Uhhhh what's with the split vote, guys?
I think they want another day to think things over.

By the way, votes are not locked. They will be locked sometime tomorrow.
[X] Skip to entering the portal.

[X] Go spend time with Remilia before you head out.

[X] Go spend time with Remilia before you head out.
- [X] After the fact, skip to entering the portal.

[X] Go spend time with Remilia before you head out.
-[X] After that, skip to entering the portal.
Votes are locked.
[X] Skip to entering the portal.

[X] Go spend time with Remilia before you head out.

[X] Go spend time with Remilia before you head out.
- [X] After the fact, skip to entering the portal.

[X] Go spend time with Remilia before you head out.
-[X] After that, skip to entering the portal.
Remilia and Portal
[X] Go spend time with Remilia before you head out.

"Hm." You watch Patchouli for another few moments, then shrug and turn to leave. "I'll see you soon, then." She grunts, taking note of your departure but little more. You fly back upstairs, catching up to Ilya as she and her servants settle into the bath. You lean over the edge and play with Ilya's hair.

"Flan!" She pouts up at you and you giggle before smoothing it out.

"Don't worry, don't worry." She pouts for another moment before smiling naturally and leaning back against the rosy quartz of the pool.

"So you got everything settled with Patchouli?" You nod.

"Yep! And she said that you didn't need to do anything, that she'd make sure everything was ready before we leave." She sighs and relaxes before looking back up at you.

"Did you have any ideas on what to do before we leave?" You look down at the water and run your fingers along the surface.

"Actually … um … I kind of wanted to see how Remilia was doing. She seemed a little strange, earlier, and …." Ilya clears her throat, and when you look over at her she's scowling.

"Of course you had to be on my right side, so I can't splash you - Sella, splash some water on Flan!" You blink and skitter back as a small wave spirals toward your face. Ilya hauls herself up and turns to face you. "Go on, Flan. Go see your sister - we can find our way to the dining room without getting lost." You duck your head so you can't see her smile.

"I'll try to see you -"

"When you're finished. If I see you before eleven, I'll have Berserker tie you up, and he's not very good with knots!" You look up at her, but even though she's smiling you can't tell how much she's joking. You bow your head again and stand up.

"Thank you, Ilya." She nods as well, and though she tries to make it seem natural, Sella's assistance shows how difficult it is for her to twist back so she's resting against the side of the pool again. You slip out and begin looking for your sister.

She's not in her room, the dining room, or any of the offices you know about, and you don't see another apparition like the one that guided you before, and you start to worry. After a little more hectic searching, however, you find her in what used to be an audience chamber - well, it still is, but it's hardly ever used, now. You start to call out to her as she sits on the comfortable throne, but then you realize that she's asleep and you titter softly. Not because she's sleeping in a cold room - you can see your breath, but it's not freezing, so the temperature doesn't bother you - nor because of her poor posture, but because she's sleeping in the throne itself and not a bed or her coffin. It's sloppy … but then you creep closer and study her face. Maybe she's sleeping here because most of the servants wouldn't think to look for her here? She looks … tired. Which is understandable. She dealt with the new miko, then she went after Verossa for you, and she's probably kept up with her own projects, too. And she's probably going to have to talk to Yukari about your little escapade, if she hasn't already …. And now she's going to be making sure the mansion doesn't fall apart with both Sakuya and Patchouli gone. You brush her cheek with the back of your fingers. She doesn't move. There's really only one thing you can do in this situation. Fortunately, the throne is plenty large enough to hold you both, and you slide in next to her, then pull her against you. She's always taking care of you and making sure things are as well as they can be ….

She leans against you as you stroke her hair and hug her gently. It feels nice, comfortable, even. Your wings close around her; you can't make a shield or a blanket the way her wings can, but it still makes you feel closer to her. And despite everything, you still fall asleep, holding your sister tightly.

"Flandre. Flandre, wake up." You blink at your sister's insistent tone. It's annoying, falling asleep like that, but you tighten your hug when you realize that her own wings are wrapped around the both of you like a blanket, where before they had simply hung limply.

"Good morning, Remilia." You refuse to let whatever sense of urgency she's feeling infect you - this is your time to be together! You nuzzle the top of her head with your cheek.

"Good morning, Flandre. We have about ten minutes before Patchouli is supposed to take Illyasviel to see her parents, and I'm not sure she won't leave you to catch up." You mull that over for a moment before sighing and letting go. She squeezes you gently before pulling away as well. "You have everything you think you'll need?" You nod as you hop to the floor.

"Laevateinn, Loki, clothes, mask. Hehe. I travel light." She smiles, then steps up to you and rises to her tiptoes to kiss you on the forehead before hugging you.

"And the blessings and well-wishes of your sister, of course." You freeze for a moment, then squeeze her tightly and bury your face between her shoulder and neck. "Of course, when you come back, we'll be heading to Mid-Childa once things get sorted out." You sigh and let her go.

"Yeah, yeah." You grumble quietly, but you still feel your sister's warmth. She catches your hand, and a moment later two swarms of bats dance through each other as you fly through the mansion to the library. You don't land in the portal area itself, but a short distance away - not that that will stop Patchouli from knowing you're here, of course. "Um, Remilia? You aren't going to be lonely while we're gone, will you?" She gives you an incredulous look.

"Why would I be lonely?"

"Well, Meiling is the only one who's going to be here …." She chuckles and pats your head.

"Now, now - the fairy maids are going to be here, too, and are going to worship the ground Sakuya walks on when she gets back." You start to make a face - fairies don't count! "And there's your young Satsuki. Don't think that she'll be getting a break!" For some reason, you feel a small amount of dread. Well, she did teach you, so she certainly knows what to do …. "And, of course, I'll be working on getting Deis her body. If we're lucky, she'll have it back by the time you return." Your face flushes - you've kind of been neglecting Deis, haven't you? Of course, she hasn't been around much, and you've kind of been busy, but …. You walk into the portal area together. Ershin - and Deis - is waiting by Sella and Leysritt, the latter holding her halberd. Ilya is in the middle of the area, pouting as Patchouli holds a glowing hand up to her uninjured arm. Koakuma is sitting on the floor next to a good-sized backpack.

"Ah, Flandre, Remi. I was wondering if I'd have to send my familiar for you." You scowl, then smile and wave as Ilya looks at you. Oddly, you hear your sister clucking her tongue.

"Patchouli, aren't you going to get dressed?" Oh, dear … you recognize that tone of voice. Patchouli sighs.

"I can put something up before I meet anyone -"

"You're going to be moving in during a battle, Pache. And you're going to be fairly busy - if something happens, you don't want to lose your appearance in the middle of things! And, of course, he will be there. All in all, I can hardly let my good friend ruin her reputation because she looked the slattern's part." Patchouli takes a breath and turns to face your sister. They stare at each other for a moment and you subtly edge away from Remilia. Not that anything's going to happen, of course, but ….

"Haa~ Fine, fine. Have it your way, then." Remilia grins and claps her hands.

"Right! Everyone, I apologize for the delay. Make yourselves comfortable." She walks quickly up to the magician, and after grabbing her wrist the two of them vanish. You head toward Ilya, as do her servants and Ershin. She smiles at you.

"Did you have a good time with your sister, Flan?" You smile nervously and blush.

"Yes, we had a good time!" Deis leans forward, grinning slyly.

"Oh, do tell!" You toss your head indignantly.

"I don't think I should …." Ilya giggles and leans forward, arm waving. You oblige her by leaning in and completing the hug. "But she did say that if you were lucky you'd have your body by the time we get back." Deis's eyebrows rise.

"Hmm … I'm going to have to ask her just how that thing works." You frown, but Koakuma walks up, pack on her back. Her wings wrap around, under her arms, and cross in front of her stomach.

"Um, Lady Flandre? You're coming with us?" You nod brightly and she seems to look worried. You grin and float up to pat her head.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to Patchouli unless she does something to deserve it!" That doesn't seem to reassure her. And before anyone can respond to that, a vibrant red carpet extends across the floor, ending at one of the portals - and your sister and Patchouli appear at the beginning. Your eyes widen as you stare at the magician. Gone is the nightgown, replaced by an elegant black dress. Her hair was brushed out and shining, and even her face seemed refreshed. Your eyes flick between her and your sister - it's so hard to remember that despite the height difference, Patchouli isn't really much bigger than your sister, but where your sister is merely thin, Patchouli sometimes looks undernourished. Not today, though ….

"Ah, Lady Remilia is such a miracle worker …." You glance at the magician's familiar as she stares happily at her master.

"Alright, everyone! Patchouli would like to apologize for the delay, but I've graciously decided that all that will be necessary is that she stand alone, silent and aloof, for thirty seconds while everyone gets their fill of a magician's elegance. The timer starts now." Somehow, Patchouli doesn't look embarrassed as your grinning sister steps away from her. Koakuma simply sighs again, and you shrug at Ilya's silent question. All too soon - and not soon enough - the thirty seconds are up, and Patchouli scowls at your sister before rounding on her familiar.

"You checked the destination and cleared the arrival area?" Koakuma twitches at Patchouli's question, then nods. "Good." The magician doesn't say anything else, simply floats along the carpet toward the portal as it flares to life. Koakuma hurries to the side of the portal as you and Ilya walk toward the portal as well.

"Have fun! Bring me back a souvenir!" Patchouli glowers at your sister again and steps through the portal. You put your hand on Ilya's shoulder, smile, and hop through after her. You arrive on top of a tall building and immediately run to the edge to look around - there's the bridge that runs across the river …. Before you can really start looking around, however, two things demand your attention. The first, and much less important, is that you hear Patchouli swearing. Much more important is that you hear Ilya gasping, breath hitching in her throat. You spin around - her eyes are wide and her muscles are taut, fingers clawing into her wheelchair. Something is very wrong. Sella is at her side even faster than you could be, so you do what you can and dart to the magician. Her snarling glare is turned on you when you grab her arm, but she catches sight of Ilya and she shakes her head even as she tries to throw you off so she can fly over unimpeded. You stare, worried, as she mutters and gestures over your friend, and after a couple minutes of work Ilya finally relaxes a little. Patchouli waves her familiar over and retrieves a small bottle from the pack. After drinking from it, Ilya sags against her chair, sweat-damped and exhausted.

"The … Grail …? Why can't I …?" Patchouli shakes her head.

"There has been … a problem. There isn't an active Grail here - not one that can be used right now, at any rate. I … I don't know what happened. I'm sorry." Sella's face hardens, but Ilya simply deflates and looks down at her lap.

"So … I can't see my parents?" You glare at the magician.

"Until I figure out why the portal miscalibrated and sent us here instead of where we should have been … no. And that will take some time. Probably two weeks, because I'll need to go through our catalogue of locations and make sure nothing else is compromised once I do discover the error." For what it's worth, she does look truly apologetic … not that you don't want to strangle her slowly, anyway.

"Well …." Patchouli scowls at her familiar, but Ilya turns hopeful eyes on the little devil. Patchouli sighs.

"To be truthful, there are an Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel von Einzbern in this world. Married, even. And they are … similar … to your parents. If you want to stay here and meet them, I will not object." She scowls anyway and continues under her breath. "Much as I despise this world, I won't object." You aren't sure if Ilya hears her, even though she's closer to the magician than you are. Ilya looks out across the city.

What do you do?

[ ] You have no opinion.

[ ] Think of it like a practice run!
- [ ] Only speak up if Ilya asks your opinion.

[ ] Even if they're close, they aren't really your parents, so you should go back and wait for Patchouli to get things right.
- [ ] Only speak up if Ilya asks your opinion.
[X] Think of it like a practice run!
-[X] Only speak up if Ilya asks your opinion.
-[X] Suggest to take the fastest route there. Constantly check on Ilya to see if she's ok or not.
--[X] Stay Alert.

We need to focus on avoiding alternate Ilya now. Fighting is less of a priority now. Remember, now we make plans and write-ins when possible. Game time, comrades.

I think that this miscalculation is caused by Zelretch. We did make quite a big scrfuffle back in the original timeline, maybe this is some sort of trollish payback.​
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[X] Think of it like a practice run!

-[X] Suggest to take the fastest route there. Constantly check on Ilya to see if she's ok or not.
--[X] Stay Alert.
[X] Think of it like a practice run!
-[X] Suggest to take the fastest route there. Constantly check on Ilya to see if she's ok or not.
--[X] Stay Alert.
Votes are not locked.
[X] Think of it like a practice run!
- [X] Only speak up if Ilya asks your opinion.

[X] Think of it like a practice run!
- [X] Only speak up if Ilya asks your opinion.
- [X] Suggest to take the fastest route there. Constantly check on Ilya to see if she's ok or not.
- - [X] Stay Alert.

[X] Think of it like a practice run!
- [X] Suggest to take the fastest route there. Constantly check on Ilya to see if she's ok or not.
- - [X] Stay Alert.

EDIT: Votes are locked.
Entropy Judge threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Quiet or Not Total: 1
1 1
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Meeting the Locals
[X] Think of it like a practice run! - [X] Only speak up if Ilya asks your opinion.

Ilya looks down at her lap for a moment. "How … how similar?" Patchouli sighs.

"They have a daughter named Illyasviel. The circumstances are rather different - she is quite different from you - but her parents, I think, are quite similar. Although I admit that I cannot guarantee that you will feel the same way." Ilya nods and stays silent for a moment. You wait as well; if Ilya wants to ask you for your opinion, that's well and good, but it's her decision and you shouldn't try to make up her mind for her. But she looks up with a confident expression, one marred only by the tension from having to maintain Berserker on her own.

"I - I want to meet them, please." Patchouli releases her breath and looks down at her dress.

"Well, at least we won't have made Remilia dress me up for nothing. They aren't here right now, however, and it will be much easier to make them come to us …." She looks around the city for a moment before staring at the bridge. She nods once and waves her hand. A magic circle inscribes itself on the rooftop as she chants something - then you stumble as the world around you changes. Now you're on the bridge, but the sky is different from the night sky. It looks like someone sprinkled shards of glass in the atmosphere …. "Hm. I had hoped we would be a little earlier, but this is still salvageable." You look back down at Patchouli. She stands near a ruined portion of railing, looking out across the water, but even as you start to look, several images appear by the magician. A girl you don't recognize, wearing a strange blue outfit and carrying a blue rod, running along the air above the river. The cursed Saber you fought and killed, standing motionless over two bodies - one of them looks like Tohsaka, and you feel like clapping. The other image, however, shows … Illya.

"… Why is she wearing that?" You nod along with Ilya's question - the pink outfit … doesn't look bad on her, but it doesn't seem right, either. It's certainly not proper ….

"That depends on how you view the nature of realities. Remilia and I have had some talks about it in the past. It's not clear which of us is correct, and I doubt it ever will be, so it's best to simply not think about such things." You blink and walk over to the railing to watch the dark-haired stranger fire ineffectual blasts of magic at Saber. "You seem better."

"Mm. It feels like it does back at the mansion. But … I meant … um, in the …." Koakuma giggles.

"That red stick she's carrying is an invention of the magician Zelretch. It's responsible for her appearance." Ilya nods before sighing as Illya is knocked back by an attack from Saber. What are they trying to do?

"Well, we should intervene soon. Make a good impression. Now, which weapon should you use?" Koakuma gasps and stares at her master. "Don't worry, I don't expect you to beat her. I just need you to keep her busy long enough for them to get out of the way. I'll even let you have a weapon that will make her pay attention to you …." That sword appears in front of her and you flinch, memories of shrieking in your mind distracting you.

"No." It takes you a moment to realize what Ilya says. Patchouli, too, slowly turns to look at her. "I … Berserker will fight her."

"Your circuits are still damaged. Materializing him and feeding him power will hurt, even if this plane is blocking the world's attempts to cancel his existence." Ilya nods.

"I know. But … last time, Flan saved me from her. I think this time I should save myself." You make a face at her little joke, but Patchouli simply stares at her for a moment before sighing.

"I am going to keep limiting Berserker." Ilya nods and takes a deep breath before closing her eyes. Patchouli waves - and then Berserker is standing beside Ilya as your friend stiffens. Sella kneels beside her and holds her hand as Leysritt stands protectively in front of her. "He needs to drive Saber back and keep her distracted." Ilya nods stiffly and Berserker leaps away. You look worriedly at your friend, then at the fight Berserker will be interrupting. Illya and her friend are together now with Saber advancing on them. You see Tohsaka twitch and start to get up, then hear Berserker roar. Saber looks up, finally moving fluidly, and turns to face him. The charging Servant plows into her, however, sending her flying away from the two pairs, and keeps after her. You grin as the screens change - one shows Illya and her partner, the other settles on Tohsaka and her dumbfounded expression, and the third follows Berserker as he launches attack after brutal attack on the sword-wielding Servant. "You two need to go down there and collect them. Try to avoid hurting them." You blink and glance at Patchouli, but she isn't paying attention to you. Koakuma sets down her pack and gestures for you to follow her as she hops forward and flies down the river. You shrug and follow her after a worried look at Ilya; her eyes are closed and her breathing seems forced, but she doesn't seem to be in any danger ….

You land on the guardrail instead of the ground and crouch, gargoyle-like, as Koakuma calls out to the two stick-wielding girls. "Hello! Would you mind coming over here?" Illya simply shivers on the ground, holding her arm, until the other girl shakes her. Then she seems to notice you and Koakuma for the first time and moans helplessly. They hold a whispered conference and you look at Tohsaka as Koakuma sighs, waiting patiently.

"You … who are you? How did …?" You grin as she presses a hand to her side. That's a nasty injury … it looks good on her. The blonde wakes up, eyes narrow as she pulls herself into a sitting position. Koakuma ignores her, instead clapping quietly as the other two girls carefully advance toward you. Illya looks rather scared, and she's trembling obviously enough that even a human would be able to see it … and then Berserker roars and she flinches. You stare closely at her; she looks like Ilya, but her eyes are different. They aren't the clean red of Ilya's, but have a curious gleam to them. The other girl steps between you, however, blocking your line of sight, and glares at you. You look at the dark-haired girl for a moment before shrugging.

"Thank you. Now, if you would all please follow us, we can explain things a little."

"Hold on. How are you controlling a Class Card?" You blink at the blonde girl's question. Class Card?

"No questions, please, only obedience. We have a bit of a time limit." They don't seem to like Koakuma's response; the two older girls slip gems into their hands and the other girl you don't know slips into a fighting stance. You lean forward in anticipation. "Well, let me put it this way. The only one of you that we need is Illyasviel. The rest of you can all die in a minute or so when Saber tries to come back, or you can come with us if you want to live." She gives them a few seconds to think about it, then turns to Illya and her friend. "We're going to go directly, so do you two need help carrying the red-faced baboon and bread-roll-head, or are you fine taking them yourselves?" You choke down a laugh as Tohsaka and her partner make noises of disapproval. The dark-haired girl nods and grunts quietly.

"Illyasviel." She gently pulls Illya along with her, making sure to keep herself between her and you. Does she know something the others don't, or is she just naturally suspicious.

"Miyu -"

"We cannot defeat that Class Card, Luvia-san." She glances meaningfully at Illya and the older girls grimace. Patchouli didn't explain some things about this world very well …. After another few seconds - mostly spent by Tohsaka making sure that Illya was well enough to carry her - the six of you head back to the bridge. You watch both Illya, who seems to be making a fast recovery as the situation seems to be 'safe,' and what you can see of Berserker's fight. Admittedly little, although dark waves of energy indicate that Saber is at least trying to fight back.

"Oh! What is that?" You focus on Illya when you hear the strange voice. The sticks talk?

"What are you talking about?"

"Sister has detected a large amount of magical energy on the bridge. We should have noticed it before getting this close, however." And that was the blue stick. Koakuma laughs and speeds up, vanishing from sight as she crosses the railing. Yes, that's probably for the best; wouldn't want Illya to fall into the river when she sees Ilya, after all ….

"Call Berserker back." Patchouli is standing by the railing, a single magic circle floating above her head. The only remaining scrying image shows the Servants battling, neither one appearing to be meaningfully harmed.

"L-Leysritt? S-S-Selll …." You cluck your tongue - you missed it! You turn to see Illya slumped on the ground, face white as she stares at Ilya. The only one who doesn't seem to be completely shocked is the girl with the blue stick - Miyu, was it? And she still seems surprised. "W-w-w-w- …."

"Illyasviel!" Illya flinches at Patchouli's sharp command, but it wasn't meant for her. Berserker makes a final attack on Saber and vanishes, and Ilya leans back in her chair, breathing shallowly. You skip around Leysritt and press close to Ilya; her hand clumsily reaches up to pat your shoulder.

"What is this all about?" Tohsaka steps between Illya and Patchouli, but the magician ignores her.

"You aren't going to unseal your weapon? You can hit us from that distance." Patchouli scoffs and raises her hand. The magic circle above her begins glowing, cycling between seven colors. Tohsaka steps forward angrily, and the blonde girl moves to back her up, but both jump back when a massive white crystal, easily the size of your torso, flickers into existence between them. You giggle and Ilya shakes her head. Patchouli sighs and snaps her fingers, and the circle sends out a swirling beam toward Saber. She brings her sword up to block it, and as she rides out the attack a single sword plummets toward her. It misses her head, but manages to pierce her armor above her left shoulder. Rocked by her injury, her defense falters just as Patchouli overcharges the Spark. The beam bursts out of its confines, engulfing much of the promenade where the Servant is standing. You clap your hands at the magnificent explosion and Patchouli nods as the air clears of magical debris. A small card floats above the broken double-hilted sword for a moment before appearing in the magician's hand. "Well, that's step one." You turn back to Illya and her friends; she is still staring in shock at Ilya, Tohsaka and Luvia are staring at Patchouli, and Miyu seems to be the only one not completely incapacitated due to having her expectations shattered.

"Hello, Illyasviel." Ilya draws their attention to herself. Illya's mouth works fruitlessly for a moment. "What happened to me? I was overconfident, thought that there was no way anything could happen to me. I was wrong." Her voice is calm and pleasant, but her eyes are unhappy, pained. Sella rises to her feet, but keeps her hand on Ilya's shoulder. Patchouli clears her throat.

"Illyasviel, I need to use you for something. It won't take long, won't have any lasting repercussions, and - I will turn this card over to you. In exchange for, at most, a few minutes of your time." Tohsaka shakes her head and tries to step between them.

"Hey, hey -!"

"Be quiet. I am not speaking to you, nor to your fellow would-be apprentice, nor to Miss Sak- Edelfelt. Only to this Illyasviel von Einzbern." You have to wonder whether she would be as effective if she were still wearing her nightdress. Maybe it would be more effective, since she wouldn't look like she'd spent time preparing for this occasion ….

"W-what are you going to do?" Somehow Illya manages to speak without tripping over her own tongue, despite looking absolutely terrified.

"There is something inside you I need to examine. You won't remember anything, but you won't come to harm over it. It will be easier if you return to normal, although I can affect you through the Kaleidostick's defenses." The sticks both remain silent and unmoving. Illya stares at Ilya before hugging the red stick to herself and rocking back and forth. Patchouli shrugs. "You can take your time; this world won't collapse until I let it."

"And if she says no I suppose you'll go through with it anyway. You're certainly in the position to." Patchouli turns her glare on Tohsaka.

"I won't, actually. This is simply the easiest method of doing what I want, and I'd rather not set up a moderately complex ritual when I can use a shortcut instead." Tohsaka stands up to the glare without retreating, although you can tell she's worried about it. Luvia looks between the two of them, and if Tohsaka did start something you aren't sure if she would help her or help Patchouli.

"I-if I let you do it … what happens then?" Patchouli turns back to Illya.

"You all will be free to go."

"O-okay." Illya nods almost imperceptibly to go along with her quiet agreement. Her pink outfit vanishes, leaving her dressed in casual clothes. Ilya frowns; different circumstances indeed. Maybe you should make Patchouli explain things more clearly?

"Illya-san …." The stick in her hand curls toward her but she shakes her head.

"Stand up, please." Patchouli walks toward her, and when she reaches the younger girl she shoves her hand through her chest. Miyu reacts most quickly, swinging her blue stick at Patchouli, but Koakuma slips between them and catches her wrist before hurling her into the other two. Wings of light erupt from Illya's shoulders as she shrieks; your wings stiffen irritatedly, as the sound is close enough to Ilya's own voice to put you on a very sharp edge. After a moment, however, Illya leaps back, almost to the railing, but she looks very different - not just her way of holding herself, but her eyes have a strange sheen that makes her seem like an entirely different person. You frown at Patchouli. "Ah, good." Illya stares back at the magician. "You, I have a proposal for. There is little enough for you here in this world. If you are agreeable to it, I would like to take you back with us."

"Wait, what's going on? What did you -!" Patchouli waves a hand dismissively and a burst of wind slams into Tohsaka's stomach. The girl collapses, coughing, and Patchouli shakes her head.

"Stupid, stupid girl. Anyway. Think it over. Examine the life around you. I'll leave the door open, but don't do anything rash. That, I won't tolerate. Understand?" Illya watches her for a moment before nodding. Patchouli looks up at the sky and takes a breath. "They know, now. It's time to go back inside, I'm afraid." Illya nods again and walks up to Patchouli. The magician reaches forward, and this time you see her take a small golden key out of Illya's body. You frown and look at Ilya; she doesn't look too happy, either. Illya's eyes turn back to normal and she sways before falling to the ground; the other girl rushes forward to catch her. Patchouli slows her descent, allowing Miyu to catch her. "Then it's time for you four to leave, I think." She places the card in Illya's hand before nodding at Miyu. "We may see each other again. Oh, and she shouldn't remember anything, so don't bother asking her about what happened." The girl warily carries Illya back to the others, and after a short display they vanish.

"Patchouli …." Ilya trails off as the magician looks at her.

"It is somewhat complicated. At least, explaining in full is; the short version is succinct, but leaves gaps. In any case, Irisviel has detected what I have done, and because of the way I did it, both she and Kiritsugu will be coming here shortly - perhaps two or three days. In the meantime …." A magic circle appears beneath your feet, expanding to become a box, and then you're in a large room, moderately well-furnished. "We're back in the real world, now, so you'll need to focus on maintaining Berserker. It shouldn't be too difficult, now; Illyasviel is helping you maintain him, now, and she is unharmed." Ilya nods and the barrier vanishes; she stiffens and draws a sharp breath, but it isn't remotely as bad as before.

"So … so we just wait for them to come here?" Patchouli nods.

"I will fortify this floor so you won't have to worry about anything." Koakuma claps her hands.

"Oh! You could go to her school! Pretend you're a cousin of hers and want to see what classes in Japan are like!" You can practically see Patchouli's mind crack like a clock with the wrong gears. Ilya looks almost hopeful for a moment before shaking her head.

"That wouldn't work, though …." Patchouli coughs.

"It … would, actually. You might not even have to use magic to modify their memories. I wouldn't suggest taking Sella or Leysritt along, however." Ilya looks at you hopefully. You want her to be happy … but you're not sure about going to a school.

What do you do?

[ ] Agree to go with her; you have Patchouli's mask, after all.

[ ] Beg off; Koakuma suggested it, and she's much more personable than you are.

[ ] Maybe going there isn't such a good idea ….

[ ] Other?

DM Note: At least you guys didn't manage to ram your faces into a geas. Also, coming to Prisma-verse is something I've known about for a while.
[X] Agree to go with her; you have Patchouli's mask, after all.

This will go hilariously, either bad or good, but hilariously either way.
[X] Agree to go with her; you have Patchouli's mask, after all.

Shenanigans ho! Flandre might be a bit out of date when it comes to school stuff though, but she's had several hundred years to get the gist of things so it shouldn't be too bad.