Prince Charon
Just zis guy, you know?
Merry Christmas, and thank you for the present.
Merry Christmas, and thank you for the present.
You Dirty tease!!!!!!
Volkogluk said:Still, this was kinda a valid point. When Taylor checked the timelines at the party, she saw both herself and Glory Girl get drunk enough to start... experimenting, and accompishing said experiment. That sort of thing would have taken time. Most probably more time then passed so far from Taylor being at the party, to Simurgh showing up. Doesn't it mean that the Simurgh wouldn't have dared to show up during Taylor and Vicky's private time?
Also, serious question time. How was the transition/who caught exactly when(and what exactly triggered it) here and if you did all of that, how many people went oh shit when they realized what was happening?
Also, serious question time. How was the transition/who caught exactly when(and what exactly triggered it) here and if you did all of that, how many people went oh shit when they realized what was happening?
I stumbled as my feet settled on stone instead of wood floor, dizziness causing me to feel as if I was falling. Where was I? I...
Oh, of course, Victoria had succeeded in convincing me to attend this gathering, divesting me from what good sense I possessed to attend a party such as this. I was aware that Victoria was more worldly than I, but seeing so many behaving with such license had been shocking. Escaping from the eyes of the host had brought me out here. The man's eyes regarded me, taking liberties that I was uncomfortable with.
If you're talking about the ringing, then...well, I didn't know it was Simmie until Taylor confirmed it. I thought it would Leviathan cuz of all the rain, honestly.
Well everything is more epic when inside a volcano and well... Taylor aint happyNah, the ringing was it. The rain's just rain. That, or Levi's hanging out at the bottom of the bay manipulating the weather so that his little sister has an appropriate backdrop for what's coming next. Everything is more epic in a thunderstorm, right?
*giving flakYour family isn't giving you flack for spending so much time with me, are they?"
Correction, FTFYWell, one flaming God that looks like a bird versus a bird . One is psychic, and can see the future. The other can predict the future based on predicable factors, and use super TK to pretend to be psychic.
There really is a lot that's difficult to explain about fighting another precog that you can't really understand if you aren't one yourself and I am not sure how you would even put into words for someone who isn't. Suffice to say, as I charged at her, leaving a trail of fire in my wake, I was running through a countless set of possibilities and mapping responses to her, even as they changed from one instant to another and she reacted to me.
Or I reacted to her and she reacted to my reactions. Fire balls launched at her and sections of Winslow were uprooted, blocking all of my shots. I swerved and dodged as countless pieces of rebar tore free of concrete and speared toward my like lethal projectiles. Even as those possibilities faded away, the distance between us narrowed. There was an entire line of possibilities where I came in behind her and then she was suddenly behind me, then I behind her, repeat incessantly. I dismissed that line of absurdity and prepared my attack.
Sections of rebar bounced off of a telekinetic defense as I twisted out of the way, erecting a wall of telekinetic force to block a machine gun spray of concrete chunks that would have, in one timeline, torn through my body. I dropped tracking that thread as new possibilities wove through the tapestry in my mind.
This snippet seriously reminds me of a battle between Amadeus Cho and the guy that killed his parents. Mathematical computations were flying around the two as Cho and the guy calculated what actions to take. Cho took the classic way out: he didn't play. Would be funny as an omake if all of BB were to gather and all they would observe is Taylor and Ziz having a staring contest ignoring everyone and everything else.
So yeah, I had to binge read this again before reading the last chapter, and it just reminded me how much I love this story. I hope you had a Happy Christmas Chibi, and that was a lovely chapter =).
Please don't be cruel and end the next snip on a cliffhanger. If it ends with Danny dying though and the Phoenix quote though, the forget I said anything.
One issue though, Taylor ramping requires syncing ever higher with the Phoenix right? What about Jean's memories? Wouldn't Taylor have to sync up with those as well?
I love teasing replies like this.
I love teasing replies like this.
Not quite as much as I love new chapters, but those sorts of things take an understandably longer time to write up.
I'm not sure what I'm looking forward to more, the possible fight or the reaction to it.
Then Canary shows up. Simurgh vs Simurgh-on-fire, with accompaning background music provided by Simurgh-on-vocals.Simurgh vs Simurgh-on-fire (that's what people in-universe would think, anyway).