Fledgling Deity Quest

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The Power of Progress(Canon)(+50 Faith)
Omake: The Power of Progress

Leto hummed to himself as he pondered his latest acquisitions. He had recently expanded multiple domains to the next level. In addition he had gained whole new domains to aid him. One of those he had enhanced had been the domain of technology. This one he felt would be critical in his future endeavors. It's synergy with a few other domains could potentially be quite grand. The boons it gave out were also of value to his followers.

He had decided to further advance this domain. To do so he decided to expand his knowledge on it through study. What better way to do so than examining some of the best engineering in the world. Some of the most important to modern society as well. Perhaps it would give him inspiration for future projects. He had decided to study the workings of nuclear power plants.

Nuclear reactors were the beating heart of any nuclear power plant. They contained and controlled nuclear chain reactions that produced heat through a physical process called fission. That heat was then used to make steam that spun a turbine to create electricity for nearby settlements. The mechanism was surprisingly simple for such a powerful source of energy. To date nuclear power continued to be one of the largest sources of reliable carbon-free electricity available to human civilization. Leto made a mental note that he would need to work on that in the future.

The main job of a reactor was to house and control nuclear fission—a process where atoms split and release energy. Reactors used uranium as their source of nuclear fuel. The uranium was carefully processed into small ceramic pellets and stacked together into sealed metal tubes called fuel rods. Typically there were more than 200 of these rods all bundled together to form a proper fuel assembly. A reactor core was typically made up of a couple hundred of these assemblies, depending on the power level. Inside the reactor vessel itself, the fuel rods were immersed in water which acted as both a coolant and a moderator. The moderator helped to slow down the neutrons produced by fission to sustain the chain reaction. Control rods could then be inserted into the reactor core to reduce the reaction rate or withdrawn to increase it. The heat created by fission would turn the water into steam, which was used to spin a turbine to produce carbon-free electricity.

Leto found himself mildly surprised by the workings of this power source. The mechanism for generating the electricity was surprisingly simple compared to the rest of the technology. Still he could see how this would be useful. He could do better though given time. Already his mind was spinning with ideas on how to improve or replace this source of energy.

Geomantic energies could be used as energy by a society. However he was reluctant to put so much responsibility onto a single system. Perhaps upgrading the existing system to provide a cushion. Mana could be useful in the power output as its current level did cover exotic energies. Materials and creation could be combined to provide better mechanisms to allow greater performance and reduce maintenance needs. Computers to provide better and faster calculations to manage it. While technology would provide a substantial boost across the board on its own. Maybe purity could be incorporated to help deal with radiation contamination. He imagined the water would need to be cleaned at some point.

The god's mind was buzzing with potential as his new knowledge settled into place. He would make good use of it in the future. There was much potential to be exploited on this path.

@ilbgar123 All points into technology.
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Wierd Science(Canon)(+50 Faith)
Weird Science
Sama Teruko was a girl of science. A Magical Girl of science, in fact. Arguably, a Magical Girl of Magical Science. And magical science is what led her to where she was today.

"Where she was today" both in the figurative sense that her wish to understand had granted her the Shinjitsugan, which in turn helped her identify Witch's weaknesses long enough to jump on the "definitely real deity" train early and in the literal sense that she had spent the last seventy-two hours filling an empty storage unit with glasses of dirty water (more mud, honestly) and measuring how long it took to purify them. Speaking of which, she Called her notes to Mind:
*Control: 20% purified in the day an a half it's been even remotely near her.
Regen Fueled Hope Magic: Two hours to totally cleanse the water.
Physical Filter: $5 and half an hour to set up, a couple minutes to purify.
Chanted Generic Magic: ~1 hour, accounting for snack and water breaks.
Psychokinetic Filtration: ~1 hour.
Calling upon the pentacle to separate Earth and Water: ~10 minutes. ~2 if you don't count the time it took to draw the circle.
Encircling in relevant alchemical runes: 10% purified per hour, compounding.
Pentacle atop a basic shrine, while also invoking the name of Leto: ~9 minutes. ~1 discounting setting up the pentacle on the shrine.
Alchemical Runes On Shrine: 10% purified per hour, non-compounding. Somehow.
[Additional methods the author can't be fucked to come up with]*

It was some interesting data, to be sure, but something was niggling at her. Several times throughout her science bonanza, she could have sworn she saw a colorless glow out of the corner of her Eye of Truth, but whenever she focused on it, it vanished.

Still, there were patterns, and as the psionic power (purified to a point of almost-palatability by her ongoing rituals and unknowing consecrations) coursed from her brain down her optic nerves and back, flowing through, and at times constructing parts of her mind beyond mere physical synapses, they unfolded before her.

It was, quite literally, as if a veil had been lifted. A veil that had gradually thickened and tinted over time, causing her mind to subconsciously correct for its presence, unknowingly blinding her to similar energies.

It was Faith.

As if waiting for her to make this realization, the Faith that had been building up within the unit rushed directly into her face holes and briefly connected her consciousness with cosmological [PURITY].

*Channeling the Will of Leto: some amount of time to get into the right state of mind, 6 seconds to purify every glass in the room, one ripsnorter of a nosebleed.*

A/N: I don't know if those times were even remotely appropriate. Fun fact, Teruko's Psi Domains are Clairsentience, which she uses to augment her wish magic and memory, Psychokinesis, which she uses as a combination attack methodology and multitool and Psychometabolism which she uses to self buff. Combined with the existing power of her absolutely not chuuni dojutsu and sufficient prep, she can pull off a budget hypercognition. To clarify, I'm treating the 72 hours of invoking Letos name and domains as prep for the the Theurgy. Less efficient cause it's unintentional, but it's a pretty minor effect anyway.
15 Possession 10 Vessel 15 Theurgy 10 Oracle
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Does anyone know what Sefirot means in context of omakes?
From the context of its use, and the reference to its religious connotations... I'd wager that it's basically a variation on nega-verse omakes. Technically could happen, if the point regarded within were part of universe, but is otherwise not canon. In short, near as I can tell Sefirot with regards to omakes in thread is the OP's way of saying Alternative Universe; I.E. could be canon, but isn't.
...If HP is around...
I have no clue how some of the groups could be handled...
I mean, the fact it is illegal to have a friendship with a muggle in the US, as pottermore claims just seems ludicrous, sounds more like a possible 'polite fiction' they show to outsiders to convince them to not look too closely by 'enforcing' radical rules beyond everyone else to show they don't need to poke around the US or something, and not something that could ever actually be enforced, even before considering the fact that the US magical community is likely also formed by immigrants fleeing from prosecution, which likely also wouldn't be thrilled over such draconian laws against interaction with most of the US population...

Edit: Though looking a bit closer at the actual details, it actually makes a some sense. Considering it was apparently made law due to a massive incident where a naïve magical fell in love with a muggle from an once-magical family, whom held a grudge and caused a massive incident by exposing the secrets told by the lovestruck magical, in an attempt to destroy the American magical community. Which, honestly would have had REPRECUSSIONS on the global scale...
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From the context of its use, and the reference to its religious connotations... I'd wager that it's basically a variation on nega-verse omakes. Technically could happen, if the point regarded within were part of universe, but is otherwise not canon. In short, near as I can tell Sefirot with regards to omakes in thread is the OP's way of saying Alternative Universe; I.E. could be canon, but isn't.

Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. Technically, Alternate Universes are involved, but these are not AUs in the technical sense.

See, have you ever wondered why Chaos and Cosmos don't manifest directly all that often? I mean, Sorting Algorithm of Evil Doylistically, but we don't hear much about them having actually coming into direct conflict, just their proxies. Well, I suspect they used to, but they agreed to leave it to proxies after a conflict grew bad enough to give Chaos pause.

I'm going to say the Sefirot and it's counterpart, the Qlippoth, are connected to this. Be very glad none of the latter have appeared, though it's unlikely, seeing as paradoxes are one of the few reliable methods of generating them.
Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. Technically, Alternate Universes are involved, but these are not AUs in the technical sense.

See, have you ever wondered why Chaos and Cosmos don't manifest directly all that often? I mean, Sorting Algorithm of Evil Doylistically, but we don't hear much about them having actually coming into direct conflict, just their proxies. Well, I suspect they used to, but they agreed to leave it to proxies after a conflict grew bad enough to give Chaos pause.

I'm going to say the Sefirot and it's counterpart, the Qlippoth, are connected to this. Be very glad none of the latter have appeared, though it's unlikely, seeing as paradoxes are one of the few reliable methods of generating them.
. . . That was meant to muddle whether or not omakes listed as Sefirot were canon or not, wasn't it? That is what the posters asking what it means story wise were wanting to know. Are the omakes canon?

But if I read the context of your decent attempt at making it more confusing correctly, you're stating that omakes marked as Sefirot are parallel realities to the current focused timeline?
. . . That was meant to muddle whether or not omakes listed as Sefirot were canon or not, wasn't it? That is what the posters asking what it means story wise were wanting to know. Are the omakes canon?

But if I read the context of your decent attempt at making it more confusing correctly, you're stating that omakes marked as Sefirot are parallel realities to the current focused timeline?

Hm, it would be more accurate to say that parallel realities are where Sefirot stuff comes from. The phenomenon bears the closest resemblance to Island In The Sea Of Time events, where chunks of two universes get swapped. This is not exactly what happens, but I'm saving the full explanation for later.


How are things coming along on your end?
Sorry about any extra work.

Internet's cut out again, so it's slow going since I have to muddle through with my phone.
See, have you ever wondered why Chaos and Cosmos don't manifest directly all that often? I mean, Sorting Algorithm of Evil Doylistically, but we don't hear much about them having actually coming into direct conflict, just their proxies. Well, I suspect they used to, but they agreed to leave it to proxies after a conflict grew bad enough to give Chaos pause.

I'm going to say the Sefirot and it's counterpart, the Qlippoth, are connected to this. Be very glad none of the latter have appeared, though it's unlikely, seeing as paradoxes are one of the few reliable methods of generating them.
I don't actually know who these are. The best I could find was that Chaos and Cosmos might be Ultraman characters.

Hm, it would be more accurate to say that parallel realities are where Sefirot stuff comes from. The phenomenon bears the closest resemblance to Island In The Sea Of Time events, where chunks of two universes get swapped. This is not exactly what happens, but I'm saving the full explanation for later.
I wonder if we could do something about that with high enough Dimension?
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I'm not trying to come across as mean. I just like being straightforward.
Well, you shouldn't assume every omake you write is always going to give you +50 Faith, each omake reward depends on quality and length. This is said in the Omake Policy below:
Omake Policy:

Much like Actions, I'm going with a policy that Omakes have a baseline of either +25 Faith as of any number of Faith below 1000, from there, it doubles with every magnitude of increase, 50 as of the fourth digit, 100 as of the fifth, and so on. Quality and length can increase this. You will also have the option of directly investing in a Domain of your choice, or dumping it into the general pool. I should note that I love Negaverses and Crossovers(gee, who'd have thunk?) though obviously it's a little early for the former.
As with regards to your recent omake, I don't it really qualifies for +50 Faith. Just accept it for what it is.
Well, you shouldn't assume every omake you write is always going to give you +50 Faith, each omake reward depends on quality and length. This is said in the Omake Policy below:

As with regards to your recent omake, I don't it really qualifies for +50 Faith. Just accept it for what it is.
Quality and length can increase it. 50 is the baseline, and ilbgar fixed it once it was pointed out.
Codename: ACU(Canon)(+50 Faith)
Codename ACU​
A mysterious woman whom managed to evade notice due to a mysterious effect that leads to people underestimating her. More perceptive individuals though are able to work around that, though more by realizing something is off, and not actually piercing the effect. Camera footage also is not safe from the affect, and any questioning about it gest no useful response, as she states she has no clue what we were talking about, and the lie detector seems co confirm it. She seems to be some sort of spy, though her magic, as she calls it makes it more likely she is some sort of special forces, considering it's combat applications and how it is hard to envision her capabilities thanks to how she naturally seems to not be a threat, which led her to be pegged as a cosplayer when she first appeared.
She has daggers that return to the wearer after 5 seconds. She has a very interesting wingsuit that essentially functions like a better parachute or glider. She also happens to express great interest in many fields of research, commenting on how interesting it is to see how we dealt with problems without magic, and how Aerial warfare is so much different thanks to having to rely only on technology. She is very interested in the concept of order and chaos, and how many have come to the conclusion that they are deeply entwinned, even when they seem to be opposites. She won't reveal much detail on her magic, which may include her little aura, assuming she could beat the lie detector. She seems especially interested in the stories of famous and legendary figures of history, which combined with the interest of concepts, I guess she may be some sort of summoner, whom grows stronger through analyzing concepts and stories of significance, possibly by incorporating the individuals of the stories into a repertoire of summons, with abilities reflecting the stories.
She is a very scary agent, and she has who knows how much power at her disposal, especially since we have no idea if the is a greenhorn or a veteran of 100 campaigns. She does seem to be out of her depth though, with no ability to contact her group which seems to be very similar, and yet different from the Rome we are familiar with, which hopefully means they could be reasoned with if they appear, but it also could not, considering the have some similarities with Rome. Though, we could potentially nudge her to areas where she could accidentally deal with some of our problems, by helping her explore the history of our world and nudge her to explore hotspot areas, and telling her in advance cause it is best for her to know, both for her sake and for ours. With any luck, we may see some of what she is capable of, and build up a rapport which could prove crucial when her group comes looking for their agent.

A/N: I decided to write a bit if a sheet on if a certain mage from a spacebattles quest wound up here. One whom is a fantasy summoner equivalent to the ACUs from the Supreme commander series, hence the codename. And of course, since the MC of that quest has a frankly absurd underestimation field, I figure she could fly under the radar as she adapts for a bit, considering it would help her stay hidden, even if she was in her full regalia due to it making her seem much more harmless than she really is. "Oh look a cosplayer!" Though I decided she probably wouldn't be freely showing or teaching much of her magic, since she wouldn't want to accidentally arm a potential enemy of the empire with battlemages. Though with our fiction, I think it is feasible for fundamental trick of the battlemages to be deduced, even though it wouldn't get the sheer capability of whom they are dealing with. Though if she is around, she probably would become more willing to help and maybe teach a bit when things start exploding into a level of chaos that the empire probably never faced throughout it's history! Though the empire might find itself in the glorious mess while trying to find their wayward lost mage, since they can travel between worlds at least somewhat.
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A Study Of Stars(Canon)(+50 Faith)
Omake: A Study of the Stars 1

Leto hummed as he looked at the night sky. Things had been progressing well recently. His various projects had are excellent progress. The numbers of his followers were swelling quickly. He had advanced and gained multiple new domains. Productivity was up across the board. Still he could not afford to become lax in his work. Galaxia was still out there among the heavens. The threat was still there and would need to be addressed in time.

As he looked up a thought occurred to him. He had recently gained dominion over stars though it was still in the early stages. There was a lot of potential there he just knew it. Being able to manipulate stars would be useful for colonization of other star systems. Being able to prevent solar flares was also good. Though he wasn't sure if that would be needed. He could even remove impurities from the star extending its lifespan. This might even help him to hide all of their activities from hostile attention. There were other possibilities, but those were for later. For now he needed to expand his knowledge on this subject. He would start with the basics to reaffirm them.

A star's life begins with the gravitational collapse of a gaseous nebula of material composed primarily of hydrogen, along with helium and trace amounts of heavier elements. The total mass of a star is the main factor that determines its evolution and eventual fate. For most of its active life, a star shines due to thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core, releasing energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer space. At the end of a star's lifetime, its core becomes a stellar remnant: a white dwarf, a neutron star, or, if it is sufficiently massive, a black hole.

Almost all naturally occurring elements heavier than lithium were created by stellar nucleosynthesis in stars or their remnants. Chemically enriched material was returned to the interstellar medium by stellar mass loss or supernova explosions and then recycled into new stars. Astronomers could determine stellar properties including mass, age, metallicity (chemical composition), variability, distance, and motion through space by carrying out observations of a star's apparent brightness, spectrum, and changed in it's position in the sky over time.

Although stellar parameters could be expressed in SI units or Gaussian units, it was often most convenient to express mass, luminosity, and radii in solar units, based on the characteristics of the Sun. In 2015, the IAU defined a set of nominal solar values (defined as SI constants, without uncertainties) which can be used for quoting stellar parameters:

nominal solar luminosity:L⊙​ = 3.828 × 1026​ W [53]
nominal solar radiusR⊙​ = 6.957 × 108​ m [53]
The solar mass M⊙​ was not explicitly defined by the IAU due to the large relative uncertainty (10−4​) of the Newtonian gravitational constant G. Since the product of the Newtonian gravitational constant and solar mass together (GM⊙​) has been determined to much greater precision, the IAU defined the nominal solar mass parameter to be:

nominal solar mass parameter:GM⊙​ = 1.3271244 × 1020​ m3​ s−2​ [53]
The nominal solar mass parameter could be combined with the most recent (2014) CODATA estimate of the Newtonian gravitational constant G to derive the solar mass to be approximately 1.9885 × 1030​ kg. Although the exact values for the luminosity, radius, mass parameter, and mass may vary slightly in the future due to observational uncertainties, the 2015 IAU nominal constants will remain the same SI values as they remain useful measures for quoting stellar parameters.

Leto hummed as he finished going over the information. This was going to be an interesting path of study.

@ilbgar123 25 into seeking and 25 into despair.
Formatting this was not fun.
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To be completely honest with you, I am unfamiliar with that Quest, though I suppose I could give it a whirl since being relegated to my phone makes reading only marginally more difficult, compared to writing.

Also, it kind of feels like something to ask Raising about, so I can basically guarantee ACU is not canon unless Raising okays it.
being relegated to my phone makes reading only marginally more difficult, compared to writing.
As a suggestion, you could continue writing on a text document, which most computers should be able to do without internet, and then reformat that for Sufficient Velocity when the connection comes back. However, I don't know the intricacies of your situation, so this solution might not be that feasible.
A Study Of Stars 2(Canon)(+50 Faith)
Omake: A Study of the Stars 2

Leto pondered his recent increase in knowledge. The study of the stars he had conducted was useful so far. Now he felt it was time to expand in detail. He knew of the various types of stars so he would do them one by one. He would start with the most obvious example of these. The very star that the planet Earth orbited.

According to the human system of classification, the Sun was known as a yellow dwarf star. This particular group of stars were known to be relatively small, containing between 80% and 100% the mass of the Sun. So the Sun was at the higher end of this group if not the peak of it. The official designation by space agencies is as a G V star. It caught his attention that the sun was not actually yellow that was result of the Earth's atmosphere. If viewed from space a person could see it was actually white.

Stars in the this classification have a surface temperature between 5,300 and 6,000 K, and fuse hydrogen into helium to generate their light. They generally last for around 10 billion years.

But there's more to this question, because G V Stars can experience several different stages. Some are newly forming, others are in their middle ages, and others are nearing the end of their lives.

The Sun is right in the Middle Ages, by the standards of this type of star, in a time known as the main sequence. It has already lived for 4.3 billion years, and will likely last another 7 billion years or so. At that point, it will gradually balloon into a red giant star, and eventually collapse down into a white dwarf. From there it would eventually go out altogether.

The Sun also belonged to the Population I group of stars, which contain relatively large amounts of heavier elements. The first ever stars, made from pure hydrogen and helium are Population III. These eventually exploded as supernovae over time, producing fusing the lighter elements into heavier and heavier elements. The Sun, then, contains the metal from previous generations of stars that went supernova.

The Sun was the source of vast amounts of energy. Each second, the Sun fuses approximately 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium in a process known as the proton-proton chain (4 hydrogens form 1 helium), converting about 4 million tons of matter to energy. This energy was what plants fed on and was a critical part of life on Earth.

Leto took in this information and had a number of new thoughts. His first was of course the energy output of the star. He felt all that energy was wasted just being projected into space. How then could he make use of it himself? Solar panels were a thing, but were inefficient and somewhat expensive. He would need to thoroughly upgrade them and apply certain domains to make full use of that.

The next idea was the matter inside of the star. There had to be titanic amounts of material in the star from its predecessors. Could he somehow extract that material and make use of it? Perhaps some kind of magnetic mechanism combined with magic to pull it out.

The last was how could he arrest its decay. He knew that this was billions of years away, but it still weighed on his mind. He did not like the idea Earth would one day be lost with the sun going out. Perhaps he could create some kind of wonder to arrest its decay and ensure that it remained as it was. Magic and potentially others would definitely be needed. Materials would need to be gathered and designed for the task. A project for later he decided.

@ilbgar123 45 into geomancy and 5 into purity.
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Coalition Of Admirals Report(Negaverse)(+50 Faith)
Coalition of Admirals Report
Submitted by Admiral Danvers​
Thanks to the Recent Fallen Spire incursion, we were able to secure the Mysterious Portal that popped up a few days ago at planet Delta. It seems to send us to an alternate world, considering there is a distinctly not exploded earth on the other side, which for better or worse, aren't exactly having the best time considering the information we gleaned. There seems to be a big invasion fleet built around one massive ship, after something, which seems to be engaging in a multifront space conflict between factions based on planet earth, and factions outside of it. Further investigations on the events on the planet itself was rather enlightening if chaotic, with lots of exotic energy and curious phenomena being highly prevalent, which could potentially help turn the tide or just get us crushed when the masters of our galaxy to obliterate us. One faction seems to be deeply tied to that verses past, being led by reincarnations of important figures with immense power that might even be relevant in space battle scales, and favoring use of highly advanced tech to help level the playing field against their main enemy known as the Dark Kingdom. There is another group that seems to rely on another system of exotic energy, whom are much more numerous, but seem to risk losing themselves in the wrong conditions and/or too much magic use. Most interesting is there is some sort of strange interaction going on with the 'superpowers' cropping up in the area, while they aren't evidence of anything big, when combined with some puzzling scans, there seems to be something going on there, something that may actually enable us to make some big improvements if we figure out what is going on there.
Then there seems to be a whole new dimension that isn't very visible shown by Hinobi's Glitch Techs and the Sentinels, something which we aren't exactly equipped to see, but could prove useful in trying to attack the AI in unexpected directions. Though notably, the locals of that 'dimension' can cross over out of the digital, and some have shown pretty impressive powers even if not exactly at space asset level.
The biggest group is the mysterious TSAB and the small space element they currently have deployed to help suppress the invading forces, showing some pretty impressive firepower.
There is a lot of impressive stuff which could make our involvement worthwhile, but there is only so much we can afford to send considering factors you very much are aware of. While the AI overlords are fighting amongst themselves, that also means they have interests here, which naturally lead to more resources being invested here instead of their intergalactic conflict, and then we got everything else. We got the bandits that we need to make sure they wouldn't grow too powerful, keep the Zenith from hitting us too hard, keep the macrophages and nanocaust from going too out of control when the AI are too busy, and then we also need to deal with the Neinzul and Spire groups.
A/N: Hypothetical report set when everything has started exploding, from the POV of the AI War Fleet command humanity. I kind of envisioned this as being a bit of a mesh between the two games, with many, many pockets of resistance similar to the player faction spread out the galaxy, collaborating while trying desperately to stay under the radar and not die horribly in the complete and total mess of that verses Milky way galaxy. Power level wise, the space combat does get quite up there, just, mostly not in the hands of humanity, as humanity basically faced a desperate insurgency, which they may have won in canon, but later games in that verse shown humanity never truly recovered from the events that set the game events in motion.
I wonder if Empowerments have anything to do with the 11 main factions that are mentioned that got each other killed in The War?

Some recommendations.
-Leveling up to at least level 5 Divinity, and Soul. (1200 Faith cost approximately).
-Leveling up Time, and Space.
-Leveling up Faith.
-Leveling up all the Domain that benefit Followers, Wonders, and other.
-Leveling up Domains for Combat/War, Diplomacy, and Economy.
-Leveling up Technology Domains, and Megitech Domains.
-Leveling up Empowerment, and Empowerments.
-Leveling up Hide to level 15, or more; also leveling up Stealth, Deception, Costume (maybe), Masquerade, and Division.
-Leveling Seek to level 10, or 15; also leveling up Perception, Detection, and Intrigue.
-Maybe stopping leveling up Luck, Beauty, and other Domains that attract to much attention, until Leto is in a position of power.

Actions, Wonders.
-Begin to train Miko, at least that she can defend herself.
-Create order of guardians/bodyguards that will protect High Priests.
-Create Housing, Food, and others for the resurrected Magical Girls.
-Begin creating Armors, Shields, and Weapons (beside the Staves).
--Put security on Artifacts, and Wonders.
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