Fractured Fantasy: A CK2 Style Final Fantasy quest

Interlude: I Am A Pulse L'Cie And I'm Here To Kill You All
Like most of your actions, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing. You saw Cocoon, the old Cocoon, coming down from their mighty perch to 'deal with' the nations they found surrounding them, and with that came an opportunity.

An opportunity for you to exact revenge for… damn near everything that's ever gone wrong. The start of your hundreds of years of suffering all laid at the feet at the Cocoon Fal'Cie, and one specific one in particular.

Primarch Galenth Dysley, true name: Barthandelus. The ruler of Cocoon, who is secretly the Fal'Cie's ringleader. The one who, to your recollection, orchestrated the fall of Cocoon in some cosmic tantrum.

You wanted to punch him in the fucking face. Every time you tried all those years ago, you bounced off his stupid personal barrier, well no more!

When you fought him the first time, you were a fresh L'Cie, given a criminally short timelimit and thrown through conflict after conflict to forge you in iron. By the end, you were strong, but unskilled. Unrefined. But now?

You were a thrice-born L'Cie, Anima, Cactuar, and now Pandaemoneum. All but the last brand has been burned away, but the power still exists inside you. You have protected Yusnaan for five hundred years.

After all that, why couldn't you beat him? Why shouldn't you feel his metal skull break beneath your fist? Why shouldn't you avenge-!

Ice started creeping up from your brand, and you had to unclench your fist to make it go away.

You didn't have much of a plan, you were going to announce that the Cocoon refugees can go home if they wanted, arrange a meeting with the Primarch, and then beat the shit out of him. Again, it wasn't much of a plan…

But since when do Heroes need plans?

The Primarch turned down your generous offer to visit Yusnaan, perhaps visit The Slaughterhouse or your palace. If you were going to meet him, it would be on his terms, on his flagship, the Palamecia. Surrounded by a dozen PSICOM soldiers in case you got any funny ideas.

Typical arrogant Cocoon posturing, but you would play along… For now.

"What an eyesore…" You mutter under your breath as you pass through the overwrought halls of the airship.

"What was that?" The leader of your little group turned to you. A PSICOM Reaver, decked out in the most expensive and stupid-looking suit of armor you've ever seen. Armor plates jutted from his shoulders like shields, the helmet was adorned with ornaments resembling behemoth horns, and the collar of the uniform had little metal strips that poked up like peacock feathers.

"Nothing sir. It's simply my first time on such an… extravagant vessel." You lie casually. If the Reaver thought anything of it, he didn't say anything.

Finally, you entered the bridge, and there he was, Barthandelous in his human disguise, flanked by a few dozen more soldiers and PSICOM officers. You just had to wait until you got closer…

"So glad you could join us Patron." Barthandelous sneered. "I'm sure Cocoon can come to an arrangement with your… quaint little city."

… Ah you don't have the patience to put up with his shit. "Before we begin, there's something I must say!" You announce, turning towards the PSICOM Reaver with a broad smile.

The Reaver's armor crumples like an aluminum can as your fist crashes into his chest, sending him flying dozens of feet into the nearest wall. You catch his spear in your left hand, quickly snapping off the tip and using your ice magic to form the head of a poleaxe.

"I am a Pulse L'Cie and I'm here to kill you all!" At your declaration, you hear the click of guns having the safety taken off, and manadrives charging.

Snow Villiers
Gender: Male
Age: ??? (Over 500)
Magic: 22 [37]
Martial: 30 [45]
Diplomacy: 21
Stewardship: 27
Intrigue: 13
Learning: 14
Innate Traits
Former L'Cie: Even if the brand is gone, the power remains. [+5 Martial and Magic. Allows the user to cast spells, even if the character was formerly incapable.]
L'Cie Brand [Pandaemoneum]: to be branded by a Fal'Cie is to obtain power beyond what humans are capable of, but be cursed to one of two ends. Turn into a crystal, or become Cieth. [+10 Martial and Magic. The character has functionally infinite MP and gains access to L'Cie Classes.]
Focus [???]: The cost of a L'Cie brand is to be given a Focus, a mission. The Focus must be complete within a certain timeframe, lest the L'Cie turn into a Cie'th. Even if the task is complete, they will turn to Crystal instead. [Character has ?? Turns before becoming a Cie'th. Their Focus is ???]
Sovereign Fist: Who needs a weapon when your fists alone are enough to bend metal and break bones? You don't even need your coat anymore... [All attacks made with the character's bare hands ignore damage resistance because of armor. Natural toughness or magical enhancements still apply.]
All it takes is a single heave of your axe to knock away the soldiers surrounding you, clearing the way for you to barrel towards Barthandelous.

The fight makes you feel alive in a way you haven't in years. Armor crunching beneath your fist, bones breaking, bodies thrown away like the trash they were and your axe cleaving through everything, almost without resistance.

The soldiers around Barthandelous were closing ranks and preparing to extract him, but you had cleared half the room already, at this pace, you could catch him.

"Bring in the L'Cie." Barthandelous commands.

"What, did you need more pawns? Tired of getting them elsewhere and had to make a few yourself?"
You demand.

You're close enough now that you decide to just break through, smashing your way past the defending army without bothering to take them all out. Part of you dispassionately wonders if all members of PSICOM were this devoted, as you cut through more soldiers. They were just throwing their lives away, couldn't they see that?

Breaking through to to where the Primarch once stood, you see him quickly being ushered away through a corridor while a fresh squad of PSICOM rushes past to get in your way. You prepare to crush them…

And then you saw her

A face you only saw for a short time, but was burned into your mind. One of your failures, one of your sins. Nora Estheim, the woman you later learned was Hope's mother, standing before you. Pointing a gun in your direction, and with the grim expression of someone who knew they might die.

"Get him home… please."

You completely froze, axe raised, and fully prepared to cut her down. But you couldn't do it. You never could. That poor family has been through enough because of you.

"The Primarch has been extracted!" One officer yells. And as if waiting for it, a hail of bullets, and spells immediately bombards you, and at least a few rockets for good measure, nearly knocked over before you plant your feet and shift to Sentinel.

By the time the bombardment ends, you're standing in a metal crater, smoke peeling off you as blood drips from numerous bullet holes. Your suit is in tatters

… You can't fight Barthandelous like this. Grimacing heavily, you form a crystal in your hand, and crush it. "Shiva!"

As always the twins answer your call immediately. Stiria helps you stand, soothing your injuries with Curaga while Nix pays your attackers back in kind, scattering them with Blizzaga spells. She leaves Nora untouched, thankfully.

"Girls, we're leaving." You announce. They nod, and Nix quickly smashes the glass to the bridge with a spinning kick, while Stiria throws you into the air.

You land on their Gestalt form, and together you drive off into the sky. But all you can think about is one thing, one simple fact that made you ache inside. You failed. Just like you always had.

Some hero you were...

[Cocoon and Yusnaan are at war]
Consider that stat sheet up there a little preview. Also, the first war has started, and somehow it wasn't started by either the Empire or Shinra! What a world we live in...
Ah, Nora... Lovely seeing the sheer consequences these time-displaced goobers have been thrown into. -w-
I did actually try finding the color you used for her dialogue, but I don't think it was one of the "defaults" or if it was I couldn't find it. I probably should start choosing hex codes for the dialogue colors now that I think about it...
[Cocoon and Yusnaan are at war]
Assuming that Yusnaan is within the territory "claimed" by the Sanctum of Cocoon, depending on where exactly they are relative to Cocoon proper and the closest border, I wouldn't be surprised if one or more of the major factions support Yusnaan's war against Cocoon. Whether they do it to claim more land, reverse engineer the advanced tech, keep a potential rival down and distracted, or out of religious belief, there's many different reasons for each of the big factions to get involved in this.

I do wonder how this will affect the Exodus the Cocoon refugees are planning, given that an active war tends to make governments unwilling to accept large amounts of new residents/citizens who lack identification, or at least unwilling to devote any resources to protect their journey.
I did actually try finding the color you used for her dialogue, but I don't think it was one of the "defaults" or if it was I couldn't find it. I probably should start choosing hex codes for the dialogue colors now that I think about it...

You ask, and you shall receive: 'tis this li'l number. Fourth from the top, eighth from the left. So the substitute landed in that general area, funnily enough.
Consider that stat sheet up there a little preview. Also, the first war has started, and somehow it wasn't started by either the Empire or Shinra! What a world we live in...
Actually that does remind me, what does it take for a city/town to become a "Faction holding" for the Nation-level factions? It's obviously more than just officially meeting each other or opening up trade, as Padarak is not a part of Dalmasca, and this event has shown that smaller towns/cities can resist to the point of declaring war against faction capitals. I know it's not exactly our concern as of right now (and probably for the foreseeable future of this quest) but I am curious, since Dalmasca appears to be one of if not the only nation-level faction we can rely on to help fight the forces of evil without issue as far as I can tell. If there's something we can do to help strengthen their position beyond discovering all the towns/cities in their claimed territory, I'd like to know what it is so we can keep it in mind as we go along.
Holy shit.
And ouch, to have Nora be what got him to stand down... Exquisite drama, really nice way to weave that consequence of the omake in!

God, that's a +15 to both offensive stats, and we know that Snow's a defensive powerhouse already...
You know, never played any of the XIII sequels, but a younger Snow Villers would be someone that might have been fun running into Seifer Almasy. Those two could have gotten up to shenanigans together. Heck, in a way, Snow might recognize himself in some ways.
Actually that does remind me, what does it take for a city/town to become a "Faction holding" for the Nation-level factions? It's obviously more than just officially meeting each other or opening up trade, as Padarak is not a part of Dalmasca, and this event has shown that smaller towns/cities can resist to the point of declaring war against faction capitals. I know it's not exactly our concern as of right now (and probably for the foreseeable future of this quest) but I am curious, since Dalmasca appears to be one of if not the only nation-level faction we can rely on to help fight the forces of evil without issue as far as I can tell. If there's something we can do to help strengthen their position beyond discovering all the towns/cities in their claimed territory, I'd like to know what it is so we can keep it in mind as we go along.
There are essentially 2 ways for the smaller settlements to become Faction Holdings.

1. Enter an official alliance/become a vassal. Padarak and Dalmasca have actually been in talks about this, but when Leo's Marshal heard the rumors about Basch the "Kingslayer" he got a bit... anxious. That's produced a bit of a delay, but so far there's no reason for them not to get an alliance. Allied factions will fight together, share resources, and otherwise defend each other. But if someone doesn't uphold their end of the bargain, there's nothing stopping the other factions from breaking off.
2. Be conquered or otherwise taken by force. This one should need no introduction. Conquered factions have their people and resources put directly under the control of the conquering faction. It must be noted though, that conquered factions tend to produce rebel groups and dissent. It takes active effort to keep them under control.

You have minimal control over this, especially since right now you're a free agent with no political power (beyond advising Ashe. Which Aerith is wildly unqualified for for) or faction to really call home. But you did help Ashe and Basch make positive first impressions on Cleyra and Lostime. You'll get more options to influence this as you grow a faction and make connections.
God, that's a +15 to both offensive stats, and we know that Snow's a defensive powerhouse already...
Snow is one of a handful of people I can safely call a One Man Army. He's probably in the top 10% of Human combatants in the setting. Though I definitely wouldn't say he's the strongest.
1. Enter an official alliance/become a vassal. Padarak and Dalmasca have actually been in talks about this, but when Leo's Marshal heard the rumors about Basch the "Kingslayer" he got a bit... anxious. That's produced a bit of a delay, but so far there's no reason for them not to get an alliance. Allied factions will fight together, share resources, and otherwise defend each other. But if someone doesn't uphold their end of the bargain, there's nothing stopping the other factions from breaking off.
2. Be conquered or otherwise taken by force. This one should need no introduction. Conquered factions have their people and resources put directly under the control of the conquering faction. It must be noted though, that conquered factions tend to produce rebel groups and dissent. It takes active effort to keep them under control.

You have minimal control over this, especially since right now you're a free agent with no political power (beyond advising Ashe. Which Aerith is wildly unqualified for for) or faction to really call home. But you did help Ashe and Basch make positive first impressions on Cleyra and Lostime. You'll get more options to influence this as you grow a faction and make connections.
That's about what I expected, but I am glad to be vindicated in pushing for the gossip action in the hopes of improving Basch's rep, if it's bad enough to produce a delay in Dalmasca's ability to make alliances with other groups. Do allied factions also get more/improved faction traits as a result of the increased membership/resources/power?

As for conquest, obviously we're seeing it play out with Cocoon, but I imagine that Shinra and the Gehstalian Empire will quickly join that number should any of their former military holdings be found within their new territorial borders. Possibly even if they are in another nation's claimed borders if they can reach it easily enough. More civilian towns/cities will probably just be given an ultimatum for vassalization in the Empire's case, and a series of lucrative but deceptively costly contracts that leads to the same in Shinra's. Wait, it's Rufus in charge, not his father. He explicitly sees bread and circuses as a waste of money when raw naked force can do the trick. So it will be an ultimatum for vassalization followed by conquest if they refuse for both the Empire and Shinra then. Neither are really in the business of letting rivals to their authority and power run around freely if they can do anything about it.

All the more reason to get into contact with the Returners then! And AVALANCHE HQ if we're lucky (hopefully Barret's cell wasn't the only one to survive the Upheaval). A source of unbiased info from those nations would be beneficial enough, but if we can start getting the different rebel groups to collaborate and share resources/manpower with each other, they'll all be in a much better position to fight against their respective tyrants.
Do allied factions also get more/improved faction traits as a result of the increased membership/resources/power?
It depends on the trait in question, but generally speaking, yes. As an example, Shinra's "Turks" faction trait will spread it's effect to all allied or conquered settlements. Giving them a degree of protection against intrigue actions. Another example is the "Hunter Clan" trait from Dalmasca, which I see no reason why it wouldn't spread to allied settlements. It doesn't work for every trait though. Dalmasca's "Lowtown" explicitly only effects Rabanastre.

It also allows allied (or conquered) faction heroes to be used. One reason why Padarak is such an attractive ally is because of Leo's Architek trait. And one reason you might consider allying with Shinra would be if you needed some firepower. Imagine how excited you would be if Sephiroth Zack Fair came to answer a hunting request!
Mmm, if we're going with a plan that has us communing with the magicite, I'd like to spend 2 QP on the option... Though if you're not allowing QP to push a roll into auto-success range, I'll understand that.
Oh also, somehow I managed to screw up the automated vote counter, but I assure you that "Contacts, Coin, and Crystals Revised" is winning by quite a large margin.

Edit: never mind, Doctor Elsewhere explained how to fix that. Thank you. 3C is winning by 6 votes.
Mmm, if we're going with a plan that has us communing with the magicite, I'd like to spend 2 QP on the option... Though if you're not allowing QP to push a roll into auto-success range, I'll understand that.
Sure. It seems a little excessive, but I can understand really, really wanting to make sure it lands.
Last edited:
Oh also, somehow I managed to screw up the automated vote counter, but I assure you that "Contacts, Coin, and Crystals Revised" is winning by quite a large margin.
The tally system defaults to starting the count from the latest threadmark, which is why it was only counting from the Interlude onward. You just have to run it again and manually select the threadmark you want it to count from to fix it. Which I just did.
Ah, the violence begins again! Didn't much care for all these factions getting along. Plain unnatural, it was.

Figured it would be Shinra to start something, though. Life, huh?
Vote Closed
Since there's less than an hour left and the current vote is in the lead by 6 votes, I think it's safe to call this one. "Contacts, Coin, and Crystals Revised" is the winner!

The dice were... interesting today.
Scheduled vote count started by griffinlw on Jan 13, 2025 at 1:17 PM, finished with 30 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Contacts, Coin, and Crystals Revised
    -[X] Make Sunstones To Sell: (Freya)
    -[X] Meet Montblanc (Free Action):
    -[X] Indulge in Gossip: (Alfyn)
    -[X] Sell the Saharas:
    -[X] Meet The Returners: (Shadow)
    -[X] What is Magicite?:
    -[X] Orrachea Armlet
    --[X] Aerith
    -[X] Visit Migelo and the Kids:
    -[X] Check on the Cocoon Folks:
    -[X] Watch a play:
    [X] The plan.
    -[X] Explore the Desert Around Dalmasca.
    --[X] Freya.
    -[X] Visit the Cartographer's Guild.
    -[X] Meet Montblanc (Free Action):
    -[X] Sell the Saharas:
    -[X] Meet The Returners.
    --[X] Alfyn.
    -[X] What is Magicite?:
    -[X] Personals.
    --[X] Visit Migelo and the Kids. (Aerith)
    --[X] Universal Herbology Catalog. (Alfyn)
    --[X] Visit Aerith for… "Girl Talk". (Freya)
    -[X] Orrachea Armlet
    [X] The plan.
Turn 7- Results

Make Sunstones to Sell (Freya)

DC: 40/80
D100= 5+ 13+ 32= 50
Tier 1 Success!

The task was quite a bit harder than expected due to the Mist in the air. Normally the Giza Plains only had 2 seasons, Dry and Wet, but the Mist seemed to have confused the ecosystem.

Storm Elementals swirled around, crackling with lightning and threatening to fry anything that came near. The massive turtles that usually only appeared during the rains were marching along the bone-dry riverbeds they normally bathed in.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this produced more than a little chaos as monsters fought over territory and food. If anything they were acting even more aggressively now, perhaps they really were enraged by the mist.

You wouldn't be too keen on hunting while they were all riled up and angry, but thankfully that wasn't what you were here for. All you had to do was get past them and make your sunstones.

That you could do, and for that task, the Mist ended up being a bit of a blessing in disguise.

Everyone was well aware that the monsters were more aggressive, and that knowledge kept all of the amateur monster hunters away. Which meant you were almost uncontested in your mission.

A few days of work and a dozen sunstones later, you heard the announcement that the stock of sunstones had returned to what it was before the blizzard.

[+2 Funds]
[Sunstone Prices have returned to normal]

Indulge in Gossip (Alfyn)

DC: 30/70
D100= 100
Automatic Crit! Critical Success!

Gathering gossip is one of the things you're best at. As a former occupant of a small country town, gossip was in your blood, and as an apothecary, you had plenty of experience gently coaxing information out of patients who didn't want to admit how they got hurt or sick.

So basically, you were really good at this.

Rumor: Black Beasts

"You hear about the black beasts to the east?" A hunter asked while you bandaged his leg.

"No, I haven't. Are they what gave you this wound?"

"Nah, haven't seen any with my own eyes yet, just heard stories. They say they're black as the night, twisting and bending unnaturally as they move, with eyes that glow like lamps. They appear mostly at night, and shy away from the light."

"Sounds mighty spooky to me." You say, trying to envision what that would look like. "You said they're found to the east?"

"Seems that way. Some explorers tried getting to that place the Cartographer's Guild found. The 'City of Night' they called it. But they had to fall back when they got swarmed by those creatures."

"Are they doing okay?"

"Don't worry, no one died. They all made it back here and got treatment."

You breathe a sigh of relief. It's not like you could do anything about it but still, you're glad they're alright. Those creatures though…

Rumor: Young Culture Researcher

"It does my old heart good to see such interest in Rabanstre's fine history." An old Nu Mou said as you mixed up a quick tonic for his back pain.

You haven't really worked with Nu Mou yet, they seem like squat little guys with clawed feet (no shoes) a thick tail, and fur. Despite that, this Nu Mou talked like a wise old man and worked in the library.

"Makes perfect sense to me. When you end up in a new, interesting place, it's only natural to want to learn about it. I only lived at my old home of Clearbrooke, so it feels like I've been learning new stuff every day."

"Ah, I wish everyone else shared your enthusiasm. I met a bright young lass a few weeks ago who's been reading through books of old legends with a fervor I've never seen. I believe her favorite subject is the legend of the Espers."


"It is said that the Espers were once the blessed children of the gods, only to give into hubris and turn their gifts against them. Enraged, the gods cast them down, trapped in their prisons, and only allowed to roam free when invoked by the will of another. Some refer to them now as simply Summoned Beasts."

"Wow… Do you think they're still out there?"

"Well… considering what happened to the world there's no way to be sure but I would presume so. Not just anything can kill an Esper."

Rumor: Unorthodox Guardian

"You have my thanks, it seems I won't have to be Sent any time soon." This time it was a Yevon preacher with a nasty cough.

"Oh don't worry about that, I'll get you fixed up in a jiffy. In the meantime, I heard that the pilgrimages are starting again."

"They are. I'm told some of the temples ended up in… odd places, but there should be little problem in the pilgrimages resuming."

"That means the summoners will start traveling again, right?" He nodded. "Can you tell me anything about the summoners?"

"Before all this, I assumed Lady Yuna would become the next High Summoner, following in her father's footsteps. But Lady Rydia seems even more talented. Although… I must question her choice in Guardian."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She's become attached to this… mountain of a man who clearly didn't come from Spira. He's loud and crude, but the worst thing is when he first appeared, he had a machina attached to his arm!" The priest spat like it was the worst curse imaginable. But moments later, he softened

"I suppose it isn't all bad. He clearly cares for her safety, and at least he has the decency to replace the forbidden weapon with a simple club. But I still don't like trusting the safety of a summoner to such a man."

"The most important thing is that he cares for her, right?" You say. "And it sounds like even if he isn't perfect, he's trying."

"I suppose you're right…"

Rumor: Tumultuous Town of Timber

"The suits told us to look out for this group called the Forest Owls that was causing trouble in Timber." This time it was a Shinra soldier. Not a SOLDIER, just a normal footman who was sick. "But, I can't see why anyone would do that. We just want to set up a reactor there."

You had to suppress a twitch of your lips. Aerith had told you what a reactor would do, and you understood very well why Timber may not want one. But this guy was like, 17 and probably didn't know any better.

"Well, what's Shinra's plans for Timber anyway? Considering how mixed up the world got I can understand being a bit cautious."

"I guess that's fair… Timber has these great trains and a train yard, we want to see if we can build a railway between Midgar and Timber, and then maybe to other places. I think the idea is to trade for it, they get a reactor, we get their train stuff."

"That doesn't sound so bad. You'll uh, have to tell me what a train is though. Never had any back home as far as I remember."

"A train is this big machine that can carry hundreds of people and thousands of tons of cargo! But it can only go on rails that people have to build. They're expensive as heck, but a rail between two places is better than a road I say. I like riding the ones in Midgar. So cool…"

You nod and let the guy keep gushing. He's right, trains don't sound bad at all. Still, Shinra vs the Wood Owls…

Sounds a bit worrying.

Rumor: Overly Generous Merchant

"Oh he was such a charming young man. Some might say a bit too generous for his own good though." The old woman reminisced as she poured you a cup of tea. She gave you really strong witch vibes, but she was nice and made you tea, so that was fine by you.

"What was he up to?"

"Working on that universal herbalism guide, he interviewed me for a section and insisted on paying me more than the asking price. Bless him, I hope that book gets published all over the world."

"Wow, that's a heck of an undertaking. I think I heard about that, I didn't realize he was the guy behind it. I've been meaning to see if I could add my own section but I've been busy…"

"Oh it won't be difficult to find him, I assure you. Do consider it though, I'm sure your work would make a fine addition."

"Thanks. I'll consider it."

Rumor: Captain Basch

"We all know the rumors about Basch, the kingslayer… but I've got a different one for you." You say to a captivated audience in a bar. People were trading stories, and you saw a chance to share yours.

"Basch returned from the dungeons with dozens of other knights, having been captured by the Empire. Now I ask you, why would a turncoat be imprisoned along with the men he 'betrayed'?"

"Rewarded as the traitor deserves. If he betrayed one powerful man, would he not betray another?"

"Then why did he act to protect the knights under his care when the Upheaval happened? If he betrayed them and hated them, why would he come back?"

"To save his own skin-"

"By presenting himself to the princess? The person who probably hates him most? If he was as heartless as people say he would have scampered instead."

You can see the realization sink in. Time for the master stroke.

"I heard that the knights who came back from the dungeon vouch for him. The loyalists who got imprisoned, I mean."

It wasn't much really. All you did was plant a few seeds of doubt that Basch was as evil as assumed. But with luck, they would grow and spread. It was the last you could do.

Sell the Saharas

DC: 20/40/60/80
D100= 88+ 16= 104
Total Success!

"So… you sold them all," Freya said, in slight disbelief.

"I didn't realize people would take me so seriously. I thought I'd have to jump through hoops to prove it, or that people wouldn't want to risk their safety on a flower." You figured that people would find the concept of a magic flower ridiculous. It certainly would have been back in Midgar (although, even regular flowers were a little rare in Midgar)

"Aerith. You are aware that Rabanstre's desert includes Cactoids, right?"

"... Oh, right." Living cactuses that wandered the desert. Some were aggressive, some were peaceful, and some could even cast magic. "I guess magic flowers aren't that far-fetched."

"They're really not." Freya insisted. "Those were the seeds from Lostime?"

"Yeah. I'm amazed that they came out that well. I wanted to go buy more but, none of the ferries will run in the Mist. Once the Mist clears up I'll probably pay them a visit."

"Well, look on the bright side. Our money troubles are over for now, and this is a good sign for your business."

"True. Though if anyone wanted more Saharas, they'd be disappointed."

[Lose 4 Saharas. Gain 5 Funds]

Meet The Returners (Shadow)

DC: 60
D100= 5+ 16+ 10 (Flower of the Slums)+ 29= 60
Success! (Barely)

The Returners… You knew of them from back in your world. They worked in the shadows to oppose the Gehstalian Empire, since fighting back directly had failed over and over again. You even did a few jobs for them from time to time.

Not because of their cause, just for the money.

You knew roughly how the Returners liked to operate, hiding in plain sight, making connections far and wide, all the better to call upon as needed. It was how they stayed hidden, but gathered a surprisingly wide array of resources.

Given that the Returner agent came in with the Empire's troops… you were looking for an Empire solder, probably low to mid-rank, who had turned coat but maintained cover in the Empire's army.

Getting close to the Empire's soldiers wasn't an option, so you had to observe them from a distance and look for any signs of suspicious or strange activity.

It was quite a difficult task, but not impossible.

The impossible part was convincing the Returner to trust you.

"You could just be fishing for information. Maybe the General hired you to see if any Returners would be stupid enough to out themselves to you."

"... A real Imperial soldier would just call them rebels. Not Returners." He flinched at your reasoning, but quickly recovered.

"Look, a Returner agent, which I'm not just to be clear about, would have to be pretty stupid just to take your word for it that you're an ally. We-they would need something bigger than your word. A gesture of goodwill."

"I'm not in a position to make that gesture. I'm just the middleman." An annoying stalemate to find yourself in… luckily, all you needed to do was make contact. "Just give me a neutral location or a contact then. We can leave the 'goodwill' and 'trust' to my employer and the Returners."

In the end, you only managed to weasel out a little more information from him. Some bars were where meetings were held, and former Resistance members were in contact with the Returners.

As you headed back to Aerith to report your findings, you thought about the last few jobs you've done, and the job offer you received from Balthier. It was certainly odd being hired by a flower girl to (metaphorically) hunt people for her. But…

It wasn't unpleasant.

[Contact is established with the Returners]
[They don't trust you yet]
[Shadow declines Balthier's officer. He will continue being available for hire]

What is Magicite

DC: 60
D100= 58+ 29+ 20 (Mist Event) +2 (MagewyrmMira QP)= 109

When you ask the question, 'What is Magicite,' you get a few different answers.

All Magicite shares the distinction of being magical stones, most often crystals, which can be used for various purposes. But the specifics were hotly debated. Some say Magicite was a natural phenomenon like any other stone, others say magicite was the remains of dead creatures.

Dalmasca's take on Magicite, is that it was a naturally occurring condensed form of Mist that was essentially magic in a solid form. There were some really lovely books from the library that went into (somewhat excessive) detail about the mining and refining process.

Magicite is is used for airships (skystones) spellcasting (spellstones) and a few other purposes (sunstones) which honestly wasn't that different from how Shinra used mako power, though hopefully less dangerous to the environment.

Nothing you found could explain why yours felt so… special. After carrying it around for so long it felt less like a chunk of rock and more like a companion. That sounded silly, even to you. A literal pet rock.

And yet… you couldn't shake the feeling that it was alive, in some small way. It would shape your spells and seemed to "react" to things. So you decided on a little test.

You went to the same corner of the Undercity you originally used to practice your magic. Hidden from prying eyes. You took the magicite, and started pouring your magic into it. Letting it soak in the Mist and your own mana without trying to shape the result.

You weren't sure what you were expecting… But you really didn't expect an icy chill to descend into the room, and the magic to take the form of a woman.

The woman clearly wasn't human. Her skin was baby blue while her hair was a darker tone, she was impossibly tall, at least half-again as tall as you, and everywhere she stepped frost crept up as if she was the source of the cold.

She had a physique similar to a dancer, with long muscular legs, and hair that flowed all the way down her back, nearly touching the floor. She was gorgeous, but in a way that made you think of fairy tales. Nymphs and Fey queens whose beauty was beyond human caliber, because they quite simply were not human.

"Hello, Aerith." Her aquamarine eyes sparkled as she crouched down, so you could be eye to eye. "I'm Shiva."

"Hi." You greeted weakly, staring at her with what you hope is the appropriate amount of respect. "I've heard of Shiva Materia before but…"

"Oh goodness, no. Those are just imitations, Spells shaped like me. I assure you, I am an incarnation of Shiva."


"I suppose you humans don't have to deal with such things. How to explain it…" She absently swirled her finger next to her cheek, causing little snowflakes to dance at her fingertips.

"I am not the Shiva. I am… a piece of her. The snowflake to her blizzard, the finger to her hand. A piece of her, but not the entirety of her being. It would take far more energy than any one being has to summon Shiva's full power, so instead you summon a fraction of her power. Me."

"A fraction?" You ask numbly, watching as miniature snowstorms form at Shiva's fingertips. This was a fraction of her power?

"Suffice to say it takes a lot of energy just to be active, which is why beings like me require favorable conditions or a summoner. That Magicite makes for a fine focus." She finished explaining.

"Wow, t-that's impressive." You stutter, shivering slightly. Shiva frowned slightly.

"You're not quite a proper summoner, there's a limit to how much you can manage. I would love to help if you're in trouble but don't push yourself too much dear." Shiva kissed the tip of her finger, and brushed it off on your cheek, before she vanished in a swirl of ice and snow.

You found yourself standing alone in the undercity corner, clutching Shiva's Magicite and thoroughly flushed.

[Ice Magicite has been updated to Shiva Magicite!]
[Shiva Magicite: +5 to bonded hero's Magic stat. Teaches Ice and Water magic. Bonded hero gains "Ice Attunement" Trait. Once per Adventure or Boss Fight, bonded hero may summon Shiva.]

Check On The Cocoon Folks (Alfyn)

D100= 22

"We're leaving, and there's nothing you can say to make us change our minds." Marcette's voice was filled with ironclad resolve.

"I'm not trying to stop you or anything I'm just… worried. From what I understand Cocoon is half a continent and an ocean away. That's a heck of a trip to take, even in the best conditions." At your explanation, the Cocoon woman's expression softened slightly.

"I know. Our little caravan is only about 100 people, maybe a quarter of us know how to shoot a gun. A little less than half are either too young or too old. But…"

"Cocoon is paradise Alfyn," Marcette explained, her tone turning equal parts nostalgic and sad. "Everyone is provided for, there's no quibbling over food or territory or goods. Everyone has a place to belong… and we all desperately want that back. We're all just telling ourselves that if we make it to Cocoon, everything will be alright."

"I can understand that it just… seems like such a long shot to me. I don't want anything to happen to you guys."

"You know… you could come with us." She suggested. "You're not like these people who rely on magic for everything. A little… old-fashioned maybe, but you could fit in there.

You bit your lip. It was tempting, you'd be able to help them on their journey and get to see what Cocoon was all about. But Aerith needed your help too, and there was Chaos to worry about.

"You don't need to answer right now, we're still gathering supplies and all. But, think about it okay?" Marcette insisted

You nodded automatically, still turning over the offer in your mind.

[The Cocoon Refugees will begin their Exodus next turn]

Visit Migelo and the Kids (Aerith)

D100= 86

[Interlude: Thespians and Thieves]

Watch A Play (Freya)

D100= 47

[Interlude: Thespians and Thieves]

Visit Montblanc

Auto Success

"Honestly I'm sorry I ever doubted you," Montblanc admitted cheerfully, guiding you into the guild hall. You could see a pretty large number of seemingly random people loitering about. A Viera with a spear across her back, a Garif with a pair of axes, and even a moogle tinkering with a gun. "Taking out 3 hunts in a month is very impressive work, especially for such a small group. I'm starting to wish I had scouted you the first time."

"Thank you Montblanc." You say politely. "It was a little rough, but we managed."

"Well Aerith, if you want to join Clan Centurio, I would love to have you and your friends on board."

"I have been meaning to ask... what exactly would that entail? I was told that Clans and this Clan in particular was relatively freeform but, I assume there are responsibilities, benefits, a membership fee perhaps?"

"... You mean you don't know?" The Pom atop the moogle's head shot straight up in shock. "Well, essentially, you would be given free rein to do whatever you please, as long as you continue participating as an active hunter. We understand that you have a life outside hunting and potentially other duties to attend to, but we are a hunter clan after all."

"As for your benefits. We share information on particularly dangerous monsters, such as Elite Marks. Should you need help during a hunt we will be willing to lend our aid, and you'll have access to the clan hall and our clan shop."

"So... what do you think?"
Montblanc asked, putting a heavy tome down on the table next to you. The guild registry. "Will you join us Aerith?"

How do you reply?

[] Yes: You've learned to enjoy hunting. It's good money, and it's good training. Not to mention the people you've helped, if indirectly. Plus Clan Centurio's eye for monsters should prove useful later.
[] No: Being in a clan just isn't for you. Hunting isn't in your blood, and you've got more important things to worry about, like Chaos.
[] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.
[] -Write in-

I'm not going to set a specific end time for this one. I'll just, feel it out.

For an out-of-character explanation, the Pros and Cons of joining Clan Centurio are as follows. Joining will give you access to news on big monsters, and you can call in "favors" to bolster hunting-type actions. However, to maintain your membership you will be required to take a hunting-type action every 3-4 turns. It doesn't have to succeed or not, you just have to try.
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[X] Yes: You've learned to enjoy hunting. It's good money, and it's good training. Not to mention the people you've helped, if indirectly. Plus Clan Centurio's eye for monsters should prove useful later.

We're almost certainly going to be fighting monsters every 3-4 turns anyway, so I don't see why joining would be a problem for us. We don't have enough of a production line for medical supplies to be able to offer them anything substantial just yet either. I'll react to the rest of the update in detail in the morning.
[X] Yes: You've learned to enjoy hunting. It's good money, and it's good training. Not to mention the people you've helped, if indirectly. Plus Clan Centurio's eye for monsters should prove useful later.
Ah, Timber.

The forests sure have changed...

That said, I'm gonna try to kickstart a medicine company. Our output might not be big yet, but this will give us an impetus to improve on it.

[X] How About A Deal Instead?: You had a thought. These hunters are exactly the kind of people who need medicine, right? So maybe you could negotiate a deal to start selling medicine to them specifically. It's not like their clan shop doesn't already include medicine.
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