As for the cloak? Electricity, chains, and the cloaked rogue stereotype = violence.
I see where the logic came from. I understand now.
Oh the cloak doesn't have much to do with rogues. You still haven't thought about the relation the Heart and its namesake - just saying.
The star inside it is alcohol. And it's rings are spinning around it? I have mental images. But they are the wrong ones because of it describing looking like they will collide.
[X] A ball composed of pale silver rings concentrically orbiting a miniature absinthe star. If you observe the angles of orbit carefully, you notice they should collide with one another. (The Heart the form)
[X] Plan Mental Emphasis
I'm curious. Why Mental Emphasis?

...I'm asking a whole two people this. God, this quest is small.
I'm curious. Why Mental Emphasis?

...I'm asking a whole two people this. God, this quest is small.
*shrug* I like it. :p

The mental stat provides a +0.5 bonus to literally everything. So if you want to generalize going heavy in mental provides that in an efficient way.
I also minorly do physical (2) and martial (1) to provide some benefits there.
And then I do a fair amount of spellcrafting, arcane, and attribute work to provide a good, semi-specialized grounding w/ effective skills to reply to the immediate danger.
So I think it is well made, or at least I hope so.

It also a) was the first one posted, b) has the kind of name that people tend to vote for.

And finally, veekie and I have tended to vote for each other when we don't have the energy to put into analyzing votes. His work has been more strenuous recently.
*shrug* I like it. :p

The mental stat provides a +0.5 bonus to literally everything. So if you want to generalize going heavy in mental provides that in an efficient way.
I also minorly do physical (2) and martial (1) to provide some benefits there.
And then I do a fair amount of spellcrafting, arcane, and attribute work to provide a good, semi-specialized grounding w/ effective skills to reply to the immediate danger.
So I think it is well made, or at least I hope so.

It also a) was the first one posted, b) has the kind of name that people tend to vote for.

And finally, veekie and I have tended to vote for each other when we don't have the energy to put into analyzing votes. His work has been more strenuous recently.
Of course you like it, you made it!

Eh, I feel like that's more specializing in mental. Which I was planning to do next time we get a vote like this. I do acknowledge that you put more into spellcrafting than me. But honestly, if I had to argue, I'd say yours is more on the mental and magical end while mine is more well rounded and slightly leaning towards physical stats currently. Though I do have two reasons as to not go for spellcrafting. We don't really know what this threat is. So any created vote for spells wouldn't be a reply to the danger that's coming. And the second is that QM said themself they don't like spellcrafting for our fountain so early in the quest. Which says to me that at this point of the quest, Spellcrafting doesn't do much of anything of use. So my own personal interest in it for this round of voting is decreased.

I see. Eh, that's understandable.
The namesake is a heart.

You know, the body part.

That one.
Yeah I'd thought it would be empowering our dreamworld or something. Like we just stick in the center and it starts beating and purifying the magical juju of it. I guess we could also put it in our body using the weird metaphysics we have, though. Might result in something like chakra and an absinthe-colored power-up form, green blood, etc.

@AmusedOracle I hope you are ready to keep Ren around. Cuz you gave her the enviable position of First Girl.
First Girl?
Shipping term. To my understanding SV grows very attached shipping wise towards first positive female interaction that isn't blood related.
*shrug* that's some weak-tier fandoming. At least ship MC x Heart if you (plural/general form) need to ship something this early.
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automatic magical friend-finding success
Ren thinks we're a demon and flees to the church, forcing us to throw the ball at her inside of it, initiating an infinite bounce parish-KO that soaks the floor with blood and shattered glass. Heartbroken and in despair, we flee our home, our family, and the limp remnants of our friend. Never to return.
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[x] A circlet of pale silver, embedded with gems of green and blue. The light reflected from them seems to array itself into something. (The Gaze the eye)
[X] Plan Mental Emphasis
automatic magical friend-finding success
Ren thinks we're a demon and flees to the church, forcing us to throw the ball at her inside of it, initiating an infinite bounce parish-KO that soaks the floor with blood. Heartbroken and in despair, we flee our home, our family, and the shattered remnants of our friend. Never to return.
Have to wonder what happens to the actions if Heart is found first try.
@AmusedOracle I hope you are ready to keep Ren around. Cuz you gave her the enviable position of First Girl.
True. I did. Interestingly enough, I actually planned for someone else to show up and be First Girl but then I wrote Ren by accident (tired, had been typing about Ren for a campaign thingydoodle I was doing involving her) and rolled with it.
I guess we could also put it in our body using the weird metaphysics we have, though.
To quote a good friend of mine, "have a fuckin' cookie".
*shrug* that's some weak-tier fandoming. At least ship MC x Heart if you (plural/general form) need to ship something this early.
L o l w h a t

automatic magical friend-finding success
Ren thinks we're a demon and flees to the church, forcing us to throw the ball at her inside of it, initiating an infinite bounce parish-KO that soaks the floor with blood and shattered glass. Heartbroken and in despair, we flee our home, our family, and the limp remnants of our friend. Never to return.
L o l w h a t
The "accurate representation" is just a funny meme hehe xd that I use a lot.

It's not a literal representation. It is possible to find the Heart.
The "accurate representation" is just a funny meme hehe xd that I use a lot.

It's not a literal representation. It is possible to find the Heart.
Ah, I see then. Alright, was just hoping that it wouldn't be a wild goose chase. ...unless it's dice based. Then depending on quester luck, we will either find it immediately, or never at all.
Votes are closed.

On that note, time for some ROLLING!


For the first training, you get artificial nerfs because you're a child that lead to diminishing returns after the rolls have been made.

This is not the case for later working rolls.

Edit 2: The amount the nerfs reduce you by has been altered because I got some stuff wrong in terms of maths.
The nerfs occur before the transfer to Ranks.
I can't delete the second from last dice roll, how to?
AmusedOracle threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Artifact (1) Total: 13
13 13
AmusedOracle threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Artifact (2) Total: 7
7 7
AmusedOracle threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Artifact (3) Total: 16
16 16
AmusedOracle threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Ren (Cosmic Check) Total: 2
2 2
AmusedOracle threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Physical Total: 22
12 12 10 10
AmusedOracle threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Martial Total: 16
16 16
AmusedOracle threw 6 20-faced dice. Reason: Mental Total: 80
9 9 15 15 7 7 14 14 18 18 17 17
AmusedOracle threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Arcana Total: 39
7 7 3 3 13 13 16 16
AmusedOracle threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Spellcraft Total: 30
17 17 13 13
AmusedOracle threw 4 20-faced dice. Reason: Affinities Total: 61
8 8 13 13 20 20 20 20
AmusedOracle threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Allies(Cosmic Check) Total: 10
10 10
AmusedOracle threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Allies(Cosmic Check) Total: 3
3 3
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Roll Mechanics
And *some of* the results are in.

I haven't done much explanation of rolling, so here we go:

Working rolls are one roll for every action put into them. If they are succeed/fail, they succeed on a GM-decided DC. If they are not, there are three DC's, which are Minor, Average, and Major Successes (50% the benefit, 100% the benefit, 200% the benefit). In both, the number is the addition of the dice together. The dice is always d20.

Skill rolls are one d100 influenced by your Skill Rank and your Attribute, as well as any potential influences made by those.

Cosmic rolls are a d6, upon which I check some table I have somewhere and something happens based on it. You won't see many of these.

Combat has a d8 made by both opponents to determine advantage, but the roll will not determine the fight, just influence it.