Arc 10: Post 26: Riding on the Edge
Riding on the Edge
29th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
Steeds and carriages fly through the middle of the day under branch and wide blue sky as the waters of the Iseld rush along on one side. True, there had been some teething, part of it literal as the hatchlings try to gnaw on the smoke-wood doors and even adult iruxi are troubled at the thought of riding upon beasts that move only when they are bid and stop without protest, needing neither food nor rest, but the journey had gone well enough. The wind from the north, spell conjured, driving you all on helping to bear the weight of the journey as once it had done at the call of the Farseeker's priests. A touch of irony to that, you admit, scaled-folk fleeing the lands of an empire that counts itself the heir of the High Realm now the plaything of devils, though perhaps in his tomb the dead god might smile at slipping the noose of those who so twist his command to seek out new places and wander until the end of the cosmos, ever-curious.
Alas, the riverbank, the swiftest path to the sea though it be, places your company in sight of barges and skiffs that slide down river with cargo of timber, amber, iron, and raw wool to be processed in Remesiana. Had Gorok's people been few enough in numbers to all ride in conjured carriages mayhap they might have passed you by without challenge. It doesn't do to be too curious in Queen Abrogail's realm, least one get in the way of noblemen or worse, but lizards riding horses of mist... well you wouldn't be too surprised if one of the nearby baronies, now that you are well clear of Longacre, will think to send knights to intercept and find out what in the hopefully-not-Hell is passing them by.
What you did not expect was the sight of riders behind you, a ragged bunch atop horses that for the most part seem more used to the plow than a rider. By Gorok's count they are about thirty strong, armed with spears and bows for the most part, though four of them bear a knight's armaments, poorly cared though they be, and these ones are also along atop proper warhorses, large and broad-chested.
The 'taken' had found you, riding on through the night when you had stopped to rest. Are those horses even flesh and blood to be able to keep up that pace? According to Gorok they're not, lest they be flesh of the north wind itself. Horses aren't made for keeping to gallop, he says as he turns at bay, ready to defend the convoy along with you and Mina and Cob while Sirim stays further back to defend Anippe.
Yet instead of the unceasing charge you had expected of the strange folk, the one in the lead calls out in a loud monotone: "Give us back what you have taken and we shall not follow you. Give us back our brother!"
"Do... do they mean the fellow in the bushes?" Mina asks, looking around for an answer none of you can give. Not lightly are you going to open your mind to whatever had changed so many minds in Longacre.
As though fate hadn't finished playing you a poor enough hand, Pepper chooses that moment to inform you that a galleon of the Chelish Navy is coming into view. All they'd see if you choose to fight would be strangers massacring the subjects of Her Infernal Majesty.
Encounter: 1d100: 2 (Taken and River Ship; too close to avoid)
"Could we show the danger to the ship?" Gorok asks Sirim.
"Getting the message across wouldn't be the problem, though as to whether they will believe us when we don't even know what's gotten into this mob..."
"Beside being able to keep up with conjured steeds over muddy ground," you note drily.
"Besides that, yes."
What do you do?
[] Go along with Gorok's plan (Sirim rolls diplomacy to persuade the Chelish ship that the villagers are not what they seem)
[] Sugest another course of action
-[] Drive off the taken villagers and then put a hole in the ship and be on your way, the last thing you need is the attention of the Infernal Throne
-[] Just hand over Trysus, it's not like you even know the man
[] Write in
OOC: I don't usually post encounter rolls, but this time it was so bad I had to include it.
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