Sad about the second cosmic check; 6 would've summoned Cthulu.

(only sort-of joking; not quite Cthulu)
Three different thresholds depending on the actual subject.

In this case, the training thresholds are: 0 for Minor, 30 for Average, and 60 for Major.
So that means minor for Physical and Martial, average for Spellcraft and Arcana, and Major for Mental and Affinity. Good to know.

Whatever the DC for the artifact was though, will be a mystery until the update.
Not unless you want it to be.

You didn't ask.

50. Unlucky.
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Working rolls are one roll for every action put into them. If they are succeed/fail, they succeed on a GM-decided DC. If they are not, there are three DC's, which are Minor, Average, and Major Successes (50% the benefit, 100% the benefit, 200% the benefit). In both, the number is the addition of the dice together. The dice is always d20.
So more actions dedicated only gets more result out of it, in that it's more likely to hit a higher DC Threshold?

Do Nat 20s or Nat 1s do anything?
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So more actions dedicated only gets more result out of it, in that it's more likely to hit a higher DC Threshold?

Do Nat 20s or Nat 1s do anything?

Yes, No

Is the malus we are experiencing increasing the DCs? You mentioned a malus.

Also, how does synergy work?
No, yes. ;)

But in all seriousness, I explained what the malus does. Synergy affects the training rolls AFTER they have been transformed into ranks, and increases the improvement based upon the synergising training, whereas the malus affects the rolls before they are transformed into ranks.
Training Montage Part One
[X] Physical-Minor

Throughout your two years, you made sure to keep up with the rest of the class in PE and sports classes. You aren't short, weak, or slow, but you're only a kid; despite being pretty fit and healthy, your physical abilities aren't exactly superhuman.

Your determination to keep up with others in terms of fitness is noticed by your gym teacher, a small, stout woman by the name of Ms. Pockton. She decides to talk to your parents and they both agree that there would be some merit in asking you whether you'd be interested in taking some martial arts classes for 6-12 year-olds.

Finesse (F + +) --> Finesse (E - -)*

Stamina (F +) --> Stamina (F + +)*

Overall: Physical (E - -)*

[X] Martial-Minor

Ms. Pockton apparently teaches at a self-defence school; she seems determined to make sure that "soft lil uns" like yourself are capable and able physically.


"A'ight, lil uns. Today is the day you start learning to win. Not to hit people, or dodge, or block. Because if you win a fight, it doesn't matter whether your opponent can hit harder or faster, okay? If you win the fight as 'ard as possible, as fast as possible, you don't get hurt. A'ight?"

"Yes, ma'am!"


She says "lil uns" and "a'ight" a lot. You're not sure whether it's a verbal tick or some form of code. Why else would someone repeat not-words so much?
At any rate, her eyes crinkled mildly with what you think is mirth, she sets you up against each other. First one on the ground loses. You face off against a guy called John. He makes this very clear by shouting at the beginning:

"My name is John! I hope we both fight as well as we can! Good luck!"

And then thumping his chest and beaming in an overly enthusiastic manner.

Oh boy.

John is quick to lunge forward for a grapple, but


you shift back. He's very, very fast, though, and you mentally re-evaluate his skill level. He narrows his eyes, and is clearly doing the same. He raises his arms in an approximation of a guard, and throws a quick punch at you. You don't dodge it, but it hits air anyways (convenient), and John looks confused for a moment.

What was your strategy?

[] Offensive. You must end the fight quickly.

[] Defensively. You do not want to be overwhelmed.

[] Pragmatically. You take stock of the situation, and decide what is the best approach.

[X]Arcana – Average

Your attempted studies into the world of artefacts and talismans goes about as well as you can reasonably expect. Your Glimpse allows you to look into the inner workings of things, and your voices whisper to you secrets long dead. You do not find anything particularly potent in the surrounding area, but you do learn a few potentially useful titbits;

1: Your magic can be used to make artefacts.

2: Using your magic to do so requires proportionally extreme costs in energy depending on the required effect. The cost can ramp up exponentially; and can and will kill you if not careful.

3: Using reagents and making effects related to your theme(?Nature?Motif?) reduce the costs of said item-forging exponentially. As does creating them in places of significance, at times of significance.

4: Terminology differs from tradition to tradition, and it is often possible to get stuff from some sources (like your whispers) and other sources (like the internet) muddled and cause serious confusion.

You also figure out how to make literal potions. Like from video games. How cool is that? You can only make Rejuvenators and Desiccators, but you think you might be able to learn other stuff later. Rejuvenators infuse things with a sense of rightness, and make them the way they are intended, whereas Desiccators force them out of their rightful pattern instead. Both just require water, a piece of something living, and some magical energies. The only reagent you could have a problem getting is vague enough that you don't have a problem, and considering you have water and magic to spare, you can make a large quantity of either and/or both, so you make one of the jugs resistant and fill it with:

[] Rejuvenator (healing/mending potion. (E + +)*)

[] Desiccator (magic poison/acid. (E + +)*)

Gained Arcana (E +)*

Gained Alchemy (E + +)*

[X] Spellcraft – Average

Your skills at active magic have improved reasonably from nothing at all. Your voices are extremely helpful in this regard; without them, learning would be a lot harder.

Your first spell was a simple thing; a trick of the mind to make people believe you were telling the truth even when you were clearly lying. Your learning to draw upon mana was very anti-climactic – you willed your power into being, and it came.

You are a mite disappointed no fanfare arrived, but when convincing teachers you've handed in homework you can't be bothered to do in exchange for preparing for bad things to come, you reckon it's probably a good thing.

You have since learned a few things (pick 4):

[] A spell to confuse people within line of sight: it causes their senses to switch around (e.g that tasted purple).

[] A spell to shatter objects you are touching: it causes the subject's bonds to break apart (at a structural level)

[] A spell that allows you to comprehend any language; it makes the language sound to you like your native tongue, and your use of it sounds native in turn.

[] A spell that allows you to multiply the durability and strength of a material/object without effecting anything else (like weight, density, mass, composition, flexibility, radioactivity, or any other properties except a slight magical effect)

[] A spell that allows you to start a fire or freeze a liquid.

[] A spell that allows you to make the area lighter/darker without effecting anything else

[] A spell that allows you to telepathically commune with someone/thing for 5 minutes.

[] A spell that creates a auditory OR visual image (not both at the same time).

[X] Mental - Major

Your mundane learning and problem-solving skills leap in comparison to your other abilities. Your knowledge of mathematics and the sciences in particular has advanced, and you seem to have an innate grasp of philosophy. In lessons you have begun to have difficulty expressing your more complex ideas, and combining this with your lack of friends, teachers believe you to be some sort of savant.

Your parents are both ecstatic and concerned.

"Scott, are you feeling okay at school? Everything going alright?"

"Yes, mum."

"Would you like one of your friends to come over? I know you like your 'me time', but I think you'd like the company of people who aren't old fuddy-duddys like me and Dad."

do not

"Mum. I only have one friend, and she's really popular. I'm sure she'll be hard to do things with. If you could try to call her mother, that'd be great, but I don't think it'll work."

"Uhh… If you say so sweetie."

"I think we need to talk, Scott."


"Your mother and I are worried about you."


Your dad shifts. You are having lunch with him, and your mum has gone out. His face is slightly creased.

"Because you're too smart for your own good. We –"

"Isn't intelligence good?"

Your interruption bursts out of you. You are anxious to confirm this; after all, if intelligence is bad, then you are bad. You don't want to be bad.

"Yes, but-"

"Then what's wrong? I don't get it." Your frown is immensely childish and pouty, and you hate it. You can't help it though.

"You aren't engaging with people your age. I get you might not think on the same wavelength as them, but the only real friend you have is this Ren kid, and we still haven't met her."

You haven't seen her since you came into the school for the first time since what you know to be your first Manifestation, so you are a bit worried yourself, but you don't show much (you think).


"This is what I mean," your father insists. "You don't want to talk to people; even us."

You just look at him. You can't really say much against that.

"Can't you see that's a bad thing?"

You think it's fairly rational, but you do love your parents. You just don't know how to tell them that and prove it.

Overall: Mental (F +) --> Overall: Mental (E + +)

Literacy: (F +) --> Literacy: (E +)*

Mathematics: (F +) --> Mathematics: (E +)*

Philosophy: (F +) --> Philosophy: (E +)*

Politics: (F) --> Politics: (E +)*

People: (F) --> People: (F + +)

[X] Affinities – Major

You have been listening to your whispers for two years, and they seem clearer now. They seem willing to talk to you about almost anything if and when you ask, but the more specific of a question you ask, the less clearly you can hear them. Did you ask them any questions?

[] Yes:

[] Write-in

[] No:

What is most useful to you, however, is their own warnings. They constantly give you one-word advice for things seconds in the future, which has proven invaluable for spellcraft and any schoolwork which you might somehow get wrong. They are extremely convenient and you've mostly accepted their existence.

Whispers of Manifest Destiny: (E +) --> (E + +)*

You've discovered an additional ability of yours: you can decide to be able to see magic and energy for a short period of time. This has not proven to be especially convenient for most of the time, but your potions do give off a yellowish energy, with Rejuvenators being lighter in colour than Desiccators. This is actually your most common use for it; they do look like water, so it's the only safe way to check. You've never caught someone's eyes with it on (or even had it on while being in a room with another person), though; your whispers tell you it would be a bad idea. When you look in the mirror with them on, they look really strange, but aside from what looks like an area of contorted, glowing emptiness where your eyes should be, you haven't had any side effects. One of the more notable things, which you believe to be a side-effect, is that you feel much better when you have your "magic goggles" on. You have resisted the temptation to have them on as long as you can get away with it, but you like the idea a lot, and you're not sure why.

Glimpse of the Impossible: (E +) --> (E +)*

Finally, you've figured out how to leverage your newfound otherworldliness to your benefit. Your ability to misdirect people has skyrocketed; you can twist something between your fingers and legitimately have it appear in the other hand. Or behind your ear. Or under your foot. Or inside your mouth. You can even "push" the strange un-logic of your body and become effectively intangible – as well as skittering around rather than actual walking. You don't even obey reality fully. Unfortunately, this "pushing" winds you, and sends out a bright flare of energy from your position.

You like cards now. Unfortunate your only friend to show off to is currently avoiding you.

You should probably work on that.

Paradoxical Form: (E +) --> (E +)*

[X] Search for the Artefact – The Heart

You searched for the glowing orb diligently, your strange gaze searching for forms of magic that looks like it would be related to a magic ball with some rings spinning around it. Unfortunately, your search proves fruitless. Nothing in the area near your house (a nice, sizeable house in a reasonably decent neighbourhood – you love your parents) is magical at all, really. This doesn't surprise you particularly, but it is still disappointing.

A/N: Timeskip. One down. Votes close in 48.
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Unfortunately, this "pushing" winds you, and sends out a bright flare of
Words are missing.

[x] Offensive. You must end the fight quickly.
[x] Desiccator (magic poison/acid. (E + +)*)
[x] A spell to confuse people within line of sight: it causes their senses to switch around (e.g that tasted purple).
[x] A spell to shatter objects you are touching: it causes the subject's bonds to break apart (at a structural level)
[x] A spell that allows you to start a fire or freeze a liquid.
[x] A spell that allows you to telepathically commune without someone/thing for 5 minutes.
[X] Plan Utility and Healing
-[X] Pragmatically. You take stock of the situation, and decide what is the best approach
-[X] Rejuvenator (healing/mending potion. (E + +)*)
-[X] A spell that allows you to comprehend any language; it makes the language sound to you like your native tongue, and your use of it sounds native in turn.
-[X] A spell that allows you to start a fire or freeze a liquid.
-[X] A spell that allows you to telepathically commune without someone/thing for 5 minutes.
-[X] A spell to shatter objects you are touching: it causes the subject's bonds to break apart (at a structural level)

[X] No

This should be good.
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[X] Pragmatically. You take stock of the situation, and decide what is the best approach
[X] Rejuvenator (healing/mending potion. (E + +)*)
[X] A spell to confuse people within line of sight: it causes their senses to switch around (e.g that tasted purple).
[X] A spell that allows you to start a fire or freeze a liquid.
[X] A spell that allows you to comprehend any language; it makes the language sound to you like your native tongue, and your use of it sounds native in turn.
[X] A spell that allows you to multiply the durability and strength of a material/object without effecting anything else (like weight, density, mass, composition, flexibility, radioactivity, or any other properties except a slight magical effect)
@Nevill Also, plan formats, if possible, please.

[X] Pragmatically. You take stock of the situation, and decide what is the best approach
[X] Rejuvenator (healing/mending potion. (E + +)*)
[X] A spell to confuse people within line of sight: it causes their senses to switch around (e.g that tasted purple).
[X] A spell that allows you to start a fire or freeze a liquid.
[X] A spell that allows you to comprehend any language; it makes the language sound to you like your native tongue, and your use of it sounds native in turn.
[X] A spell that allows you to multiply the durability and strength of a material/object without effecting anything else (like weight, density, mass, composition, flexibility, radioactivity, or any other properties except a slight magical effect)
Not to be picky, but...
Not to be picky, but...
I think the issue might be this:
You have been listening to your whispers for two years, and they seem clearer now. They seem willing to talk to you about almost anything if and when you ask, but the more specific of a question you ask, the less clearly you can hear them. Did you ask them any questions?

[] Yes:

[] Write-in

[] No:
You asked for write in questions but they can't think of any, thus any plan vote is wasting questions.
@veekie I can see how that might be an issue.

To be fair though, no one has answered that in the positive or negative yet, so...
Ren Part One
[X] Search for Allies: ????

You've searched for any sort of magical signal in your area; after all, you would presume that at least something would appear. Apparently not. Your local park has nothing except a slight emanation from the fish (kind of weird, but whatever) and going around town with your parents doesn't really allow you to activate the magic-seeing thingy eyes of doom. Unfortunately.

Something stirs.

[X] Ren: ????

You haven't been able to talk to Ren in ages; it's honestly beginning to worry you. You aren't sure whether you've offended her somehow, or whether she is more sensitive than the others to your strangely flickering existence.

One day, though, she comes up to you, looking uncharacteristically unsettled. She is looking to the side frequently, missing her trademark grin (in fact her mouth is slightly twisted), and her hands are twisting in her lap.

"So, uh… guess you're wondering why I've been avoiding you."

She's not denying anything. Interesting. You raise a brow slightly and tilt your head, saying nothing but implying a desire for her to continue.

"Um. Well, I… have you ever had weird dreams? Like, out-of-body stuff?"



What was your response?

[] Write-in.

A/N: Blergh, triple post. Anyways, short one for now because I need a response (remember, you're a genius, but a bit awkward and six years old) for the second bit. Votes close in 48.