Fuck that, throw a block of francium into a full bathtub.I suggest looking it up on youtube instead. Less chance of burning your house down that way.
Fuck that, throw a block of francium into a full bathtub.I suggest looking it up on youtube instead. Less chance of burning your house down that way.
alightGods, I cannot WAIT for the first Endbringer fight. Dis guna be good. Although...I'm liking the story so far, chibipoe, but I think you're making Wildbow's mistake; all the major stuff happening seems to be dark, dark, dark and your readers get numb. Is there alight at the end of this dark tunnel?
The light of the Phoenix purging the world of its infestation, and Taylor moving on to a less crispy world that still has people in it?Gods, I cannot WAIT for the first Endbringer fight. Dis guna be good. Although...I'm liking the story so far, chibipoe, but I think you're making Wildbow's mistake; all the major stuff happening seems to be dark, dark, dark and your readers get numb. Is there alight at the end of this dark tunnel?
Hm. I'm guessing things will get out of hand.
Hm. I'm guessing things will get out of hand.
In seriousness, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.
Darwin award winner right there.
Wouldn't it be worse telling her she looks scrawny in that dress?
Given her issues and all...
And that's how full-harpy!Amy doomed the planet.
FTFYOh, I remain hellbent on finishing it. Just holiday and work being busy + nasty breakout/rash on my right arm + being blocked for a bit delayed it more than I liked. However. That all changed when the Firebird attacked. 3.4 just awaits beta and I shall start 3.5 shortly. Probably not tonight though. Maybe tomorrow night.
I wonder, was it the Airbenders that went kill crazy?Hah!
Actually, television on Earth Bet is a bit odd. It isn't Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's Avatar: The Last Firebender.
Actually, television on Earth Bet is a bit odd. It isn't Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's Avatar: The Last Firebender.
Note, sorry if there is any spelling mistakes Saint Naturally Speaking is being a troublesome![]()
Which one of them is the Avatar? The story changes a bunch depending on who it is.
Given Memetic Wormverse, I can guess, but still...
That's exactly what I thought when I read it.