1 for Hide until Dark (Hospital)
6 for Leave Immediately (Keep to the Shadows!)

6 for This Side (South along the river)

1 for Frustrated at being Cheated
3 for "Lost and Afraid"
3 for Sneaky

Need a Tiebreaker. Next vote, or I'll flip a coin in an hour and 20 minutes.
Youkai and Red Hair
[X] Leave Immediately
-[X] Be careful to often rest in shadowed areas/travel in them as much as possible. (Under bridges, shadow of buildings...)

[X] Stay on this side.
- [X] Go along the river. (To the right when facing it).

[X] "Lost and afraid"
-[X] And cute, in a way so that naive victimscitizens may want to help you.

You decide to leave the area, as during the day you are weaker than at night, and if there is something in the area capable of fighting a vampire, you might get hurt before you kill it, and that would be annoying. Taking a good look around, you decide to head south along the river, moving toward the largest bridge while staying on this side. You stand on the edge of the roof, then drop down, landing gently on the walk below. You briefly consider trying to be sneaky, but decide that it isn't worth the bother. Besides, you can get more practice being cute if someone meets you! Meiling always said you were cute, and you remember enough stories about lost little girls that you can pretend to be lost and afraid. Remilia never wanted me to be cute, though. She wanted me to be 'elegant' and 'proper!'

You keep to the buildings as you move through the city, eyes open for any potential sources of information, but it seems strangely empty for a city in the middle of the day. Surely there should be more people around? Looking across the river, it seems almost like a different city - instead of glass and steel, a lot of the buildings there are shorter, and made of brick or something similar, and there's a lot of smoke coming out of one area in particular. Maybe they're burning something?

As you near the large bridge, two things start to change. First, you notice the occasional large metal carriage travelling through the streets, including several that have flashing red-and-blue lights. Those initially cause you some concern - they are be travelling much faster than the other carriages, and seem to be heading back to where you had your little rampage. You consider going back to talk to someone, but the second thing that catches your eyes is much more interesting - it's a small youkai, not even as big as you! Quickly scanning the area for any humans who might see or hear you, dash into the alley where the youkai is perched, eager to test your cuteness.

"Hello, Mr. Youkai!" you say in Japanese, once you're reasonably sure it has noticed you. Only 'reasonably,' because you can't see any eyes - or any organs at all, really. It looks rather like someone took two headless human torsos and fused them together at the base of the rib cage. It's perched on the side of a building, all four claws latched firmly to the wall, and the only reason you think it noticed your arrival is because it turned to face you. Kind of. Ugly little thing. You should die.

It fails to answer, simply 'staring' at you. "Er, can you help me? I'm lost and alone right now. Do you know where I am?" It still just stares at you, and you repeat your questions in English, German, French, and Italian before the youkai turns to scuttle along the building. You frown, wondering if you made a mistake, but it turns back to face you before it reaches the corner. It must want you to follow it! You plaster the cutest, happiest smile you can think of on your face as you run after it. It leads you through several turns along the buildings before it stops at a rift in one of them. Pausing at it, it 'looks' back at you, then jumps through. Sighing, you follow. Being lost and afraid is hard work.

The world past the rift is strange, not at all like any place you've been before. Everything is soft and sort of squishy, and a pinkish-red color. You kneel down to poke it; it reminds you of Patchouli or Sakuya's stomach. The little youkai waits for you to stand up before hurrying off, and you trot after it. It leads you through rooms small and large, and along fleshy 'bridges' that seem to exist apart from anything else, since they only exist to connect doors between rooms, and there isn't anything above, below, or to the sides. Not even other bridges, even though they should exist if the rooms lined up like they should.

More than ten minutes from entering the rift, your journey comes to a temporary end. You reach a much larger door with strange markings on it. The little youkai seems to want you to open the door, so you push it open - this one feels more like Meiling - and step through. You're in a much larger room than any of the others, with strange markings on the ground and hoops and nets of all kinds along the walls. Most of your attention, however, is taken up by the fight between the other two creatures in the room.

The first is tall, with many long limbs - arms or legs, you can't tell - and no noticeable body. The limbs just sort of connected in the middle, seeming to form a net rather than a joint or torso. Some of them - usually ones that went up, but some that went down or across - seemed to have eyes or mouths on them instead of four-fingered claws. You decide that it's even uglier than the smaller youkai.

The other combatant seems to be a red-dressed human girl, with long red hair and a long spear. She's dancing between the youkai's swipes and punches, spear lashing out to strike ragged gashes in the great limbs, but she doesn't seem to be doing much damage. She looks like she's having a difficult time of it ....

Rustling behind you catches your attention, and you turn to see dozens of the lesser youkai. They don't seem like they're going to attack, you, though, since they're lining up to charge into the arena below.

What do you do?

[ ] Sit and watch.

[ ] Attack
- [ ] the Human.
- [ ] the Youkai.

[ ] Leave.

[ ] Write-in?
[X] Leave Immediately
-[X] Be careful to often rest in shadowed areas/travel in them as much as possible. (Under bridges, shadow of buildings...)

[X] Stay on this side.
- [X] Go along the river. (To the right when facing it).

[X] "Lost and afraid"
-[X] And cute, in a way so that naive victimscitizens may want to help you.

You decide to leave the area, as during the day you are weaker than at night, and if there is something in the area capable of fighting a vampire, you might get hurt before you kill it, and that would be annoying. Taking a good look around, you decide to head south along the river, moving toward the largest bridge while staying on this side. You stand on the edge of the roof, then drop down, landing gently on the walk below. You briefly consider trying to be sneaky, but decide that it isn't worth the bother. Besides, you can get more practice being cute if someone meets you! Meiling always said you were cute, and you remember enough stories about lost little girls that you can pretend to be lost and afraid. Remilia never wanted me to be cute, though. She wanted me to be 'elegant' and 'proper!'

You keep to the buildings as you move through the city, eyes open for any potential sources of information, but it seems strangely empty for a city in the middle of the day. Surely there should be more people around? Looking across the river, it seems almost like a different city - instead of glass and steel, a lot of the buildings there are shorter, and made of brick or something similar, and there's a lot of smoke coming out of one area in particular. Maybe they're burning something?

As you near the large bridge, two things start to change. First, you notice the occasional large metal carriage travelling through the streets, including several that have flashing red-and-blue lights. Those initially cause you some concern - they are be travelling much faster than the other carriages, and seem to be heading back to where you had your little rampage. You consider going back to talk to someone, but the second thing that catches your eyes is much more interesting - it's a small youkai, not even as big as you! Quickly scanning the area for any humans who might see or hear you, dash into the alley where the youkai is perched, eager to test your cuteness.

"Hello, Mr. Youkai!" you say in Japanese, once you're reasonably sure it has noticed you. Only 'reasonably,' because you can't see any eyes - or any organs at all, really. It looks rather like someone took two headless human torsos and fused them together at the base of the rib cage. It's perched on the side of a building, all four claws latched firmly to the wall, and the only reason you think it noticed your arrival is because it turned to face you. Kind of. Ugly little thing. You should die.

It fails to answer, simply 'staring' at you. "Er, can you help me? I'm lost and alone right now. Do you know where I am?" It still just stares at you, and you repeat your questions in English, German, French, and Italian before the youkai turns to scuttle along the building. You frown, wondering if you made a mistake, but it turns back to face you before it reaches the corner. It must want you to follow it! You plaster the cutest, happiest smile you can think of on your face as you run after it. It leads you through several turns along the buildings before it stops at a rift in one of them. Pausing at it, it 'looks' back at you, then jumps through. Sighing, you follow. Being lost and afraid is hard work.

The world past the rift is strange, not at all like any place you've been before. Everything is soft and sort of squishy, and a pinkish-red color. You kneel down to poke it; it reminds you of Patchouli or Sakuya's stomach. The little youkai waits for you to stand up before hurrying off, and you trot after it. It leads you through rooms small and large, and along fleshy 'bridges' that seem to exist apart from anything else, since they only exist to connect doors between rooms, and there isn't anything above, below, or to the sides. Not even other bridges, even though they should exist if the rooms lined up like they should.

More than ten minutes from entering the rift, your journey comes to a temporary end. You reach a much larger door with strange markings on it. The little youkai seems to want you to open the door, so you push it open - this one feels more like Meiling - and step through. You're in a much larger room than any of the others, with strange markings on the ground and hoops and nets of all kinds along the walls. Most of your attention, however, is taken up by the fight between the other two creatures in the room.

The first is tall, with many long limbs - arms or legs, you can't tell - and no noticeable body. The limbs just sort of connected in the middle, seeming to form a net rather than a joint or torso. Some of them - usually ones that went up, but some that went down or across - seemed to have eyes or mouths on them instead of four-fingered claws. You decide that it's even uglier than the smaller youkai.

The other combatant seems to be a red-dressed human girl, with long red hair and a long spear. She's dancing between the youkai's swipes and punches, spear lashing out to strike ragged gashes in the great limbs, but she doesn't seem to be doing much damage. She looks like she's having a difficult time of it ....

Rustling behind you catches your attention, and you turn to see dozens of the lesser youkai. They don't seem like they're going to attack, you, though, since they're lining up to charge into the arena below.

What do you do?

[ ] Sit and watch.

[ ] Attack
- [ ] the Human.
- [ ] the Youkai.

[ ] Leave.

[ ] Write-in?

Uncovered the Invisitext. May you all have a happy read.
[X] Sit and watch
-[x] This is boring.
[X] Attack
- [X] The Human.

How the familiars are reacting to us is curious. I wonder if witches are only inherently hostile to humans? If we kill or drive off Kyoko she'll come back in a later loop, but we have no idea if we'll get another chance to enslave/befriend a monster.
All SV Rules apply.

Please use the standard [X] method for voting. (As an aside, I don't use the Vote Counter; I'm too afraid of setting my computer on fire / summoning dread Hastur.)

Be polite - you never know who's listening .... Hehehe!

If I ask for rolls, please use the SV Roller. I like looking at the dice :3

Just because an option is offered/allowed, it doesn't mean it's a good idea. Remember who you are! Hehehe!

There will be fairly few hard numbers involved in this quest - it's going to be narrative-based. As such, I am not currently sure how I will handle Omakes. :( I wonder how other people will react?

With regards to other universes, I'll try to keep things interesting. Please don't get too upset if you think I'm nerfing or buffing one side or another. Also, I apologize if I get details - or basic information ... :( - mixed up or just flat-out incorrect.

ENDING THE QUEST: There is no current 'plan' for ending the quest. We're having an adventure! It's possible to Bad End, although unlikely, and more likely in some places than others - you are Flandre Scarlet, after all, and it'll take a lot to put you down for good.

I hope I haven't forgotten anything .... Don't 'Hora' me! It's rude and I don't like it!

You can't hide from my eyes!
Guys how about we get some of the PMMM girls to be our minions while we travel from world to world? Because having servants/minions to do things for you makes life easier. Also Homura can be our expsy Sakura to make up for stealing our fun.

[X] Sit and watch
-[x] This is boring.
[X] Attack
-[x] Youkai. He's ugly.
--[x] Kyuu

If I'd expected people to notice, I'd have asked the question without making it transparent.
I'm surprised how many people don't Control - A when reading quests on SV. It seems like some days everyone has invis-text.
Last edited:
[X] Attack
-[x] Youkai. He's ugly.
-[x] Four of a Kind, rip and tear.

Uh guys. Kyuu means we crush it utterly. Including the grief seed. Which pisses off the meguca.
Votes will remain open until tomorrow morning - some 12+ hours. Current plan is to watch until you get bored, then break the youkai.