Firebird, a Worm AU/Xover?

Uh...Legally she's on the run...
As I said, she's technically a runaway, however she's not on the run because she's not "trying to avoid capture", or constantly moving from one place to another - No one is actually trying to capture her.

And staying in a position long enough to earn money in her is going to be a hassle in either identity.
o_O Why? Even if she had to move around like runaways are often forced to (she doesn't) the range her flight grants her means she could hold down a job if she wanted to.

On the Siren side, it's going to be a hassle cause then the heroes have an easy line to her.
Right, because this story has shown how she's actually hiding from them and they can't find her to keep talking to her.[/sarcasm]
It has shown that she's not easily found without breaching the unwritten rules...

Wasn't that a conversation topic between the Wards?

Holding down a job aint the problem, I said holding down a job means staying in a spot long enough for the PRT to hassle her if she does it as Sirin.

Flying would solve that if she's getting Paid in advance maybe, but then she'd just be forced to stop sooner or deal with them on their terms.
Something in this chapter. Not sure exactly what, but it doesn't all feel quite right.

Like Glen getting involved, though, and the Taylor/Vicky (friend)shipping continuing. It will be interesting to see on whether or not Taylor manages to keep her civilian identity under wraps, as for now, she at least has that (in the public space/persona, at least).
Taylor worrying about money was annoying - while I can accept shard (or firebird) mental influence making her blind to all the many legitimate options she has to making money it is annoying to see her ignore all of them.

I liked Piggot's scene and Taylor's interaction with Victoria, however why did Taylor pull on Victoria to break the pattern instead of making Cricket stumble or something? Moving Victoria would presumably take a lot more force and distracted Victoria which could have been a problem, also I doubt Cricket and Stormwolf missed that sequence of events so Taylor just outed herself.

No actually, moving Victoria is the better option. Victoria knows it's Taylor doing the moving, Cricket can only suspect that there is another cape and maybe not even then.
Well Taylor has a very easy way of dealing with all three of the E88's most zealous fighters. Lift them off the ground and just hold them in the air. Stormtiger is the only one with Blaster/Shaker/Breaker powers with ranged application, and GG can knock him straight out rather easily if he's restrained without support.
True, but it would also be blatantly obvious that a telekinetic was helping GG, and she only really knows the one. Then the PRT gets on Sirin's case.
This actually works better. So far it looks like she just got lucky and tagged Cricket.
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Comedic Opportunity detected:
Quit hittin' yourself!
Quit hittin' yourself!
Quit hittin' yourself!
Quit hittin' yourself!
15 minutes later PRT/Protectorate/New Wave shows up
*Glory Girl recording with her phone's camera*
Quit hittin' yourself!
It has shown that she's not easily found without breaching the unwritten rules...
No, it's shown that they keep encountering her, and that no one is looking for her out of costume - primarily because they're not trying to capture her, they're trying to CONVINCE her they're not evil. The unwritten rules have nothing to do with that, Piggot trying to fix the mess she's caught in does.

I said holding down a job means staying in a spot long enough for the PRT to hassle her if she does it as Sirin.
I don't buy the PRT doing that, especially as Piggot specifically noted that as something they wouldn't hassle her for. In fact the only thing Piggot stated they'd be forced to hassle her for is what they're actually hassling her for - going out in costume as a Hero.

No actually, moving Victoria is the better option. Victoria knows it's Taylor doing the moving, Cricket can only suspect that there is another cape and maybe not even then.

If Taylor and GG had planned it in advance you'd have a point. However given GG's reaction they'd need to be particularly stupid not to realize there's a nother cape involved, and that it's probably Taylor. Additionally, I was thinking of moving the footing under her feet rather than directly moving Cricket herself.
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Just finished reading and...did she just get a glimpse of the White Crown? No really, just curious. On the other hand, now things really begin to escalate, fast. Everything is building up and now the bed's ruined.
No, it's shown that they keep encountering her, and that no one is looking for her out of costume - primarily because they're not trying to capture her, they're trying to CONVINCE her they're not evil. The unwritten rules have nothing to do with that, Piggot trying to fix the mess she's caught in does.

I don't buy the PRT doing that, especially as Piggot specifically noted that as something they wouldn't hassle her for. In fact the only thing Piggot stated they'd be forced to hassle her for is what they're actually hassling her for - going out in costume as a Hero.
See...The thing here that you might be forgetting.

Taylor is a minor.

So no matter what, someone has to bring her in.

PRT, or Truancy Officers.
Just finished reading and...did she just get a glimpse of the White Crown? No really, just curious. On the other hand, now things really begin to escalate, fast. Everything is building up and now the bed's ruined.

She saw a glimpse(okay, more than) of the White Hot Room, or the space wherein it's contained. And started to see something else, before she woke up to FIRE.
He has apprised the Chief Director of the situation, and she is in agreement with him, so his directives will be followed once he has familiarized himself with the situation more, if we fail to resolve it ourselves.
Damn, Costa-Brown knows about Taylor/Sirin, so that meens Cauldron probably knows now (if they didn't already). I've got to wonder what the Path to Victory is telling Contessa right now. She was likely one of the precogs that got shorted-out during Taylor's trigger, but once that ended she probably started looking for whatever was responsible. Maybe PtV is just telling her to chillax and let Taylor kill Scion with fire? I would buy it.
I had almost squealed in surprise when Vicky showed up the other day unannounced while I wasn't wearing any pants. She had laughed at my frantic rush to find pants, but said nothing about it then. All the same, my cheeks burned just thinking about it as I had been in the middle of cleaning when she came in to the sight of me, bent over with no pants on.
My yandere-senses are tingling for whenever Amy hears about this. I can totally see Vicky just mentioning it in an offhand, easy-to-misconstrue way that leaves Amy with a BSOD...
...that is, until she reboots and her Yandere DriveTM kicks in.

Also, this is now my head-canon of Vicky:



...Sorry for all the GIFs, but it had to be done; they're just too much alike.
My hand closed around the dial and turned. Hot water cascaded down and I thought. I had to. Thinking, that was what I needed. I needed to think, to make sense of everything that had happened recently. Instead, I twisted the dial again, then plunged under the stream of water.
I think these are my favorite lines of the chapter. It perfectly illustrates Taylor's current plan to just avoid her issues, and the imagery with the water, especially after that dream sequence, make the lines resonate really strongly.
Hopefully, I could keep him away from causing more harm without drawing too much attention to myself...
Am I remembering incorrectly, or did you mention sometime before 3.1 that Taylor/Sirin's identity would be revealed by the end of Arc 3? I'm not gonna go try and find the quote because it's just as likely that it was part of the dream I had where there was a new chapter out.

Anyways, a good chapter in my book. Hot dreams (no, I will not apologize), good characterization, the beginnings of a fight, and only a couple of typos that had to do with comma placement, and even those didn't terribly mangle any sentences.

As always, I eagerly await more! :D
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Out of curiosity, how is the picture progressing?
I've been busy seeking employment, so I haven't much time to work on drawing. I've also scrapped my original plan for a new one (POV from behind Minako or Catherine's shoulder at the moment they blow Trainwreck's arm off).

I have no clue when it'll be done.

Sorry. :(
I've been busy seeking employment, so I haven't much time to work on drawing. I've also scrapped my original plan for a new one (POV from behind Minako or Catherine's shoulder at the moment they blow Trainwreck's arm off).

I have no clue when it'll be done.

Sorry. :(

No need to apologize. Just idle curiosity. :)
No matter how many times they sat it, White Hot Room always does sound a tad bit ridiculous. Pardon me for saying that. While on the other hand, did she see Phoenix Force Raptor in there or something else all together?

(Snicker) Hot dreams...heh.
You know, I'm kinda hoping Glenn tries to pull some PR manipulation bull on Taylor and gets turned down flat. He just seems like one of those characters whose thoughts would give away the fact that virtually everything he does is a ploy of some kind designed to elicit specific reactions and thoughts. Get a clear look at what he's actually thinking (Oh look, Taylor happens to have tele/empathy), and it's immediately obvious that he's not worth paying attention to until such a time as he stops trying to manipulate you.
No matter how many times they sat it, White Hot Room always does sound a tad bit ridiculous. Pardon me for saying that. While on the other hand, did she see Phoenix Force Raptor in there or something else all together?

Let me just say that, as per her own words, after the white city and all that... she saw the earth as if she were standing on the MOON.... and there was fire everywhere.... if she hadn't woken up... her dream would have gotten very unpleasant.
...Sorry for all the GIFs, but it had to be done; they're just too much alike.
I find two major differences.
1. Power wise GG is a full power bruiser that flies in and plows through (a DPS with a good shield if you will), and Yang is the unlikely child of Lung (a Tank with a good sword).
2-A. Personality wise GG is more self centered, she tries to impose her way on others (her feelings, her family, her motives). It's also reflected in how her powers bend the world around her, the Mover and Brute powers are enablers that allow her to do what she wants physically without fear of physical reproach, and her Master power (or is it Shaker?) allows her to impose herself on others. She makes a regular (or at least has a recurring) habit of impulsively using excessive force without any regard to not doing it again, and then manipulating people into covering for her so she doesn't face the consequences of her actions. In the case of the E88 thug she 'caught,' she didn't have any passable evidence (or authority) to take the action she did against him, she went way overboard in his capture, she disregarded any property damage she may have and did incur in his capture, she manipulated her sister into healing the guy because she didn't want to face consequences, she disregarded the damage she did to him only concerning herself with what could happen to her, and then withheld the aid she had convinced Amy to give in order to extort the thug. Was he guilty? Most certainly, but was what GG did in any way better or acceptable? No, it wasn't, and she did even more to the thug than he supposedly did to the woman. I'd honestly say that GG is a worse person than the thug.
2-B. Whereas Yang is more empathetic, she understands others (or at least tries to) and tries to help them (Blake's feelings, Ruby's problems, and everyone's motives). Like GG, it is also reflected in her Semblance, weapons, and fighting style. She has a high ability to absorb damage and is incentivized to take hits for others because it makes her stronger. Her weapons are short-barrel shotgun gauntlets that provide speed, dexterity, and huge amounts of force at point blank. Her fighting style is very close range too; with a strong focus on getting up close to the target and becoming a significant threat/nuisance that cannot be ignored (buckshot down the Nevermore's throat and the Paladin rodeo come to mind). Like GG, Yang can be forceful and a bit manipulative, but in a different way. Yang is extreme, she'll throw you into the deep end to teach you how to swim, but she's also supportive, she'll jump right in if you start to drown. And for all that she did to Junior and Crew, all they suffered was a TKO, some admittedly bad property damage, and wounded egos.