Fractured Fantasy: A CK2 Style Final Fantasy quest

"Ah, I wish everyone else shared your enthusiasm. I met a bright young lass a few weeks ago who's been reading through books of old legends with a fervor I've never seen. I believe her favorite subject is the legend of the Espers."
Sounds like a potential summoner
"She's become attached to this… mountain of a man who clearly didn't come from Spira. He's loud and crude, but the worst thing is when he first appeared, he had a machina attached to his arm!" The priest spat like it was the worst curse imaginable. But moments later, he softened
Sounds like Barret Wallace is traveling with Yuna.
Rumor: Tumultuous Town of Timber
I was wondering when FF 8 would show up.
Heh, the Forest Owls, Find it funny that Midgar is on guard with these guys, and I wonder if Rinoa is still with them.
[X] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.
Heartless. I almost forgot that Kingdom Hearts was a part of the multicross. They will be a problem to deal with, since my limited knowledge of KH tells me that you need a keyblade to effectively fight them. This will make any attempt to reach the "City of Night" much harder (and unlikely to happen without the intervention of Heroes like our party). Hopefully the city itself isn't swarming with them, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Rumor: Young Culture Researcher
Final Fantasy has not shortage of "Bright Young Lass"es to draw upon, but the link to Espers make me think that this could be Terra. Given that the events of FFVI didn't allow for her to learn about what the Espers were like before they were all turned to Magicite/killed, this alternate universe version of them is the closest thing she would have to an opportunity to learn about her heritage as half-esper half-human.
Rumor: Unorthodox Guardian
As @Sgt. Mook pointed out, this sounds like Barret taking up the mantle of Rydia's Guardian. This gives us a good lead on another member of AVALANCHE, though actually acting upon it will mean learning more about the pilgrimage routes and intercepting them as they travel. Certainly doable, but not easy.
Rumor: Tumultuous Town of Timber
It seems that Shinra is already facing resistance to their efforts to consolidate control over the towns in their immediate orbit. I doubt we'll be able to reach the Forest Owls in time to link them up with any other major resistance group before Shinra secures the deal with Timber for the trains, but they'll hopefully be able to delay that deal from going through for a bit. Every extra moment matters when it comes to slowing down Shinra's exploitation of the Planet.
Rumor: Overly Generous Merchant
Honestly, I have no idea who this could be, but I imagine that we'll quickly find out once Alfyn takes that personal action to contribute to the codex.
[Contact is established with the Returners]
[They don't trust you yet]
[Shadow declines Balthier's officer. He will continue being available for hire]
By the skin of our teeth, but we did succeed! We'll probably have to dedicate a diplomacy action next turn to meeting them properly, but that's fine. Importantly, Shadow seems to be growing to like us (and our money)! I plan on having him spy on the Shinra caravan next turn unless something urgent comes up in that category, so he won't be hurting for work any time soon.
[The Cocoon Refugees will begin their Exodus next turn]
This is a bit of a shame, but understandable. With a group of 100 people, maybe they'll be able to purchase the services of a few airships to take them to Cocoon? I wouldn't mind doing something to help them on their way, but I'm not entirely sure how. We can't pull up stakes and go with them (Aerith uses too much magic), maybe we can help them negotiate a guard detail from one of the Hunter Clans once we join Clan Centurio?
hmm, it's a bit delayed but only realised this now, do you think the fact midgar's a bunch of years behind what would have been the case for us (as seen in the three reunions interlude) means they don't have an active criminal record of us? still good to be careful since some of their heroes might be from ff7 and know us, and they probably still have reasons to be interested in cetra still, but it'd def be a relief if we're not actually in the books lol

other than that, this turn...
it's wild we crit on diplo, vague actions that do multiple stuff like that are particularly good places to crit since it gives us a bunch of different things, right? couple plot hooks here, but the yevon one stood out to me the most. if there's someone buff with a hand weapon maybe that's barett? could be worth following up on that rumor at some point, since even if he's unrecruitable having a friend highly placed like that would make for a good contact in the faction for diplomacy and collaboration snd stuff. maybe we'd even get a chance to vent about cloud/lend him the buster sword?
looks like we now have lots of funds (even with only a t1 success on martial), so seems we can continue to hire shadow fine. maybe we could even invest in something long-term? if there's something good we can buy that'll help us out long-term it probs has my vote, as opposed to things that just get used up for a tempoary boost. (unless it's buying mystery seeds in bulk to sell at a profit or something, lol)
lucky success on intrigue too, and happy to see the result of magicite. the trait upgrade is pretty good, and now we're a "summoner" so everyone from Yevon is obligated to like us, hype!
fingers crossed about the personal action interlude

there's definitely a lot of stuff on our plate now, though. I guess we'll just need to see what's available? don't currently have the resources to do everything or interfere with the war so if we can improve our positioning that'd be good.
maybe if we produce potions at a larger scale we can help supply the rebellion/provide relief if there's any collateral devestation on innocents? that might make a difference without requiring us to take the field and beat stuff up...
trying to somehow prevent a mako reactor being set up in timber could be good too if we have options, but i don't know if we'd be able to help them without just showing our hand, we may need to investigate more to see what the problem is and how we can help...

in other news, notes for next turn:
seems the description for "what could you make" is different from what it was turn 5... (though the action still has appeal? i'd imagine over time we could get quite a bit more out of stewardship with lower DCs and thus better chance of higher successes...)
based on rumors, it may be wise to do alfyn's personals for the universal herbalism guide soon. the book will be released at some point, and we can't really help by that point)
I'm thinking if we have nothing pressing to do in martial, with shiva summonable in emergencies we may now be set to explore the waterways? it'd be a good place to get some exp and stuff, plus finding out more about that mysterious monster before it does something aggressive may be a good call... (presumably we'd be able to bring freya along no matter what, and while it's less clear about any support from alfyn/the clan i think we'd be fine with whatever?)

[X] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.

joining is cool too and i don't mind it if it doesn't stop us from doing other faction stuff, but i can't resist the allure here. best case scenario this still lets us "join" and get the clan's resources regardless with easier obligations on our end, while also allowing us to sell stuff to more people and possibly get some favourable deals?

my limited knowledge of KH tells me that you need a keyblade to effectively fight them.
iirc you can use magic and stuff too for decent effect, so while that doesn't permamently get rid of them we might be able to fight off any we run into (so long as they're not absolutely swarming) at least?
Honestly, I have no idea who this could be, but I imagine that we'll quickly find out once Alfyn takes that personal action to contribute to the codex.
isn't this the octopath traveler guy there was an omake for recently?
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hmm, it's a bit delayed but only realised this now, do you think the fact midgar's a bunch of years behind what would have been the case for us (as seen in the three reunions interlude) means they don't have an active criminal record of us? still good to be careful since some might know/could be interested in cetra still, but if so it'd def be a relief
Aerith was actively monitored by the Turks since she was a child, even if AVALANCHE isn't on Shinra's records due to timeline shenanigans (which we can't say for sure since Rufus Shinra is president, not his father) Aerith will still have a file declaring her a Person of Interest.
joining is cool too and i don't mind it if it doesn't stop us from doing other faction stuff, but i can't resist the allure here, especially if we get the clan's resources *anyhow* (if it works it would be pretty ideal)
I think the fact that the option is titled "How About A Deal Instead?" means that we are giving up the benefits of clan membership in exchange for securing the business deal. So we wouldn't be getting the strong/rare monster info + ability to call in help on "hunting" actions, but we would get a reliable buyer for our potions/medicine immediately.
[X] Yes: You've learned to enjoy hunting. It's good money, and it's good training. Not to mention the people you've helped, if indirectly. Plus Clan Centurio's eye for monsters should prove useful later.
…did Montblanc go that entire scene without saying kupo even once? Do they skip on that in XII?

other than that, this turn...
wild crit on diplo, if there's someone buff with a hand weapon maybe that's barett? so that rumor may be worth following up on at some point, even if he's unrecruitable he'd make a good contact in the area which could be worthwhile. maybe even talk about cloud/lend him the buster sword?

I certainly don't know of any other Final Fantasy characters with machines for arms.

iirc you can use magic and stuff too for decent effect, so while that doesn't permanently get rid of them we might be able to fight off any we run into (so long as they're not absolutely swarming) at least?

Theoretically yes, but who knows what might have changed. We'll want to point any Keyblade warrior we see in the direction of Treno(?) if they didn't say they were just there… though it also seems more likely any Heartless will eventually find them.

isn't this the octopath traveler guy there was an omake for recently?

This being Partitio would track, yes.
[X] Yes: You've learned to enjoy hunting. It's good money, and it's good training. Not to mention the people you've helped, if indirectly. Plus Clan Centurio's eye for monsters should prove useful later.

We do need the xp.

I forgot about there is the KH too!
Uh... so... squall will be him or leon? I mean the FF and KH are different people or there is only one?
I think the fact that the option is titled "How About A Deal Instead?" means that we are giving up the benefits of clan membership in exchange for securing the business deal. So we wouldn't be getting the strong/rare monster info + ability to call in help on "hunting" actions, but we would get a reliable buyer for our potions/medicine immediately.
hmm, could be the case yeah, though i wouldn't be too pessimistic? i doubt they'd discriminate or anything, so if we can offer them something handy i imagine a "i scratch your back, you scratch mine" deal working out
the sentence could easily be construed as "i can offer this stuff as commitments instead of hunting" in which case the only issue's sorting out a supply line?

(by the way, i've since edited my original message, sorry if it makes things a bit weird as a result)
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Uh... so... squall will be him or leon? I mean the FF and KH are different people or there is only one?
One rule I am following is no duplicates. So like, there can't be a KH Cid and a FF7 Cid, or a KH Squall and a FF Squall. Just one or the other.
I think the fact that the option is titled "How About A Deal Instead?" means that we are giving up the benefits of clan membership in exchange for securing the business deal. So we wouldn't be getting the strong/rare monster info + ability to call in help on "hunting" actions, but we would get a reliable buyer for our potions/medicine immediately.
hmm, could be the case yeah, though i wouldn't be too pessimistic? i doubt they'd discriminate or anything, so if we can offer them something handy i imagine a "i scratch your back, you scratch mine" deal working out
the sentence could easily be construed as "i can offer this stuff as commitments instead of hunting" in which case the only issue's sorting out a supply line?
In hindsight I probably shouldn't have written them to sound so exclusive. The difference between [] Yes and [] Deal is basically voting on what your responsibility/obligation will be in exchange for working with Clan Centurio. Either a relatively steady trickle of Martial actions to periodically go hunting, or Stewardship actions to keep a steady supply of medicine in their stores. You'll get the benefits of working with them either way.
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hmm, interesting info
stewardship actions currently aren't as in-demand as martial , and while this might change in the future our abilities/needs should as well?

(whilst hunting is good for exp/loot, martial's usually a big "get stuff done" action so i'd like to avoid having obligations there, especially if hunting stops being so worthwhile or we end up with more serious commitments?
with stewardship, we'd probably be doing potions and stuff either way so this isn't a huge diversion? plus we may at some point be able to start producing them in larger quantities, so having to selling some here could become less inconvenient over time?)

(@Exatto , did you see the above message? seems like looks like both options them get us in the clan :) not sure if this changes your opinion or anything but want everyone to be informed)
Seems like Heartless might be in the direction of "City of Night". This mixed world people is in a better prepared place to deal with Heartless than Destiny Island, but the situation can still escalated badly if civilians fell to them and bolster their number.

Heartless being in that direction makes me suspect "City of Night" might actually be Traverse Town. Would make sense, it's already a patchwork world made from pieces of fallen worlds, would fit in this one just as well.

Barrett being with Rydia is a relief. The big teddy bear always a softy for kids, and him being with Rydia might help tempered her new hatred for "Machina" a bit. Interesting that her style of summoning is so applicable to summoning Aeons, though I wonder how well she does with the other aspects of Spira's Summonerhood, like Sending.

Confirmed by Shiva that Aerith is "not quite a proper summoner" even if she should at least be decent at it. Makes me wonder how Lann compares to Rydia, Yuna, and Garnet or Eiko.

I forgot, is 15 part of this crossover? Noctis could be on that list of Summoner comparison, funnily enough.

... In KH1, Fairy God Mother give Sora the ability to summon folks who got turned into crystals when their world fell to the Heartless. I wonder if she would be helpful in bonding with magicites here?
Now I'm thinking about some occasion where through the vagueries of the thing, all the Cids find themselves in one room. Likely non-canon, but funny.
How about amalgamations
Cause I know FF tends to reuse names a lot like Cid, Biggs, and Wedge.
That's fine, because although they share names they aren't the same character. Like... Biggs and Wedge FF4 are the Red Wings's second in command. Biggs and Wedge FF7 are members of AVALANCHE, and Biggs and Wedge FF6 are Empire Soldiers who get mercilessly exterminated by an Esper with a grudge. The Cids are easy since almost all of them have last names, Biggs and Wedge... might give me issues.

Also, I should say. Summons are an exception to the "no duplicates" rule. There can be multiple Ifrits, Shiva, Ramuh, and so on. For essentially the reasons Shiva described in the update.
I forgot, is 15 part of this crossover? Noctis could be on that list of Summoner comparison, funnily enough.
I can confirm at least one settlement made the crossover, and Ardyn was one of the options to pick for "Final Boss." He wasn't chosen though, so if he gets a role it will be a relatively smaller one.
[X] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.

With the clarification on what this option means, I definitely agree that Stewardship is more likely to be free than Martial for us. We should still do hunting actions of our own tbc, but as of right now this is a better deal for us considering our struggles to compete on the market with people who are actually focused on it.
First off:

[X] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.

Second off:

Uh. Oops? I figured we'd keep at least 1 Sahara but the dice felt really nice today, I guess?

Other things of note:

- Shiva at our beck and call in emergencies, so that's nice
- Barret with a tiny Rydia on his shoulder :3
- Alfyn learning literally everything about everyone oh my god
- Heartless of currently-unknown durability to our normal-ass weapons and magic. The latter should hopefully put *some* kind of dent in them, at least.

Anyways, considering which two Personal Actions are mashing together in an Interlude, I can take at least a small guess at what's going down at the theatre tonight and I'm not apologizing for knocking over the first domino there :V
From my understanding of the rules about fighting Heartless:

Physical weapons don't hurt them much. There are exceptions though, the Beast was able to defeat them through pure brute force. Probably basically treat them as though they have something like 90% physical resistance; you need to hit them really hard for a physical attack to do more than scratch damage.

Magic attacks can banish them but not permanently destroy them. Which still has value, there's effectively infinite numbers of them limited only by their ability to actually enter the world, so for most purposes it's the same thing.

Light magic specifically banishes them more easily.

Only a Keyblade can put them down for good.

It may be possible that some of the other settings around might potentially have some Light/Holy magic potent enough to sub for a Keyblade, but that is also largely academic as the difference between destroying and banishing them only matters if you can manage to cut off the source of how they're getting to your world in the first place. Or if you're hunting a specific Heartless/Nobody pair to trigger a reincarnation.
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"The suits told us to look out for this group called the Forest Owls that was causing trouble in Timber." This time it was a Shinra soldier. Not a SOLDIER, just a normal footman who was sick. "But, I can't see why anyone would do that. We just want to set up a reactor there."
"Poggies," as the kids say~! FF8, let's go! Wonder if the Timber mission in FF8 has "happened" yet for them? If not, we might be able to meet up with some members of SeeD if we go there sometime.

Sell the Saharas

DC: 20/40/60/80
D100= 88+ 16= 104
Total Success!
... Okay, yeah, fair, I'm impressed. Also, shoot.
Well... Guess it's not like we can't get any more, and that does give us a cushy amount of funds.

D100= 5+ 16+ 10 (Flower of the Slums)+ 29= 60
Success! (Barely)
Whew! I'm glad we're starting to open communications with them. Wonder if they still have Edgar around, or if it's just Baron with whatever ragtag group he managed to accrue in the wake of the Upheaval?

I suppose that applies to both the Timber Owls and the Returners, now that I say that. If it's "whoever they managed to have join them," it's also worth meeting up with them to see if any members of AVALANCHE are with them.
... Wonder if Yuffie would be with any of them? Or would she be in more bizarre haunts, now that she has more than materia to steal for power?

As you headed back to Aerith to report your findings, you thought about the last few jobs you've done, and the job offer you received from Balthier. It was certainly odd being hired by a flower girl to (metaphorically) hunt people for her. But…

It wasn't unpleasant.
YEAH! We're on our way to adopt Shadow!!!

"Hello, Aerith." Her aquamarine eyes sparkled as she crouched down, so you could be eye to eye. "I'm Shiva."

[Shiva Magicite: +5 to bonded hero's Magic stat. Teaches Ice and Water magic. Bonded hero gains "Ice Attunement" Trait. Once per Adventure or Boss Fight, bonded hero may summon Shiva.]

You nodded automatically, still turning over the offer in your mind.

[The Cocoon Refugees will begin their Exodus next turn]
Ah... Oh geez... That sounds dangerous. Would we be able to provide some funds or potions or something in charity?
Also, talk about dramatic irony hitting hard, good grief. Paradise, so long as you're sacrificing someone to be a l'cie. Paradise, so long as you can get past the war that just started over there.

Honestly, I have no idea who this could be, but I imagine that we'll quickly find out once Alfyn takes that personal action to contribute to the codex.
I believe it's the merchant from this omake?Also, that apparently doesn't have a threadmark, @griffinlw .

[X] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.
I'm still most interested in pursuing the "business" route myself.
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I believe it's the merchant from this omake?Also, that apparently doesn't have a threadmark, @griffinlw .
Whoopsy, that should be fixed now. But yes, it's Partitio.

I see a lot of people worried about the heartless, so please allow me to answer your worries. They can be fought without a keyblade, but the keyblade is certainly the best and most effective way to fight them. There's also no singular "world heart" for them to devour and destroy the world.

None of this is to suggest that they aren't a threat. They are still soul heart devouring monstrosities
your link here seems broken? might just be me and not so big an issue now it's threadmarked but hopefully worth mentioning regardless
... I think I accidentally copied my vote option before pasting the link.
Thanks for letting me know. Lesson learned: check your preview links before posting. ^^;

On another note!
Maybe we can meet the girl reading up on esper lore by telling her that we can let her have a chat with Shiva? Though that would require Shiva to be willing to chat as well, I'd assume.
Out of curiosity, are any characters from Spirits Within in this World Jambalaya?
I remember being impressed with it in cinema, way back when it came out.
And that is all I remember of it.
It is, technically, FF.