Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

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@I just write
I know you're running this right now, but given scenes featuring fights are usually the best part to read... Well, I wanted to know if you would consider my suggestion next time to go on a simpler battle RIOT quest, without having to manage things that usually seems to have you rip your hair out managing.
Well, another part is that I like writing technological descripions of hyperadvanced equipment.

Also, fights need meaning for me to enjoy writing them. Hence, context and continuity are required.

Plus, there's the sociological experiment to consider; it's interesting studying how a bunch of random internet strangers organize themselves to ensure the success of their group in a constantly shifting threat environment.
Well, another part is that I like writing technological descripions of hyperadvanced equipment.

Also, fights need meaning for me to enjoy writing them. Hence, context and continuity are required.

Plus, there's the sociological experiment to consider; it's interesting studying how a bunch of random internet strangers organize themselves to ensure the success of their group in a constantly shifting threat environment.
I support this. The actual battle is generally the least interesting part.

I'll be swapping out nanotech for Illuminati Infiltration, and adding in a couple free actions. That okay with everyone?

[X] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawato ignore the Lost status)

[X] Forging Furnace
-[X] Exotic Particle Rifle x3

[X] Design a Blueprint
-[X] Upgraded Pandora Orb
--[X] Fix Black blood gooey monster problem.

[X] Write-In
-[X] Infiltrate into the Illuminati's information network.
1. I want to get the building on now so wizards don't have a trick that always works on us. We don't have a way to stop them from pulling the retreat to dream world then open rift trick again. How about
[] Design a blueprint
-[] A way to send Dream Eaters back.

Actually I realized that we probably won't have to worry about them pulling that trick off anywhere, but their own bases.

Consider that MS Dream Eaters exist. The idea that Wizards have their own Dream Eaters near their bases follows. This explains why the wizard vs werewolf did not end the same way.

Because the Dream Eaters were not for Wizards because of a relative lack of them in the area.

As such
I can work with your idea and hopefully get confirmation of my hypothesis (as a scientist I insist of being proper with terminology)

2. Editing in @s don't alert the person that you are tagging them.
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Well, another part is that I like writing technological descripions of hyperadvanced equipment.

Also, fights need meaning for me to enjoy writing them. Hence, context and continuity are required.

Plus, there's the sociological experiment to consider; it's interesting studying how a bunch of random internet strangers organize themselves to ensure the success of their group in a constantly shifting threat environment.
Well, I liked reading the battle, at any rate.

Even if it cost me my Eggmobile and left me stranded who knows where.
I mean, sure researching aka praying to RNG sama is fun, but I like the battle.

Definitely not because I get to be a DIO knock off, nuh uh definitely not.
1. I want to get the building on now so wizards don't have a trick that always works on us. We don't have a way to stop them from pulling the retreat to dream world then open rift trick again. How about
[] Design a blueprint
-[] A way to send Dream Eaters back.

Actually I realized that we probably won't have to worry about them pulling that trick off anywhere, but their own bases.

Consider that MS Dream Eaters exist. The idea that Wizards have their own Dream Eaters near their bases follows. This explains why the wizard vs werewolf did not end the same way.

Because the Dream Eaters were not for Wizards because of a relative lack of them in the area.

As such
I can work with your idea and hopefully get confirmation of my hypothesis (as a scientist I insist of being proper with terminology)

2. Editing in @s don't alert the person that you are tagging them.
Didn't know that last thing. Thanks!
[X] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawato ignore the Lost status)

[x] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
-[x] Dream Creatures - How to interact with and stop them

[X] Write-In
-[x] Infiltrate into the Illuminati's information network.
[X] Acquire a new base
-[X] Luján Partido Bunker
--[X] Emphasis on concealment and defense, this is going to be a facility we do not have mundanes coming to.

[x] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
-[x] Dream Creatures - How to interact with and stop them

[X] Boss Minions Around
-[X] Order 10 Spider Bots and 1 Motobug to assist with establishing Luján Partido Bunker as a new secret headquarters

[X] 3 Forging Furnaces
-[X] 29 Motobugs (to be housed at new Luján Partido Bunker base)
-[X] 3 Buzzkill (to be housed at new Luján Partido Bunker base)
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Right, so Felicia is going to be angry that they lost the one mage that got Mutated into an Cat Friend, but that is balanced out by the Cat Friend that was sent with them being alive still. Felicia is going to be babying the injured Cat Friend this turn. Dedede's bed may be confiscated for them if he doesn't keep an eye on it.

I'm interested in sending Felicia on the Espionage mission to infiltrate the Illuminati, so that leaves one action open for her. So, convince me on what to put Felicia on guys.

I'm going to hold off on building an C.A.T. room until we have an target set for capture. Though having The Cataclysm built will move the time frame up.
[X] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawato ignore the Lost status)

[x] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
-[x] Dream Creatures - How to interact with and stop them

[X] Continue work on Skillsoft blueprint
[X] Research: Upgrade Shadow Gate
[X] Design a Blueprint
-[X] Upgraded Pandora Orb
--[X] Fix Black blood gooey monster problem.

Could use a hand bringing the Shadow Gate up to spec.
[X] Go rescue Eggman

[X] 8 Forging Furnaces
-[X] 120 Spider bots.

[X] Integrate a Pandora Orb (not Black Blood)
-[X] Orichalcum V1
-[X] Time-Stop Button
-[X] Net Navi
-[X] Computerized Reality Model
-[X] Dynacap Capsule

[X] Improve the Replicator Hub.

[X] Integrate the Dynacap System with all of MAD's stuff.

Cool, get better replicators.
Thanks for warning me @Trondason, don't want the lone wolf pungently or the gm tearing his hair out.
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We'd have to keep it a touch on the downlow there though. Slight advances from our robotics and mechanics research leaking in is acceptable but we don't want to risk making Agricultron, The Robot God Of Farms And Harvests, and drawing a bunch of undue attention to ourselves.

Though obvs if we ever have like an underground bunker and we haven't somehow eliminated our need for produce to feed our minions and such by that point we should totally produce Agricultron, Robot God Of Farms And Harvests to help provide for that.
Though obvs if we ever have like an underground bunker and we haven't somehow eliminated our need for produce to feed our minions and such by that point we should totally produce Agricultron, Robot God Of Farms And Harvests to help provide for that.
Even if you had eliminated the need for food, the simple fact is that food tastes good.
It occurred to me that using the revival/zombie serum we could do something about all the casualties that resulted from the raid. I see four ways to go about this:

1. Pay us and we'll revive your loved ones- MONEY!!!
2. We've revived you so you work for us now.- We gain minions? Maybe?
3. Charity revival- We gain good will.
4. Suddenly everyone is alive again- Stealth revive everyone. Why? Reasons?

Or we could do nothing.
Action 15: Advance Understanding of Time
Roll 18 + 8(manpower) + 65(skill) = 91
Dammit Timey Wimey Stuff! And here I had a pretty fun use for you: we could use it to see if our future actions end in failure (re-roll upon fail), or just straight copy our future selves completed research (speeding up research?), or just dilate time so we got more of it!
But nooo, you had to fail.
Damn you RNG. Damn you. I'll get you yet!
Action 33: Advance Understanding of Time
Roll 52 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 19
You're further from a good understanding of time than when you began this research if anything.
Did we fail because of the increased required roll from this failed action?

[X] Go rescue Eggman (enables @Space Jawa to ignore the Lost status)
A free chance to gain some combat experience. Also I want to see literally everyone joining in and stacking their skills and making an ULTRA EPIC SUCCESS!!!

As always, I am looking for anything that can remove dice rolls from the equation (or bend it to our will).
Working in complete opposite to Improbability Drive, this device decreases the chance of any special outcomes.
While not exciting, it can prevent horrible accidents from occurring. May be empowered to fix the roll at the neutral 50.
Risk assessor
A modified version of Computerized Reality Model, it tries to find all the possible risks and their costs, as well as the chance of them happening.
You'd be surprised how inane things can cause horrible cat-astrophies. Just a few quick fixes can make your workplace much safer.
Mad Scientist BHP Manual
Try to find out what are the most common mistakes Mads are doing in their workplace, as well as give reasonable advice to prevent those.
Quick Response Rescue Squad
Is your atomizer melting down the fabric of space and time? Is your AI going rogue again? Are you regretting making your grey goo feed on information?
Fear not! The Q.R.R.S. is here! We'll make sure nothing bad happens to you nor the workplace.
Just don't blame us on any lost research or materials- our priority is safety, not finances.
Chaos Theory
Pretty straightforward- research Chaos Theory. Predicting weather, societies, combat, any volatile and complicated systems.
Project Seven
If luck is a thing, then why not try to quantify it? If a person can have varying amounts of luck, why not try to find the outliers?
This project tries to find things and people which seem to bend probability- miraculous survivors, 4-leafed clovers, cursed objects, etc.
The Moirari Quality Assessment Initiative
Ancient prophecies, tarot cards, astrology, fate... All things that decide or predict the outcome well in advance, all working outside of bounds of science as we know it.
Are they real? Can they actually predict or decide the future? Let's find out if business ventures should be left to Bulls in October...
If you think any of those inventions have any promise (or have your own- more the merrier) and wish to cooperate, I'll be willing to trade actions to anything related to computers, AI-s, and thinking stuff. Or time stuff (general or divining), if that train wreck hasn't scared you yet.
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[X] Go rescue Eggman

[X] 8 Forging Furnaces
-[X] 40 Research 3 Net Navis.
-[X] 160 Spider Bots

[X] Integrate a Pandora Orb (not Black Blood)
-[X] Orichalcum V1
-[X] Time-Stop Button
-[X] Net Navi
-[X] Computerized Reality Model
-[X] Dynacap Capsule

One of these days I will make my replicators reach their true potential. One day, that day is not today.

Thanks for warning me @Trondason, don't want the lone wolf pungently or the gm tearing his hair out.
You aren't actually voting to do anything there, they're all free actions.
Honestly, I'd have thought someone would have spotted the invisitext in Action 15 by now. It's part of a rather famous saying.
...Someone or something doesn't want us researching time, do they?

Most likely someone or a group of someones who've already researched it - probably from the future - and want to maintain a monopoly on it.

EDIT: Thinking about it, I find myself very curious to wonder what kind of an absolute mess it would be if we did acquire time travel and used it to mess with things, especially how it would affect turns that have already happened.

Not sure if it would be more or less of a mess than what I just write said would be the case if this game was more free for all Nationstate Game than Quest and everyone wasn't mandated to be on the same team.
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