You are entirely correct, my good sir.

In terms of meta, how BM would it be to (assuming the current trend is correct) name your PC Scott Shai Free. I have an explanation as to why he has a random Egyptian name there, but I would like to get a feel for just how tacky that would be.
You are entirely correct, my good sir.

In terms of meta, how BM would it be to (assuming the current trend is correct) name your PC Scott Shai Free. I have an explanation as to why he has a random Egyptian name there, but I would like to get a feel for just how tacky that would be.
I don't mind it. And explanation is easy.

Kid of parents of either Egyptian descent or Egyptians trying to give their kid a more English name to fit in better.
Just so everyone knows, the name is one of the few things in this quest that is... mostly unimportant.

I would not be pronouncing my own views so forwardly if it was super important.

not saying it wont be at all significant later tho
Lethargic Prodigy
[x] Scott Shai Free, son of Alice and Edmund Free
[X]Sleep, and Dream. (Greatly increases Xenitii alignment,increases mental skills, slightly increases Ebolkan alignment)

Your father, being a "funny" man, named you Scott. Scott Free. The pun is both hilarious and terrible. Just like all good/bad puns are. Your mother was not impressed by the joke your dad made of your name, but she was touched by your middle name. Your dad is sentimental, and as your grandmother on your mother's side died the day before you were born, and her name was Shait, you got a middle name that was the male form of it to remember her. You think that your dad is a pretty cool guy for that.

You were a quiet child for your first four years. While others ran, and played, you slept, and Dreamed. None of them matched your First Dream, which you remember more vividly than anything else in your four-year-old life, but they each made you feel… more connected to something. Or somethings. You're not sure.

Anyways, when you are awake, you are a smart kid. You can read and write without hesitation, and only misspell due to the English language being strange. You can do limited mathematics, and have an innate grasp of philosophy and the sciences. Your teachers praise you for being a little genius, but you don't make too many friends. While in playtime, you are either asleep, or watching others play without joining in.

You have noticed something weird, though. The connection to things you feel in your Dreams (you always want to capitalise that word. You don't know why) has begun to mimic itself in real life. You can feel a… pull? Of something in your soul. What do you do about it?

[] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)

[] Resist. (Will cut down on the obviousness of your Nature. Will also cut down on your late game power a bit.)

Either way, a girl your age comes over, confidence in every step. She offers you a hand, a wide crocodile grin, and gives you a proposition.

"Name's Ren. Come play with me? I promise it won't be boring!"

[] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)

[] Reject proposition. (Lose Ren as a potential friend/comrade. Slightly increases Ebolkan alignment).

A/N: This is what I meant when I said Ebolkan doesn't play well with others. Luckily, it doesn't hate the idea of a group, so if you really want friends, you can have them without necessarily cutting into your power, as long as you're smart about it. These are the last set of "infant" votes, as we will time-skip 2 years or so after your choices here. Pick carefully!

Votes close in 20 hours.
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[X] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)
[X] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)

If I know anything about hard beginnings, it's grinding. Also, lets get a friend. Doesn't do well to be alone all the time.
[x] Resist. (Will cut down on the obviousness of your Nature. Will also cut down on your late game power a bit.)
[x] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)
We are supposed to be in hiding:
Channels have become far rarer, and the newborn Channels often only survive when they are born in a realm with a masquerade; after all, if the main population doesn't even know the "supernatural" exists, why would they look for and persecute any specific type of magic-wielder? These Channels could be considered extremely fortunate, for they do not immediately have to worry about purges from the moment they are born.
So I am going for something less obvious, even at the expense of a little bit of power.
I would assume at least some of the side-effects are what makes us noticeable.
Maybe, maybe not.

I mean, you are missing something crucial I posted earlier, but your logic is sound.

I'm about to drop some hot knowledge about alignment effects, so stay tuned.
We are supposed to be in hiding:

So I am going for something less obvious, even at the expense of a little bit of power.
I would assume at least some of the side-effects are what makes us noticeable.
I predict the side effects would be from growing power. Which will be able to be mitigated from figuring out how to control them. I doubt that the people we are hiding from will find us here till we become VERY obvious.
Alignment Effects and You
If you have a Fountain and Wellspring(s), if you become attuned to their natures enough, when you Manifest Affinities, they will be a reflection of the combination of Natures held within your sources of power.

For example, if you Manifested something involving Ghazakheft and Reizan, you might Manifest a combination of Ghazakheft's Authority and Reizan's Resolve to form Commandment, or Will.
Manifestations are what occur when you become more aligned with your Fountain and/or Wellsprings. These are events that "gift" you with Affinities, which are modifications of your previous abilities, body, and mind in order to reflect the Nature of your relationship with your source(s). They will grow in power as you become more aligned to your source(s) and as you yourself become more powerful. They are NOT spells or magicks and are more like techniques/natural bodily abilities. Think of them somewhat like "special abilities" from traditional tabletop game systems like DnD.
[X] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)
[X] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)

I'm not inclined in going full hiding...Hrrm...Freedom+Destiny?
Seems like it'd be about the way one's actions can shape one's fate.
Theory time! Our divination powers to see the future are easier to gain with better self awareness. With us eventually being able to become so self aware we can accurately predict our own actions, and how we will do things in the future. Thus granting opportunities to defy any future we can foresee involving ourself.
[X] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)
[X] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)
Theory time! Our divination powers to see the future are easier to gain with better self awareness. With us eventually being able to become so self aware we can accurately predict our own actions, and how we will do things in the future. Thus granting opportunities to defy any future we can foresee involving ourself.
Only partially correct, but pretty spooky.

Anyways, if you want to know, the first Manifestation will give you three possible Affinities, one of which you must take and the others are optional. This will not be the case most of the time, because generally you don't get compulsory Affinities (as in specific ones, you will get a selection and number as stated in Mechanics). Also because the amount of Affinities you get per Manifestation is generally fixed.
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[X] Accept. (Will max out the possible significant Natural alignment gains for a while. Is good if you are trying to keep Ebolkan relevant and/or get Xenitii to its best possible position. Does come with side effects.)
[X] Accept proposition. (Gain Ren as a friend/comrade. Aligns with A Dream.)
Only partially correct, but pretty spooky.

Anyways, if you want to know, the first Manifestation will give you three possible Affinities, one of which you must take and the others are optional. This will not be the case most of the time, because generally you don't get compulsory Affinities (as in specific ones, you will get a selection and number as stated in Mechanics). Also because the amount of Affinities you get per Manifestation is generally fixed.
The funny thing is, these manifestations are probably decided by what we've done to increase our connection and affinity with our Fountain and our secondary pair up. Which suggests that the Affinities will not be decided on what they are until the moment they manifest.

Our forced Affinity is probably divination focused or a ritual of some kind due to those two things being strongly tie to the destiny realm. So is combat, but so far we've only speced in mental stats, so it's unlikely.
So is planeswalkeriness, but I forgot to include that.

All Channels have an Allied level alignment to that kind of stuff, but those linked to the Fountain of Destiny find themselves increasingly aligned toward that of the otherworldliness.

Besides, combat doesn't require physical stats. Who told you that? Only physical fighting (e.g with body or weapons) requires much in terms of physical stats.
It's not.

It's not affected negatively (it's perfectly possible).

It's just few people decide to do that.
That opens up options if possible. After all, people usually get thrown off upon fighting things they aren't used to.
You are talking about using physical stats as stats for casting, yes?

Because otherwise I don't know what you're talking about.

Besides, I didn't say you could muscle wizard. I just said people could.

*also doesn't say you can't*