My reaction to the chapter was firmly in "that's terrifying"; on one hand, I'm interested in seeing more of this Madison, because frankly this adds a hell of a lot to an otherwise flat character of Madison. OTOH, she's acting waaaaay too much like a functional sociopath right now - Being X gives me Y, so therefore I am X.
I'm actually pretty happy that she's in the wards, because someone like Coil getting their hooks on a shapeshifter with lots of wants and no morals is terrifying. She may be damaged, but that doesn't excuse her just flat out using people for her own ends - she certainly doesn't care about what happened to Taylor, just the shift in power structure and how it will relate to the people she is coat-tailing off of - I mean, her "friends" - and how that affects her own place in the social structure. I'm almost interested in seeing if Tattletale can pick up anything from Browbeat - if Madison has that much control over her (? - screw it, Madison is a she) body, she could potentially stonewall TT's pickup on tells.
Great job, especially with that curveball!