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  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

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  • Poll closed .
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 11 hours
Something I was wondering, is there some way Ryza could secure her stone better than just carrying it? I don't know if it's possible to keep it inside the body, obviously that would be safest, but maybe setting it in a necklace she could wear under her clothes or something?

See above for stone-in-body: @Khona Moshr 's exactly right.

As for necklaces... it's possible. A few manakete would make little cages that they would then hang around their necks. The problem is that manakete like to touch their stones; it brings them a lot of comfort. Also, they don't dare put any hole or scratch in them, so mounting them is hard.

Besides, Ryza's instantly sense if her stone left her body, and can track it to a limited extend. She's never worried about losing it: the pocket she keeps it in is deep, double-lined and warded so it doesn't tear.
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Only swear after Mantrae's people say they'll make sure Robin gets home safely.
-[X] Invite Bernard along. He's Sypha's cousin, so she'd surely want him to be safe too. He also is still injured, so it'd be best to get him out of harm's way as soon as possible. He is a bit of a twit, though...
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear a Stone Oath. Go all out and swear the most meaningful promise a manakete can make. This was the promise that Father and Mother made when they married, the sort of oath that never gets broken.
[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Invite Bernard along. He's Sypha's cousin, so she'd surely want him to be safe too. He also is still injured, so it'd be best to get him out of harm's way as soon as possible. He is a bit of a twit, though...
Something I was wondering, is there some way Ryza could secure her stone better than just carrying it? I don't know if it's possible to keep it inside the body, obviously that would be safest, but maybe setting it in a necklace she could wear under her clothes or something?
Depending on how big it is, Ryza might be able to swallow it. It'd be hard to access for a few days, but it's an option!

(...well, probably not.)
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Only swear after Mantrae's people say they'll make sure Robin gets home safely.
-[X] Invite Bernard along. He's Sypha's cousin, so she'd surely want him to be safe too. He also is still injured, so it'd be best to get him out of harm's way as soon as possible. He is a bit of a twit, though…
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Only swear after Mantrae's people say they'll make sure Robin gets home safely.
-[X] Invite Claire along. Sypha clearly likes her, and she sounds kind of nice. She and Kelton also seemed to have something going, so maybe you two can bond over liking him!
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.

[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Invite Claire along. Sypha clearly likes her, and she sounds kind of nice. She and Kelton also seemed to have something going, so maybe you two can bond over liking him!

On the oath: I'd go with stone oath - if they'd phrased the oath they wanted a bit better. As it is, it's just too broad. Most notably, it needs an end condition: sure, protect her... until she's returned to her mother, at which point - well, not that you won't after that, if you have the opportunity, but at that point it's no longer your responsibility.
[x] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear a Stone Oath. Go all out and swear the most meaningful promise a manakete can make. This was the promise that Father and Mother made when they married, the sort of oath that never gets broken.

[x] Sypha's Escort:
-[x] Invite Bernard along. He's Sypha's cousin, so she'd surely want him to be safe too. He also is still injured, so it'd be best to get him out of harm's way as soon as possible. He is a bit of a twit, though…

Bernard's injuries mean he will likely slow down the party left behind and won't be able to contribute much to their defense. Additionally, there should be opportunities later for the Archduke Cartese to get Mantrae's side of the story, but there may not be a chance for Bernard to willingly go out and visit the Carteses and see things from their non-Imperial perspective.
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[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.

[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Invite Claire along. Sypha clearly likes her, and she sounds kind of nice. She and Kelton also seemed to have something going, so maybe you two can bond over liking him!

Alcor made a really good point I thought. Even if Bernard swears that he went of his own volition, we're talking about a situation of political intrigue here, with a noble who had been kidnapped, beaten, and severely injured. Maybe I missed his age, but he's also not a full adult yet? Who's to say what really happened? Clearly he was just delirious from the pain and all the stress he was under, you can't really take his words on this situation at face value! That dragon kidnapped him!

Sir Ector can go jump in a lake and take his dragonslaying spear with him. Also, he's probably the heaviest hitter there so he really should stay with the group.

Claire seemed reasonable by all accounts that we've seen. If anything happens along the way, we don't have to negotiate with the spear of damocles riding on our back and she probably does know enough about the situation with the Countess that she can provide some information to the Archduke that might change how things go during negotiations.

On the oath? Honestly I like the sentiment behind the no oath option the most, but I don't think that has a hope of winning, so preemptively cutting my losses on that one. This is the next best option. If you don't trust Ryza to not break a less serious oath, why would you actually trust her to stick by a fancy oath that you don't actually know the cultural meaning of? I'm not against the idea of the stone oath, I just don't like it in this context where it's being "forced" on us.
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Only swear after Mantrae's people say they'll make sure Robin gets home safely.
-[X] Invite Claire along. Sypha clearly likes her, and she sounds kind of nice. She and Kelton also seemed to have something going, so maybe you two can bond over liking him!
So... We're asked to make an oath in such a way that we can't/won't break it. But we should also avoid making it so restricting that situations we have no control over force us to violate it?
Simplest way to resolve this to everyone's satisfaction is probably to specify 'that Sypha requests our help with'.
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.

No reason to pick a stronger oath than they asked for. Especially if they won't understand the significance.

[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Invite Bernard along. He's Sypha's cousin, so she'd surely want him to be safe too. He also is still injured, so it'd be best to get him out of harm's way as soon as possible. He is a bit of a twit, though…

I don't think Bernard is that bad, and I agree with the points about his injury.
"The only thing I have bigger than that's a full marriage oath, and I'd want to meet Sypha's mom and dad first to talk about that."

Cue Belle straight up falling out of the tree laughing.

...can we say this? Like, maybe not with this phrasing specifically, but could we add "this is the strongest oath I can swear that doesn't have implications of marriage" as a caveat on the "Swear on the Mother" vote? It satisfies the "don't bind us as strongly" condition that a lot of voters seem to want, while also being completely truthful that our one direct example of the stronger oath is a marriage oath and therefore wouldn't be quite appropriate in this instance.

Anyway, that aside, we do agree that Ector should probably stay where his lance will be most useful, but we're torn between Bernard and Claire here.

Taking Bernard does have political concerns, we'll agree with that, but taking Claire has other concerns in that she's clearly the least-trusted of the people who were intended to take Sypha to Mantrae. Ector and the other more loyal troops likely would be concerned that Claire might cut and run if the situation gets too dicey for her, leaving Sypha in unwanted hands. Bernard may be a foreign noble, but he's a foreign noble with a known bias towards Sypha's safety above all: I suspect they'll trust his intentions over Claire's given that he is a known friendly variable. It almost seems as if it comes down to whether we'd prefer the Empire distrust our intentions or Mantrae's men.

And Mantrae's men are definitely the closer threat. We can work out how to do diplomacy with the Empire when we actually get to that point.

...y'know what, you've talked me into taking Bernard. Between that and the injury issue, Bernard seems like the best compromise we're going to get in this specific circumstance.

[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
--[X] If they seem concerned whether that oath is enough, point out that the only example your people have of a stronger oath is used for marriage oaths, which probably isn't what they want here.

[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Invite Bernard along. He's Sypha's cousin, so she'd surely want him to be safe too. He also is still injured, so it'd be best to get him out of harm's way as soon as possible. He is a bit of a twit, though…
Taking Bernard does have political concerns, we'll agree with that, but taking Claire has other concerns in that she's clearly the least-trusted of the people who were intended to take Sypha to Mantrae. Ector and the other more loyal troops likely would be concerned that Claire might cut and run if the situation gets too dicey for her, leaving Sypha in unwanted hands. Bernard may be a foreign noble, but he's a foreign noble with a known bias towards Sypha's safety above all: I suspect they'll trust his intentions over Claire's given that he is a known friendly variable. It almost seems as if it comes down to whether we'd prefer the Empire distrust our intentions or Mantrae's men.

I think you might be getting Claire and Belle mixed up. Claire is one of Mantrae's guards; trusted to be one of the people guarding the corridor itself when Artemis was at Legerius (though Ryza doesn't know that.) She is very firmly on Team Mantrae, she just hasn't said much since she's a common-born soldier as opposed to a knight and an allied noble.

Belle was the spy on the inside. Ryza still doesn't know what her deal is, but it's clear she's only vaguely associated with Mantrae's team. At no point did Mantrae's people ask her opinion on anything, and Ryza's pretty sure they wouldn't accept her as an escort.
I think you might be getting Claire and Belle mixed up. Claire is one of Mantrae's guards; trusted to be one of the people guarding the corridor itself when Artemis was at Legerius (though Ryza doesn't know that.) She is very firmly on Team Mantrae, she just hasn't said much since she's a common-born soldier as opposed to a knight and an allied noble.

Belle was the spy on the inside. Ryza still doesn't know what her deal is, but it's clear she's only vaguely associated with Mantrae's team. At no point did Mantrae's people ask her opinion on anything, and Ryza's pretty sure they wouldn't accept her as an escort.

...damn. Okay, that throws the vast majority of our calculations out of the water. Probably leaning towards Claire then... and maybe rereading the quest so we don't mix up names again.

"Pfft, like that's a hardship. Pretty solid use of time in my opinion."

Anyway. Vote recalculation time:

[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
--[X] If they seem concerned whether that oath is enough, point out that the only example your people have of a stronger oath is used for marriage oaths, which probably isn't what they want here.

[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Invite Claire along. Sypha clearly likes her, and she sounds kind of nice. She and Kelton also seemed to have something going, so maybe you two can bond over liking him!
My concerns with the Stone Oath are, in no particular order:

-It appears to be a magic-based contract that ties into our dragon. Without a stronger understanding of how it works I'm hesitant to use it. Could it have unintended consequences if we're not very careful in how we word it?
Counterargument: I don't know if we'd be given a trap option like that so it probably couldn't go too awry.

-It reveals our dragonstone to everyone present. While the group coming to Agrithe will learn when we half-shift do we trust that everyone present here will keep a secret about it when they don't even know the secret we're trying to keep? If nothing else it gets back to Mantrae in their report.
Counterargument: Maybe they attribute our wings and magic skill to it which isn't even wrong but it might make our existence and the anomalies around us easier for them to digest if they think they have a working theory?

-We're told it'll be a bit flashy so I'm assuming we get some magic/light show here and I don't know if that works in our favor.
Counterargument: But maybe it does? I don't think anyone has Ryza pegged as some master of deception.

-It really doesn't appear to be the proper analogue. Bernard says he swears by the Emblem. How is that really any different than us swearing to the Mother? Sure doesn't seem like he had some magically enforced pact placed on him and I think everyone, including us OoC, take him at his word. Likewise, nothing in the vote makes me think Ryza is using this to give herself a way out of her promise. What's good for them should be good for us. It's not like they understand the significance of either the Mother or the Stone Oath to Ryza/manaketes.

Like I said originally though, I'm not stubbornly locked into my vote on this. If the decision was between no deal and Stone Oath I'm an easy vote for Stone Oath, I just think it's unnecessary and would be a bit of an overreaction.
Please people, don't be afraid of swearing by stone. It's worth it .
I really have to agree the oath they want is too broad. As was pointed out earlier, there's no specified point of termination for the "defend her against enemies" part, and "longer than necessary" is a phrase that's almost certain to be interpreted differently by different people with different priorities. Sorry, but as things stand, swearing the Stone Oath to that just sounds like a bad idea.
On the oath? Honestly I like the sentiment behind the no oath option the most, but I don't think that has a hope of winning, so preemptively cutting my losses on that one.
You can vote for both, and both will be counted! If by some chance "no oath" gets a bunch more support, your vote will be part of it; if not, you can still vote against the Stone Oath.

I mean, we can vote for it, but even if manakete society was open about the existence of lesbians, that doesn't sound like a joke Ryza would—
Like, maybe not with this phrasing specifically, but could we add "this is the strongest oath I can swear that doesn't have implications of marriage" as a caveat on the "Swear on the Mother" vote? It satisfies the "don't bind us as strongly" condition that a lot of voters seem to want, while also being completely truthful that our one direct example of the stronger oath is a marriage oath and therefore wouldn't be quite appropriate in this instance.
Oh. Yeah, that makes more sense.

Please people, don't be afraid of swearing by stone. It's worth it .
I'm not afraid of swearing by or on the stone. Or possibly both? The mechanics of the oath are important to Ryza, but not to me.
Sure, Ryza knows that a Stone Oath is super meaningful, and knows why. But nobody else does. Robin can probably guess, but to everyone else it would look as significant as a mage swearing on her tome or a swordsman swearing by his blade. Which isn't nothing, of course, but it's also not much.

The idea behind an oath is that you're basically making your promise known to some higher power, and asking them to hit you with some relevant punishment if you break it. There are some additional complications (like how swearing on an object connected to the power you're swearing by makes the oath more...certain, I guess?), but that's the gist of it.

Even though the humans probably don't know who The Mother is, it won't be hard for them to figure out from context that she's some kind of divine figure. It's straightforward. But what will they make of a Stone Oath? Maybe they can intuit that it's super important, maybe it'll make the oath seems more frivolous. Especially if the power the Stone Oath is sworn to is, like, Ryza's Dragon or something else connected to the stone. "If I break this oath, may my stone lose break" or something like that.

Now, Ryza and all manaketes recognize that this would be a Very Bad Thing, and something that whatever inner entity the oath was sworn to can and would do under such circumstances. But it's not going to sound like that to people who are placing bets on whether Ryza's a demon, changeling, or artificial mage. If we're unlucky, they'll interpret it as a pinky swear that she'll ruin herself if she breaks the oath.

Even if it's not that bad (aside from Sir Ector, I don't think anyone here thinks lowly enough of Ryza to expect her to swear a fake oath), I don't think there's any reason to assume they'd understand the true gravity of a Stone Oath. It's an extra-binding oath, but I'm not confident it'll be seen that way. Add in extra risks from things like showing off the Dragonstone and malicious interpretation of the Oath, and it's a significant risk for severely uncertain gain.

-It really doesn't appear to be the proper analogue. Bernard says he swears by the Emblem.
No, he says he would swear on the Emblem. The Fire Emblem is not, I assume, the sort of higher power which can enforce a penalty. However, in most continuities, it's a physical object directly connected to a divine power of the sort which might do so. For instance, the Archanean Fire Emblem was created by Naga to seal the Earth Dragons. It's an item of great power, and that power is divine. Physically touching the Fire Emblem, even if it didn't have a supernatural influence on the oath, would make Naga's presence more immediate, lending additional...legitimacy? to the oath.

(I don't study this stuff, I just read people who do.)

It's hard to say whether a Stone Oath would be properly analogous to an oath sworn on the Emblem. But this is a moot point, since no such oath was sworn. (It'd be awful hard for him to do so, since the Emblem would need to be physically present.) As far as analogy goes, the intent of the oaths matters more than the mechanics.
[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
--[X] If they seem concerned whether that oath is enough, point out that the only example your people have of a stronger oath is used for marriage oaths, which probably isn't what they want here.

Abstain on the on Sypha's Escort until later.
Aren't we going to have to transform in front of everyone else anyway?
Hmm. I kind of assumed we'd go off a bit on foot before transforming but you raise a good point, I don't know that.

Edit: And now that the Stone Oath information has been updated yeah there's a good chance they would see. Strike that from the list then unless Ryza succeeds in getting them to agree to privacy.
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[X] Your Oath:
-[X] Swear in the Mother's name. This is a meaningful oath, but you're not the most devout of manakete. They might realize that this isn't quite as ironclad as they probably want.
[X] Sypha's Escort:
-[X] Invite Bernard along. He's Sypha's cousin, so she'd surely want him to be safe too. He also is still injured, so it'd be best to get him out of harm's way as soon as possible. He is a bit of a twit, though…
Bernard's not too much of a twit, and there's no reason to overextend yourself with a Stone Oath here. It's not anymore convincing, even if it's more binding.
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 11 hours