Indeed I have. Still, you are better than some. For example, you actually have a character sheet! And you update it! And you actually tell us what shit does besides 'here, have the name of this thing, no I am not going to tell you what it does until it's important' thing I've seen a person do.
[X] Glimpse of the Impossible
+1 GotI -1 PF
[X] Glimpse of the Impossible
[X] Paradoxical Form
+1GotI +1 PF
[X] Glimpse of the Impossible
+1 GotI -1 PF
[X] Glimpse of the Impossible
[X] Paradoxical Form
+1 GotI +1 PF
[X] Paradoxical Form
[X] Accept Magic existing. It's every kid's dream. Well, either that, or you developed a very overactive imagination. Whichever makes more sense.
-1 GotI +1 PF
+ 1 plan for dealing with suddenly magic
soo... +3 GotI +1 PF and a plan.

K. Can we go for plan format next time, because I think it would be significantly easier.
K. Can we go for plan format next time, because I think it would be significantly easier.
You realize this site has a tally system, right? Edit: See?
Adhoc vote count started by DarkKing98 on Apr 19, 2018 at 9:27 AM, finished with 103 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Glimpse of the Impossible
    [X] Glimpse of the Impossible
    [X] Paradoxical Form
    [X] Paradoxical Form
    [X] Accept Magic existing. It's every kid's dream. Well, either that, or you developed a very overactive imagination. Whichever makes more sense.
I don't know how you do that.

Besides, what I said is still true. I would like for you to go for plan format generally, if you don't mind.

It just seems easier.
There should be a vote tally button between your delete and report buttons on your post. You can also go to the top of the page and go to thread tools and select the vote tally option.

And fair enough. Plan is easier for votes such as write ins.
That would have been nice to know...
Anyways, if you want to know, the first Manifestation will give you three possible Affinities, one of which you must take and the others are optional. This will not be the case most of the time, because generally you don't get compulsory Affinities (as in specific ones, you will get a selection and number as stated in Mechanics). Also because the amount of Affinities you get per Manifestation is generally fixed.
A/N: Remember, you can pick either, both, or neither of the two optional Affinities. Ask away if you have more questions.
Votes close in 24 hours.
I might not have made it super obvious, but I didn't not mention it.
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Deadline - Prophecy
[X] Whispers of Manifest Destiny

[X] Glimpse of the Impossible

[X] Paradoxical Form


No. No. Why are you freaking out about this? Sure, magic is a thing apparently. That's a thing all children wish for, what's wrong with that. And apparently, it's related to you. Even worse better! Sure, you have whispers in your head. You're a smart kid, you can deal with that. You might have problems in the beginning, but you're sure it will be fine.

Gained A World of Wonder.

Screaming into your pillow for the next half-hour probably doesn't help you long-term, but it does help you feel better now. To be honest, that's all you care about currently.

You go downstairs for dinner, and your parents squint at you when you enter the room.

"Sweetie? You feeling okay?"

"…uh…" You aren't. But you feel like your expression is perfectly normal – there's no downturned mouth, no pursed lips, no furrowed brow on your face.

"Yeah?" You wince. That came out far too question-like for your mum not to notice.

"Good. You just seemed a little, I don't know, off. Honey? Come have a look."

Or not. Your dad raises his eyebrow, blinks and then frowns slightly – a rather rare sight on his usually jolly face.

"could've sworn… Sorry, pardon? Oh. Well, he seems alright. Son, you been feeling strange lately?"

You nod slightly before you catch yourself, and your dad opens his arms for a hug. You sulk and totter in his arms.

They're warm.


Later, when you are brushing your teeth before bed-time, you look into the mirror, and are nearly spooked out of your skin by your own reflection. Your outline is shifting. Your arms and legs aren't always in one place – they seem to be appearing in multiple places at once. You are clearly magic as heck, and you don't know why – or even what's going on. You wish there was a kind of guide or book for th-

open the eye

see beyond

break the form

break the bonds

heed the call

find your kind

survive them all

ascend to sky

You're going to bed now. You're too young for this stuff.

Gained A Prophecy.

Your dreams are mercifully without much imagery of the nightmarish (lovely) splits and warps that compose your new form. The voices stay mostly quiet, until the end of your dreams, which have been abstract up until this point.

The voices start chanting the verse you heard earlier over and over and over and over. You feel a faint rumbling, as though something is coming over the horizon, and a sense of dread. The clouds you had been floating through darken, and darken, and darken. This increases more and more and more until you are hit with clarity. There's something coming in the future. Something bad. Something soon. You get the feeling that it's not going to be around for a few years, and you know that you have magic of some kind. Surely you can figure something out, if not to fight it, then to escape it. Then, as the vision clears, something brushes through the clouds.

[] A pale silver cloak wrapped in electric blue chains. It doesn't seem to hold a consistent shape. (The Voices the call)

[] A ball composed of pale silver rings concentrically orbiting a miniature absinthe star. If you observe the angles of orbit carefully, you notice they should collide with one another. (The Heart the form)

[] A circlet of pale silver, embedded with gems of green and blue. The light reflected from them seems to array itself into something. (The Gaze the eye)

You reach toward it, and the rest of your dream is bliss.

When you wake next morning, your parents are still worried (as they should be) that something is off, but don't make too much of a fuss and send you off with their usually warm goodbyes. When you go to school, everyone is… intimidated by a certain atmosphere you carry around with you. How Ren reacts, however, is most interesting and unexpected. When you appear, in full physics-skirting glory, and she sees you, her eyes widen, and she seems both apprehensive and… excited? Not sure what's up with that. You ignore it though. You have a vague deadline of a few years before the something bad occurs. Better make them count. You know that training and learning require specialisation if you're trying to learn a lot about something; so, what are you going to specialise in?

You have 24 actions; obviously, you may select an option more than once to double up on it.

[] Physical training: You know that you aren't unfit, but you're an intellectual, and your body is sub-par compared to where it could be.

[] Martial training: You've always thought martial arts looked cool, like most kids your age, but unlike most kids, you realise to get to Bruce Lee-expy levels you need to go through a lot of training – which means work and pain. You are willing to put the effort in for yourself and your family though. You'd need to convince your parents to let you, but it shouldn't be that hard.

[] Mental training: The adults in your life have called you a prodigy, but you know that you can never be too smart. After all, scientia potentia est, right?

[] Arcana training: The more you learn about magical objects, rules and entities, the better you can defend yourself and your parents.

[] Spellcraft training: The more magic you know and can do, the better.

[] Search for allies: You have always read about the underlying magical communities in stories that hide from mortal eyes. You could see whether such a thing exists in the real world, and then look for allies.

[] Search for the Artifact: Whatever you saw in your Dream, it was powerful, and you want to find it and capture before the event happens, and before someone else comes to possess it.

[] Investigate Ren's behaviour: Clearly, she noticed something. Is she naturally more sensitive? Can you be more sensitive to magic? At any rate, you need to know the reasons behind her reaction, and whether it can benefit you and/or her. (Can only be taken once)

[] Experiment with Affinities: Whatever weird powers your Dreams have given you, they seem potent, if not without problems. How can they better achieve your goal of survival for you and kin?

A/N: Well, I decided to write a marginally longer update but lowered the speed of updates. Is this better?

Anyway, timeskip now.

If you want questions answered, feel free to ask. I can only really answer spoilery questions in vague consequences though - some stuff is intentionally hidden from you.

The whole "magic is cool" thing would not have worked nearly as well if you guys weren't Self-Aware™, and you would have much worse consequences than a mere Empathy malus, but you're good. As always, choose wisely! Votes will be closing in 48 hours.
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Would Physical and Martial provide benefits to the each other?
I'm doing a plan vote cus that makes sense.

[X] A ball composed of pale silver rings concentrically orbiting a miniature absinthe star. If you observe the angles of orbit carefully, you notice they should collide with one another. (The Heart the form)
[X] Plan Mental Emphasis
-[X] Physical training x2
-[X] Martial training x1
-[X] Mental training x6
-[X] Arcana training x4
-[X] Spellcrafting training x2
-[X] Experiment with Affinities x4
-[X] Search for the Artifact x3
-[X] Search for allies x1
-[X] Investigate Ren's behaviour x1

The motivation for this plan is to provide minor benefits to physicality, but with a general overall pursuit of knowledge and strong intellect. Mental provides 0.5 to all.
Arcana + spellcrafting synergize and give us knowledge about the world we're entering.
Physical + Martial are just because we don't know what we'll be facing and we might need to fist-fight/run. Martial is lower because spellcrafting + affinities should cover it but still existent to provide some basic knowledge, physical is higher to mitigate weakness.

A relatively high number of actions are dedicated to acquiring the artifact, in case it truly is highly valuable.
There's also a degree of searching for allies and investigating Ren's behavior. The former is a gamble for potentially positive results.

A notable risk is that the x4 for Experiment With Affinities may increase our Eye addiction or draw attention. But it is best to experiment with these skills early on, so that we can mitigate their flaws later. Plus, they will help us resist enemies or what have you.

Edit: Slightly reformulated.
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[X] A ball composed of pale silver rings concentrically orbiting a miniature absinthe star. If you observe the angles of orbit carefully, you notice they should collide with one another. (The Heart the form)
[X] Plan Master of None
-[X] Physical training x3
-[X] Martial training x4
-[X] Mental training x4
-[X] Arcana training x3
-[X] Spellcraft training
-[X] Search for allies
-[X] Search for the Artifact x4
-[X] Investigate Ren's behaviour
-[X] Experiment with Affinities x3

Reasoning behind this is that a whole hell of a lot of actions being too focused on one thing could lead to something missing in our foundation. Which could cause people to argue my neglect for spellcraft might be negative, but I feel that everything with a four times action is much more important. Also, better physical body, means more abilities to think up of what we can do with our physical might. Wonder what kind of martial training we'll get though.

Also, I can be convinced to take a point away from Artifact searching into spellcraft training if properly argued for.
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Would Physical and Martial provide benefits to the each other?
I'm doing a plan vote cus that makes sense.

[X] A ball composed of pale silver rings concentrically orbiting a miniature absinthe star. If you observe the angles of orbit carefully, you notice they should collide with one another. (The Heart the form)
[X] Plan Mental Emphasis
-[X] Physical training x2
-[X] Martial training x2
-[X] Mental training x6
-[X] Arcana training x4
-[X] Experiment with Affinities x5
-[X] Search for the Artifact x3
-[X] Search for allies x1
-[X] Investigate Ren's behaviour x1

The motivation for this plan is to provide minor benefits to physicality, but with a general overall pursuit of knowledge and strong intellect over directly useful spellcasting abilities or martial skill. The presumption behind this is that we will not be in immediate danger, that our affinities will provide some protection, and that this strong foundation will foster later growth. A relatively high number of actions are dedicated to acquiring the artifact, in case it truly is highly valuable. There's also a degree of searching for allies and investigating Ren's behavior. The former is a gamble for potentially positive results. A notable risk is that the x5 for Experiment With Affinities may increase our Eye addiction or draw attention. But it is best to experiment with these skills early on, so that we can mitigate their flaws later.
This was not the reaction I was expecting. Excellent! People here are much more unpredictable than in real life!

To answer your question, yes, they would. Arcana would benefit Spellcraft, and Mental benefits everything half as much.

A thing I would point out is that people seem either very scared of the boogeyman pulling a Kool-Aid Man right now, or really unconcerned/assuming anything notable will be put back until the event. You guys are all very opposite ends of the spectrum. Be less/more scared.

Edit: Wow you guys are not interested in spellcraft. That is EXTREMELY interesting. Guess it went the way of Reizan (still not sure why that spooked people so hard)
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Reasoning behind this is that a whole hell of a lot of actions being too focused on one thing could lead to something missing in our foundation. Which could cause people to argue my neglect for spellcraft might be negative, but I feel that everything with a four times action is much more important. Also, better physical body, means more abilities to think up of what we can do with our physical might. Wonder what kind of martial training we'll get though.

Also, I can be convinced to take a point away from Artifact searching into spellcraft training if properly argued for.
a) please delete the descriptions in your vote and add the - marks that make them proper sub-listings of your plan. Also, the Prophecy probably shouldn't be under your plan, as it doesn't truly impact it.
b) Specialization requires focus.
c) Probably karate classes. Not that our build seems very physical-might focused - we see the future and do the impossible, i.e. an int & agi build if we try hard.
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[X] A ball composed of pale silver rings concentrically orbiting a miniature absinthe star. If you observe the angles of orbit carefully, you notice they should collide with one another. (The Heart the form)
[X] Plan Mental Emphasis
Would anyone be interested in explaining why exactly you aren't interested in "magjyyks most high"?

Also I notice no-one is wondering about all the juicy hints I dropped in the update.

Are they too obvious and tacky, or too subtle and unimportant?

And still no one questions Renanigans.
This was not the reaction I was expecting. Excellent! People here are much more unpredictable than in real life!

To answer your question, yes, they would. Arcana would benefit Spellcraft, and Mental benefits everything half as much.

A thing I would point out is that people seem either very scared of the boogeyman pulling a Kool-Aid Man right now, or really unconcerned/assuming anything notable will be put back until the event. You guys are all very opposite ends of the spectrum. Be less/more scared.

Edit: Wow you guys are not interested in spellcraft. That is EXTREMELY interesting. Guess it went the way of Reizan (still not sure why that spooked people so hard)
If I had to guess, it's because spellcraft doesn't sound, at least to me, as that important so soon rather than getting the basics of everything else set up. Timeskip will stop at 8 right? Perfect time to start crafting spells then, if not a little bit too soon for my tastes.

So, what are your thoughts on my plan?

Shut up Freedom!
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At 6, actually. You're currently 4.

That's only kind of Deray.

As for your plan, well... Not going to lie, if you want to generalise, you should have picked Reizan. Also I think you missed at least two votes, and the whole "ignore spellcraft while trying to generalise" approach is kind of weird. But considering what you could have done, it's actually a pretty decent plan.

Still, no-one wonders what the different Artifacts do. This one amuses me, because either you've no idea what the Heart does and don't care (lol) or you've guessed what it does, and either think you know and are wrong(lol x2 combo) or think you know and are right, in which case (wow).
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At 6, actually. You're currently 4.

That's only kind of Deray.

As for your plan, well... Not going to lie, if you want to generalise, you should have picked Reizan. Also I think you missed at least two votes, and the whole "ignore spellcraft while trying to generalise" approach is kind of weird. But considering what you could have done, it's actually a pretty decent plan.
No I have all 24. Also, thanks for that clarification. Also also, I'm not going to generalize forever. Just think of this as building up some basics so we can choose a specialty later. And whilst I'm not COMPLETELY ignoring spellcraft, I admit it does kind of shoot generalizing in the foot a bit.

Edit: After all, as you said, my plan could be worse. Like specializing everything into mental training, arcana training and spellcrafting alone. Going x8 in all. Now THAT would probably fuck us over.
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OK, this is a clarification I think I need to make.

You have 2~3 years after the timeskip to get stuff done before excrement impacts the rapidly rotating air flow assistance device at sufficient velocity(here all week). You don't have as long as you guys think you have, which is effectively the only reason why I think you guys underestimate direct ability. Don't get me wrong, it's still 2~3 years, and you have plenty of time to get stuff done, as well as maybe get allies who can help, but you guys seem to be under the impression that this is a slow ride to start off with. Early will be difficult. You did pick Xenitii as your Fountain; Ebolkan mitigates, but sure as hells doesn't stop the "oh no my start up is gonna suck" train.

The things in the night sure don't wait for you to get to the late game and ascend to divinity (or something) before they go for you. That'd be dumb.
or think you know and are right, in which case (wow).
Well, not the first time I'd be either close to nailing something on the head or getting it right in your quest. But I'll bite. What does The Heart do? I assume, due to the star, that it has SOMETHING to do with Xenitii.
You have 2~3 years after the timeskip to get stuff done before excrement impacts the rapidly rotating air flow assistance device at sufficient velocity(here all week). You don't have as long as you guys think you have, which is effectively the only reason why I think you guys underestimate direct ability. Don't get me wrong, it's still 2~3 years, and you have plenty of time to get stuff done, as well as maybe get allies who can help, but you guys seem to be under the impression that this is a slow ride to start off with. Early will be difficult. You did pick Xenitii as your Fountain; Ebolkan mitigates, but sure as hells doesn't stop the "oh no my start up is gonna suck" train.
Alright, I admit, I was expecting like, early teens for what you described. If just because I don't believe we'd get that smart that fast in a few years without shoving at least half of the actions into mental training. But I could be wrong. So tell me. How would you best describe early game for us in say, videogame comparison?

Edit: I think I should reword this. I was expecting that the incoming threat would be a taste for things to come. And for shit to REALLY hit the fan big time around 12 or 13.
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