NOTE: The DC for improving a Field is 60* that field's next level. DC for an Epic Success on such an action is double that of normal success.
Action 1: Design Power Armor
Roll 53 + 12(manpower) + 85 (skill) = 150
Given the rather nasty threats that are apparently out there, going into battle without some sort of protection is immensely stupid. Thus, half a dozen of M.A.D.'s more martially inclined members team up to design a suit of powered armor that will allow the wearer to go toe-to-toe with any of the supernatural nasties that might be out there. They succeed beyond their wildest dreams.
The result is the Orichalcum V1 combat suit, able to take any bullet short of an APFSDS round from an M1 Abrams without even flinching courtesy of its Diamond Silk composition and bubble shield, flight-capable due to the inclusion of Movement Skates and Hyper-Rotating Plasma Engines in the boots, and in each forearm it mounts an integrated Buster Pistol and Lightning Gun. It's also fully environmentally sealed, protecting the user from all sorts of environmental hazards.
Though its integrated weaponry will never be as powerful as a dedicated longarm simply due to size constraints, this set of powered armor still can easily turn the wearer into a formidable combatant. Especially when you account for the specially-designed fusion micro-reactors that are being used to power the suit.
(1 Orichalcum V1 Power Suit Constructed!)
(Blueprint Created: Orichalcum V1 Power Suit {+99% Combat})
@Ylamona Research (2/7)
@Megaolix Research (3/7)
@Happerry Research 3/11)
@EternalStruggle Research (1/7)
@Moronis Research (2/7)
@jaiveer00 Research (2/13)
Action 2: Advance Understanding of Biology
Roll 27 + 16 (manpower) + 155 (skill) + 34 (equipment) = 232
As it turns out, the more you advance your understanding of something, the more complex the subject becomes. While last week you easily advanced your ability to warp the fabric of life itself by what to mere mortals would surely be decades of progress, this week brings significantly more slow going. Make no mistake, you still made loads of progress, but nowhere near as much as last week.
Field Advanced: Biology (level 3)
@rolling-the-dice Research 4 (3/11)
@Shadowhisker Research 5 (2/13)
@Shadowhope Research 2 (2/7)
@ConfusedPotato Research 7 (???/17)
@OneArmedYeti Research 2 (1/7)
@Entropy Engineer Research 7 (3/17)
@Theaxofwar Research 4 (1/11)
Action 3: Open Software Branch to Fairweather Agricultural Supplies
Roll 42 + 10 (manpower) + 65 (skill) = 117
Meanwhile, Fairweather Agricultural has expanded to also produce all sorts of farm-relevant software products, such as extremely accurate weather forecasting algorithms and crop growth monitoring software. This has expanded its profit margin significantly, especially with its previous products finding a wider customer base than before.
(Fairweather Agricultural Supplies increases Income to 600)
@Bass11 Operations 3 (2/9)
@trekbook Operations 5 (1/13)
@PurposefulZephyr Operations 3 (1/9)
@dunk1010 Operations 2 (1/7)
@EternalStruggle Operations 0 (1/3)
Action 4: Design
Roll 52 + 8 (manpower) + 45 (skill) = 105
While it may seem foolish to name the network connecting all your robots together after one of the most prominent genocidal AI in fiction, that's not enough of a reason to not do it. After a bit of work (and much chatter from Norm), the job is done, enabling all your various bots to easily network together and amplify their effectiveness. That said, while networked like that they're more vulnerable to subversion attempts... Which is why 'network mode' comes with an emergency shutdown in case hacking attempts are discovered.
{All Robot Minions equipped with Netwrok Mode, which boosts effectiveness by 20%.}
@them8 Research 2 (1/7)
@Hazard Research 2 (2/7)
@Daskter Research 3 (1/9)
@FrenziedGlint Research 2 (1/7)
Action 5: Search For Suspicious Activity
Roll 85 + 8 (manpower) + 60 (skill) = 153
This... this is ridiculous. How in the world did these things evade the notice of the
mundane scientific community for so long, let alone the mad scientist community? Anyway, this week you did the smart thing and kept a watch on the movements of the supernaturals you already knew about, trying to see who they interacted with.
Just this week, you've found
-Two more groups of wizards; one connected with the Atlantean Inheritors, another acting on behalf of the Neo-Aztec Council. These two groups are at each other's throats constantly, only kept from active warfare by intermediation from the Arcane Society of Merlin.
-Half a dozen unaffiliated mages in and around Buenos Aires
-Three packs of werewolves, all of which hate each other
-A dozen or so more unaffiliated specimens, all of which hate each other
-Five nests of vampires, all of which hate each other, but they hate the Werewolves
-Exactly two unaffiliated vampires, encountered walking around in broad daylight without much issue.
-One alien infiltrator (identified by the wrong-colored blood they oozed everywhere after getting hit by a car; survival unlikely)
-Two more Illuminati cells.
You also spotted what you're pretty sure is an alien spaceship either exiting or entering hyperspace when all the dimensional sensors on-site pinged simultaneously in the direction of Tau Ceti.
You have located a nearby branch of Mad Scientists United. It is three members strong, and situated right in the middle of Buenos Aries.
@Megaolix Espionage 1 (1/5)
@Moronis Espionage 3 (2/9)
@theflyingbiscuit Espionage 3 (2/9)
@OneArmedYeti Espionage 5 (1/13)
Action 6: Design Marble Reactor
Roll 48 + 6 (manpower) + 45 (skill) + 13 (equipment) = 112
So, turns out that a shrink ray is really useful for designing miniaturized components. You were having some trouble getting all the parts for the thing to fit, until Marie suggested just building a full-scale reactor and zapping it with the Shrink-Inator until it was the right size. That... didn't quite work, but it at least put you on the right track and made the design process a bit easier. By the end of the week, you deliver a working reactor of the required parameters to the power armor team right on schedule.
Component Blueprint: Marble Reactor {when integrated into a design that needs a compact power source, increases effectiveness by 30%}
@Rotekian Research 2 (3/7)
@Void Stalker Research 4 (2/11)
@BBBence1111 Research 3 (1/9)
Action 7: Study Dream Creatures
Roll 4 + 6 (manpower) + 55 (skill) + 10 (equipment) = 75
Turns out, Dream Creatures are really weird; you didn't manage to catch any on account of not currently being able to reach the plane they exist on, but with the recent improvements to dimensional sensor technology, you at least manage a good look at a few of them.
Based on what you saw, you can come to a few conclusions.
1: Dream Creatures are just that; characters spawned in dreams that persist once the dream is over.
2: After spawning, Dream Creatures tend to twist to fit the minds of those near their corresponding location in the dreamplane.
3: The Dream Creatures in and around M.A.D. HQ (and presumably any other large group of mad scientists) mutate to fit common Sparky thought patterns, with lots of maniacal laughter, bizarre experimentation, and other such things.
4: Groups of Mad Scientists are detectable even without doing anything by observing the characteristics and behavior of the local Dream Creature population.
This, of course, requires further study.
@rolling-the-dice Research 4 (4/11)
@Shadowhisker Research 5 (3/13)
@theflyingbiscuit Research 2 (2/7)
Action 8: Design Upgraded Net Navi
Roll 23 + 8 (manpower) + 55 (skill) = 86
Painful Success
It was rather unexpected that Albert's Navi decided without prompting to involve themselves in the project to produce an upgraded version of Net Navi, but no-one really complained about it. With the AI's help, progress happened rapidly... but there was a bit of a hiccup. Namely that said Navi immediately tried to recompile themselves into the new version, not only causing themselves severe code corruption in the process, but also corrupting a lot of the software elsewhere in the base's network as collateral damage. This'll take some time to fix.
MK 2. Navi: Has 3 skill ranks to distribute between Research and Espionage
Starting Navi is DECEASED.
All computer-related Research or Espionage actions are at a -15 malus until the network is repaired.
@Bass11 Research 4 (2/11)
@trekbook Research 2 (1/7)
@PurposefulZephyr Research 4 (1/11)
Action 10: Advance Understanding of Fusion
Roll 88 + 4 (manpower) + 30 (Skill) = 122
You have further improved M.A.D.'s grasp of nuclear fusion. At this point you're pretty sure you could scale down those fusion thrusters you designed to the size of a pinhead, and fit fusion warheads inside of bullets. Still, it'll take a lot more work on the subject to advance further. This week's progress showed significant signs of slowing down, compared to last week.
Fusion advanced to level 2!
@Rotekian Research 2 (4/7)
@Void Stalker Research 4 (3/11)
Action 11: Combat Training
Roll 1 + 2 (manpower) + 20 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = -27
You would like to say you looked like a complete fool practicing your skills in an empty room between research sessions. That would be generous. Instead, that was just the beginning of your humiliation. After a while of frustratingly little progress, one of the interns walked in, and you decided to take out your frustration on him. Nothing to wound the soul of course, you just planned to flip him over and lock him in a grab. It would be startling for sure, but it wouldn't hurt him and it would relieve you.
That was the plan. Instead, when you went for him, he lashed out and broke a bone of yours in a panic. You just got wounded by your own intern. Within seconds you were lying face down, wondering what could have led to this. Fortunately he wasn't strong enough to severely wound you, which compounded with the fact it was a random flailing of arms meant that you'd only be recuperating for a short while. Still, you've made
absolutely certain nobody knows about this... incident. The intern can stay, as long as he speaks not a word of this to your colleagues.
Maybe the worst part is that he didn't even know any martial arts.
None (Lone Wolf)
D. D. Spectator is
Injured for one turn.
Action 12: Design Dryad
Roll 69 + 2 (manpower) + 20 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 41
Painful Success
The Dryad project gave results, but it's not what you'd call a success. There are several flaws with the design that make it less than optimal, although it could be worse. The creatures have highly limited intelligence compared to your initial goal, and while their lack of sleep and nutrient absorption systems work perfectly fine, the result is a being that is very obviously
off even from a distance, so not only do they lack espionage skill they're about as subtle as any robotic minion. Still, you'll take what you can get, even if the Dryads will need further upgrades to become useful compared to the machine-men being designed and made by your colleagues.
(Dryad: Research 1, Operations 1, Cost 2, Pay 0.5, requires housing and an incubation time of two turns.)
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 13: Advance Understanding of Chemistry
Roll 6 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = -27
Angered from your failed attempt at combat training, you move back to trying to better learn the secrets of chemistry. Unfortunately, chemistry in the hands of a mad scientist usually ends in explosions. By forgetting this key role, you injure yourself even further when what
should have been a stable compound blew up in your face, because when you're so far above normal chemistry these things just happen. Luckily, it was a small amount of the compound and wasn't meant to explode in the first place, so it didn't explode very much, which is actually bad since because that means it can't be used as a dedicated explosive. Anyway, it was just some admittedly very high velocity glass shards, so you should be patched up shortly, but this still adds yet further time to your bedrest. You hope there's no requests to fight in the near future. At least you didn't mess up like this while trying to make a dedicated explosive, you'd have been blown to smithereens.
None (Lone Wolf)
D. D. Spectator is
Injured for a second turn.
Action 14: Upgraded Motobug
Roll 25 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = -8
You are deeply confounded over the situation you find yourself in. The Motobug is a noble and valiant design, but for some reason it just isn't suitable for upgrading. You're not sure what you missed, but whenever you try to alter the design the whole thing falls apart. It's an incredibly unstable equilibrium, and you're not sure whether you're more surprised that it works at all or more annoyed that you made such a confusing and in hindsight flawed design.
(Motobug design is revealed as extremely difficult to upgrade or alter in any way.)
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 15: Buy Mine Site
Roll 23 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = -10
As it turns out, buying a mining site is more difficult than you previously expected. The local government is being almost obstructionist in how it throws more and more increasingly obscure forms and costs your way and you can't power through it with the cash on hand. You're concerned for a while that this is related to the failed espionage attempt, but looking into the matter a little further reveals it to be more a case of heavy pressure from environmentalist groups to not let a mine through at any costs. You didn't even know the governments in this region could be swayed by those kinds of groups, but apparently they can. The fact this group is heavily armed probably has something to do with it. At least the mine site is good, and you should be able to power through the red tape. You'll just need a
lot of cash.
(-50 Funds, 200 more Funds required to get permits and construct basic mining operation.)
(1 mine site available, rich in copper and iron with some other metals as well.)
(Mine may be raided by environmentalist group if purchased.)
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 16: Design skill download files
Roll 77 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 44
Minor Failure
Well, it's
possible, that's for sure. Unfortunately, skillsofts are difficult. As it turns out they are
very difficult, even for such an esteemed scientist as yourself. It's difficult to extract the knowledge and almost as difficult to put it in someone else without adverse side effects. Working alone, you just can't seem to puzzle it out. Still, no progress yet isn't much of a detriment, you just need more colleagues and you're certain you'll be able to pull this off with a bit of time. Although you will effectively be starting from square one even then.
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 17: Operations Training
Roll 70 + 2 (manpower) + 20 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 42
Minor Failure
You sat in a room for several hours doing paperwork. Unfortunately for you, doing that by yourself is not conducive to sharpening your skills when you are already a highly qualified administrator. On the bright side, you are now fully on top of all your taxes, and didn't embarrass yourself, so you still consider this a net gain.
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 18: Spiderbot Mk. 2
Roll 69 + 4 (manpower) + 20 (skill) = 93
As it turns out, upscaling Spiderbot designs is pretty straightforward. In pretty short order, a much larger Spiderbot is designed, about the size of a human. Even better, its arms are configured properly to use handheld equipment, meaning that in a pinch it could grab a death ray and help defend the base, though it's really not designed to do that.
Medium Spiderbot: +8 to any Operations action it's involved in. Can use handheld equipment.
@Shadowhope Research 2 (3/7)
@Phasehand Research 2 (2/7)
Action 19: Advance Understanding of Robotics
Roll 62 + 12 (manpower) + 115 (skill) = 189
Another group of MAD's members continues to explore greater and grander ways to develop improved robots, making significant progress. This especially applies to Doofenshmirtz, who puts so much effort into the engineering project that they didn't have time for other projects. By the end of the week, you're certain you could build machines stronger, faster, smarter, and overall, four times as good as you could when M.A.D. first formed.
Robotics advanced to Level 2
@TheFantasticFox Research 2 (1/7)
@Vanestus Research 3 (1/9)
@DarkKing98 Research 6 (4/15)
@Daskter Research 3 (2/9)
@Space Jawa Research 3 (1/9)
Action 20: Design Cloaking System
Roll 24 + 2 (manpower) + 10 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = -14
So cloaking systems. Turns out they've very difficult to do right. Humanity has long since mastered the art of destruction, but hiding by artificial means is a significantly less advanced field. Even a genius such as yourself runs into this issue face first as you are confronted with the fact that stealth is really quite difficult, even though by all rights it
should be fairly simple and easy. You walk out of your personal research session entirely confused on how to even get started. You're honestly unsure if it's even possible. Well, surely it is, but the means elude you.
(Higher result required for success on next research stealth action.)
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 21: Design Replicator Hub
Roll 91 + 2 (manpower) + 20 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 63
Painful Success
Excellent, the replicators work just as you had hoped! Unfortunately they're not actually better than the other construction methods available to you, and they are extremely expensive to boot. Still! Unlike those other said methods, replicator technology is but in its infancy, and there is yet much room for improvement. You are sure that with the help of some colleagues and further research, you can make something truly incredible!
(Replicator Hub: Same effect as Forging Furnace, however is twice as expensive and also a room. Room does contain some automated laser turrets.)
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 22: Open Future-Tech Front Business
Roll 93 + 2 (manpower) + 10 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 55
Minor Failure
Much like the ill fated attempt at making a software company, Future-Tech doesn't yet get off the ground due to difficulties in acquiring staff and office space covertly while also making highly potent but not
too potent consumer products. You'll need to see about getting a cash infusion if you want this vision to be a reality, and as it's more general purpose it will be more expensive to develop than a software company, although thankfully not by much.
(Future-Tech requires 100 Funds to be opened.)
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 23: Network Spying
Roll 67 + 6 (manpower) + 45 (skill) = 118
Success (?)
So, turns out that the news networks actually don't know all that much. Sure, the Mechanogoblin got in just fine and tapped into their data traffic like a boss, but there really wasn't much of interest to look at. Somehow, it seems, they have managed to miss every single instance of supernatural activity out there. Needless to say, this strains your suspension of disbelief; once you have the barest inlking that something more is out there, finding specific instances of supernatural behavior is almost ridiculously easy.
@Hazard Espionage 4 (1/11)
@FrenziedGlint Espionage 3 (1/9)
Action 24: Improve understanding of Dimensional Physics
Roll 97 + 6 (manpower) + 50 (skill) + 6 (equipment) = 159
Finally, a breakthrough! After much tinkering with a Dimensional Sensor and Harlequin's Shadow Gate, a working model of dimensional travel has now been produced. Though you can only really do anything useful with 'adjacent' subverses like the Dreamplane and Shadow Plane due to further out worlds having quite inhospitable physical laws, you can now not only perform a total dimensional shift into either of those planes (and about a dozen more besides), but you can actually fire weapons between them, as you demonstrated when you scored a Buster hit on a passing Dream Creature.
Sadly, the equipment used to do so still isn't suitable for use in the field, but as a proof of concept it's wonderful.
Dimensional Physics advanced to Level 2!
@Trondason Research 4 (1/11)
@Keeper Of Storms Research 3 (4/9)
Action 25: Modify M.A.D. tech with Dynacap system
Roll 77 + 2 (manpower) + 20 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 49
Painful Success
This was in theory an easy project to start with, but in practice there's an annoying interaction between Capsules and the hyper-advanced technology in the technology of your colleagues that makes the capsules a lot less effective. It's slightly better than nothing, but as of now all you can do is use a Capsule to contain a small piece of technology. Still, you've proven it can be done, and with more time and help you know you'll be able to make it work with all of M.A.D's technology.
(Dynacap Capsules can be made and can each store one piece of man-portable equipment.)
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 26: Design Advanced Battlebots
Roll 86 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 53
Minor Failure
Improving your design is much harder without an idea of what you want from the project. Going in with a wish to make better designs is all good and well, but ends up leaving you trying to pursue a dozen different paths of potential improvement, with none of them getting the attention they need to properly pan out, at least since you're working alone on this project. In the end you're no closer to making a better battlebot than before you started, but that just gives you more resolve to giving it another go later, although probably with some colleagues if it happens at all.
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 27: Build 4 Mettools
Roll 14 + 2 (manpower) + 20 (skill) = 36
You are disappointed in your progress, for you were only able to construct two Mettools, and even that only because the machines are exceptionally simple to make and because you had the help of the facility's workshop. Still, two Mettools are two Mettools, and you're glad to add the little guys to the machines of the group, and you're certain they'll be a great help in expanding this and future bases.
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 28: Design Integrateable Teleporter
Roll 18 + 2 (manpower) + 10 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = -20
The classic problem with teleportation is how you stop yourself from teleporting straight into a wall. Naturally that was a solved problem with your previous system, but while working on developing a new system that can be integrated into other objects, a test went horribly horribly wrong while you were rechecking safety features. The good news is that the device didn't teleport into you, but it did intersect with a wall and cause a not insignificant detonation. Luckily the wall can be rebuilt without much hassle and money, but it did leave you showered with brick shards, which wasn't very pleasant. Still, at least the new teleportation system does in theory work. So, progress?
None (Lone Wolf)
them8 is
Injured for one turn.
Action 29: Integrate one Dimensional Sensor (autosucceed)
You are now the owner of a dimensional sensor implant. This functions as a sort of buzzing in the back of your head whenever you're new interesting sports of dimensional energy, and you can then switch to a sort of vision overlay that allows you to see the energy and other stuff in other dimensions in high definition, as well as a sort of information readout in your head explaining in detail what an external dimensional sensor would tell you. Very nifty!
Action 30: Build one Forging Furnace
Roll 91 + 2 (manpower) + 10 (skill) = 103
You assemble another of your construction engines in record time, putting it together with masterful grace, and before you know it a brand new Forging Furnace is yours. You proceed to spend the rest of the time you had allotted to construction admiring your handiwork, setting it up, relaxing and catching up on some papework.
(+1 Forging Furnace, -? Funds)
Action 31: Design Regeneration Serum
Roll 34 + 2 (manpower) + 35 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 21
In theory, making a regeneration serum is almost identical to making your reanimation serum. In practice, it's not that simple. Thanks to your superlative skill in the sciences, you avoided anything annoying such as a test subject turning into horrifying monstrosities, that's only really a concern with your previous work, but you still didn't make any progress, which is deeply frustrating to one such as you. Still, it shouldn't be too hard to keep going and figure something out, even if you have no clue what that something is right now.
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 32: Build a Jerry Device
Roll 58 + 2 (manpower) + 5 (skill) = 65
You assemble a Jerry Device easily enough, a finished production model as opposed to a mere prototype. It works fine enough and can provide lab assistants, or more accurately test subjects, at a high enough rate for your purposes. Or at least that's what would be best for the local population.
Action 33: Advance Understanding of Time
Roll 52 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 19
This went worse than expected. As it turns out, time is a very confusing subject, and you have to rewrite the book on it from scratch with the addition of just traveling forward in time at an accelerated state without abusing relativity. You shudder to think on how badly everything will be messed up if backwards time travel is added into the equation. Hell, if you didn't know any better you'd say someone is deliberately screwing with your numbers, they change and are altered based on new findings so often. And each of those new findings seemingly contradicts the last. The theory of time travel was hard, that you knew, but you didn't quite expect it to be
this hard. You're further from a good understanding of time than when you began this research if anything.
None (Lone Wolf)
Action 34: Advance Understanding of Explosives
Roll 47 + 2 (manpower) + 15 (skill) - 50 (lone wolf) = 14
You blew yourself up. That's the long and short of it. You were scribbling down notes on a potential new explosive while adjusting the mixtures in an experiment with another set, and you accidentally missed a decimal point. It exploded, you're lucky to still be alive. If things had been slightly worse, you'd be dead, and if things had gone a bit more worse there would be nothing left to recover but some ash on the floor. As it stands you'll be bed bound for a while and incapable of doing heavy lifting for a while after that, but as you've already noted it could be worse. Alas, such is the curse of working with explosives. They're sort of designed hurt you.
Crippled! Can only perform one action next turn, is
Injured for three turns after.
A message drone from SASRI has arrived, containing a secure commlink. In hurried tones, they explain to you that they recently got in a second altercation with the local wizards, who captured one of SASRI's members. They're asking for your help in rescuing their chief physicist from said wizards, though the raid is planned for the end of next week. This means you have some time to acquire minions and build equipment before the raid, if you're interested.
EXECUTIVE DECISION: Will M.A.D. assist SASRI in recovering their captured member?
[] Yes
[] No
Each Character receives
-1 General action (can be any type)
-1 Research action (must be research)
-any number of free actions
[] Boss Minions Around
[] Design a blueprint
-[] Details?
[] Advance Understanding of a Field
-[] Details?
[] Study a Supernatural Phenomena
[] Hire Minions
-[] Details
[] BUILD Minions
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Acquire a new base
-[] Details?
[] Expand/Modify an existing base
-[] Details?
[] Manufacture Equipment
-[] Select Blueprint
[] Start a Front Business
-[] Details?
[] Acquire Other Funding
-[] Details?
[] Search for suspicious activity
[] Write-In
[] Suppress an ill-advised action
[] (special) Commit forces to SASRI raid
-[] Describe
[] Write-In
[] Research Training
[] Operations Training
[] Espionage Training
[] Combat Training