Fools, We Will Destroy You All! ...After We Save The World! (Mad Scientist Riot Quest)(RECRUITING!)

How Should Minions Be Capped?

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[X] Research
-[X] Improve Replicators
--[X] Integrate that telekinesis effector so that they can better move themselves and manipulate their surroundings. Quantum comunicators allowing for greater coordination between them. And Matter transmutation to turn junk matter into the desired components.

Cool, I'm on it. @I just write, can we research the commanders matter to energy processing? Like mine matter from a farther away place, and have it available everywhere that is connected to the network.
Basically, if you can somehow justify it as some kind of non-magical technology, you can theoretically build it. This even applies to time travel, if you can figure out a way around the time travellers who really do not want you researching time travel.
@I just write, what exactly is a High GM and what do they do?
Hold, on, I'll go get the Succession plans out of the PM...

So, it's looking more and more likely that I'll need to pass this game to someone else, even if not immediately.

To that end, here are plans for this game undergoing succession, which can be initiated in the following circumstances.
1: I fall completely out of contact for two weeks.
2: I call for the succession plan to be initiated.

When succession is initiated, an election for the position of high GM is to be held among the playerbase, lasting one update cycle. Once this is completed, the following things happen.

1: the new High GM gets their character permakilled and is banned from making a new PC to prevent godmodding. All candidates shall be informed of this clause before the election.

2: The new High GM shall be invited to this PM thread.

3: The new High GM makes a new thread to continue the game in, allowing them to use threadmarks. The OP shall contain the most up-to-date info block, a link to the previous thread, and a brief summary of the story thus far.

After this, the new High GM will have top level lore authority as long as they don't conflict with previously established canon. I would like to retain my status as a co-GM if possible.
That was partially an excuse. I was just really tired w/ life when writing. I assume one would probably treat recyclers in a multiplicative rather than additive way. 35% w/ 1 -> 47% w/ 2 and so forth, reducing as more are added. (i.e., .35^2 = .1225; .35^3 = .0429)

R.e. mine output, you could petition for it to be de-abstracted; I think I would place it ~100, as exhausted or for-some-reason-unworked, non-diamond mines are likely less profitable than, say, even a branch of Monsanto. I think its income has been abstracted because dealing with #'s is irritating and the fun of a mad scientist quest is seeing what ideas people come up with, not their plans and administrative skill.


Action 13: expand Lujan Partido Bunker
Roll 40 + 306 (manpower) + 25 (skill) + 755 (ROBOTS!) = 1,126
Success (56)

So, it turns out that massive hordes of robots make for light work. Extremely light work. You had only really intended to add a few rooms here or there, but by the time the week is over, MAD's underground supervillain base is eight times as large as it was when you started.

New Stats for: Lujan Partido Bunker
Luján Partido Bunker
Co-ordinates: -37.48, -59.05
Size: 64
Concealment: 5
Fortification: 6
Rooms: 10 Storerooms, 10 Laboratories, 5 Workrooms, 1 Security Checkpoint, 5 Garages, 5 Heavy Garages, 4 Infirmaries, Recycler, 7 Robot Maintenance Hub, 2 Server Rooms, 10 Living Quarters
This looks like the better arrangement to me. The main difference would be that if @them8 is included the skill bonus is +25 and manpower +2. Meaning that the end total is 1,153. 1153/20 = 57.6. So you'd get ~2 more rooms than prior.
Edit: Oh, you said "those aren't the rooms we meant to build." Hmm. True. There isn't an even balance of server rooms and living quarters, for one. Maybe suggest a satisfactory resolution? If you're willing to wait I'll be back in ~7 hours and can work out something then.
That sounds like a good way to handle stacking, assuming they can just keep stacking infinitely. If they stacked the way you describe, then by Recycler 14, we'd only be paying 0.24% normal.
However, I would not be surprised if there was a limit to stacking. After all, all it does is purify material we put in. We would still need the materials to put in, so while we can get a bit more resourceful on where we get stuff (the 35% discount), we still need to get stuff.

I'm fine with Funds being abstracted, it does make some things easier. I'm just saying, in order for higher-version rooms to have a price difference from lower-version ones, we'd need those prices to be unabstracted.
Though, that is a question. The server rooms I just built, are they normal server rooms, or are they the upgraded versions we just researched? Net Navis are being automatically updated everytime we make better ones, I don't know how that works with rooms, especially rooms built at the same time as their improvement is made.

We don't really have any reason to build Storerooms, nor need for more than 1 or 2 work-rooms (most of our production is handled by our facilities, than by hand), and those Garages can wait till later when we have something we actually want to put in them.
Maybe something like 10 Laboratories, 2 Workrooms, 1 Security Checkpoint, 1 Garage, 1 Heavy Garage, 4 Infirmaries, Recycler, 14 Server Rooms, 13 Robot Hubs, and 13 Living Quarters.
I'm completely willing to wait. I understand having other stuff going on, I myself only just got back from work.

Now, for everyone else. I question whether we really should just abandon the front company. I mean, we have the resources to make that place an impregnable fortress, especially through the use of Fortress. We could just fight off anything they throw at us.

Also, someone should probably go reclaim our Buzzkill. They aren't allowed to have our shit.
@I just write How do the Illuminati report to their higher ups? Do they only do it every so often? Can we intercept the report about us?
Well, it's certainly a plan that's technically legal. Still, dreamselves need to be deliberately cultivated via lucid dreaming, and that generally takes a couple months.
Just want to make contact with it first.

Then I will work on cultivating it.

I am possibly going to see if I can figure out how to feed my dreamself other dream creatures and the like.

It seems like it will be fun.
Just want to make contact with it first.

Then I will work on cultivating it.

I am possibly going to see if I can figure out how to feed my deamself other dream creatures and the like.

It seems like it will be fun.
No, you don't understand. At the moment, you don't have a dreamself. It's not something that's just there by default.
I will be fine with being the High GM if I am nominated into the position. Please note that if I am nominated into the position there will be minor changes to some of the stats/rules as I wrangle the current mess into something I can work with.
Reiterating some potential actions if anyone is interested in picking up on them:

[] Rage Field
-[] An energy field that creates in a biological being an irrational feeling of hatred towards everything within it's area of effect, driving them to attack anyone and everything near them with ceaseless RAGE so long as the field persists.

[] Planetary Defense Shield
-[] A massive energy shield capable of defending a planetary surface from orbital attack.

[] Planetary Anti-Orbital Egg Doom Cannon
-[] A large scale death-ray emplacement capable of shooting targets out of orbit, primarily large-scale hostiles.

On top of that, I'm thinking the potential of:

[] Start a Front Business
-[] Starcorp - Ostensibly a Space Exploration and Research company; mostly intended to provide MAD with cover for any future extra-planetary expansion or operations they choose to get involved in.

Also, someone should probably go reclaim our Buzzkill. They aren't allowed to have our shit.

I'd volunteer to help with that, but unfortunately I'm still injured.

I will, however, allow someone to borrow my new Eggmobile if they can put together a viable non-Lone Wolf plan to go recover our stolen robots.
I'd volunteer to help with that, but unfortunately I'm still injured.
Just send Metal Eggman. We got Battlebots, why not use them?

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Integrateable Teleporter
We got the tech now, someone just needs to make it. Before you know it, everything we have can be anywhere at anytime.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Spatial Smasher
This is a really useful weapon since it can ignore most types of armor.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Space Jumper
A more complex version of the Spatial Smasher, meant for getting around rather than simply smashing stuff. Shorten a city block to a single step, or reverse it and keep the person from ever getting close. Think Vista from Worm.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Aimbot
A rather straightforward bit of tech, a component that can be worked into any weapon with minimal adjustments to allow near perfect accuracy

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Bottomless Magazine
Another straightforward bit of tech. With space compression, we can fit a TON of bullets into one clip. Heck, we could make a system allowing for multiple TYPES of bullets. And if you can fit in a transmutation system along with a teleporter to grab raw resources from the air/earth/literally anywhere, it can become actually bottomless.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] POKEBall
Described earlier, it'd be the premier tool for capturing targets alive.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Quantum Communicators
Another straightforward bit of tech allows for instant communication between points regardless of any interference or such. Depending on how small it is, we can even slot it into computers to remove most of the wires in a computer.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] StratNet
A piece of software that can work both for an individual, and a group. Using various sensors and what not, it produces a HUD that tags enemies, generate maps, generates firing solutions (linking to Aimbot), and provides all sorts of useful information. When multiple people have it, it links them together, sharing data and what not. It automatically takes over commanding robotic minions, maneuvering them in ways to best support us and achieve our goals.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] All Seeing Eye
A wide combination of sensors to pick up and correlate all data possible. Picks ups Sonar, Infrared, Visible Light, X-Ray, Magnetics, Gravity, Dimensional fluctuations, everything. None can hide from the All-Seeing Eye, and as such should tag all targets of interest through most possible intervening materials.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Dimensional Cannon
A component, rather than an actual weapon. Its main purpose is to dimensionally shift our attacks as is needed, something we know we can do to hit Dream Creatures and what not. Can probably be fused with Aimbot.

[] Create Blueprint
For when you want to go out with a bang, but aren't certain ahead of time how big you want the bang. An adjustable miniature fusion bomb, who's effective payload can be set to whatever you want and detonated. Meant as a Self-destruct device.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Fusion Bullets
We've been able to fit fusion warheads into bullets for a long time now, someone might as well go ahead and do that.

[] Create Blueprint
-[] Psychic Jammer
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They are just ones I came up with right now. More realistic options than those pie in the sky ideas of flying cat-skull space ship island bases, and a lot more immediately beneficial.
>mad scientist
the cat-skull space ship island base sounds cool
personally still leaning toward spaceships controlled by agonistic dust colonies and powered by exotic-matter producing organic spacedrives, but it does have a certain harkening back to the arcade days of gaming
Another potential action:

[] Recruit unaffiliated Mad Scientists to MAD on the basis of offering them refuge and protection from The Illuminati

My preliminary plan layout...

[] Vote for someone
-[] (Will vote for someone once I know who's game for it)

[] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business
-[] Rig the building to self-destruct so that it blows up after the Illuminati agents are inside and takes both them and all the evidence with it
--[] Be sure to make it look like an accident; a gas leak or something like that.

[] Make a point of not being present at the Pilar Office Building this week.

[] Create a Blueprint
-[] Warren, an organism-agnostic room that creates and counters the cost of minions at the same rate as a Replicator hub until its currency pool is fully tapped out. If the space supply is capped before the currency, the remaining currency can be used akin to the Forging Furnace. tldr, it's the GOCM but bigger & cooler. Ideally it's created by planting a tree which then digs out a cavern underground, creating (glowing) capsules filled with a goo which are accessible by a narrow passage. These cells create creatures and nourish and heal those which sleep inside of them, offering a full rest within two hours and a full restore within a week. Function example: Create an Empty Warren, Warren spends 80 (or whatever) virtual currency on creating minions. The next turn, it spends 80-upkeep cost of existing minions on creating minions. The next turn it... Until its currency supply is fully occupied. It needs to be told what to make (to save effort).

[] Action TBD

[] Boss Minions Around
-[] Order 10 Spider Bots and 30 Motobugs to Expand Lujan Partido Bunker
--[] Build Labs, Store Rooms, Time Lock Chambers, C.A.T.s, Best Command Center, and Fortress Modules. Emphasis on BCC and Fortress Module.

[] Install Pandora Orb
[] Integrate Blueprints
-[] Orichalcum V1 Power Suit
-[] Personal Dimension Phaser
-[] L.E.A.R.N.E.R.
-[] Angelfield 2.3.7
-[] I.M.P.

Do I need to worry about incorporating a power source or should I be good on that front?

Just send Metal Eggman. We got Battlebots, why not use them?


Do you mean send a Battlebot in my place?

Am I allowed to do that if Injured?
>mad scientist
the cat-skull space ship island base sounds cool
personally still leaning toward spaceships controlled by agonistic dust colonies and powered by exotic-matter producing organic spacedrives, but it does have a certain harkening back to the arcade days of gaming
Realistic in that we can probably make it right now with the tech we currently have.

I could make it into a master list I guess if you got some ideas to throw into the list.

Do you mean send a Battlebot in my place?

Am I allowed to do that if Injured?
I don't see why not. After all, they are made to send into battle in our place so we don't risk our lives.
I don't see why not. After all, they are made to send into battle in our place so we don't risk our lives.

I'm down for leading contributing to a mission to recover our Buzzkill if I can get GM approval on that and anyone is willing to back me up.

Anyone want to help, both with the attack and figuring out where they took our Buzzkill?

And we'll probably want to work out numbers for support units based on what we're willing to contribute to that mission and what we want to keep in reserve.
Confirmed, sending a remote-operated battlebot allows participation in combat while injured. That said, it's not like you actually get any additional skills or bonuses from one.
I'm down for leading contributing to a mission to recover our Buzzkill if I can get GM approval on that and anyone is willing to back me up.

Anyone want to help, both with the attack and figuring out where they took our Buzzkill?

And we'll probably want to work out numbers for support units based on what we're willing to contribute to that mission and what we want to keep in reserve.
I'm willing to contribute in the "Give you a giant hoard of robots (a number of which are bug-themed) to command" sense.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Anglefield 1.7.2 - Projects a series of forcefields around the user which passively sequentially redirect projectiles back at the source or around the user and can be actively shaped so as to direct projectiles (or sound, or light) originating from the user around corners. This effect can also be used to generate lift through a helicopter effect, a halo-esque visual artifact, and "wing"-shaped forcefields capable of slicing through steel embedded with carbon nanofiber.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Utility Fog - a cloud of nanobots, this fog can create and disperse electromagnetic effects; alter, disperse, condense matter given time; and store information and intelligences so as to act as an exomind for its wearer. These abilities allow for unparalleled assistance and protection from both directed effects and the environment.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Shishi/Kitsune - A dual variant dog-cat-fox hybrid animal intended for use in war and espionage. The larger variant, shishi, is intended to be easily mistaken for asian dog variants and possesses a thick protective layer of fur, hide, and fat, as well as a group orientation, a tendency to feel protective toward "pack," and obedience for their creator (cough Krista cough). The smaller version, kitsune, is intended to be mistaken for regular foxes and possesses a keen mind, eyes, and ears. Its coat is mottled so as to fit in with its surrounding environment and is shed and replaced by appropriately colored hairs in order to do so. Both of the aforementioned are equipped with telepathic circuits so as to allow for the formation of a group-mind, the transmission of silent and complex plans, and - in the case of the kitsune - the projection of misleading images and sensations.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Chenzeme Philosopher Cell - A spore-based organism, each cell is an individual intelligence that creates plans, retains libraries of information, and shares these plans with its neighbors in order to come to an overarching agreement. An agreement which is then communicated to the host or nearby organisms and other colonies through the dispersal of highly varied, unique pheromones and microbes. In effect, the Philosopher Cell is a highly portable and high-powered computronic minds that are immune to EMP and largely immune to other sources of damage - i.e., gunshots are ineffectual, viruses inferior, only significant sources of heat and radiation have any effect.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Chenzeme Spaceship - A complex and internally heterogenous spaceship directed by the Philosopher Cells, this ship is made up of two separate parts. A "hardware" part that creates guns, shifts mass around, stores and processes information too complex to be contained by a philosopher cell - thus acting as a computer for computers. And an "engine" part that consists of incomprehensible colonies of organisms creating exotic matter which, upon contact with a specific wavelength of light, decays, creating significantly more energy than required to originally create it. Such energy can be used to propel the ship and release immensely powerful beams of light that can be as strong as planet killers and as weak as signal lasers; as focused as an engraver and as dispersed as an EMP shockwave.
[] Create Blueprint
-[] Prophet - An altered humanoid form, this entity is intimately familiar with adapting to societies around them and establishing benevolent communion. It constantly sheds beguiling pheromones and complex molecules - some of which establish a symbio-parasitic organism rooted inextricably, ineradicably, in the target nervous system. The resulting structure allows for the other molecules shed by the Prophet and similarly affected individuals to alter emotions and instill ideas, allowing for the creation of a transcendent society that skyrockets in technology and happiness as the fires of rebellion and dissent gutter without fuel. More pragmatically, the goals and loyalties of the Prophet can be set on creation and it, and its followers, will obey them without even knowing they are.
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OMAKE: Illuminati Shenanigans
[] Remove all the mad science stuff from that building and make it look like a normal front business
"Base camp, this is scrying beetle, over."
"What is it, scrying beetle?"
"Target Delta, seems to be up to something."
"Please inform."
"Please advise, Target seems to be offloading their tech to trucks."
"Roger, what are the plates?"
"****D4, ****R7, and ****56."
"Roger, how is the loading going?"
"****D4 seems to be about to drive off. The others have not been started yet."
"Copy that,"
"Truck is driving off."
"...North, repeat truck is driving north.
"Copy that, keep us informed, base camp out."

"Base camp to fluttering pigeon."
"Flustering pigeon here."
"A white truck license plate ****D4 is heading north. Tail it."

"Base camp to screaming boar are you in position?"
"Are in position."
"A white truck, license plate ****R7 should pass by here in 2 minutes. Stop and engage the truck, your goal is it's contents."
"Roger base camp. Over and out." The channel go's dead.
"Get ready, men."

"Allied forces have engaged. Wait for reinforcements to depart then secure and evac truck ****56 from their base, terror turtle. "
"Aye aye, base camp, over and out."
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