Fractured Fantasy: A CK2 Style Final Fantasy quest

I mean, the whole point of giving them the run down during the trip to Midgar is to give them an understanding of Mako/Materia/General Shinra hardware/forces. You don't need to know the cellular process of SOLDIER enhancements to understand what a significant increase of recruits for the program might mean for Shinra's plans. Don't forget that this is an infiltration and extraction mission first and foremost, we're not exactly hacking into Shinra's computer systems for this. We'll be learning more about Shinra's current status from visiting Midgar itself than anything else.
Oh, I'm sure we'll give them a lot of intel, but there's only so much you can tell two people, and most of their attention is probably gonna be on 'what do I need to know not to get caught' rather than 'What do I need to recgonise valuable intel when I come across it' And while yes, this is not an intel gathering mission, if it's anything like when Cloud and the gang went to safe Aerith, there's gonna be a fair amount of intel to be gathered nonetheless.

Ooh, on that note, actually working together with Shadow on his 'core competency', and with some luck actually showing some competence there might be a good thing to lead to actually building rapport. And even if we don't do well and he'll instruct us, that too can help. More than it being another case of us just paying him money to go and do something for us.

Yeah, I talked myself into it.

[X] Accompany Tantalus as an Infiltrator: The riskiest play, but potentially the most rewarding. You can directly show Zidane all the tricks AVALANCHE used and help him escape. You'll very likely reveal yourself to Shinra, but this may be your best chance to get into their HQ. For whatever purposes that might serve… [Aerith will directly participate in the infiltration, adding all relevant bonuses to Tantalus. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
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[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor: This will get you in the city, and allow you to more directly participate in the proceedings. That should give you more time to drill Zidane on how to break in, and let you aid in their escape. But you'll avoid the actual infiltration altogether. [Tantalus will roll with a large bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar. She will not participate in the infiltration, but may assist in the escape.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor: This will get you in the city, and allow you to more directly participate in the proceedings. That should give you more time to drill Zidane on how to break in, and let you aid in their escape. But you'll avoid the actual infiltration altogether. [Tantalus will roll with a large bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar. She will not participate in the infiltration, but may assist in the escape.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]

Joining the Infiltration ourselves is an unnecessary risk.
oh boy, this is a big decision, yeah...
would be happiest with the following (for who we take with us, either works depending on how we're treating funds)

[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor:
[X] Hire Shadow:
[X] No:

regarding what we're doing, aside from the dangers of drawing attention to us/raising the profile of the breakin, i don't think we're actually a great infiltrator when it comes to stuff *other* than having lots of firsthand knowledge? and while we'd be able to provide useful info that adapts to changing situations on the frontlines, if stuff's changing then that's pretty bad and i don't want to be a part of it :/
with all that considered, we're probs best off in an advisory position where we'd be able to give most of the relevant information anyhow, and stay out of being a liability in the infiltration?

hmm, if we're getting personals there, i wonder what sort of stuff we can get done in midgar? if we get the chance to do some information gathering on the side it could be worth the trip even disregarding the rescue tbh, quite a bit to find out bout them.

regarding who we bring,
i'm not sure what we'd want Freya/Alfyn to do while we're away, but keeping them there means we still get national/faction actions which is probs good? pausing thosewould be a significant loss, and i don't think they'd be able to help much with the rescue other than with brute force (and if all goes well that's unneeded)
shadow, howether, goes BRR. being able to have them on retainer's nice if expensive, i guess that's why we need more funds lmao

best case scenario, we might even be able to ask him to try and see what he can find on the side? like get him to note info, try and free others you see, that sort of thing. may be a nice bonus in addition, especially if we're not going ourselves?
(and if we're feeling evil, getting him to take action against shinra will make him less likely to do stuff for them if he ever leaves)

(though i'm fine if they don't win, so long as we don't bring freya/alfyn? the rest of the infiltrators have some combat ability anyhow so they're not absolutely essential)

if we're having reduced stats next turn, what sort of nationals do you think are viable?
if we're having reduced stats next turn, what sort of nationals do you think are viable?
I think talking to the Returners if possible, or using Alfyn to talk to the Shinra Caravan since there would be no risk of them identifying Aerith while she's gone. Exploring the Waterway and visiting Padarak might be good fall backs for our reduced stats too.
regarding earlier comments on infiltrating or not, there's a lot to gain from infiltrations *other* than the main objective yeah, but i don't want to risk going in person ourselves. our being a possible liability due to being a known face with low intrigue and having more to theoretically lose would suck...
so like i said, I'm hoping by sending shadow we can give information that lets him hopefully accomplish side objectives too? whether it's freeing other possible allies kept as test subjects or getting loot/info, i feel like we'd be able to give enough info for that to happen? would at least make things more worth our money, so if we get the chance definitely want to be a bit more ambitious...
good point on befriending shadow more @Shogeton , though we're doing that a bit regardless. personally i was hoping we get a chance to help with whatever problem he needs all that money for, thus making him need it less? your idea has merit too though

also, regarding nationals:
I've looked at some stuff and good news! I don't think missing Aerith this turn is particularly bad, so we can definitely go along without major losses.
we'd lose out on 2 actions where we would otherwise have had both aerith and a hero, but since the hero with the higher stats is used for the rest, we'd be rolling at 32 martial, 27 diplo, 10 stewardship. 12 intrigue, 20 learning and 14 magic. this is actually higher than we've had in before recruiting heroes martial/diplo/learning!
we'd still have a notably harder time than we would if we had faction leader+king stats being added of course, but since this is just taking heroes away for 2 actions it's not as big as rolling without a king entirely would be? it's basically our friends are making up for our absence and thus bringing us back to how things were before we recruite them

I think talking to the Returners if possible, or using Alfyn to talk to the Shinra Caravan since there would be no risk of them identifying Aerith while she's gone. Exploring the Waterway and visiting Padarak might be good fall backs for our reduced stats too.
ooh, good point on the caravan, though if we're going to midgar anyhow it may be less relevant, and hopefully there's no chance to get exposed regardless there? just need to exert common sense beforehand and have Aerith not attend, right? if anything, having Alfyn on his own may be an issue and risk exposing us if they haven't been told to keep things quiet (though hopefully that's not a risk lol)
with that in mind if there's one action we have to drop in the category i'd be most fine dropping caravan stuff this turn, unless we get to do it before setting out and thus would get bonus intel or something?

one thing of note is actions with multiple tiers might end up with a a lower success than they'd otherwise get if a hero could have been on them, so if there's any of those options for martial/diplomacy and don't have reason to get them immediately we may be best off not doing those?
though actually, if if we're doing "what could you make" for learning, right now we may have a advantage over other turns? just Alfyn doing the action should be better than just Aerith at least, and usually Alfyn's on diplomacy since he's strongest there so it might be hard to get both of them? do you think it's viable?

(need to see what's actually available to say for sure on stuff other than that, but i'm pretty confident in saying for intrigue/stewardship we'd probably be best doing any lower DC actions that're available, and magic ones should be avoided?)
We might not necessarily be suited to infiltration, but one could argue we weren't necessarily suited to running around the planet with a bunch of accused terrorists before all this.

No risk, no reward. Even if we know Shinra's up to no good, getting a better idea of what they are up to and saving someone from a fate we were once almost regulated to is reason enough to go.

Also, thanks to the person who asked for hiring Shadow to be an option. It's situations like this that really make me understand why people would want to hire Ninjas for things!

[X] Accompany Tantalus as an Infiltrator:
[X] Hire Shadow:
[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor: This will get you in the city, and allow you to more directly participate in the proceedings. That should give you more time to drill Zidane on how to break in, and let you aid in their escape. But you'll avoid the actual infiltration altogether. [Tantalus will roll with a large bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar. She will not participate in the infiltration, but may assist in the escape.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor:This will get you in the city, and allow you to more directly participate in the proceedings. That should give you more time to drill Zidane on how to break in, and let you aid in their escape. But you'll avoid the actual infiltration altogether. [Tantalus will roll with a large bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar. She will not participate in the infiltration, but may assist in the escape.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
I don't see why we'd want to become a l'Cie
Ah, excuse me. I tend to wildly wonder about things for sheer curiosity's sake, even if it's not something particularly relevant. Or, for that matter, anything we want to do.


"She's being held prisoner in a city called Midgar."

On a different note, it's really nice seeing Freya and Aerith get along. I'm really enjoying their friendship here!

Don't forget that this is an infiltration and extraction mission first and foremost, we're not exactly hacking into Shinra's computer systems for this.
Oh hm, now that you mention it--how good will Zidane and Shadow be with all the technology Shinra uses? Last I recall, both of them are from more low-tech FF games... Well, the Gesthalian Empire is there, but I don't think Shadow has that much experience with their stuff, does he?

[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor: This will get you in the city, and allow you to more directly participate in the proceedings. That should give you more time to drill Zidane on how to break in, and let you aid in their escape. But you'll avoid the actual infiltration altogether. [Tantalus will roll with a large bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar. She will not participate in the infiltration, but may assist in the escape.]
Subsequently, I think I feel the most comfortable with this option. It doesn't risk throwing Aerith into the lion's den, but it does get her close to the action, give her more of an "in" to know what's going on and where she can help, and it's close enough to be able to leverage her strengths and knowledge.

[x] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]

i feel like we'd be able to give enough info for that to happen? would at least make things more worth our money, so if we get the chance definitely want to be a bit more ambitious...
My concern/thought about that is that Aerith just might not know what's going on with Shinra these days to... Give up-to-date information? Just as the current example, Garnet is taken hostage. Why are they keeping her? Is it because they think she can also lead them to the Promised Land? Do they want to extract her summons? How do they know she's important enough to keep?
The answers to any of them have different implications for what Shirna's knowledge and capabilities are, I think. And that'll influence what other side objectives we're going to want Shadow to keep an eye out for.

Like if they suddenly became obsessed with summoners, just as an example, maybe they also have Yuna sitting in a VIP gilded cage somewhere in Midgar. But Shadow might not find that out because we couldn't know that Shinra became obsessed with summoners, so he might not care about one among many strange political prisoners they're keeping.

。。。Wonder what are the odds of Vaan stowing away onboard when the ship leaves?
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Omake Bounty Board-3

Omake Bounty Board 3​

Note: If You Were Here, Ratsbane, & Kingslayer have expired. Their time to be relevant has largely passed

Leo's Field Report:
The world may have changed, but a general's responsibilities haven't. Prepare your men as best you can, and prepare for whatever comes your way.

Premise: Write a story about how General Leo of the Gestahlian Empire is training his soldiers to deal with new hazards, and how he expects to approach one of the other factions.
Reward: +10 to the Gestahlian Empire's first diplomacy or martial action against the described faction.

Guardian Corps:
New world, new problems, and some old problems for good measure. You didn't care for Cocoon's new territory, but it was a part of Cocoon, and as a member of the Guardian Core, you had to defend it. What a pain…
Premise: Write a story about Lightning adjusting to the new missions of the Guardian Core and the state of the world.
Reward: ???

The Knight and The Squire:
Protecting Lostime all on your own was a difficult and exhausting endeavor. You were looking for a helper, a squire if you will. After looking around for a bit, you found your best bet—the unusually athletic mailman.

Premise: Write a story about Cecil attempting to teach the amnesiac Cloud how to fight
Reward: ???

Rydia's First Cloister/The One Armed Guardian
Your first Cloister of Trials is at Besaid, the same place Yuna started her journey. Barret is getting more and more frustrated by every puzzle on the way, but he insists on accompanying you every step of the way. You appreciate it, really. Especially since the inside of the temple seemed almost… creepy. Does an Aeon really live here?

Premise: Write a story about Rydia's first Cloyster of Trials, and her relationship with Barret.

Completed by: Shogeton Reward: Insight into the path of Rydia's Pilgrimage

LOVELESS Rehearsal
People have many different interpretations of LOVELESS. A tragedy, a romance, a story about trauma and recovery. None of you have ever read the darn thing but… it couldn't be that hard to put on right?

Premise: Write a story about the members of Tantalus trying to understand and prepare for LOVELESS.
Reward: +20 to Tantalus's attempt to perform LOVELESS

Parents and Protectors:
For all their cruelty, Cocoon still allows their L'Cie to see their families, under the condition they stay monitored at all times while they're 'off duty.' At the very least, you have the comfort of good company and the knowledge you'll be home soon.

Premise: Write a story about Sazh and Nora meeting on a flight in Cocoon and discussing their slightly different, but similar circumstances

Completed by FinaLapel Reward: Insight into the Cocoon L'cie

Persistence of the Returners
Even in a new world with new possibilities, the goal of the Returners remains the same, to oppose the oppressive march of the Gestahlian Empire. As always, you endeavor to move in secrecy and make friends in unlikely places, all the better to put to use later down the line.

Premise: Write a story about Banon and the Returners trying to set up shop and make connections after the Upheaval.
Reward: Insight into the Returner's movements.

Gemstone Studies:
Summoners are a strange breed, people capable of communing with and summoning… 'things.' Some are called 'Espers' others 'Aeons' or simply 'Summoned Beasts' depending on the reverence towards the creature. What you have before you is an example of a young summoner, and you would do well not to waste such a specimen. Now if only she would cooperate…

Premise: Write a story about Shinra's Science Division poking and prodding Garnet, trying to understand the source of her ability to Summon.

Completed by Exatto. Reward: -20 to Shinra's next attempt to research Garnet's abilities

Trance Studies
The oaf of a knight who claims to be protecting your specimen was deemed as not a threat after you took his weapons and armor away and forced him into a cell. This was proven false when the man entered a rage and nearly killed Director Hojo. He was deemed too important a specimen to destroy, the Science Division wanted to learn of this ability, called Trance. Instead, measures were put into place to try and keep him calm.

Premise: Write a story about Shinra's Science Division attempting to learn the secrets of "Trance" or the incident in which Steiner nearly killed Hojo.

Completed by FinaLapel and Exatto. Reward: +10 to Tantalus's rolls to infiltrate Shinra (FinaLapel) & 10 QP (Exatto)

Negaquest (Repeatable)
Everyone is the hero of their own story. Why not walk a mile in someone else's shoes?

Premise: Write a Negaverse-style segment of another faction or character's story. It can be close to Quest canon, or explore alternate routes/concepts. [Note: Please do not try too hard to make Negaquests canon-compliant. The inner machinations of other factions tend to be mysterious…]
Reward: Variable/Negotiable.

I meant to post this last night, but I was sleepy.
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[X] Accompany Tantalus as a Stagehand/Actor: This will get you in the city, and allow you to more directly participate in the proceedings. That should give you more time to drill Zidane on how to break in, and let you aid in their escape. But you'll avoid the actual infiltration altogether. [Tantalus will roll with a large bonus to represent the help Aerith gave them. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar. She will not participate in the infiltration, but may assist in the escape.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]
It's evidently been long enough that I forgot the cardinal rule of all FF7 properties; Hojo needs to die. Now... How much would it be to pay Shadow to stick around in Midgar and perform an assassination? |:V

Also... Um... What are nega-quests, exactly? ^^; I've seen the term thrown around but I haven't quite figure out what one is.
Also... Um... What are nega-quests, exactly? ^^; I've seen the term thrown around but I haven't quite figure out what one is.
Essentially, you write an Omake which is from the point of view of another faction or character, as if they were in a quest. So you might start with like, Shinra's news report being delivered to Rufus's desk and having him react to world events, then proceed to list out Shinra's available Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, and so on actions. For bonus point make 'quotes' from 'questers' talking about plans for the futures or previous turn's actions.

Basically, look at the Turn and Turn Results updates that I make. And write one of those for another faction like Shinra, the Church of Yevon, etc. You can either try to stick close to quest canon, or you can make some kind of 'alt' scenario and describe how the faction reacts to that.

Does that make any sense?
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A few questions

I'm assuming Rydia already post Feymarch age-up? Any particular notes on where in the story she is I need to take into account to keep things canon?

I'm a big FFVIII dork, and I'm half pondering seeing if I can think of somewhere for Fujin and Raijin to hang out. Are there any guidelines to where in FFVIII we're at? I'm assuming Seifer is with Edea already?
A few questions

I'm assuming Rydia already post Feymarch age-up? Any particular notes on where in the story she is I need to take into account to keep things canon?

I'm a big FFVIII dork, and I'm half pondering seeing if I can think of somewhere for Fujin and Raijin to hang out. Are there any guidelines to where in FFVIII we're at? I'm assuming Seifer is with Edea already?
For Rydia, Evelyn Thorne wrote an Omake I loved so much I immediately deemed it canon. It's called Heretic Summoner (after the bounty it got it's title from) the gist is this, in the initial confusion caused by the upheaval, Shinra attacked Mist and when Mist retaliated with spell and summon, they sent in a SOLDIER

Rydia is still pre Feymarch, and she is grappling with the extreme highs and lows of losing her village and mother, being taken in and adored by The Church of Yevon, and having Barret become her Guardian because he's a softy at heart. Although, if you've played FF IV you know Rydia is impressively resilient about this kind of stuff.

As for Seifer… that's a secret. You might find out soon though~
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huh, omakes! "loveless rehersal" seems pretty immediately relevant, and there's a lot you can write about with aerith squabbling with the tantalus troupe during the journey about how they're each getting it wrong and them trying to settle what's actually performed (due to the multiple versions situation). plus having figured that out and what changes to make (if any, some stuff you should adapt to make it appeal more to the audience, others kept to stand out as a unique experience and reduce new stuff that needs practicing) would in turn be a good explaination for the bonus to the roll

unfortunately i don't actually know much about the play at all, or the characters really :/ anyone want to work together on that?
[X] Accompany Tantalus as an Infiltrator: The riskiest play, but potentially the most rewarding. You can directly show Zidane all the tricks AVALANCHE used and help him escape. You'll very likely reveal yourself to Shinra, but this may be your best chance to get into their HQ. For whatever purposes that might serve… [Aerith will directly participate in the infiltration, adding all relevant bonuses to Tantalus. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]

Aerith should be there to Shiva shiv Shinra stooges when the situation suddenly starts sliding southwards strategically and SOLDIERs sortie due to shenanigans.

No, that is not actually my reason. I just wanted to say Shiva shiv Shinra.
My reasoning to have Aerith go on the infiltration is that my guts tells me this might give us the opportunity for:
Payback's a Bitch: ???
Couldn't tell you why I get that feeling, I just do.
[X] Accompany Tantalus as an Infiltrator: The riskiest play, but potentially the most rewarding. You can directly show Zidane all the tricks AVALANCHE used and help him escape. You'll very likely reveal yourself to Shinra, but this may be your best chance to get into their HQ. For whatever purposes that might serve… [Aerith will directly participate in the infiltration, adding all relevant bonuses to Tantalus. Aerith will have 4 personal actions to perform in Midgar.]

[X] Hire Shadow: Tantalus might not like it, but Shadow is one of the sneakiest guys you know, this kind of job would be right up his alley. Might have to pay him extra for such a bit job though. [Costs 2 Funds, 1 up front and 1 after the job. Shadow will be hired to participate in the infiltration and will add relevant bonuses. Faction Actions in Dalmasca will continue, with only Alfyn or Freya's stats (whichever is higher) being added to the rolls. They will receive the normal complement of personal actions.]

No matter which of the first set of options takes it, this is going to be quite the interesting outing. And that's quite the bounty board to work on there... Hmmmmmmmm...
Couldn't tell you why I get that feeling, I just do.
wasn't that what people thought was for stabbing sephiroth? (iirc someone guessed that and griffinlw gave confirmation)
that might be a bit hard to do, seeing as how we do not own a sword (the buster sword doesn't count, too fat)
(by the way, if you see this griffinlw "Heroes Once More:" can probably be taken off the list of achivements we lack)

that said, if we're joining the troupe as a performer, this does give us the chance to get the "Star performer" achievement, right? whatever it gives could be nice, and might be another reason to vote for doing the distraction instead of the infiltration. plus it gives us an excuse to wear a costume to disguise ourselves and avoid being outed!
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wasn't that what people thought was for stabbing sephiroth? (iirc someone guessed that and griffinlw gave confirmation)
that might be a bit hard to do, seeing as how we do not own a sword (the buster sword doesn't count, too fat)
(by the way, if you see this griffinlw "Heroes Once More:" can probably be taken off the list of achivements we lack)

that said, if we're joining the troupe as a performer, this does give us the chance to get the "Star performer" achievement, right? whatever it gives could be nice, and might be another reason to vote for doing the distraction instead of the infiltration. plus it gives us an excuse to wear a costume to disguise ourselves and avoid being outed!
Whoops. I've taken "Heroes Once More" off the list of uncompleted achievements.

To clarify the achievements a bit, I am not too hung up on specifics. The spirit of the "Payback's a Bitch" achievement is "hitting Sephiroth from behind." It doesn't have to specifically be a stab. And yes, joining the troupe as a performer will give you a chance to get the "Star Performer" achievement.
I feel the need to point out typos: one, it's spelled Guardian Corps. No, I don't know why, but as with all things like this I blame French.

As for Cloister of Trials, we have enough worlds mixed up in this quest without bringing Pokemon into it.

I'm not qualified to write them but I really like having the rewards for the Shinra and Tantalus bounties explicitly making our incoming side quest easier and Shinra's work harder.