Drillfiends should be plenty unconventional to deal with Estalia. It's a complete Unknown-Unknown that she just doesn't have a way to predict since it's had literally one deployment with no surviving witnesses.

Theye allow the Skaven to bypass a lot of conventional defenses they'd otherwise have to worry about. Myrmidia's noted to have boo y-trapped the Sewers, but those Skyre/Moulder Hybrids are something entirely new.

The ritual in comparison seems like it'd have far too limited an effect to do anything meaningful in comparison. Certainly it seems like it'll be much less efficient than an invasion.
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Maybe, but Estalia nad Tilea are usually roughly on par with each other if I understand thigns correctly and Estalia currently has their God Empress in the Flesh taking command, I feel like this means that Estalia should be at least slightly tougher.

Like, Tilea is 3-5, so Estalia should be at least 4-6 if not 5-7, I can't believe having their deity take command directly wouldn't put them at lest a single dice over their usually dead even rival.
Literally just had this discussion a couple pages back. It was argued to me that Estalia's actually weaker by a die normally, based on Turn 1 scouting.
Also, let's not forget that she is a deity specifically of strategy, I wouldn't be super surprised if she doesn't have some sort of bonus in countering direct conventional warfare, though I will admit that's a bit of a stretch on my part. In addition, I mean, this is somethign I just considered, Tilea worships her and knows she's in Estalia. If we go for a super obvious campaign that lasts the whole turn and everyone can see what's happening the entire time, I would honestly be pretty surprised if Tilea didn't try to help.

Like, this did actually just occur to me, but now more then ever I tihnk we wanna go with the ritual, cause that takes place pretty far out of the way is hidden and honestly shouldn't be noticed by either Tilea or the rest of Estalia until it's already over, meaning it'll be pretty tough for Tilea to try and interfere. I'm a little worried the Tilean Navy will interfere with our Navy plan, but hopefully we'll just move too quickly for them to do much about it, and, well, we will be using Estalia's ships anyway so it's not the biggest deal if we lose them, as long as we don't lose our Navy hero's it's fine with me.
The plan will be a massive speedblitz once forces are in position, the only slow build-up or extended part will be infiltration and the Navy quietly stealing ships. The actual hot portion won't last long unless something horrible happens.
We might wanna throw a die at Tilea though to distract/weaken it with either leadership assasinations or a minor plague or something, cause I imagine that they might want to start something before we invade them.
We simply don't have the Authority, things are stretched very, very thin. It's also fairly unnecessary given Tilea's strength to do preemptive work like that, they're not Cathay or Empire or even Bretonnia.
I think one facet underrepresented in our plan making is Myrmidia's agency. She held the belief that the Skaven "are fighting each other, incapable of seeing the big picture"

With that mindset, could we comes to the problem of Estalia from another angle? What if we "lost" under-Magritta, allows them to believe that we're routed so that she focuses on the clear threat of chaos and green skin incursion? We can afford to gives up initiative to focus on consolidating our tech, striking only when she's overextended.

Skaven's greatest strengths are subversion and being underestimated - we shouldn't engage the Goddess of War where she's strong.
Problem is the big Disorder enemy of Tilea and Estalia is the Skaven, not Chaos. Our capitol is in Tilea after all, and we can't afford to let Myrmidia unite both Estalia and Tilea against us. I doubt Myrmidia would rest at wrecking one Skaven warren. Not when the very capitol of the Rat men is literally under her people's feet.

From the perspective of the Order Races, the Skaven are just as much a threat to the world and their survival as Chaos or Nagash.
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Problem is the big Disorder enemy of Tilea and Estalia is the Skaven, not Chaos. Our capitol is in Tilea after all, and we can't afford to let Myrmidia unite both Estalia and Tilea against us. I doubt Myrmidia would rest at wrecking one Skaven warren. Not when the very capitol of the Rat men is literally under her people's feet.

From the perspective of the Order Races, the Skaven are just as much a threat to the world and their survival as Chaos or Nagash.
Not only that but if they focus on someone else that just relieves pressure from other people who we need to beat up later anyway. Who is combined Estalia-Tilea going to help if they don't go full Alexander the Great? Bretonnia? That's bad for us, once they get weak enough we can just run everyone over. Border Princes? That's bad for us, though admittedly they could just get absorbed anyway. Karaz Ankor? That's also bad for us. Empire? That's hilariously the one that's neutral because Chaos is so wanked strong that legitimately helping Empire out is actually fine right now.
In a way creating a thorn in Chaos' rear with the tentatively planned trap-defense helps defeat them in that it slows them down and gives the Empire some manner of time to get its shit together.

Potentially that helps us in that both sides hurt each other.
Notes for later not necessarily applicable to this turn (so I don't forget or just to have it out there):
When Drazhoath is finally done 3-4 turns from now (if we ever get there), throw 1 Authority at him to let him officially found the Infurnal Legion as a minor clan with remit to produce high quality gear for trade/barter to other clans and quiet instructions to not favor any one Clan.

And in the interest of crimes against words, the Navy's Marines-equivalent force they'll be raising for boarding/anti-boarding/amphibious landing operations shall be known as the Murines.

Next turn when things between Cathay and Nippon are really boiling, consider 1 Auth to get another deal going with that Nippon noble for fleet-basing and ship construction instruction on Nippon in his lands to let the Navy base out of there and turn on operations to jack the Cathayan navy.
Alright, I'm back in a reasonable mental state!
So, just bringing this back up in case you forgot it or missed it. If you just don't want to answer it yet, are still thinking about it, or just don't feel like responding to it that's perfectly fine.
Hmm. I'll say that you could do a ritual like that, and then the turn after build a similar superweapon at a discount provided you put the same hero unit(s) on it. The ritual would have the bigger effect but be a one-off, and the bell thing would be the smaller but reusable effect. The area of effect would be determined by how much Authority you put in it, though.

@Xantalos how much has the effective value of our Authority increased since the game started? Has it increased evenly, or are some more powerful than the others?
It's, uh ... it's bigger? I don't have an exact number thingy. You're starting to feel the benefits of all dat sweet sweet dark lands mine income, so you're definitely stronger than you were at the beginning of the game.

Will the Stone Sentinel Expy also protect Scalpel Spire?
This one got asked multiple times kinda, so I'll just give the answer here: yep, it can do that if you want it to. It'll obviously be less effective if it protects both rather than just one, but don't take that to mean it won't still be potent.

I am 95% sure that's solely because Infiltration dropped from Very Heavy to Heavy, so we no longer get overrun estimates.
Yep. I made another small development in the whole scale thing, I'll lay it out here: None is nothing, v. light is the most general events in the region (orks are fighting in the badlands, whodathunk), light is slightly more detailed maybe with one significant event vaguely referred to, medium is more detailed and hero units get mentioned, heavy more detailed and it's mentioned what the hero units are doing, very heavy is more detailed still and you get a range of authority it could take to overrun the place, and total is basically everything + exact authority needed. Actually I should go add that to the front page, I think I'll do that. EDIT: aight that's done, it's in state of the under-empire.

(if we ever get there),
Ah, have faith :p The more I do this the better I get at it, and the better I am the more I like it so the more inclined I am to stick to it.

Wouldn't that count as two questions?
Kinda, but there's no real way to give a clear answer to the second part so I'm okay with it - maybe Verminking'll give a recommendation or something of what he thinks should be done. I can't give an answer of what will beat whatever threat you're gonna face from any source, though, on account of I dunno. All I do is give y'all the building blocks, you guys are way better at actually putting them together than I would be.

Oh by the way, I'm kinda surprised you guys didn't see this - take a look at the turn again, and check Nekehara's section. Your efforts there have born fruit!
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Hmm. I'll say that you could do a ritual like that, and then the turn after build a similar superweapon at a discount provided you put the same hero unit(s) on it. The ritual would have the bigger effect but be a one-off, and the bell thing would be the smaller but reusable effect. The area of effect would be determined by how much Authority you put in it, though.

It's too bad that I cannot convince anyone to go for this. For some reason everyone thinks it's a worthless superweapon, I am sad.
I, for one, am in support of Superweapons. Pfft, bearucRats, the lot of them. :p
Oh by the way, I'm kinda surprised you guys didn't see this - take a look at the turn again, and check Nekehara's section. Your efforts there have born fruit!
;P I saw it, I just didn't think it was worth commenting on given there was already minor salt from others over my pushing for an Authority to scout there.

It's too bad that I cannot convince anyone to go for this. For some reason everyone thinks it's a worthless superweapon, I am sad.
It might just be that the authority needed to pull it off correctly isn't considered to be 'available' with everything else you guys want to do this turn. Unless all those towns blow up or something you can push for it being done pretty much anytime, after all.
@Xantalos just checking--if we end up having a bunch of captured humans around, do we have diplo ties to anyone would barter for them? I don't see anything on Dark Elves, dealing with Chaos is kinda dumb, so...probably not?
It might just be that the authority needed to pull it off correctly isn't considered to be 'available' with everything else you guys want to do this turn. Unless all those towns blow up or something you can push for it being done pretty much anytime, after all.
I'm pretty sure everyone else plans to at least try to kill everyone in Estalia and, well I sort of assumed sacrificing the people in those bases/towns would help with the evil ritual thing.
@Xantalos just checking--if we end up having a bunch of captured humans around, do we have diplo ties to anyone would barter for them? I don't see anything on Dark Elves, dealing with Chaos is kinda dumb, so...probably not?
You could maybe trade them to whoever's left in Araby as meatahields or somesuch in exchange for some of the stuff they have? Maaaaaaybe the Tomb Kings if you managed not to offend Settra or somesuch? Used your shared virtue of 'fuck Nagash'? They are currently in the process of going all KNEEL BEFORE ZOD on Araby at the moment, so they clearly have some interest in living human subjects.
You could maybe trade them to whoever's left in Araby as meatahields or somesuch in exchange for some of the stuff they have? Maaaaaaybe the Tomb Kings if you managed not to offend Settra or somesuch? Used your shared virtue of 'fuck Nagash'? They are currently in the process of going all KNEEL BEFORE ZOD on Araby at the moment, so they clearly have some interest in living human subjects.
Hrrrrrm. We'll file those under maybies, I guess. Probably just better off sending 'em to the mines or Rictus for...supplies or something of that nature.
Oh, also - since there seems to be a consensus forming on the question, unless anyone has an objection I'll ask for it tomorrow, say? Around 24ish hours from now unless discussion's still going strong by then, since I'm guessing the answer to whatever it ends up being will influence your considerations.
Okay, figured it out, the one thing I guess I'm unsure of w/ the question is timeliness/sense of urgency. It's one thing to know what threat is there, it's another to know that something has basically already happened and we just need to deal with it vs something is about to happen and we have a chance at interrupting it this turn vs something will happen soon but probably not before the end of the turn. That will affect how we need to write the Action for something like "USA forms an army corps and spends time to train them specifically in anti-undead tactics" vs "USA empties the camps immediately for assault as soon as they're formed up".
Okay, figured it out, the one thing I guess I'm unsure of w/ the question is timeliness/sense of urgency. It's one thing to know what threat is there, it's another to know that something has basically already happened and we just need to deal with it vs something is about to happen and we have a chance at interrupting it this turn vs something will happen soon but probably not before the end of the turn. That will affect how we need to write the Action for something like "USA forms an army corps and spends time to train them specifically in anti-undead tactics" vs "USA empties the camps immediately for assault as soon as they're formed up".
Oh don't worry, there won't be misconceptions of that nature if the Question ends up being what I think it'll be.
'Teenagers with attitude' does describe quite a bit of nearly every Skaven.

As an aside, since there's been no objection, can I assume y'all wanna ask about the bone plain thingy? My laptop's not really turning on at the moment so it'll take me a few hours to write up, but I can probably have the answer up by tonight.