ATTENTION: Due to real life difficulties and a general lack of motivation, I will be stepping down from the position of High GM. The game will still continue, as a new High GM will be elected from the playerbase during the next voting cycle. If you wish to run for High GM, say so in-thread.
Candidates should be made aware that their current character will need to permanently leave MAD in some way, as to allay concerns of Godmodding, High GMs will not be permitted to have a character.
I will be retaining co-writer status.
Action 1: Accept the Awakened Madness's offer
The dream creature responds "Excellent. I will of course be reciprocating with data on this particular plane. I wish you well."
With that, the mechanical dream dragon sends you a massive data burst, revealing the following.
-Once a Dream Creature achieves sapience, they stop acquiring new thematic elements, instead forcing their theme upon whatever dreams they may enter.
-Wizards get their powers by deliberately cultivating and fusing with a Dream Creature version of themselves.
-It's possible to bind a divergent Dream Creature to someone against their will, and the Awakened Madness has done so twice in an attempt to gain influence on the material plane.
-No, they used one of their minions for the task.
-Distance in the Dreamplane cares more about the closeness of interpersonal connections than it does about actual space.
After the transmission, the Awakened Madness goes back to working on their portal device.
Action 2: Build Counterintelligence Network
Roll 31 + 12 (manpower) + 55 (skill) = 98
You have implemented several new security measures to hopefully control the flow of information out of MAD. These security measures would be quite sufficient to deal with any normal infiltration, but it's not known how well they'll hold up to supernatural methods or time alterations.
@Shadowhisker Espionage 1 (4/5)
@EternalStruggle Espionage 0 (1/3)
@Painfulldarksoul Espionage 3 (1/9)
@s111592 Espionage 2 (1/7)
@Space Jawa Espionage 1 (1/5)
@Shadowhope Espionage 4 (4/11)
Action 3: Research Space Manipulation
Roll 90 + 8 (manpower) + 60 (skill) = 158
The progress made in the manipulation of space hearkens back to the immense progress made in the fields of robotics and nuclear fusion at the dawn of MAD; while teleportation was not unknown prior to this project, it has now been advanced to new heights; it is now easily doable to transport forces hundreds of miles by teleporter, and cycle times for teleporters included in a unit have been reduced to only needing a few seconds to charge, rather than a whole week.
Beyond teleportation, space manipulation has also allowed for the development of artificial gravity, compressed space storage, and battlefield control. It's also quite useful for weaponry, as demonstrated by a device you threw together toward the end of the week, though you haven't come up with a good name for it.
Resembling a large rectangular box about a meter square and three meters long, the device radially contracts spacetime in a straight line for about a hundred meters, crushing internal organs, rupturing pipes and blood vessels, warping functional components to the point of nonfunctionality, and completely bypassing most armor.
It's not ready for deployment yet, but the technology is highly promising.
Field Advanced: Spatial Dynamics (2 levels)
@Trondason Research 4 (6/11)
@Void Stalker Research 4 (7/11)
@Moronis Research 2 (5/7)
@Ylamona Research 3 (0/9) - Level up!
Action 4: Upgrade Net Navi - 76 + 20 (manpower) + 150 (skill) = 246
You and your assistants, Net Navis, have succeeded in improving/bootstrapping Net Navis/themselves up to greater heights of intellect or subterfuge, depending.
Net Navi Mk. 3
Skills: 4 stat points divisible between Research & Espionage.
Housing: Medium Digital
@trekbook Research 2 (3/7) -> Research 2 (4/7)
@Void Stalker Research 4 (6/11) -> Research 4 (7/11)
@Moronis Research 2 (4/7) -> Research 2 (5/7)
@Bass11 Research 4 (4/11) -> Research 4 (5/11)
Action 5: Design Fortress
Roll 17 + 8 (manpower) + 85 (skill) + 60 (fields) = 170
The design of the desired upgrades for MAD's buildings goes smoothly, producing a design that's quite capable of converting any given building it's incorporated into into a nigh-indestructible bulwark, able to lay down enough firepower to devastate an army. Even better, putting multiple fortress modules in a base can amplify its impregnability even further.
Room Blueprint gained: Fortress Module (Raises Fortification levels by 3, can stack up to +15 Fortification)
@s111592 Research 3 (1/9)
@Umi-san Research 4 (5/11)
@ConfusedPotato Research 7 (8.9/17)
@Lizard Knight Research 3 (1/9)
Action 6: Research Quantum Mechanics
Roll 51 + 6 (manpower) + 40 (skill) = 97
Quantum Mechanics is, by most measures, bizarre and difficult to comprehend. For the Mad Method, though, it's just one more field of study to conquer. By the end of the week, MAD has gained immense knowledge of how things work at the smallest of scales. It's not any good for large-scale teleportation, but unbreakable FTL comms, computing, and invisibility tech of all things will be great benefits to MAD.
Field Advanced: Quantum Mechanics
@gutza1 Research 2 (1/5) - Generic mad scientist
@EternalStruggle Research 2 (5/7)
@PurposefulZephyr Research 4 (5/11)
Action 7: Design Best Command Center - 9 + 6 (manpower) + 60 (skill) = 75
You made a hecka rad recreation room command center, built as a set of desks command stations placed in tiered, concentric arcs centered on an area with a number of sofas and a coffee machine at the bottom of the slope. Integrating a modern upgraded server room as a central server, with access/interfaces offered by video screens embedded in the wall and in sets of three in front of every command station in the room, inter-actable holograms that allow for virtual keyboards and 3-d models, this command center aids in organizing robot actions from abroad and coordinating the defense of the bunker. Relaxation-wise, every command station is equipped with an ergonomic swivel chair, and refreshments are provided by a sentient coffee/espresso machine inhabited by a Navi that's steadily developed a fetish for seeing people's reaction toward its creation, at least 15 cat beds and 5 sleeping pods, and off to the cide of the central focus a Grand Jacuzzi convertible into a pit-like area, the "Command Cozy Pile." Other pragmatic considerations come in the form of some maintenance ports for robot guards/maids, and universal translations software made more useful by a universal, direct-able surround-sound system that has such precision it renders both ear buds and ear plugs unnecessary.
+25% effectiveness to all organized movements by personnel with access to your communications, when applicable.
Reduced impact of stress.
Increased resistance toward invasion and infiltration of whichever base this C.C. is placed in.
Room provides 50 Digital Housing.
@them8 Research 2 (3/7) -> Research 2 (4/7)
@ConfusedPotato Research 7 (7.4/17) -> Research 7 (8.6/17)
@Vanestus Research 3 (1/9) -> Research 3 (2/9)
Action 8: Design Yin-Yang Shadow Crystal Fusor
Roll 72 + 4 (manpower) + 20 (skill) + 30 (Shadow Realm Lv. 3) = 126
This time, with help from a colleague, Siris Einier develops the YYSCF fully. By taking material from the shadow dimension, and combining it with crystals from the material plane, it is possible to create, oh my, it's, it's-
A really shadowy crystal. It's extraordinarily pretty and has strange shifting patterns, very unnatural, and it's also good for being cut into circles by the standards of gems, and gives off a strange dark mist. Incorporating this into a suit of armor would give the same effect as the Shadow Manipulator, you would guess.
That's about it, but it's a nice first step in researching material from that dimension. It's broadly similar to this one. That means that if you want to build stuff in the Shadow Dimension at any point, you'll actually understand what you need to and the hardships involved.
@Rotekian Research 2 (6/7)
@Hazard Research 2 (5/7)
Action 9: Upgrade Computerized Reality Model
Roll 62 + 4 (manpower) + 40 (skill) + 20 (Computing Lv. 2) = 126
The CRM is upgraded to specifications, gaining 5% accuracy. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it means the rate of error has been cut in half, and it also works just as well in more complex situations with more factors involved than the previous model could easily handle. The tentatively named CRM Mk II is available for use, although as before sill requires extensive data input to work well at all, although it's new ability to take information from networks it's connected to should help with that.
@Bass11Research 4 (5/11)
@PurposefulZephyr Research 4 (5/11)
Action 10: Install Cybernetics - 17 = Autosuccess/I refuse to hunt down and calculate the skill scores for y'all when ur literally just swallowing an orb
All of you stood in a dark, silent room around a pillar with the orbs that had been prepared for each of you. Unnerved by the orbs black silhouettes, their gleaming, glossy, malevolent surfaces and the oppressive miasma of shared embarrassment, there was a collective shuffling of feet, a plague of coughs, until brave, noble Dr. Briefs stepped forward, took his orb from the pillar, and put it in his mouth. Others followed suit and soon the room echoed with muffled gags, with thick gulps, with slurps of saliva as people alternatively enjoyed or were disgusted by the artificial strawberry flavor of the lube intended to ease the orbs' passage. At last, however, the process was finished and the room emptied.
@Void Stalker
@Lizard Knight
Action 11: Make robot Orichalcum - 38 + 4 (manpower) + 20 (skill) = 62
Aware that none of you were so eager to test out how effective the Black Blood & Angel Field combination that you would gladly be first in line to get shot at, two of your cohort took it upon themselves to convert the Orchicalcum V1 Power Suit into a robot wielding an Exotic Particle Rifle.
Exotic Particle Rifle (A smaller version of the Exotic Particle Cannon. Provides a +64% bonus in combat) & Orichalcum V1 Power Suit (+99% to combat actions) combined to make:
Skills: Combat 2, or .nsm file
Housing: Medium Robotic
Special: Has +99% to combat due to built-in equipment modifier
Special: can use other equipment too, defaulting to an Exotic Particle Rifle (By default without .nsm files this leads to a +26 combat bonus)
@theflyingbiscuit Research 2 (5/7) -> Research 2 (6/7)
@Ylamona Research 2 (6/7) -> Research 3 (0/9)
Action 12: Upgrade Eggmobile
Roll 64 + 4 (manpower) + 35 (skill) = 103
The new Eggmobile is at base a significantly superior vehicle in all respects to the original model, partially due to superior actual design and partly due to being stuffed to the gills with the best science the other members of MAD has to offer. This means it's incredibly expensive, but to Dr Robotnik cost was no object, especially since he really only wanted the one for himself.
Of course, the true triumph is the modular nature of the device. It can easily interface and take control of any larger machine or weapon pod that is designed with the Eggmobile in mind, and can just as easily remove itself from said connection if the larger vehicle is destroyed without compromising combat effectiveness or making the connection a weak point in the defensive plating.
(Eggmobile: +42% where applicable with all components accounted for)
Umi-san Research 4 (5/11)
Space Jawa Research 3 (4/9)
Action 13: expand Lujan Partido Bunker
Roll 40 + 306 (manpower) + 25 (skill) + 755 (ROBOTS!) = 1,126
Success (56)
So, it turns out that massive hordes of robots make for light work. Extremely light work. You had only really intended to add a few rooms here or there, but by the time the week is over, MAD's underground supervillain base is eight times as large as it was when you started.
New Stats for: Lujan Partido Bunker
Luján Partido Bunker
Co-ordinates: -37.48, -59.05
Size: 64
Concealment: 5
Fortification: 6
Rooms: 10 Storerooms, 10 Laboratories, 5 Workrooms, 1 Security Checkpoint, 5 Garages, 5 Heavy Garages, 4 Infirmaries, Recycler, 7 Robot Maintenance Hub, 2 Server Rooms, 10 Living Quarters
@Rotekian Operations 4 (3/11)
@Hazard Operations 1 (2/5)
Action 14: Design Perception Filter
Roll 44 + 4 (manpower) + 40 (skill) + 30 (Biology Lv. 3) = 118
Minor Failure
Well it's a technical success. A filter is designed based upon the telepathic circuit that allows one in theory to hide from others who lack the filter. It's installed on Henrietta, who proudly walks into one of MAD's laboratories and is promptly greeted by everyone in the room.
The problem, it is thought, is that communicating telepathically with a subject is by nature an obvious process, and the current model is basically telling other people's minds that they don't see it but that has about as much effect as someone stating out loud that they're invisible. That is to say it makes people more likely to look at you as opposed to less. There's probably a way around this, but as of the present it completely eludes the pair of scientists working on this project.
Shadowhisker Research 5 (6/13)
Painfulldarksoul Research 3 (3/9)
Action 15: Design Self-Regulating Server Room 87 + 4 (manpower) + 20 (skill) = 111
You successfully made a computronic bubble, only 3*e^20 below the infinitely-self-expanding array of self-replicating tiles that one you started theorizing about when you drank out of the wrong beaker.
Server Room: Provides 50 Housing for Digital Minions ONLY.
Special: Increased defense vs. communications hijacking.
Special: Self-contained power supply, transmissions system, and relatively small size allows it to be placed in unusual areas. Use your imagination.
@Trondason Research 4 (5/11) -> Research 4 (6/11)
@Revya Alt.Zero Research 3 -> Research 3 (1/9)
Action 16: Acquire Alien Corpse
Roll 26 +
FUBAR (Combat-only minions sent on espionage mission! Brace for
Painful Success
So, the original plan for getting the alien corpse was to have Felicia bullshit the Illuminati into handing it over. This, to put it quite bluntly, lasted about five minutes before a force of Buzzkills and Motobugs attacked the Illuminati presence in the area. Felicia and Hermann managed to abscond with the alien in the chaos, but you're pretty sure that not only have the Illuminati snagged the ccouple of Buzzkills they downed for reverse engineering, but they've also got a concrete lead on the fact that you're operating out of the Pilar Office Building.
@Shadowhope Espionage 4 (4/11)
@Lizard Knight Espionage 1 (1/5)
Action 17: Manufacture Battlebots
Roll 19 + 2 (manpower) + 10 (skill) = 31
You make a battlebot. Singular. You make it by yourself and you make it despite constant interruptions and issues, so you're proud enough. Still, that's another added to the pile, which is sizable indeed considering your manufacturing capacity. Ideally you shouldn't have to make a non-autonomous robot again personally, you have people for that.
Action 18: Dig out new rooms in bunker, make them even mix of Rooms for Bio-minions, Server Rooms, Robot Maintenance Hubs, and Replicator Hubs - 46 + 284 (manpower) + 725 (skill) = 1045
Epic Success (brute forced). 1045/20 = 52/4 = 13 units per room category.
You and your robots have successfully added the following to the Mine:
13 Living Rooms
13 Server Rooms
13 Maintenance Hubs
13 Replicator Hubs
@them8 Operations 5 (3/13) -> Operations (5/13)
Action 19: Upgrade Forging Furnace
Roll 22 + 2 (manpower) + 10 (skill) - 50 (Lone Wolf) = -16
This doesn't work very well. You honestly have no idea what to do to upgrade the Forging Furnace. It's a simple design, but apparently impenetrable. Except it's not, there's nothing wrong with the design, just your ability to work on it. You end up achieving something, in that you create an FF that can transmute matter in an area, and it transmutes part of your body into sand along with itself. You'd definitely call that back to square one.
Injured for two turns.
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 20: Expand/Modify an existing base Expand Mines A few Recyclers, for ore processing Even mix of Server Rooms and Robot Maintenance Hubs Dig out new rooms as needed - 90 + 202 (manpower) + 510 (skill) = 802
Epic Success (genuine). 802/20 = 40/3 = 13 units per room category.
You and your workers have successfully added the following to the Mine on top of the rooms added by the robots:
14 Recyclers
13 Server Rooms
13 Robot Maintenance Hubs
@trekbook Operations 5 (3/13) -> Operations (5/13) (you two really had exactly the same operations score...)
EVENT: The Veil Comes Down
This week, something odd happens. There's a fight between two groups of Mages... and the Illuminati doesn't bother to cover it up. This pattern continues, and soon, the fact that the supernatural is a thing is blatant common knowledge. After that, thing happen very fast.
The Argentine government rapidly begins trying to recrruit wizards and werewolves into the security apparatus and armed forces, and in the case of wizards begins looking into how they gt their magical talents. Several of the more aggressive groups of Wizards, Werewolves, and Vampires find themselves the victim of late-night raids by the mundane authorities, with things usually not ending well for either party.
Several unaffiliated Mad Scientists come crawling out of the woodwork too, either being snapped up by one of the Mad Scientist groups in the area, willingly joining up with the local authorities in search of grant money, or trying and failing to claim their own little fiefdoms before either getting gunned down by sheer numbers or captured.
Throughout this all, the Illuminati has managed to keep its own presence a secret to even the vast majority of supernaturals, continuing their methodology of quietly manipulating events from the shadows. Though at the moment it seems like they're an organization without much of a goal, really.
CRM WARNING: The Illuminati is going to attack the Pilar Office Building in a week's time!
Illuminati Report
Recent Happenings
-That FUBAR'd mission with the buzzkills
-The alien activity on Earth is growing distinctly more frantic, wih several noted firefights between infiltrators from the two interstellar empires involved. Since they've been using mundane firearms while on Earth to blend in, the Illuminati doesn't give a shit
-One of the aliens from the Conglomeration was recently turned by a Vampire. The Illuminati acted quickly to eliminate both individuals.
-More cultists popped up in the countryside surrounding Buenos Aires. Got a face-to-face encounter with the Argentine Army.
-Several Wizards have been abducted and taken offworld.
-The Illuminati has spotted the Lunar Rangers getting involved in a fleet action against the Empire. The numbers ratio was 3:1 in favor of the Lunar Rangers, and they scored a phyrric victory, losing most of their space forces.
-The Illuminati is now actively searching for and forcibly recruiting unaffiliated Mad Scientists and Wizards.
Credit to my wonderful co-GMs,
@ConfusedPotato @EternalStruggle @Umi-san
Each Character receives
-1 General action (can be any type)
-1 Research action (must be research)
-any number of free actions
Please be aware that taking part in an action without another player participating results in severe penalties.
[] Run for High GM
[] Vote for someone
-[] Who?
[] Attack the Illuminati first
[] Fortify the base
[] Evacuate
[] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business
[] Boss Minions Around
[] Install Pandora Orb/Integrate Blueprints
[] Design a blueprint
-[] Details?
[] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[] Details?
[] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
[] Hire Minions
-[] Details
[] BUILD Minions
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Acquire a new base
-[] Details?
[] Expand/Modify an existing base
-[] Details?
[] Manufacture Equipment
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Start a Front Business
-[] Details?
[] Acquire Other Funding
-[] Details?
[] Search for suspicious activity
[] Write-In
[] Suppress an ill-advised action
[] Write-In
[] Research Training
[] Operations Training
[] Espionage Training
[] Combat Training