Dean McMoney is amusing too. Although, Dean "Richie" Rich also works...
Dean McMoney is amusing too. Although, Dean "Richie" Rich also works...
The shipping chart is in a section of its own!
Even though it mainly details how pissed Taylor is of people.
Me: *Debates putting up full chart*Added this to the fanart section for lack of an idea of where else to put it.
Me: *Debates putting up full chart*
My Conscience: NO! DON'T DO IT, SASHA!
Me: *Nods* I might as well.
My Conscience: YOU FOOL! YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL! *Kills self to spare psychological trauma*
Shipping Chart 2: The Re-Shippening
Legend (not the dude, the map thing):Bright red line = mutual hatred/strong dislike/enmity
Bright red arrow = one-way hatred/strong dislike/enmity
Dark red line = mutual dislike/mistrust/wariness/annoyance/frustration
Dark red arrow = one-way dislike/mistrust/wariness/annoyance/frustration
Bright green line = strong friendship and trust
Dark green line = friendship
Pink line = mutual romantic feelings
Pink arrow = one-sided romantic feelings
Blue line = part of same team/organization
Blue arrow = boss/superior of the one pointed at
Yellow line = knowledge of each other's civilian identities
Yellow arrow = knowledge of person pointed at's civilian identity
Dashed yellow arrow = Suspects the person's civilian identity)
Purple line = have fought against each other
Big orange arrow = points to the person/entity's host
I regret many things in life, including this.
...Cris brown....really?Me: *Debates putting up full chart*
My Conscience: NO! DON'T DO IT, SASHA!
Me: *Nods* I might as well.
My Conscience: YOU FOOL! YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL! *Kills self to spare psychological trauma*
Shipping Chart 2: The Re-Shippening
Legend (not the dude, the map thing):Bright red line = mutual hatred/strong dislike/enmity
Bright red arrow = one-way hatred/strong dislike/enmity
Dark red line = mutual dislike/mistrust/wariness/annoyance/frustration
Dark red arrow = one-way dislike/mistrust/wariness/annoyance/frustration
Bright green line = strong friendship and trust
Dark green line = friendship
Pink line = mutual romantic feelings
Pink arrow = one-sided romantic feelings
Blue line = part of same team/organization
Blue arrow = boss/superior of the one pointed at
Yellow line = knowledge of each other's civilian identities
Yellow arrow = knowledge of person pointed at's civilian identity
Dashed yellow arrow = Suspects the person's civilian identity)
Purple line = have fought against each other
Big orange arrow = points to the person/entity's host
I regret many things in life, including this.
I remain hopeful for her, even as I wait for you to subject her to a fate worse than death.
Ok my brain hurts looking at this but something jumped out at me...Me: *Debates putting up full chart*
My Conscience: NO! DON'T DO IT, SASHA!
Me: *Nods* I might as well.
My Conscience: YOU FOOL! YOU'VE DOOMED US ALL! *Kills self to spare psychological trauma*
Shipping Chart 2: The Re-Shippening
Legend (not the dude, the map thing):Bright red line = mutual hatred/strong dislike/enmity
Bright red arrow = one-way hatred/strong dislike/enmity
Dark red line = mutual dislike/mistrust/wariness/annoyance/frustration
Dark red arrow = one-way dislike/mistrust/wariness/annoyance/frustration
Bright green line = strong friendship and trust
Dark green line = friendship
Pink line = mutual romantic feelings
Pink arrow = one-sided romantic feelings
Blue line = part of same team/organization
Blue arrow = boss/superior of the one pointed at
Yellow line = knowledge of each other's civilian identities
Yellow arrow = knowledge of person pointed at's civilian identity
Dashed yellow arrow = Suspects the person's civilian identity)
Purple line = have fought against each other
Big orange arrow = points to the person/entity's host
I regret many things in life, including this.
Reasons for this:Ok my brain hurts looking at this but something jumped out at me...
Taylor needs two lines for the various wards she has met in civilian identity. People like Gallant.
Because I dont recall her having a hatred for his civilian ID but she hates his WARD ID.
And also all the wards need red arrows from her because she dislikes them all.
Hell, fuck it.
Her interactions with the wards need their own sub Graph.
You know, Emma Barnes should be back off suspension some time around now.
I'm just waiting for her to take one look at the school's new social makeup and go "wait... wtf just happened?".
Was it this story that she tried to stand up to some gangbangers and got rekt?
Emma's suspension ended at the end of Arc 1. The story moved ahead a bit, so arc 2 was a few weeks later, but Emma's return to school in the wake of Sophia's actions lead to her very unwise actions at the beginning of arc 2, where Taylor and Emma's dad went to the hospital. Emma didn't handle matters well and Taylor was largely oblivious because Emma's wtfery left her unable to deal with the changes... assailing Taylor wasn't working... so she sought other means to prove she was 'strong'.
And it ended poorly.
Actually, I kind of think it ended up going pretty well for her. Don't get me wrong, terrible in the short term, but it's probably something she needs in the long term since it will hopefully rattle her outlook on life. Also nice for there to be some sort of interaction between Taylor and Emma that isn't suddenly-making-up for no reason, but also isn't an unnecessary I-hate-you-forever.
You mean coma right?
Naw, she's just having a brief pause.
Doctor - We are sorry to say but your daughter has... Punctuation.
Edit: realized it says "in", rather than "has". My goodness Emma, what have you done?
Really? I'm terrified. Evil kitty.Mr. Barnes: How long is she going to be hanging on?
Doctor: At least until we get a new lead on the subject.
Now I'm imagining OverReactionGuy's Avatar laughing maniacally...
So God Damn Kawaii!!!