I'm voting on an aesthetic basis, but an explanation would be nice.

Here are some random guesses to appease your desire for curiosity:
Electric Chain Cloak + voices = disguises (formless) or travel assist (electricity)(both benefit from voices, which deals with knowledge which is aided by the aforementioned), potential weapon/trap (chains).
Orbiting Ring Ball + form = learn something about dimensionality, maybe empowers our dreamworld, maybe can be thrown at people for an infinite bounce triple KO technique. Idk, I just like planets.
Circlet w/ Sigil + eyes = See the truth, know the truth, manipulate people into doing what you want and orchestrate the fates.
[x] A circlet of pale silver, embedded with gems of green and blue. The light reflected from them seems to array itself into something. (The Gaze the eye)

The whole "magic is cool" thing would not have worked nearly as well if you guys weren't Self-Aware™, and you would have much worse consequences than a mere Empathy malus, but you're good.
What is this about?
Also I notice no-one is wondering about all the juicy hints I dropped in the update.
Likely because at that point they don't qualify as hints. Hints to what, anyway? Our kind/form? Ren's behavior? Significance of our dream choices? There can be no hints if there is no question/mystery.

Also, as we are now in the prologue, all irregularities are accepted at face value, 'this is just how this works'.

24 actions is a bit much for me. I'll sit this one out.
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I'm voting on an aesthetic basis, but an explanation would be nice.

Here are some random guesses to appease your desire for curiosity:
Electric Chain Cloak + voices = disguises (formless) or travel assist (electricity)(both benefit from voices, which deals with knowledge which is aided by the aforementioned), potential weapon/trap (chains).
Orbiting Ring Ball + form = learn something about dimensionality, maybe empowers our dreamworld, maybe can be thrown at people for an infinite bounce triple KO technique. Idk, I just like planets.
Circlet w/ Sigil + eyes = See the truth, know the truth, manipulate people into doing what you want and orchestrate the fates.

jokes aside, I genuinely draw spiritual sustenance from this.

It isn't entirely correct, but some things are pretty true (like the whole "orchestration" thing for the Circlet, the "dimensionality" of the Heart and the weapon potential of the Cloak. All of them can be used for combat, just FYI).
Well, not the first time I'd be either close to nailing something on the head or getting it right in your quest. But I'll bite. What does The Heart do? I assume, due to the star, that it has SOMETHING to do with Xenitii.

Alright, I admit, I was expecting like, early teens for what you described. If just because I don't believe we'd get that smart that fast in a few years without shoving at least half of the actions into mental training. But I could be wrong. So tell me. How would you best describe early game for us in say, videogame comparison?

Edit: I think I should reword this. I was expecting that the incoming threat would be a taste for things to come. And for shit to REALLY hit the fan big time around 12 or 13.

Uh. Yes. It really goes bad around pre-teens, but you will probably get into some form of trouble sooner than that. You might not, but these are things I can't tell yet.

I can't just tell you what the Heart does. I can tell you to think about it's namesake, though.

You are a Channel. You're cheating. You're REALLY REALLY smart. (don't get cocky though)

Which videogame?

And still no-one questions Renanigans. That is the final time I will use that horrible portmanteau, but it's still funny to me no-one cares what the hells is going on with her.
ou know that training and learning require specialisation if you're trying to learn a lot about something; so, what are you going to specialise in?
Ah. So the kid WANTS to specialize.

So, quick question. If I were to drop, say, searching for allies, which would we benefit more from of these two? An extra action in spellcrafting or another arcane training action?
Whichever you think best describes the difficulty.
And still no-one questions Renanigans. That is the final time I will use that horrible portmanteau, but it's still funny to me no-one cares what the hells is going on with her.
Every plan made so far has been to investigate Ren's behaviour. We are all probably assuming that we will find out from the action, since it's only able to be taken once.
Uh. Yes. It really goes bad around pre-teens, but you will probably get into some form of trouble sooner than that. You might not, but these are things I can't tell yet.
I am expecting the prophesy to be sometime around 6-8 years old. I am expecting trouble. With how our form is, it'd be stupid not to expect trouble.
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That is a really good point about Ren. Thanks.

not sure why I'm being such an idiot but whatever

He does, kind of. He's smart, but he's still 4. Not entirely sure what he wants, you know.

Oh. Uh. Probably the thing you've put less on (in this case, spellcraft). Admittedly, extra points lead to diminishing returns on the same training.

note I don't even like spellcraft super much on Xenitii early.

I don't know Dark Souls, but I've been told it sucks in the early game due to bosses being really phat and you not having much to deal with them. Alternatively, Vayne and Nasus in League of Legends or Control Warlock/Vetruvian from Hearthstone/Duelyst respectively also come to mind.
He does, kind of. He's smart, but he's still 4. Not entirely sure what he wants, you know.
Makes sense.
Admittedly, extra points lead to diminishing returns on the same training.
Ah, good to know! VERY good to know! Something to keep in mind in the future.
I don't know Dark Souls, but I've been told it sucks in the early game due to bosses being really phat and you not having much to deal with them. Alternatively, Vayne and Nasus in League of Legends or Control Warlock/Vetruvian from Hearthstone/Duelyst respectively also come to mind.
All games I've never played. Hope people figure out the comparisons!

@Umi-san I have to admit. I'm surprised that you assumed, out of all the options, that the cloak had combat potential when I feel the Heart would have been more obvious due to it being the friggen heart and also called the form.
Self-Aware is a trait. It's on the character sheet.

Fair enough. It amuses me you're still going for the "watching; waiting" route with the Circlet/eye.
I believe that 3 times being done is at least twice the effect of doing an action once. So, how many times of doing an action have the effect of doing it once three times?
Sorry, doing it once three times? I'm not sure I follow.
Doing a single action multiple times gives diminishing returns. Which means the first time doing something everytime we make plans like this has the highest improvement the first time we do it. So I'm asking, how many times do we need to do an action to have that improvement tripled of what we get from a single time doing that action. Did I clarify it well enough?
With diminishing returns, that kinda means that the best return rate is evenly dividing up our choices among all options.
Not neccisarilly. Some options improve with other options being taken multiple times. Such as Arcana Training being improved by Mental Training and Spellcrafting Training being improved by Arcana Training.
Because that is the most obvious way to reach maximum specialisation efficiency. Consider this:

Spellcraft <-> Arcana
Martial <-> Physical
Mental <-> Everything else

Affinities --> Improved skill with PForm, GotI and more useful WoMD. Possible addiction to GotI, possible (things from outside) noticing from PForm, and not really many downsides to WoMD (the downside is a constant low-level Empathy malus and effective sanity malus).
Ren --> (spoilers, probably)
Artifact --> All combat related things, and depending on the Artifact, benefits to other stuff as well.
Search for Allies --> Extra Material Alignments
Not neccisarilly. Some options improve with other options being taken multiple times. Such as Arcana Training being improved by Mental Training and Spellcrafting Training being improved by Arcana Training.
That would only be the case of the synergy overcame the diminishing returns, such that we got more progress per spent action rather than less.

Like, suppose the first action gets us +1, the next gets +0.5, then +.25, etc. With Synergy, it might become +1.2, +.8, +.5. The action spent on that last .5 would be better spent on another action to get us a +1, or a +.8
True. Lucky it does then.
Gave the idea that it didn't then with.
So does the synergy overcome the diminishing returns or does it not?

Even with diminishing returns, there is a argument for specialization instead of generalization, in that we might not have enough time to become good enough in everything so even if we might be less good overall we can better make use of the one area we are really good in. But knowing which way the needle falls, in regards to diminishing returns, rather heavily effects optimal growth strategy.
In one of the few absolutes I will ever post in terms of my opinion on routes you should take on a quest;

If you wanted to generalise: you should have taken Reizan. Generalisation is the second least effective on Xenitii.
Like, suppose the first action gets us +1, the next gets +0.5, then +.25, etc. With Synergy, it might become +1.2, +.8, +.5. The action spent on that last .5 would be better spent on another action to get us a +1, or a +.8
Eh, that depends really on the system. After all, that last +.5 could be superior to the initial +1 of the action due to it being higher ranking. Infact, that's probably exactly the case. A +.5 to a 2 is probably much better than going from 0 to 1.
Even with diminishing returns, there is a argument for specialization instead of generalization, in that we might not have enough time to become good enough in everything so even if we might be less good overall we can better make use of the one area we are really good in. But knowing which way the needle falls, in regards to diminishing returns, rather heavily effects optimal growth strategy.
Regardless of how much specialization works, I am a firm believer in having at least the basics in everything.
If you wanted to generalise: you should have taken Reizan. Generalisation is the second least effective on Xenitii.
This just tells me to get the basics that this vote will give us and then choose a specialty from the result.
Not neccisarilly. Some options improve with other options being taken multiple times. Such as Arcana Training being improved by Mental Training and Spellcrafting Training being improved by Arcana Training.
Mental improves both arcana and spell.

As for the cloak? Electricity, chains, and the cloaked rogue stereotype = violence.
I think I know where we are going to specialize.
Oh the cloak doesn't have much to do with rogues. You still haven't thought about the relation the Heart and its namesake - just saying.