Could he have hacked in half three warriors with a single swing of his Blacksword? Did he really have eyes of purest flame?
I'm curious here, there are many stories of men being deified and turned into gods, but in the case of Kaspar, does he have a canon or story of some sort that sort of memorializes his legacy, like with the Epic of Gilgamesh for example?
I could see Priit's life turning into that, as Priit's exploits somewhat surpasses Kaspar's in a way, such as how he defeated the nigh-invincible Ivory-Blooded Chief, and how he wrote the law.
It would not, however, be impossible to know the Law. Priit had ordered it carved on the wall of each and every Temple of the People. A new pigment had recently been discovered by the Ember-Eyes: a brilliant red colour. Combined with amethyst, ocher, citrine, obsidian, and plaster, there were more than enough colours to created beautiful murals. Ones that would hopefully stand for all time.
Priit knew that the Fingers lacked a Temple and would not take the slight lightly that they were unable to have their own depiction of the Law, but he could not wait. Age pressed down upon him. He vowed that they would have one within a generation.
Well, we were planning on building a Temple at the Fingers soon anyways, just to get it finished and locked it. Though with a war on the horizon with the Fingers at the frontline, that may take a backseat. Oh well, at least by the end of the war I'm pretty sure we'll have plenty of Lapis Lazuli to line the Temple with after we beat Arrow Lake black and blue.
As for the Law itself, that was determined after countless moons, years, of discussion. It was the purification of every story and tradition passed down from the elders to their grandchildren. There had always been parables, half-truths, and other myths that the People believed, but they varied; sometimes even between longhouses in the same settlement! By taking all of the tales, the People could focus on the ones that served them properly. Everyone, from the greatest leader to the lowest farmer, held treasured memories of learning at the knees of the grandparents during the long, dark moons of winter. These tales spoke to each one of the People, forming the basis of their decision-making. None of these tales were strictly the Law, but they built up to that point. By building the Law a top a foundation of these childhood stories, it would influence each one of the People, from now until the end of time.
From how the Law is described here, it almost seems less like a codified Code of Law and more like a holy book, where stories and teachings are passed down with the laws inherent within them. Considering how often stories change over time and exaggerate, with some having many variations, how did Priit and his Slate determine which stories deserved to be carried forward and preserved as law in the new canon? Are there stories that were discarded or forgotten for instance?
At their core, the Laws were a command, perhaps the most ambitious one Priit had ever given. They were a collection of truths on how the People should live. A single collection which was universal and would be maintained. It would be impossible, Priit knew, to find something to apply to every situation. All he could do was encode a few truths and hurl them into the future, hoping that future generations would pick up the burden in turn for future generations.
When everything was finally done, Priit felt free for the first time in his life. As the years moved on, it seemed like a smile was permanently fixed to his face. Working with children, resolving disputes, none of the difficulties of leadership could possibly bother him. Here he was, an elder, and these few years were the first that he could recall without war. No comrades choking on their own blood, none impaled and left to die over the course of days. No more kith and kin whom he saw leave with a wave confident wave, never to return.
I'd really like to reiterate the fact that Priit has been one of my favorite characters in this quest as his character arc and growth has been exceptional. At first people hated him for being the hot-headed youth that he was, but now he's proven himself to be one of the greats as it was under him that this system of law was founded and completed, with the People somewhat reviving and recovering under his rule.
So did some other tribe, who I'm assuming we haven't met, begin the process of metalworking? If so, we might want to get to work on that, as we have kind of been complacent in some aspects.
That's rather ominous. Perhaps the remnants of South Lake, or something new. Is there any explanation btw, for why the warriors of the Island Makers are still enraged? @Redium
The Pearl Divers returning, having completed the final Saltern that they could within their lands and bringing with them more of the precious substance than the People could ever use, was a happy moment. The fact that the Pearl Divers further realized the People's wisdom in seeking challenge left him nothing but pleased.
Spiritual Advisers Triggers: Whole Hearted -> Trial By Fire
It was only when a young man from Arrow Lake approached him in audiance at the Fingers that Priit's smiled died for the first time in years.
"We know," the young man had said in his own tongue. "Of how you supply the Worker Tribes. This ends. Today. You conspire and enable their crimes against the Bluestone People. In gracious recompense for your crimes of theft, murder, and treachery, the Ancients of the Lake have allowed you a single opportunity to redeem yourselves. The losses you've inflicted on us will be compensated for. For every man, woman, or child harmed, you shall provide one individual to the Ancients so that their lost labours can be made up. You have one moon to begin providing Debtors." The People's word tested almost poisonous on the young man's tongue.
As the boy turned and left, something came over Priit and he felt tears fall from his eyes for the first time in years.
I swear, it seems like most of our former friends want to be our enemies. Oh well, way back before we'd always assume that we'd slowly assimilate Arrow Lake, but I guess now they're going to get it at the point of our blackswords.
At this point I'm somewhat expecting either the Pearl Divers or Peace Builders to eventually have a go at us for some stupid reason.
The People's code of laws are beyond ancient, more of a primordial mien, from a time that's literally lost to time. Primarily, the Law is a collection of codified stories, a canon that shows the People how to build a good life. While still open for further development, the Law goes a long way to creating a uniformity of culture and expectation of internal unity.
Effects: Increase Centralization cap by +1, grant access to Push Unity action, accelerate development of Culture resource, ???
Just like how we unlocked the magic/mysticism resource early, will things like this help us gain the culture resource too? Is that a hidden stat, or just one we haven't unlocked yet?
The People's Law is of an ancient sort, far beyond recorded history. Nonetheless, the mores and values instilled by the stories, myths, and fables, are an enduring part of the People's legacy. In time, they will shift, but the underlying message; that the People's ancestors had entrusted their children with a great covenant of faith to truly make their own and develop with their own wisdom, was greatly reassuring.
Effects: Gain a one time Stability increase when completing a Social Reform megaproject.
[ ] [Gov] The People should deffer now to a single leader.
[ ] [Gov] The People should formalize their Council of Three forevermore.
[ ] [Gov] The People should have a council with a representative of each settlement.
[ ] [Gov] The People should govern themselves foremost locally, coming together for larger issues.
[ ] [Gov] The People's rulers should build ties within themselves so that they no longer fight for power.
@Redium What form of government exactly is this? Others have said that this is supposed to represent forming a nobility of some sorts, but to me this reads more like an Oligarchy. Is this forming a noble caste of some sort, and if so how exactly will it govern, as in it's structure? Because from what I think it means, I doubt it will be a very centralized form of government.
Anyways, onto the other options.
The first option is pretty straightforward, it's a monarch, a King or Queen. It's likely to be great for centralization through having one leader, as that will allow us to more decisively direct the People and have them complete things like megaprojects and building projects that require extensive use of manpower. However, through having one leader you obviously suffer if the leader themselves are incompetent. Plus, it doesn't exactly help the hierarchy distance problem we've had. But it's pretty stable all things considered and is a system that can be reformed and last us a very long time if need be.
The second option may seem good now but as time passes and we eventually, and hopefully, build more settlements that may cause issues as the newer settlements may feel disenfranchised as they don't have a say in how things are run or governed. It's a good method of retaining stability, but its nature makes it likely to be pretty stagnant and conservative.
The third option is essentially democracy and not an option we can practically utilize anymore both due to the distances between our settlements and because of our play style. We are going for tall rather than wide, and tall civilizations benefit more from having good centralization, which this inherently makes harder.
The fourth option doesn't really appeal to me as it seems likely to split our civilization apart into proto-city states of some sorts that are united in some form of Confederation. Doesn't really go well with a tall play style.
[ ] [Record] In full, as well as the People could commit it to stone.
[ ] [Record] In metaphour, understood best through study and understanding.
[ ] [Record] As a supplement, a way to expand on the stories that the People would tell.
[ ] [Record] In pictures, demonstrating the proper ways to live.
Hmmm these options are very interesting and tempting.
First off I think it's important to note that this option is not what are the messages imparted by the Law, it is instead how these Laws are to be recorded and passed down. With that in mind here are my interpretations.
The first option, seems to be essentially writing the laws down verbatim in stone. By recording the law this way we will likely have a unified Code of Law, similar to the Codes of Law from Ancient Mesopotamia. In this option the Law will be immutable, and likely pretty strict as what is written is written, potentially leaving little leeway for context when it comes to making judgements. Ridged, no doubt, however it does offer advantages if paired with certain core options. For example if the core of balance were chosen, we could ensure a fair and just Code of Law that addresses all things and people of every station. Furthermore, unlike the other options the laws written here likely will not be subject to the mutability that comes with having an oral tradition of law, where stories change over time with each telling. That is one of the selling points of this option. Out of all of the options this one is likely the most stable.
The second option, seems to be almost the opposite of the first option. Quick question, though, @Redium. Will this option still have the Law be written and carved in stone for every Temple, or will it make it so that the Priests/Shaman for every Temple instead need to memorize and speak the Laws? In any case, as others have said this option seems to be the one that focuses more on retaining the teachings and messages inherent in the law rather than the details of the law itself. The importance of studying and understanding the law is high, so hopefully that will prevent the law from changing too drastically with each retelling. I'm not an expert on the Oral Tradition, so I'm not entirely sure how effective this method will be at retaining a uniform Code of Law across our civilization, so I will defer judgement until later.
The third option just seems problematic as it places the law in a secondary place to our values, which if we want to build a lawful society, is not a good thing.
The final option, makes me curious as it seems to imply we will create murals within our temples instructing how our People are to live. I'm not entirely sure if this will lead to creating a pictographic form of language, but similar to the first option it seems a little rigid because as our society advances it is likely that these pictures will become less relevant as we gain advancements.
In the end, Priit decided that the core message he would send was:
[ ] [Core] On Behalf of Future Generations.
[ ] [Core] Revere the Spirits
[ ] [Core] Social Unity
[ ] [Core] Balance of People
[ ] [Core] Power in all Things
[ ] [Core] Benefit the Land
@Redium When it comes to the core message of On Behalf of Future Generations, will this essentially be a message of making it so that the Law is framed in a way so that a person's action is judged on how it affects Future Generations of the People? Or is it more like the Law, as in the canon and stories, are trying to impart values that make it so that People should strive to better Future Generations, as this vote seems to be blurring things for me since it seems to imply that this will be more than a Code of Law but also a guiding philosophy. Not a bad core message to have, however, I remember distinctly that way back when Priit was on trial, one of the arguments used against him was that his actions were wrong due to harming the People. If On Behalf of Future Generations is the core basis of the law, I am somewhat leery of there being a ruling that penalizes those based on the perception that they erred by harming the Future Generations of the People.
Revere the Spirits is pretty straightforwards in terms of a message. It essentially would empower the Priesthood. However as we've chosen bloodline inheritance, that doesn't seem very synergistic.
Social Unity is pretty obvious as to what it does. Pretty stable, but it likely emphasizes the collective over the individual, which makes me wonder if it will clash with IWTBTVB.
Balance of People means figuring out a system of law that works for everyone, from the lowest Debtor to the highest Big Man. It's balancing their needs an interests and how that is necessary for society.
Power In All Things is a codification of your current hyper-competitive, meritocratic, murderous society. It very much pushes Might Makes Right.
To be honest, Balance of People really appeals to me as it seems like a core message of what a Code of Law should be. In terms of what this reminds me of, it reminds me of the Code of Hammurabi, where each person, no matter their status, has recourses and measures under the Law so that even those with power like the nobility will be able to have justice meted out upon them. The mention of how even Debtors are to be treated fairly also appeals to me. While I do believe it is good to think of the future, I like this value the most as it also makes it so that we don't lose perception of the presence by allowing injustices to occur.
As for Power in All Things, yeah no, that's not working out too well for us right now, so I don't know why we would encourage it. There is a thing as too much elitism after all.
Finally the last option seems pretty straightforward as an environmentally oriented option, but considering we plan to get to bronze working soon, it likely wouldn't fit well for us.
[ ] [Ask] Concede on every point.
[ ] [Ask] Partially concede. Stop feeding the Mountain Clans and raid them for workers to pay off Arrow Lake.
[ ] [Ask] Refuse all of their demands.
[ ] [Ask] Bring it, boy.
If we take any other option but war, we will embolden Arrow Lake and lose a lot. Fuck Arrow Lake, I will relish seeing them get hammered by our newly revitalized armies.
Who knows, maybe we might even figure out new tactics when it comes to fighting against brick/stone walls. We're going to have to figure out how to do so eventually, so why not do so now, especially since Priit will still be alive to act as the Commander for this.
Anyway, here's my vote.
[X] [Gov] The People should deffer now to a single leader.
[X] [Record] In full, as well as the People could commit it to stone.
[X] [Core] Balance of People
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Jul 30, 2018 at 11:37 AM, finished with 24 posts and 16 votes.
Building ties likely just means political marriages leading to an oligarchy. That seems like the worst of both worlds to me, either democracy or monarchy would be better and would lead to more centralized leadership
At this point in time, Democracy will become Oligarchy, there's no avoiding it, might as well make use of it rather than ignore it, and monarchy feels a little to slow to react, to me.
At this point in time, Democracy will become Oligarchy, there's no avoiding it, might as well make use of it rather than ignore it, and monarchy feels a little to slow to react, to me.
[X] [Gov] The People should deffer now to a single leader.
[X] [Record] In full, as well as the People could commit it to stone.
[X] [Core] Balance of People
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
In terms of the new Temple we've built over at Crystal Lake, I'm somewhat curious as to whether or not it will host a Holy Order like the Frost-Scarred as the Fangs have a Temple at Hill Guard. Any comments @Redium ?
The Ember Eyes were founded in, and remain based in Crystal Lake, spurred by their discovery of how to transmute quartz of the crystal lake through fire
From how the Law is described here, it almost seems less like a codified Code of Law and more like a holy book, where stories and teachings are passed down with the laws inherent within them. Considering how often stories change over time and exaggerate, with some having many variations, how did Priit and his Slate determine which stories deserved to be carried forward and preserved as law in the new canon? Are there stories that were discarded or forgotten for instance?
Probably not. Most Codes of Laws were not expected to be changed in nature, only in interpretation.
But if we write it in full in stone it's going to be pretty rigid. The rest allow room for interpretation and misintepretation.
[X] [Gov] The People should deffer now to a single leader.
[X] [Record] In full, as well as the People could commit it to stone.
[X] [Core] Balance of People
[X] [Ask] Bring it, boy
The Ember Eyes were founded in, and remain based in Crystal Lake, spurred by their discovery of how to transmute quartz of the crystal lake through fire
Uhhhh...what? I'm pretty sure the origins of the Ember Eyes has them being founded in the Fingers. After all, the Ember Eyes as a Holy Order were founded after one brave warrior from the Fingers helped defend the settlement from the Hundred Bands who had attacked it. Turn Ten was named after it, and as seen by the settlement tab, the Shrine of the Ember Eyes is within The Fingers.
I mean that's what it sounds like to me, but without writing I'm curious as to how exactly we will prevent the stories from being distorted too much so that some of the original details and meanings are lost.
Probably not. Most Codes of Laws were not expected to be changed in nature, only in interpretation.
But if we write it in full in stone it's going to be pretty rigid. The rest allow room for interpretation and misintepretation.
Yeah, I figured as much as we likely still haven't advanced far enough to have an advance form of law.
However, wasn't the original reason for the creation of the Code of Law the fact that Priit was dealt an injustice in the first place by a whole new law we made up whole cloth to punish him?
My view is that I would rather we create a rough and rigid code of law set in stone with balance and justice for all as its centerpiece, than have a mutable oral law where the stories and laws themselves may be too open to interpretation which allows those in power to exploit it, thus creating another situation like what happened to Priit. After all, stories change all the time and I would rather get writing now while we still can.
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Jul 30, 2018 at 12:28 PM, finished with 31 posts and 19 votes.