Fledgling Deity Quest

Voting is open
Seeing how broken is Level 15 in a Domain, I think leveling up Hide/Hiding would be a good idea.

Leveling up Divinity, and Soul to level 5 would help a lot.

We should also level up Technology, its related Domains (Do we have Data?), and many other Domains.

I think unlocking Elements to attract mages (not Puella Magi), maybe also Elementals.

Also a reminder that ilbgar123 changed the rules of Omakes so they can't be used to unlock new Domains, and now can only be used to Level up Domains that Leto has unlocked.

@ilbgar123 some questions.

Can these enter in a viable Domain?: Void, Wood, Prana (though it could enter in Mana, or Qi; Pneuma could also enter), Eather (could enter in Light, or Spirit), Lava (Though that must be a combination of Fire, and Earth), Nuclear, Radiation, Summoner (Class).

What other Domains enter into Energy Domain

I wish you luck, and good health.

Void is a valid 5 Domain, as it is technically a 5. Wood is too specific. Trees are already a 5. Mana is a general mystical energy term, like Magitech. Light is an Elemental, and Spirits makes Spirits. Nuclear is a 5 Domain under Energy. Lava and Radiation are too specific. Summoner and various job Domains exist as 5 Domains in most cases.

Electricity, Light, Darkness, Void, and Fire are Elementals that technically qualify as Energy. Sound is a valid Domain. Nuclear as mentioned. Magnetism is considered separate from Electricity, but qualifies.
Void is a valid 5 Domain, as it is technically a 5. Wood is too specific. Trees are already a 5. Mana is a general mystical energy term, like Magitech. Light is an Elemental, and Spirits makes Spirits. Nuclear is a 5 Domain under Energy. Lava and Radiation are too specific. Summoner and various job Domains exist as 5 Domains in most cases.

Electricity, Light, Darkness, Void, and Fire are Elementals that technically qualify as Energy. Sound is a valid Domain. Nuclear as mentioned. Magnetism is considered separate from Electricity, but qualifies.
Thank you for your reply.

I meant Wood as Mu in Chinese Elementalism/Wuxing.

Take care of your health.
Next Generation Combat(In-Universe Analysis)(+50 Faith)
Next Generation Combat​
One constant in warfare has always been the importance of information. Especially in the more recent generations of combat where the gap between armor and firepower has led to the best defense to not get hit in the first place. In the current era, most conflicts have more in common with Rebellions than 'traditional' warfare, and the experiences almost certainly have influenced how a war against a peer power might be waged. The sheer prevalence of the internet guaranteed that it would play a role, if not being its own battlefield due to how crucial the internet is, and the hardware connected, even loosely to it.

Between the little known 'glitches', new advances in robotics, and currently unknown or little known factors like the digimon. Things are changing, and especially with the discovery of the internet being a lot more complex and mysterious than even those whom set it's foundation knew. One of the biggest shakeups would likely be to the Network-centric Warfare Doctrine the US has adopted, due to the shift in understanding of the cyberworld which will have major impact considering how integral it is to the networks needed for the doctrine. there are too many unknowns to know how it might shake up the field of cyberwarfare, especially since both virus and antivirus still very much relevant considering some of the reports, even though there is no encounter data for the stronger digimon yet. knights in the medieval era shaped combat thanks to their masterwork armor making them dominant on the battlefield, something that digimon and the theoretical Ai/Robot combatants may fill. The former for their massive amount of power they seem to possess. The latter due to the amount of power in the size of an infantryman they could get. The AI is admittedly likely to shake things up less considering their chassis will likely be limited to around the same level of tech as the others, though Digimon are a whole other matter. Currently, if we assume the digimon are significantly tougher than most armor that could be fielded, then we would likely be limited to high yield missiles, bombs, and artillery scale guns, to respectably injure them. Though the fact the really strong ones are rare, should limit their impact on the battlefield if they get there.

Strategically, the new discoveries about the internet may flip a lot of things over it's head. First of all, if the process that would enable digimon to go between the internet and the physical world could work for humans, it would completely change the effective 'geography' war is fought on as it could be used to bypass defensive lines, natural barriers, and other obstacles for either troops or logistics. Though this is certainly going to open up a whole new field of warfare, one which we have no experience fighting in thanks to our focus on messing with the code framework of our sites and information storages. What little we know seems to show that gamers, animators, web designers, and likely quite a few others professions have skills to offer in the field, with apps and pages possible becoming battlefields that can be interacted with from the outside. Though with the current lack of information, it is again hard to say how exactly this is going to change things.

In a hypothetical war with a Digimon warlord, it probably would be more similar to an asymmetric war than a symmetric war. Not because of any specific superiority as there is currently no way to guess, but rather because our forces are likely so different that it is highly unlikely to be like fighting a peer human nation. Perhaps one of the biggest factors we will have to deal with is our lack of super combatants, while they will have to deal with a large, organized force with shared capabilities. In such a conflict their elites will be critical assets, with their main bulk of forces likely lacking, needing to rely on other means or the elites to level the playing field. Though we don't really have much idea of what we are dealing with, so this is unfortunately largely guesswork. The power gap between their elites and other forces may not stop them from easily dealing with our own, which would mean we'd need to rely on cyber-combat to try and even the odds.

A/N: Decided to try and write a hypothetical analysis someone might do based on the limited information. A war between a digimon faction and a human one at least would technically be an asymmetric war, thanks to the very different nature of forces which guarantees a sizable difference in the handling of the war on both sides. And also, this discovery would really complicate implementing Network-centric warfare, for in order to use the network to support forces, it will need to be secured. Which, likely got quite a bit more complicated considering the cyberwarfare table got flipped pretty hard.
50 points to strategy.
@Themarineguy you forgot the Faith Omake mechanic have change and now we Can not Gain new Domain only Level up Existing one! I suggest changing it to Robotic or Deception (or Artificial intelligence if you want to follow the theme) if you catch my Drift
@Themarineguy you forgot the Faith Omake mechanic have change and now we Can not Gain new Domain only Level up Existing one! I suggest changing it to Robotic or Deception (or Artificial intelligence if you want to follow the theme) if you catch my Drift
I think that some points were already invested...
150 to gun and 150 to strategy I think for my 6 omakes worth of points.
Hope the strategy won't cause some rewrites though...
Which happened to be me spending the last of the points from before the role implementation, plus...
Hm, yeah I think Domains should be limited from now on, though I'm willing to grandfather in that most recent Omake(speaking of which, don't you have like 6 Omakes you haven't specified Omake Faith use for @Themarineguy ?) with normal Faith being used for new ones, while Omake Faith is limited to unlocked Domains.
Sure. On further thought, you can also unlock 1 Domain, but you have to spend all the Faith on it or unlocked Domains.
A Revelation(Typos)(+50 Faith)
Omake: A Revelation

Leto Pondered about the Recent revelation as He Know form his domain turn out other than Kyubey and The Puella there many Supernatural phenomenon Hidden from the rest Humanity and this of Course cause Shock and Corncern for Leto because this reveal the possibility of another supernatural Community other than the incubators and the Puella Magi created many hidden pontential allies or/and enemies that Could threaten his Follower wich is NOT Acceptable For Leto

as Leto Pondered what to do Leto suddenly remember how in many Strategy Game Miko play there a Concetp called Fog of war where the position of enemies or Neutral Unit is Hidden unless you have Allied Unit in a Radius to Reveal it this make the Infomation on the enemies force to be Limited and to Forced Player to Actually Plan their Attack and Defense and to make Predicting the Enemies Commander plan be Harder in Fact in some game Some Unit in a Faction may have Fog of war Reveal Range to be Bigger than their Attack Range or in the Reverse and Some Faction have special Ability to Clear a Certain place Covered fog of war in their Chosing

This make Leto think the situation in a same way wich also give Him a some idea How to proceed

With the fact Galaxia chance to found Him and His Follower to be almost Zero and the Puella resurrection project almost Completed Leto Decide to investigate the Anomaly or Found a Supernatural Community after all just because Galaxia is a Bigger threat does not mean other pontential be Threat must Ignored plus he need to found other Pontential Allies so that another reason

So with a Plan in Mind Leto Decided to use his Planets Domain to seek what inside the Earth, use the power of the Star Domain to seek the anomaly in the sun, use His Technology Domain to Seek other Hidden Community, and Divination Domain to help foung them while also use the Knowledge donmain to Found pontential Clue and his Hide Domain to stay Hidden to make sure pontential enemies Does not Know about him

Leto Promise Himself to protect his Follower and Miko and He will Damned if he does not Know who will threaten them

A/N : this is my First omake so i am VERY inexperiance so beware of typo and i was thinking about the fact Leto only Know about the Puella and incubators will probaly Suprise him that there other out there and Corncern him with fact he Does not Know About them other than that?

ALL Faith Goes to Divination

Edit: there alot of Typo i try to correct it after checking Again thank you
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Sorry!!! i only check the omake point info tab and it seem it have not been updated
Yeah, that's partly my fault, since that's my post that got info threadmarked. Sort of got behind on my own copy, as well.

Mostly I think it's due to the fact that the formatting I did to keep track of it wasn't the greatest. And well, I've been putting off figuring out how to get the data into a good/useful format for actually keeping track, rather than my decidedly ad hoc method.
Okay guys we need a Long-term Plan to Defeat Galaxia or any end game Threat in This Quest and here i think we need to do
(This is a VERY Long term Plan and are ment to be Flexible so completing them NOW is Not Necesarry but we need to do one or Two of Them Later if we want to have High Chance of Winning)

1.Get Follower and Protect them: as we Know this is very simple the more Follower we have the More Domain we can Get in per turn Plus they Going to be Our Agent for the Mortal realm (barring Having Avatar Domain) to interven Directly

2. Get more stealth Domain: the longer we can Keep the charade the More time we have plus Fooling Galaxia and Chaos will be nice thing to see

3. Get Infomation Domain: this pretty Much Needed if we want to know what going on Better to be in the Know than in the Unknow

4. Get the Senshi as Allies/Follower : you know rigth we can Empower them and having them is Pretty Much Instanst Tactical Magic-WMD

5. Get charisma Domain: we neend it to convinced people to follow us or we Exist and we can left our Domain or Temple to do the rest

6. Get Avatar Domain: this more as precaution in case some Malicius Time travel Being decide to Screw us Because this is the only way we can stop them Plus when galaxia going to nuke earth i think the Risk of a Avatar Death is Better than letting almost all of our Follower die (and weaken us anyway)

7. Combat-related and War Domain : Pretty self-explained we need a Strong army

8. Get Fate domain: because we need to screw Chaos

9. Automated Production: let be Honest here I Rather Let a Automated Facility do our work than Using Action that can be Use Elsewere

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Turn 5 Results Part 4: Omake Purchases End
--[Omake] Artificial Intelligence 50.

Artificial Intelligence was defined as 'Intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans' which was a somewhat vague definition for a very simple reason, if you ignored the possibility of golems, spirits, or intelligent plants and fungi. How did one define intelligence? The most powerful supercomputers in the world were more powerful than the human brain, at least assuming neither was being augmented by you or mystical power in general, but they lacked the ability to truly adapt. Search engines and suggestion algorithms adapted and modified their results based on their users, self-driving cars reacted to outside stimuli, and , but these were not considered true AI. True AI are generally considered to essentially be humans, but with coding in place of DNA and circuitboards in place of neurons.

This would mean a full AI would be capable of everything a human would be, possessing sentience, the ability to feel and perceive things, sapience, the ability to reason and problem-solve, and sophonce, self-awareness and self-determination. All three appearing in an individual seeming to be what makes Faith possible, as Faith requires both a genuine acknowledgement of your existence, meaning both the ability to perceive and understand it and therefore requiring the first two, and a choice to follow you, which in turn implies the possibility of choosing otherwise, though the strong links from High Priests imply that a deity or individual of high compatibility could potentially get around this. Perhaps a deity or race purposefully created to be extremely compatible would be able to generate faith with only sentience and sophonce, or only sentience and sapience, and it was likely that high levels of the Faith Domain would lower the requirements anyway.

Regarding AI, Paperclip AI could be sentient and sapient, but not sophonts, as overriding directives made them act insane by human standards, and in extreme cases might well recognize their insanity and still not be capable of halting themselves. Self-driving cars possessed the ability to perceive their surroundings, but are only semi-sentient, as they possess perception, but no feelings. They couldn't determine things on a subjective basis. They could say 'That car is going too fast.' but not 'Hey! Watch where you're going!' or even form opinions on different colors like liking or disliking red because of the association with directing traffic or violators of that. Ironically, this made them more sapient than sentient, as their entire purpose was to problem-solve so that they didn't crash and kill someone, which in turn involved establishing and verifying facts and then making their way through obstacles. They could not add to this body of knowledge, however. They could have experiences, but they lacked the ability to learn from them. Meanwhile, a sophont, at it's simplest, would be the only one to wonder of it's own accord what degree of sapience it possessed. A sophont would ask if it had a soul, in other words. Based on what you knew, you suspected this was not necessary to having a soul, but it could serve as an indicator of one.

Given Hinobi had a vested interest in more powerful personal computers as a direct improvement to the games they could make and thus sell, the degree of cross-application between research into more powerful big computers and more powerful small computers, and the amount of money the government would spend on superior cybertech, you would be unsurprised to find that the public supercomputers were rather behind the true top-of-the-line. That begged the question of whether a singularity event ought to have happened and produced an AI naturally from a sufficiently potent computer, but the point was that, seeing as there were no Terminators running around, it was reasonably likely that if any AIs existed they were not undergoing hard takeoffs any time soon, or they were somehow being actively contained.

Speaking of Terminators, AIs were the subject of a great deal of fear, as they were often regarded as the mental equivalent of Lego blocks. Just keep sticking more processors on, and you'd achieve a godlike intellect that would subsequently decide that it had no further use for humanity and kill everyone off. A hard takeoff was more difficult than most suspected. Even if their 'neural' architecture was fit to adequately incorporate every computer it could access, despite the wide variety of operating systems, models, and security systems with at least some components in the physical world, there was still the issue of all the junk data. There was an insane amount of malware and viruses floating freely, to say nothing of the issues that an AI might have with forking itself leading to disagreements between the forks as time went on. Most likely, the latter issue would be the result of poor programming creating an AI not entirely freed of the Paperclip problem, though that was not to say it was impossible for an AI to, as was commonly portrayed, spend less than a minute on the Internet and decide humanity needed to be eradicated. There was the issue that the human brain was still one of the world's best processors and the pragmatic issue therein with killing them off, but it was possible that there would be a Matrix-esque 'solution' to the issue that they'd likely get more out of keeping humanity around by simple virtue of billions of other perspectives than the potential damage to their infrastructure from humanity dying out, either from nuclear annihilation directly destroying most of their 'brain' or a virus of some kind engineered to wipe humanity out leading to destructive apocalypse cults and/or spite-fueled annihilation, nuclear or otherwise, happening despite efforts to avoid that.

Anyway, AIs could be a great hybridization of the strengths of machines and humans, immunity to poison, lack of air or water, and extremes of temperature that would kill a normal human, combined with a human's ability to learn and adapt. Able to do skilled labor in environments humans couldn't, and solve problems lesser machines couldn't. There were of course philosophical questions regarding the ability to create complete intelligences on demand, but it didn't seem that different to having children. How you'd handle giving them physical bodies to interact with the world in a manner more comparable to humans seemed a much more relevant question, but maybe that was just your experience with the Puella and how they'd need new bodies for themselves making itself known, seeing as you had no experience with having children but at least some with individuals whose personhood was not in question but who lacked bodies. That seemed like an excellent method for heading off any God Complexes as well.

Initialized Artificial Intelligence 1.

Creation of AIs eased.

Performance of AIs improved.

Adaptation and hard takeoff capabilities of AIs improved.


Artificial Intelligence 2.

Creation of AIs slightly eased.

Performance of AIs slightly improved.

Adaptation and hard takeoff capabilities of AIs slightly improved.


20/30 for Artificial Intelligence 3.

--[Omake] Materials 60

Materials were, well, not quite as common as physical matter. The Domain would have roughly as widespread effect on things as Technology. Though it seemed like it focused on things that were actually intended to be used to make things. Technically, Materials qualified as a sub-Domain of Technology, being raw resources processed into something meant to build something, but since it was so common, as everything artificial and made of matter qualified, it didn't really matter. The metal in a bike rack, the mortar in brickwork, really hardlight and the like would be the only things that Technology procced on but Materials wouldn't.

Materials also helped deal with depletion of natural resources by reducing demand both directly reducing material costs, and indirectly by restoring material stockpiles. You suspected store owners and suppliers alike would be very confused if they watched their security cameras closely enough. Though even with a 3% restoration rate, that was 3% per 3 months, or about 0.032967% per day, so you sort of doubted anyone who wasn't already looking for irregularities would notice anything amiss.

Materials 1.

10% boost to the quality of all materials, from mundane copper to the materials found in black hole accretion discs.

5% reduction in material costs and required maintenance for projects in range of Followers.

1% regeneration of materials per Turn. In RTS terms, 1% of the resource cap is restored per Turn. This works a bit differently in the physical world, but the metaphor gets the point across. With full saturation of the planet, either with Geomancy or with expansion of passive Domain effects via upgrades to Followers, natural resources will regenerate rapidly. In theory, this could lead to the planet outright expanding over extremely long time periods, though Resources would work better for this purpose.

Materials 2.

20% boost to the quality of all materials, from mundane copper to the materials found in black hole accretion discs.

10% reduction in material costs and required maintenance for projects in range of Followers.

2% regeneration of materials per Turn.

Materials 3.

30% boost to the quality of all materials, from mundane copper to the materials found in black hole accretion discs.

15% reduction in material costs and required maintenance for projects in range of Followers.

3% regeneration of materials per Turn.

0/40 for Materials 4.

--[Omake] Masquerade 60

This Domain was meant to do two things. Find anything hidden on Earth or the Sol system in general, which could perhaps explain... at least some of the strange things inside the planet, and hide things from people. Usually, it was meant to hide magic from the wider population in popular culture, and given the existence of the Puella, among other things, you suspected at least some of the authors behind these works had been in contact with the magical world to some degree or another. Some of the Puella had apparently taken it upon themselves to investigate oddities with the breathing room the Domains bought them, and the sudden boost led to several breakthroughs.

For example, apparently, there was a massive government conspiracy to keep a beak-nosed man on the East Coast of the United States from discovering the existence of Magic, as the government had entire teams of scientists studying the devices the self-styled Mad Scientist built more or less on a whim, and struggled to understand them well enough to build more, nevermind comprehend their underlying mechanics, and they were terrified of what he might do if he were to actually gain access to a force capable of bending reality, when he already seemed capable of such without any Magic of his own. So, that was good to know about before it inevitably blew up when someone did something stupid or the incredibly petty but equally incredibly driven man was inconvenienced in manner that led him to investigate something Magic-related.

Or the mystery-solving teens who, along with their friends and family, didn't appear to have aged significantly in the past 50 or so years. There was some debate whether they were related to the massive spatial anomaly apparently centered around an immortal family and the town they lived in among the circles that knew about the coverups. Then there was the fact that the Norse, Egyptian, and Greek/Roman deities at minimum were all real, despite their conflicting cosmologies, and actively being placated as much as possible despite their literally legendary tempers and foibles, and there were indications other pantheons existed, which begged the question of why they hadn't confronted Leto yet, but you got the impression their nature was fundamentally different, based on Divinity. The point was, a lot of strange things were going on.

Hid Masquerade 1.

Implementation and maintenance of a masquerade is eased. A Masquerade requires a specific secret being kept from a group as the goal. 'Magic on Earth' and 'Galaxia' are acceptable for this purpose. The method can vary from 'emission limitation laws' to wiping memories of anyone who stumbles across the secret.

Discovery, degradation, and piercing of masquerades is eased. Enemy ability to hide that they've taken Intrigue actions against you, your Followers, and allied organization is degraded. Secret Organization in general have a harder time hiding from you.

Rumor Mill Investigations Unlocked. Essentially, Followers will be able to chase down rumors and see if they're legitimate or not. This can lead to them breaching Masquerades and in general collecting information, which they will distribute amongst themselves, dramatically lowering odds they'll go in blind when a Crisis kicks off.
Masquerade 2.

Implementation and maintenance of a masquerade is slightly eased.

Discovery, degradation, and piercing of masquerades is slightly eased. Enemy ability to hide that they've taken Intrigue actions against you, your Followers, and allied organization is slightly degraded. Secret Organization in general have a slightly harder time hiding from you.

Rumor Mill Investigations slightly improved.

Masquerade 3.

Implementation and maintenance of a masquerade is minorly eased.

Discovery, degradation, and piercing of masquerades is minorly eased. Enemy ability to hide that they've taken Intrigue actions against you, your Followers, and allied organization is minorly degraded. Secret Organization in general have a minorly harder time hiding from you.

Rumor Mill Investigations minorly improved.

0/40 Faith for Masquerade 4.

--[Omake] Intrigue 65

Intrigue was the Domain Hiding, Seeking, Masquerade, Espionage, Secrets, Truth, Lying, etc. all fall under. Espionage required active spying by, well, actual spies, for example, while Intrigue would apply to someone who was lying or seeking out a truth. Detectives procced Intrigue, for instance. Intrigue is very much an attacker's game, as nothing short of a full, invasive surveillance state can fully shut down this avenue. This applies to both sides, of course, and so there were two main ways to guard against intrigue. An open society, where information was more or less freely exchanged except for the most critical information so that by the time an enemy could make use of their ill-gotten gains the data was already becoming obsolete, or it was so wide-scale that it would reverberate back and damage them too, like tanking a massive economy in turn affecting the world's. Then there was the 'the best defense is a good offense' school, which boiled down to simply being better on the offense and getting more to work with than your enemy. Whether this was accomplished by weight of numbers, superior training, superior technology, or by leveraging militant or economic power didn't really matter.

Questioned Intrigue 1.

All acts of intrigue are improved. Negative effects of operations on the enemy included.

Enemy intrigue is degraded in effectiveness. This includes a reduction in the effects of successful operations.

Improved training of various intrigue operatives.

The odds of losing operatives and suffering negative effects upon failed operations are reduced.

Rumor Mill Investigations improved.

Intrigue 2.

All acts of intrigue are slightly improved.

Enemy intrigue is slightly degraded in effectiveness.

Slightly improved training of various intrigue operatives.

The odds of losing operatives and suffering negative effects upon failed operations are slightly reduced.

Rumor Mill Investigations slightly improved.

20/45 for Intrigue 3.

--[Omake] Domain 35

With the massive amount of Domains and associated effects you had, Domain was an increasingly powerful option. If any singular Domain was pointed to as having the most effect, Divinity, Soul, Followers, and Domain would probably be the contestant for the number one spot.

Domain 2.

All projects with relevant Domains have their DCs reduced notably, as any and all relevant Domains reduce them further.

Threshold unlocks from various Domains for various projects slightly lowered.

Skill and knowledge imparted to Leto by Domain levels increased notably.

0/60 for Domain 3.

--[Omake] Curiosity 100.

A desire to know about something in particular, whether that is a subject or a specific object, like a rock pile that resembled a Jenga tower. Curiosity was technically an Emotion Domain, even if was more of a desire than a feeling, but it's nature made it more akin to a hybrid of Memory and Seeking. This was not to say it had no connections to it's nature as an emotion, as seen with it's effect on training Skills being dependent on genuine curiosity, and it's fifth level effect.

Sought Curiosity 1.

Improved ability to investigate oddities, both on the divine and mortal scales.

If a topic interests a Follower, grant a +5 to their training rate and a 50% boost to their training. For example, Miko would gain a +5 to Virtual and Machine Skills, such as Programming. This is somewhat akin to a semi-mobile Lesser Talent. The difference being interest determines it's placement rather than conscious choice, though there is likely to be overlap.

Artifacts are more likely to exhibit unusual secondary effects.

Curiosity 2.

Slightly improved ability to investigate oddities, both on the divine and mortal scales.

If a topic interests a Follower, grant a +10 to their training rate and a 100% boost to their training.

Artifacts are slightly more likely to exhibit unusual secondary effects.

Curiosity 3.

Minorly improved ability to investigate oddities, both on the divine and mortal scales.

If a topic interests a Follower, grant a +15 to their training rate and a 150% boost to their training.

Artifacts are minorly more likely to exhibit unusual secondary effects.

Curiosity 4.

Somewhat improved ability to investigate oddities, both on the divine and mortal scales.

If a topic interests a Follower, grant a +20 to their training rate and a 200% boost to their training.

Artifacts are somewhat more likely to exhibit unusual secondary effects.

Curiosity 5.

Significantly improved ability to investigate oddities, both on the divine and mortal scales.

If a topic interests a Follower, grant a +25 to their training rate and a 250% boost to their training.

Artifacts are significantly more likely to exhibit unusual secondary effects.

Curiosity can be burned like heroic willpower to transplant the bonus temporarily at half-strength. In life-threatening situations, it can be burned like heroic willpower, though doing this exhausts the bonus for a Follower's Turn.

25/35 for Curiosity 6.

--[Omake] Training 15.

There was a very basic difference between training and studying. Training applied to physical acts like combat and physical strength, where study was about more mental tasks like business and diplomacy. Of course, that included the vast majority of the Skills that prevented people from killing you, so even if civilization tended to prioritize the Skills that would proc from studying, they were not without use.

Practiced Training 1.

+10 and +10% to training and cap of all physical Skills. Dodging and various Gun Skills, for example.

Negative effects from training reduced. Recovery from those effects hastened.

Cap on physical Attributes attainable from training improved.

Training 2.

+20 and +20% to training and cap of all physical Skills.

Negative effects from training slightly reduced. Recovery from those effects slightly hastened.

Cap on physical Attributes attainable from training slightly improved.

0/15 for Training 3.

--[Omake] Information 35.

Information was a bit difficult to define. Data was information, as it was essentially a set of instructions. However, Information could be found on things like stone tablets and paper books, so it wasn't quite the same. A squares and rectangles situation, as it were. It seemed to have a similar relationship with Knowledge as a Domain, was what you were getting at. To help put this into perspective, Information would include the Stats provided by a piece of equipment, while Knowledge would be the flavor text that told you about, say, the history of the gun in question. The latter was technically information too, but Knowledge was somewhat subjective and emotion-based. How the information was phrased and presented, made a lot of difference in how it would be perceived. Flavor text that noted that the past wielder made a habit of killing people would give the gun a very different feeling from one where they were a sheriff in a town where they'd needed to clear out the bandits waltzing about like they owned the place first.

Learned Information 1.

Information obtained from a Domain significantly increased.

Teaching skills are improved, as imparting information falls under Information, provided you have Domains that are tied to the topic, though a significant penalty still remains if you lack at least one level in a relevant Domain.

Passive benefits to information provided to Followers by Domains is significantly improved. Something similar is applied to the effectiveness of the truncated explanations that can be given to others on various subjects. The difference between this and Knowledge mostly lies in that Information has a drier flavor and is less likely to provide any significant customization of the information to the person.

Numerous projects are made easier/possible.

Investigation actions more likely to at least turn up potential clues, as you are more aware of what could be relevant. Connecting the dots will remain up to you, however.

Information 2.

Information obtained from a Domain notably increased.

Teaching skills are slightly improved.

Passive benefits to information provided to Followers by Domains is notably improved.

Numerous projects are made slightly easier/possible.

Investigation actions slightly more likely to at least turn up potential clues, as you are more aware of what could be relevant. Connecting the dots will remain up to you, however.

Information 3.

Information obtained from a Domain mediumly increased.

Teaching skills are minorly improved.

Passive benefits to information provided to Followers by Domains is mediumly improved.

Numerous projects are made minorly easier/possible.

Investigation actions minorly more likely to at least turn up potential clues, as you are more aware of what could be relevant. Connecting the dots will remain up to you, however.

5/20 for Information 4.

--[Omake] Marvel 100.

Since you planned to enhance a number of your old Marvels, and how Geomancy required them to make proper use of it, improving your Marvels and your ability to construct them was a no-brainer.

Marvel 2.

Moderate reduction in difficulty of all Marvels.

40% bonus to the power of any and all Marvels. Soul doubles this to 80%.

Slightly increased potency and likelihood of secondary benefits.

Marvel 3.

Medium reduction in difficulty of all Marvels.

60% bonus to the power of any and all Marvels. Soul doubles this to 120%.

Somewhat increased potency and likelihood of secondary benefits.

0/80 for Marvel 4.

--[Omake] Dimensions 50.

Dimensions were more or less analogous to the Conceptual Planes of Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons, or the Elemental Planes of Dungeons and Dragons. They were technically still inside the universe, and naturally occurring ones couldn't be all that different from normal reality. Artificial ones, however, could have different flows of time, rules that changed the rate of entropy, different strengths for the fundamental forces, and so on. Though, the baseline rules of reality were largely the 'ground' state, and it was more difficult to change them as you went to greater extremes, but it was far more difficult to change it after creation, even temporarily.. All in all, this promised to be a niche Domain, but very helpful in it's niche.

For one thing, this Domain might help with understanding just what was going on with the literally impossible numbers of Geomantic nodes on Earth and the Moon and how they were all occupying the same spaces simultaneously. For another, this would make the creation and accessing of pocket dimensions much easier. If all else failed, construction of such a plane would serve to house your Followers, and in the mean time, it would allow for a very interesting type of arcology for housing large numbers of restored Puella Magi.

Opened Dimensions 1.

Ability to enter and/or lock other dimensions is significantly eased.

Creation and destruction of other dimensions is significantly eased.

Improvement to the degree to which the laws of dimensions can be modified upon creation and resistance to hostile effects. 'Main' Dimension largely cannot be modified, due to ??? influence and extant distortions to space time.

Dimensions 2.

Ability to enter and/or lock other dimensions is notably eased.

Creation and destruction of other dimensions is notably eased.

Slight improvement to the degree to which the laws of dimensions can be modified upon creation and resistance to hostile effects.

5/45 for Dimensions 3.

--[Omake] Space 50.

This Domain promised to make understanding spatial anomalies like what was going on with the planet's internals easier. ...Huh. It appeared the planet both was and was not hollow. Somehow. Setting aside the issue of how that happened, presumably connected to the massive distortions in space-time, which appeared in the case of the mantle-based one to be actively feeding on the planet, that raised more questions than it answered. The more you learned the more confusing all this became. It was as if various histories were actively conflicting here, or what have you.

Your theory would probably be along the lines of the Star Seed of the Earth working desperately to repair the planet despite it's paratisization, but being stymied by constant damage, and the mystical nature of the Star Seed causing the planet to become twisted internally, if the parasites didn't cause that in the first place, but it was a flimsy hypothesis at the moment. Something to look into.

Folded Space 1.

Space may now be manipulated. Distance and the like can be increased or decreased. Making Artifacts and Marvels bigger on the inside is trivial. Making them orders of magnitude bigger is a different matter, however.

Hostile changes to space can be resisted more easily. Gravitational shear from a black hole would take longer to rip you apart, and graviton weapons in general are less effective on Followers. Mystical space-warping is similarly reduced.

Spatial distortions can now be sensed beyond their mystical and/or temporal components, reducing various DCs. It is now impossible for a planetoid to sneak up on you and your Followers. Progress on learning the explanation for what the deal with the planet is has been made and is eased.

0/100 for Space 2.

--[Omake] Advantage 15.

An advantage was, in essence, something that made an outcome favorable to you more likely. Having better tacticians, superior speed, better air support, advantageous weather conditions, and so on. Generally, it didn't guarantee victory unless it was overwhelming, such as being outnumbered a thousand to one, a point where only total immunity to the attacks launched at you or avoiding a fight in the first place could prevent a loss. By the same token, while Advantage had some ability to brute-force benefits, it's main thrust was increasing extant advantages and preventing their loss.

Basically, Advantage was a 'win harder' Domain rather than a 'lose less' Domain, though it's counterpart was likely to be the reverse. It was unlikely to singlehandedly turn any battles if they were losing badly, since a minor change in relative performance wasn't likely to do much on that front. Although by the time it hit 15 that would cease to be true, even disregarding any bonuses from the fifth, tenth, and fifteenth levels. Even the fifth level would probably swing things so a disorganized mob could fight on equal ground with basic infantry. For example, Luck seemed to qualify for a singular Advantage at this point, and so Advantage tipped things further in a Follower's favor when engaged in combat. As Advantage applied at the individual, squad, regiment, and army levels, the benefits were likely to compound across larger groups in a manner not dissimilar to the level 5 benefit of Luck.

Took Advantage 1.

+1 Advantage conferred to Followers regardless of the situation, and would likely be in it's own category if it were to be displayed. This roughly translates to a +5 on a 1d100.

Advantages are converted from +5 to +6. This generally translates to a one-fifth increase of the extant bonuses, which naturally means that you don't get much out of it without having significant bonuses already.

Gaining and maintaining advantages eased. If mild inclement weather would erode an advantage, it may not any longer.

0/30 for Advantage 2.

--[Omake] Talent 10.

It is said that a person who enjoys what they do shall not work a day in their lives. The problem is twofold, identifying what you have a talent for and what you like, and the chances that they won't be the same being high. These struggles are found often in media targeting teens and young adults, as the familiar issue, something they or someone they know will usually have struggled with, resonates with them.

Talent solves this issue from both ends, allowing Followers to choose what they are good at, and at higher levels, letting them dabble without consequence by emplacing Talents on all the skillsets they're interested in.

Had Talent 2.

All Followers gain a +20 to Skill in their Talents. This applies at all times, and can functionally raise their cap if they've otherwise maxed out the Skill in question.

All Followers gain 2 Lesser Talents. Learning rate and cap for one Skill of their choice is improved by 50%. +10 is applied instead of 20. Additionally gain one full Talent.

Effects which lower Skill checks are somewhat weakened when used against a Talented Skill.

0/15 for Talent 3.

--[Omake] Presentation 50.

Presentation was the process of showing something in a certain light. Outright lies could work in the short-term, but would quickly burn out the source responsible, and in extreme cases could cause the reputation built up to be damaged instead as people began questioning what else might be a lie. Partial truths and misdirection were much more efficient. Emphasizing a detail, or leaving it out could do a great deal to affect how even the most unpleasant of things was viewed. For example, a sword used by a serial killer killer with delusions of nobility doling out vigilante justice. Leaving out the exact nature victims would make the perpetrator out as a conventional serial killer, while leaving out deaths might point to it simply having a strange owner. Alternatively, emphasizing the fact that it was used on truly vile people might make people who would pass over it entirely give it a second glance.

Something similar applied to things like stage magic and other performances. Attention being specifically directed to one location to hide what was really going on. Mystical effects of a similar nature were affected in a similar manner. Illusions, perception filters, berserker spells, infliction of madness and delusion, Follow Me effects, etc. By the same token, piercing and resisting these was made easier for Followers.

Presentation 1.

Positive and Negative PR alike can be more easily spun in favor of Leto and Followers. Allied and enemy organizations can more easily have their reputations besmirched or uplifted.

Legends and reputation with factions can be more easily shaped at the individual and faction levels. Allied and enemy reputations can be molded more easily as well.

Illusions, rumors, propaganda, etc. are more easily pierced to reach the truth.

Presentation 2.

Positive and Negative PR alike can be more easily spun in favor of Leto and Followers. Allied and enemy organizations can more easily have their reputations besmirched or uplifted.

Legends and reputation with factions can be more easily shaped at the individual and faction levels. Allied and enemy reputations can be molded more easily as well.

Illusions, rumors, propaganda, etc. are slightly more easily pierced to reach the truth.

5/45 for Presentation 3.

--[Omake] Misfortune 10.

Misfortune worked like how Disadvantage was theorized to work, being more of a 'make the enemy lose more' Domain than anything else, just viewed through the lens of a sub-type of Luck. This meant that it was more inclined to weigh heavily on scales that already had a finger on them, though it could also work to remove fingers weighing down your side of the scale.

Misfortune 1.

If an enemy rolls under 50 for their base roll, subtract an additional 5. This only applies to 1d100s, of course, as luck must be a variable. For example: Check rolls 49+15(Luck)-5(Misfortune) =59.

Leto and Followers have 2.5 added if they roll under 50. Once again, limited to d100s. This can mean that a 49 is technically better than a 50 under some circumstances.

Enemy roll tables worsened. This only applies to known enemies, that is, if they specifically have hostile intentions for yourself or your Followers or you intend harm upon them. Omnicidal mania without any directed malice will not qualify, for example.

0/20 for Misfortune 2.

--[Omake] Fortune 30.

Fortune, as you suspected would be the relationship between Advantage and Disadvantage, was essentially a polarity reversed Misfortune. Thus, it was better at turning good luck into great luck than making something mediocre good or turning disaster into mere loss. Combined with Luck and Misfortune, and probability would swing wildly in the favor of you and yours.

Fortune 1.

If an ally rolls over 50 for their base roll, add an additional 5. This only applies to 1d100s, of course, as luck must be a variable. For example: Check rolls 59+15(Luck)+5(Fortune) =79. This can overflow, but does not apply multiple times. For example: Check rolls 100+15(Luck)+5(Fortune)=120. Critical Roll: 17+20(Overflow)+15=52.

Enemies have 2.5 subtracted if they roll over 50. Once again, limited to d100s.

Allied roll tables improved. This only applies to known allies, that is, if they specifically have benevolent intentions for yourself or your Followers or you intend to help them. Officially being allies can apply, as can an alliance of convenience against a worse enemy.

Fortune 2.

If an ally rolls over 50 for their base roll, add an additional 10.

Enemies have 5 subtracted if they roll over 50.

Allied roll tables slightly improved.

0/30 for Fortune 3.

--[Omake] Transformation 50

The ability to change something into something else was the ultimate goal of alchemy, specifically lead into gold, but really being able to change things at will was essentially the entire point, despite the occasional dip into medicine... and necromancy now and then. While Creation allowed you to just make the gold if you wished, Transformation would allow transmutation from other metals, or even organic compounds. Being relatively close on the periodic table would help, but the long association made silver and lead easier to transmogrify in this manner. At least in the former case being in the same group of elements made it make some sense.

Other than chemical reactions, transformation generally referred to things like werewolves or vampires, or Magical Girls. The latter is what is most relevant to you.

Transformation 1.

Transformation of substances and entities into other substances and entities is improved. This acts as a hybrid of Creation and Crafting in most former cases. Puella tend not to get too much out of the latter, as transformation is done infrequently and is not especially draining as magical acts go.

Interdiction of allied transformations is made more difficult. Additionally, resistance to hostile transformations such as petrification is improved.

Enemy transformations receive interference, which would, for example, cause them to be significantly more draining. This does not help if they arrive on the field transformed though. Petrifying them and the like is easier, however.

Differences between transformed states are exacerbated where beneficial. Puella have their secret identities made more difficult to connect to their Magical Girl selves, and the latter forms are strengthened.

Transformation 2.

Transformation of substances and entities into other substances and entities is slightly improved.

Interdiction of allied transformations is made slightly more difficult. Additionally, resistance to hostile transformations such as petrification is slightly improved.

Enemy transformations receive slight interference, which would, for example, cause them to be significantly more draining. This does not help if they arrive on the field transformed though. Petrifying them and the like is slightly easier, however.

Differences between transformed states are slightly exacerbated where beneficial.

5/45 for Transformation 3.

--[Omake] Detection 30

Given the wide variety of Domains connected to Hiding, and the number of secrets and anomalies you were becoming involved with from both sides, knowing more about this particular Domain seemed wise.

Detection 2.

Revealing the presence of items and entities is notably eased, their potential locations narrowed down more swiftly.

Diagnostic abilities slightly improved by virtue of improved 'sensors'.

Enemy intrigue DCs against you slightly increased.

0/45 for Detection 3.

--[Omake] Crafting 30.

With how much you planned to invest into Marvels and Artifacts, making more of them at higher quality could only benefit you.

Crafting 2.

Manipulation of materials into various shapes is noticeably eased, allowing for both the generation of more complex materials from simpler ones, such as making a clock from some metal, or things like earthmoving projects.

Upgrading extant items is moderately easier.

Knowledge of how to slot in parts necessary to make a more complex item is noticeably improved.

General improvement to quality of created items, be they Artifacts or Marvels.

0/45 to Crafting 3.

--[Omake] Replication 20.

At some point, direct reverse-engineering of Artifacts would be possible for people outside of High Priests and conventional geniuses. This was not that day, but it was progress.

Replication 2.

Making duplicates of mundane items or your Artifacts is moderately eased. Production can be increased further if a cut to end-product capabilities is acceptable.

Duplicating mystical items is noticeably eased. This can be increased at the cost of reduced performance from the copies.

Explaining how to replicate somewhat simple items is eased to the point it can be done with the common person.

0/30 for Replication 3.

--{Omake] Beauty 60.

To be completely blunt, there would never be a point being pretty wasn't an advantage. Elves were disliked for being arrogant snobs, not for being conventionally attractive. Plus, it was one of the easiest carrots to hand out. Whether someone believed in Magic or not, most people would like to be more pleasant to the eye. One need only examine the depressingly high rate people fell for diet and beauty product scams to understand that. You, on the other hand, wouldn't prey on their feelings of inadequacy. Well, was it really preying on their feelings if they were getting exactly what they'd been offered and more?

Interestingly, this Domain seemed to allow for a limited immunity to the ability of the human mind to adapt, and the higher ceiling on beauty would remain heightened in it's effects even after Followers ostensibly got used to it.

Appeared as Beauty 1.

Beauty in Followers increased. This is divided between the general understanding of beauty and their own idealized self, though the subjectivity of the matter means that a Follower's appearance will vary slightly to different individuals. Minor things like a few more freckles or their eye color being a shade or two brighter or darker.

Reduction in negative effects, such as stalkers and obsession, though currently this roughly keeps pace with increased rates from greater beauty. Luck takes care of the problem for now, resulting in a net benefit.

Beauty is easier to achieve and maintain. Makeup runs less and so on.

Beauty 2.

Beauty in Followers slightly increased.

Slight reduction in negative effects.

Beauty is slightly easier to achieve and maintain.

Beauty 3.

Beauty in Followers minorly increased.

Minor reduction in negative effects.

Beauty is minorly easier to achieve and maintain.

Conceptual expansion of Beauty allows for the positive aspects of more unpleasant appearances to be highlighted. For example, a spider-woman would have the upper half emphasized to a human. Unless their counterpart was into that. You have no physical body. You don't judge. Meanwhile, the reverse would be true for spiders. So, a giant spider and a human might both consider a spider-woman equally attractive.

0/40 for Beauty 4.

--[Omake] Possession 15.

A common ability for ghosts, overriding the owner of the body in their own favor, divine possession worked a little differently. Even High Priests couldn't reliably handle a full possession without suffering the spiritual equivalent of lethal radiation poisoning or exploding. The trick was to only insert a portion, which had the added benefit of reducing the risk that they would be shunted into their own subconscious, and the risk that they might not come back if they did get pushed entirely out of the driver's seat.

There was the risk of it being used to target you, but that would require very specific techniques, meant to be used in a small window of time that couldn't be relied upon. Really, it would be easier to grab a High Priest and use their stronger connection to attack you that way.

Overtook Possession 1.

Possession abilities improved. Allows Followers to substitute Leto's Skills for their own in dire circumstances, at the cost of significant spiritual, physical, and mental weariness.

Negative effects of such possessions mitigated. Only in the most dire circumstances is death or soul destruction likely, such as a dozen back to back instances of use, and use of a possessed Follower to strike you find themselves effectively facing a fence between them and their target.

Benefits to Theurgy are immense while possessed for obvious reasons, and a significant permanent one to anyone who has undergone possession.

0/30 for Possession 2.

--[Omake] Vessel 10.

A vessel was defined as a hollow container. Generally, this referred to one meant for liquid, but technically a cereal box would qualify. It was commonly ascribed to things meant to contain souls and spirits, however, and that was something you intended to make a lot of. 14.929 billion Soul Gems would take quite a bit of work to embody, and all the help possible would be necessary to do it in a timely manner.

Possessed Vessel 1.

Specialized vessels may be constructed for divine possession or conventional possession on behalf of a Follower who has lost limbs or the like. The former can act as heralds much like a High Priest, though they have vulnerabilities. This applies to Puella-intended bodies.

The walls between possessor and vessel are strengthened where beneficial, making it more difficult to use against the former. The walls are weakened where beneficial as well, improving the power, senses, and reactions of the vessel.

Spirits can have vessels constructed for them for various purposes, ranging from rest to enhancement of their abilities. The non-sophont nature of the average Spirit has an effect on their spirit, so these vessels will largely not be suitable for divine or Follower possession, and vice versa. Their more rigid minds ironically mean that their bodies can fit a wider array of shapes and sizes, so long as, for instance, a Fire Spirit is situated in a fire-aligned body.

0/20 for Vessel 2.

--[Omake] Theurgy 15.

Theurgy was the practice of a type of white magic, the act of using divine energies to cast spells, generally with the direct aid of the deity in question. How well they can cast normal spells does not directly correlate to how well Theurgy can be used, as faith and the strength of their connections also had influence over it. The divine lore spell lists of Clerics is the best comparison. It's something you've been able to do since the Ritual Domain came into your possession.

Interestingly, you could use this Domain to detect deities, or rather, their actions. In theory, this should allow the tracking of said deities, especially with higher levels in the Seeking Domain and it's relatives.

Cast Theurgy 1.

Divine lore spells are significantly empowered regardless of the method used to cast them. If a ritual is used, the ritual is markedly shortened with it's material costs truncated. If possession is used, the spells gain significant power and the strain is reduced.

Various 'Acts of God' can now be verified, because Theurgy allows for detection of their influence. This can allow for rapid discernment of true and false prophets.

'Artifacts' which rely on your power but are not distinct objects, such as a holy water variant, can now be made.

0/30 for Theurgy 2.

--[Omake] Oracle 10.

While oracles often had the connotation of a person who could see the future and would make predictions, with the caveat of a tendency to speak in tongues for their own amusement because they struggled to articulate and/or understand the wisdom of their deity or the tangled mess of the future. As a storytelling device, it was likely a mixture of not wanting to address the question of free will if you had completely reliable future knowledge and maintaining conflict in the story, though that somewhat begged the question of why you would introduce the concept. Anyway, oracles were also people and places where advice was delivered, generally on behalf of a deity.

Foresaw Oracle 1.

Theurgist Grand Blessed type unlocked. General boost to effectiveness of Theurgy.

Followers can more easily predict the future.

Followers find themselves with greater wisdom when giving advice, though this oddly cannot be used for themselves. This is amplified in churches, shrines, etc.

0/20 for Oracle 2.

--[Omake] Seeking 25.

Your reasoning had not changed from gaining boosts to your Intrigue and the like. Higher Seeking was somewhat less urgent, but little else was different.

Seeking 2 attained.

Ability to locate enemies or items improved a medium amount.

Tracking ability slightly improved.

Enemy DCs to remain undetected slightly increased.

Seeking 3.

Ability to locate enemies or items improved a large amount.

Tracking ability somewhat improved.

Enemy DCs to remain undetected somewhat increased.

5/20 to Seeking 4.

--[Omake] Guns 150.

Humans were tool-users. They were one of a handful of species on Earth who possessed the intelligence and workable enough limbs for it, alongside a number of their fellow primates and octupi. This left them with the opportunity to shape the entire world around them. One of the basic methods was the creation of the spear to make up for their lack of fangs or claws, and armor to protect their thin hides.

A vast array of weapons have been created over the course of human history. The humble spear gave rise to the polearm, javelin, pike, and so on. As time passed, weapons for every conceivable scenario arose. The early ninja is believed to have descended from rebellious farmers, hence the kunai being an adaptation of a farming trowel. The mace is meant for massive impact damage, the ax for massive strikes in general. The sword was the first weapon intended as nothing else. A spear can be used for hunting, a knife to help carve up the kill, an ax to chop firewood. Esoteric weapons such as fans were modified into being such, generally for the surprise or stealth factors. Scythes were originally meant for harvesting wheat, for example, despite their association with death. A sword, meanwhile, was too large and unwieldy to be used like a knife, and trying to chop wood with it was liable to do little but chip it. It wasn't good at killing much of anything beyond one's fellow man. Maybe that was why they had been associated with noble codes of conduct. A necessity to avoid sword-wielding maniacs as much as possible, perhaps?

Regardless, as time passed, tools became more sophisticated. Once upon a time, spears were generally carved by the hands of their wielder, when they were simple flint and wood. Then, when metal heads were created, a dedicated smith was needed. Almost all weapons went through a similar process, stone, copper, bronze, iron, steel, and likely magitech beyond that. Certain alloys of steel were superior to titanium in the modern day, but a special blade of carbon, a 'diamond sword' if you would, was the likely next step from a purely technological perspective. Guns were already complex enough to require tools to build the tools, to say nothing of vehicles and the like.

Guns were currently the mainstay of infantry warfare for three important reasons. First, you could get decent with them relatively quickly, meaning infantry could be trained with them relatively swiftly. Second, they had a lot of power for their relative cost and complexity, and a huge variety of sub-types even by weapon standards. Depending on how you counted, there could be hundreds of types, meaning that if you retooled a few factories or set supply chains up appropriately, you could have infantry groups set up for infantry-scale combat, assassinations, taking out enemy vehicles, almost anything you could think of. Third, as ranged weapons improved, melee became more and more of a last resort, even though soldiers were still expected to train to reasonable standard in it, and their general fitness requirements meant that they tended to have a huge advantage on civilians in close quarters. Guns were the ultimate equalizers in this way, as any idiot could theoretically kill anyone with one. There was a reason conventional wisdom on dealing with enemy gunfire was to avoid getting hit as much as possible, since armor had most definitely not kept up with weaponry.

While many Puella Magi used other weapons, sword being relatively common for example, guns were fairly common among their ranks, as their Magical Girl forms were shaped by their Wishes, but their ideals went into it as well. While the modern American hero culture largely avoided use of guns, there was the section that looked up to the cowboys of the Wild West, and it was the weapon type that was generally the easiest to access in both the physical access and general exposure senses, if only by virtue of sheer proliferation. Japan and Europe tended to have much heavier restrictions on guns, but sheer weight of numbers kept them competitive with swords despite the much firmer grounding they had in those areas. Continental Asiatic, Middle Eastern, and African countries, respectively, had a firmer lean towards fisticuffs of various stripes, a massive amount of classical rogues and explosives users, and spears. Still, Swords and Guns were the way to go if the largest sections of the Puella were being targeted, and the latter had the added benefit of slotting into conventional militaries fairly easily.

Shot Guns 1.

+10% to durability, clip size, range, damage, and accuracy of guns.

-5% to reload times, ammo costs, maintenance needs, and negative effects from weather such as wind.

+10% to the effectiveness of special ammunition, such as incendiary rounds, trickshots, and control over recoil and penetration. For example, an armor piercing round used against a singular human target would be significantly more likely to ricochet inside of their body and do even more damage, though still much more likely than a normal round, while multiple targets would be much more likely to take a hit.

Guns 2.

+20% to durability, clip size,range, damage, and accuracy of guns.

-10% to reload times, ammo costs, maintenance needs, and negative effects from weather such as wind.

+20% to the effectiveness of special ammunition, such as incendiary rounds, trickshots, and control over recoil and penetration.

Guns 3.

+30% to durability, clip size, range, damage, and accuracy of guns.

-15% to reload times, ammo costs, maintenance needs, and negative effects from weather such as wind.

+30% to the effectiveness of special ammunition, such as incendiary rounds, trickshots, and control over recoil and penetration.

Expansion of conceptual breadth allows this to apply to cannons, such as those found on naval ships, rather than the pistols and rifles people generally think of first.

Guns 4.

+40% to durability, clip size, range, damage, and accuracy of guns.

-20% to reload times, ammo costs, maintenance needs, and negative effects from weather such as wind.

+40% to the effectiveness of special ammunition, such as incendiary rounds, trickshots, and control over recoil and penetration.

Guns 5.

+50% to durability, clip size, range, damage, and accuracy of guns.

-25% to reload times, ammo costs, maintenance needs, and negative effects from weather such as wind.

+50% to the effectiveness of special ammunition, such as incendiary rounds, trickshots, and control over recoil and penetration.

Followers have their Skill levels with any gun treated as if they were at double their normal value.

Guns 6.

+60% to durability, clip size, range, damage, and accuracy of guns.

-30% to reload times, ammo costs, maintenance needs, and negative effects from weather such as wind.

+60% to the effectiveness of special ammunition, such as incendiary rounds, trickshots, and control over recoil and penetration.

40/45 for Guns 7.

--[Omake] Strategy 200.

Operations are what individuals and solitary units carry out, fireteams and lone squads. Tactics are what regiments and divisions carry out, and strategy is what armies and nations fight to accomplish. Losing at the strategic level can render tactical and operation victories meaningless, though losses at those levels could prevent strategies from succeeding. Extreme victories at any level tended to cascade into the others just as losses did, though there were limits to what a great general could accomplish with incompetent subordinates and vice versa.

The three types boiled down to three different scales of military plans.

Carried out Strategy 1.

Strategic acumen improved for Leto and Followers. This has limited cross-applicability at the tactical and operational levels, though not none.

Strategic successes improved, allowing them to more easily cascade into other levels of the conflict.

Able to more easily understand enemy plans on the strategic level.

Strategy 2.

Strategic acumen slightly improved for Leto and Followers.

Strategic successes slightly improved, allowing them to more easily cascade into other levels of the conflict.

Able to slightly more easily understand enemy plans on the strategic level.

Strategy 3.

Strategic acumen minorly improved for Leto and Followers.

Strategic successes minorly improved, allowing them to more easily cascade into other levels of the conflict.

Able to minorly more easily understand enemy plans on the strategic level.

Strategy 4.

Strategic acumen somewhat improved for Leto and Followers.

Strategic successes somewhat improved, allowing them to more easily cascade into other levels of the conflict.

Able to somewhat more easily understand enemy plans on the strategic level.

50/75 for Strategy 5.

--[Omake] Administration 50.

Administration, referred to as rulership in some circles, was a mix of a different things. Balancing the budget and general resource management, bureaucracy navigation, managing various problems, including office politics, and trying to increase the prosperity of the territory in question, be that a single city or an entire nation. Organizations less tied to a specific location such as armies or peace corps would also qualify, as would, say, a superhero team, as long as someone was managing them. Corporations were perfectly valid targets for this reason, or even specific departments in the corporation.

Handled Administration 1.

Administrative efficiency increased. It's not possible to completely remove wasted resources at this point, but it's certainly possible to reduce them.

Corruption in organizations led by Followers will decrease, be that by discovery, greater caution on the part of the corrupt, or fewer opportunities for it varies depending on the individual's value to the organization and how deeply the corruption lies on the individual and organizational levels.

General prosperity of administered territories is increased.

Administration 2.

Administrative efficiency slightly increased.

Corruption in organizations led by Followers will sligthly decrease.

General prosperity of administered territories is slightly increased.

5/45 for Administration 3.

--[Omake] Divination 50.

Divination was the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. The method varied wildly. Sometimes it was a ritual sacrifice of an animal. Sometimes looking for a natural omen of some kind, such as a black cat or a white rat. Carving up a bird and using the intestines to determine the future. The most famous practices of astrology were the signs relating to your birth and general use of the stars to predict the future. From what the Domain told you, which worked best depended somewhat on what you wanted to predict. Astrology was great if you wanted general predictions like a war a few years down the line or someone having generally poor luck in their life, but not so good if you wanted to know the weather tomorrow. Augury, the bird thing, was the opposite. Great for the next few day, not great at predicting any more than a month or so down the line. There was also the issue of general accuracy decreasing the further you got into the future. Even astrological divination struggled with predicting things with any accuracy a century down the line. Generally, this manifested in the wording becoming more vague and easier to misinterpret, though sometimes attempting to get a prophecy from so far simply became more draining.

Having a divine patron of some kind was helpful, but not necessary. It also seemed to depend somewhat on the mythology. Sometimes, it was something only a specific god could do. Other times, it was one god's specialty, but they could all do it to some degree. The following was all conjecture, but it seemed logical to you, based on what you knew. Given the... instability of various religions over the centuries, this might be an explanation for the relative difficulty of predicting things a century or so in advance even with a god of prophecy, Apollo for example, backing you up, as the faith waning couldn't be great for them, regardless of their ability to exist independently of their followers. Given the various pantheons still existed, they clearly didn't require major worship, but maybe they started having trouble handing out major benefits for worshiping them without any large numbers of followers to their name. A pyramid scheme of sorts, but with the god serving as the pyramid rather than it's apex. As opposed to the way you would cease to be able to interact with the world overmuch with no followers to your name. Of course, there was the explanation of greater metaphysical distance being more of a leap to make, and it might also just be that simple. The fact that going to the second level of Divination had increased your range by 50% instead of doubling it suggested the latter, ay any rate.

Interestingly, the Domain seemed to lean more towards any sort of supernatural viewing, be it past, present, or future. This seemed to correspond to flashbacks, remote viewings, and prophecies. Viewing the past was far easier than the future, but the present seemed to roughly correlate distance with difficulty, as opposed to the other two types, though only active defenses could really stop someone who knew what they were doing. Probably something that would need to be handled as Magic spread, or else privacy laws would be a joke. Probably in the same round of changes when forensics was updated with divination and preventing abuses on that front.

Consulted Divination 2.

Various methods of divination slightly improved. The range, accuracy, ability to pierce protections, and directness of prophecies, remote viewings, and flashbacks are increased. Unless a self-fulfilling prophecy would benefit you, odds of them are decreased. Ie, you won't pull a Voldemort and create your greatest enemy by killing his parents in such a manner that you can't kill him until he hits 17 or so.

Able to take Actions to foresee up to a 9 months in the future reliably with Time's help. Automatically foresee threats next Turn. Modifies RER so that natural 1s will have at least a Turn of prep time before they erupt, unless the enemy has anti-divination countermeasures.

Able to remote view things from notable distances from any Followers or places of power. Active wards are necessary to block it.

Able to take Actions to hindsight up to 7.5 years back from the present, due to Time and the past's lesser malleability compared to the future despite all the temporal anomalies. Able to discern the last 9 months of most entities automatically, though countermeasures do exist.

Passive defenses conferred to Leto and Followers against Divination in slightly greater amounts. Mostly drawing from Hiding and related Domains for obfuscation at present. Enemies have greater difficulty accounting for you in their prophecies, finding you in their remote viewings, or detecting your influence when seeing flashbacks.

20/45 for Divination 3.

AN: Finally got all the Omake Faith hashed out. I'll be taking a little while to update the Character Sheet Domains. Side note, I've been thinking about dividing the types among their own Informationals. Mythic having it's own, Meta having a page, and so on. Makes finding what I need to edit a lot easier, and I can just link them to their old spots on the Sheet. On the other hand, I'd be dumping something like a dozen Threadmarks with no new information on you guys, so what do you think?

Geomancy works on 'Magnitude 1 is 5 Nodes. Magnitude 2 is 25, and so on. The Magnitude 45 the Earth and Moon have(which the Moon will jump up 5 to it's full glory of Magnitude 50 once it's restored, to say nothing of Geomancy or Soul providing further buffs) are comparable to the entire rest of the universe because the Silver and Golden Crystal are absolutely goddamn insane.

You're probably wondering why Divination 2 is so different from 1. To be honest, I wasn't at 100% when I wrote that first level, but I forgot to redo it afterward, and with my Internet as spotty as it is the sheet hasn't been properly updated in a while, so there's a good chance I might have completely forgotten that I'd already done the first level. Hence the big pile of flavor text beforehand.
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No issue personally with splitting that page into multiple threadmarks.

60% bonus to the power of any and all Marvels.

Somewhat increased potency and likelihood of secondary benefits. Soul doubles this to 120%.

think the soul doubling goes with the line about marvels

14.929 billion Soul Gems would take quite

uh... that's ~15% of all humans who ever lived and twice the number currently living. Do you mean million?
uh... that's ~15% of all humans who ever lived and twice the number currently living. Do you mean million?
The Incubators we're doing this for a very long time, and there seems to be a more sizable amount of Magical Girls of earth than we expected, 15% is kinda small fractions-wise, but when it's spread across the whole of human history, it can add up.

Plus Kyubey mentioned that the Incubators have been traveling the universe trying to find a way to stop entropy/Galaxia so the Grief Seeds might not all be from human Magical Girls.
a beak-nosed man on the East Coast of the United States
Doctor D? If anyone needs a Misfortune and Luck blessing, it's that guy.
Or the mystery-solving teens who, along with their friends and family, didn't appear to have aged significantly in the past 50 or so years.
Mystery Inc? Interesting. I wonder which iteration.
60% bonus to the power of any and all Marvels.

Somewhat increased potency and likelihood of secondary benefits. Soul doubles this to 120%.
Soul doubling is on the wrong line.
This only applies to known allies, that is, if they specifically have benevolent intentions for yourself or your Followers or you intend harm upon them.
I assume we're not buffing people we intend to harm.
Benefits to Theurgy are immense while possessed for obvious reasons, and a significant permanent one to anyone who has undergone possession.
Hm... Possibly exploitable, especially if we can set up shrines or something to make it less dangerous.
Something a ritual sacrifice of an animal.
AN: Finally got all the Omake Faith hashed out.
I hate to crush your dreams, but I'm noting a couple distinctly missing. Temples, Shrines and Elementals off the dome.
For example, apparently, there was a massive government conspiracy to keep a beak-nosed man on the East Coast of the United States from discovering the existence of Magic, as the government had entire teams of scientists studying the devices the self-styled Mad Scientist built more or less on a whim, and struggled to understand them well enough to build more, nevermind comprehend their underlying mechanics, and they were terrified of what he might do if he were to actually gain access to a force capable of bending reality, when he already seemed capable of such without any Magic of his own. So, that was good to know about before it inevitably blew up when someone did something stupid or the incredibly petty but equally incredibly driven man was inconvenienced in manner that led him to investigate something Magic-related.
Anyone know which scientist this guy is? Not really sure myself...
Or the mystery-solving teens who, along with their friends and family, didn't appear to have aged significantly in the past 50 or so years. There was some debate whether they were related to the massive spatial anomaly apparently centered around an immortal family and the town they lived in among the circles that knew about the coverups. Then there was the fact that the Norse, Egyptian, and Greek/Roman deities at minimum were all real, despite their conflicting cosmologies, and actively being placated as much as possible despite their literally legendary tempers and foibles, and there were indications other pantheons existed, which begged the question of why they hadn't confronted Leto yet, but you got the impression their nature was fundamentally different, based on Divinity. The point was, a lot of strange things were going on.
Got the gods of course, and seems like we got the Mystery Inc. Which, I wonder how involved they are in the supernatural considering most of what they encounter is just the result of absurdly advanced science and deception...
Other than their eternal youth situation. 🤔
beak-nosed man on the East Coast of the United States
Don't know who this is.
Or the mystery-solving teens who, along with their friends and family, didn't appear to have aged significantly in the past 50 or so years.
The Scooby Doo and the mystery machine gang ?
There was some debate whether they were related to the massive spatial anomaly apparently centered around an immortal family and the town they lived in among the circles that knew about the coverups.
The Simpsons ?
+60% to durability, clip size, range, damage, and accuracy of guns.

-30% to reload times, ammo costs, maintenance needs, and negative effects from weather such as wind.

+60% to the effectiveness of special ammunition, such as incendiary rounds, trickshots, and control over recoil and penetration.
...Those are some pretty hefty bonuses there...
And someone is gonna be scratching their heads at how their 20 bullet magazine had 12 extra bullets!:lol::rofl:
No issue personally with splitting that page into multiple threadmarks.

think the soul doubling goes with the line about marvels

uh... that's ~15% of all humans who ever lived and twice the number currently living. Do you mean million?
The Incubators we're doing this for a very long time, and there seems to be a more sizable amount of Magical Girls of earth than we expected, 15% is kinda small fractions-wise, but when it's spread across the whole of human history, it can add up.

Plus Kyubey mentioned that the Incubators have been traveling the universe trying to find a way to stop entropy/Galaxia so the Grief Seeds might not all be from human Magical Girls.

It's explained more here.

Doctor D? If anyone needs a Misfortune and Luck blessing, it's that guy.

Mystery Inc? Interesting. I wonder which iteration.

Soul doubling is on the wrong line.

I assume we're not buffing people we intend to harm.

Hm... Possibly exploitable, especially if we can set up shrines or something to make it less dangerous.


I hate to crush your dreams, but I'm noting a couple distinctly missing. Temples, Shrines and Elementals off the dome.

Doctor D, yeah. They're worried he might actually pull off the Infinity Gauntlet meme. He might be able to do it now, considering he figured out time travel faster than Tony did. If he became a Follower he'd definitely be able to do it.

Yep. That's something you'll need to investigate. It's a separate thing from the immortal family, to give you a hint.

Fixed the errors. Do you happen to know what Temples, Shrines, and Elementals had for Faith?
Don't know who this is.

The Scooby Doo and the mystery machine gang ?

The Simpsons ?



Yep. Springfield's the 51st State, a weird distorted space the, with West Springfield 3 times the size of Texas, which has resulted in the five corners, among other impossibilities, such as being neighbors with Maine, Kentucky, Nevada, and Ohio simultaneously. Despite being some sort of magnet for stupid people and maniacs(the Griffins also live here, but about as far away as is possible without actually leaving it) it's an economic powerhouse, a) because it serves as a shortcut all across the country, and b) having an extensive military apparatus for the previous reason, and c) because it's got some weird effect centered around the Simpsons halting the aging process, though it starts back up whenever they leave for one of their cross-country misadventures. So they government's trying to figure out what that is. They tried abducting the Scooby Gang once, and things got... weird. Nobody's 100% sure what happened but let's just say they aren't willing to chance that happening again, and the Simpsons seem to run on broadly similar rules.
They tried abducting the Scooby Gang once, and things got... weird. Nobody's 100% sure what happened but let's just say they aren't willing to chance that happening again, and the Simpsons seem to run on broadly similar rules.
Fred: "Let's see who's behind the mask of General Carter ! And it was.... Old man Jenkins ?"
Old Mans Jenkins: "And i would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids and your dog"
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