Roleplaying games are fun, no? Our Shadowrun games tend to bring out everyone's desire to be unconventional, at best. Strangely it's the only game where the content of the plots and character actions in game are fairly normal, but the character concepts and background stories tend to be completely NSFW.
I'm sure that Amy's choices of reading material are very much a window into her mind... Or just books she likes. Whichever.
Fifty Shades is just Twilight fanfiction with the serial numbers filed off. Hating on Fifty Shades is just more efficient as you're actually hitting two fandoms at once while using just enough hate for one fandom. It's less wasteful.
Thanks, that would have been excessive.
I'd say this qualifies. Did Emma actually wake up or was Taylor's mind/powers playing tricks on her?
That's actually a trait that Skeletor shares with a lot of 80's cartoon villains. Better times...
And damn! Armsmaster pretty much owns Blackwell now, amirite?