Arc 10: Post 6: Beneath Still Waters
Beneath Still Waters
22th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
Among the wealthiest and most esteemed houses in Cassomir were those who could trace their lineage back to the founding of the city, the perches of their dwellings atop the low hills of the city proper guarded with all the tenacity of an eagle within its nest. Even when their fortunes ran dry they would sooner pry the gems from the pummel of dueling swords, replace silks with linens, and silver with tin rather than give up the land upon which even the most creaking abode now rested. Thus the House of Basri, relative newcomers to the rarefied heights of Taldan aristocracy, which is to say only older than most other Avistani realms and not all of them, had to make due with the marshy soil beyond the city walls. However, centuries of landscaping had shaped the tangled mangroves and brackish waters of the Bladwood Swamp into an altogether more appealing picture of pale walkways and clear ponds whence lily pads floated to the songs of 'blackbird,' 'wren,' and the more familiar croaks of Warty's smaller kin.
The hues of trees, shrubs, and flowers are brighter perhaps than it aught to be in the month named for grim Zon-Kuthon, enough that one suspects a touch of illusion magic to enhance what sun and wind had given. Oddly enough, there seemed to be something of a family outing, a picnic as Pisca calls them, set up under the open sky. If the folks smiling and laughing, clinking glasses, and picking out buns and cheeses from the baskets know about the doings of their lord than they most be the most skillful actors in all the land.
For his part, Cob pays less attention to the 'longshanks' in fancy dress and more to the fact that the gardeners had allowed a spiral of green to climb up the façade of the main house, skipping whole floors of dining rooms, wining rooms, and who knows what else to get to the heights to which so many noble folks are drawn. Something about being able to survey all their domain, mayhaps.

Not that any of you really need the help to get to a window; Cob can translocate, Mina can fly, loaning out the spell if she must, though one must consider none of these would be skills unknown to the ones who raised these walls, not to mention those who dwell inside them. The last such estate had fey eyes and ghostly trouble, after all. What would this one hold?
Sirim had argued that at least one of the people going in should be able to both recognize and break magical effects. A wand will do when there's no mage at hand, but it had no wit to know what to break and what to leave be. Gorok resolved to be part of the break-in, a sword to hand should swords be needed. Granted, you're not wholly unfamiliar with the concept, but as they say in Andoran, 'you can't hold a candle' to the iruxi.
When you had parted Eutropia had explained that she prefer that no one know anything was taken, the better to surprise the Basri patriarch with the news of his treachery, but should it come to blows she vowed to deal with any legal trouble that may cause. Given that she did so in the company of a newly revived drow alchemist, you are inclined to believe she's willing to tolerate quite a bit of trouble, though that's not to say her request that you not kill anyone unnecessarily rings false. Much as her thoughts on war with Cheliax, the heir apparent of Taldor would rather have peace for all she is willing to wage strife if she must.
What path do you take and who do you send?
[] The lower path, will allow the party to spy on the picnicking nobles, but it will require that you pass through the most heavily trafficked part of the estate before you can get to the lord's study
-[] Write in party composition
[] The upper way, by vine or by window start at the second floor, faster but having to deal with whatever protections the builders set up to guard against window entry
-[] Write in party composition
[] Write in
OOC: Enjoy
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