Alright, I'm back in a reasonable mental state!
So, just bringing this back up in case you forgot it or missed it. If you just don't want to answer it yet, are still thinking about it, or just don't feel like responding to it that's perfectly fine.
Hmm. I'll say that you could do a ritual like that, and then the turn after build a similar superweapon at a discount provided you put the same hero unit(s) on it. The ritual would have the bigger effect but be a one-off, and the bell thing would be the smaller but reusable effect. The area of effect would be determined by how much Authority you put in it, though.
@Xantalos how much has the effective value of our Authority increased since the game started? Has it increased evenly, or are some more powerful than the others?
It's, uh ... it's bigger? I don't have an exact number thingy. You're starting to feel the benefits of all dat sweet sweet dark lands mine income, so you're definitely stronger than you were at the beginning of the game.
Will the Stone Sentinel Expy also protect Scalpel Spire?
This one got asked multiple times kinda, so I'll just give the answer here: yep, it can do that if you want it to. It'll obviously be less effective if it protects both rather than just one, but don't take that to mean it won't still be potent.
I am 95% sure that's solely because Infiltration dropped from Very Heavy to Heavy, so we no longer get overrun estimates.
Yep. I made another small development in the whole scale thing, I'll lay it out here: None is nothing, v. light is the most general events in the region (orks are fighting in the badlands, whodathunk), light is slightly more detailed maybe with one significant event vaguely referred to, medium is more detailed and hero units get mentioned, heavy more detailed and it's mentioned what the hero units are doing, very heavy is more detailed still and you get a range of authority it could take to overrun the place, and total is basically everything + exact authority needed. Actually I should go add that to the front page, I think I'll do that. EDIT: aight that's done, it's in state of the under-empire.
Ah, have faith
The more I do this the better I get at it, and the better I am the more I like it so the more inclined I am to stick to it.
Wouldn't that count as two questions?
Kinda, but there's no real way to give a clear answer to the second part so I'm okay with it - maybe Verminking'll give a recommendation or something of what he thinks should be done. I can't give an answer of what will beat whatever threat you're gonna face from any source, though, on account of I dunno. All I do is give y'all the building blocks, you guys are way better at actually putting them together than I would be.
Oh by the way, I'm kinda surprised you guys didn't see this - take a look at the turn again, and check Nekehara's section. Your efforts there have born fruit!