Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

Arc 10: Post 74: Where Roses Have Hands New
Where Roses Have Hands

19th of Abadius 4708 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

Sirim asks if any would wish to come along which after the answer the mites had given doesn't inspire much hope, but much to your surprise one of the fey agrees, the one who had spoken first, for it seems Sir Relfar is an 'Errant of the Blue Wing' and sworn to see great deeds done and put to song. There are of course some among his kin called to the arts of the Dancer, or what the Burnlanders call a bard, but they are haughty and ask for great payment to immortalize the deeds of their kin, but you are strangers and willing perhaps to sing in their place.

Sirim Diplomacy (DC 22): 1d20+14 = 27 (Success)

"Oh what a wonder it would be," he concludes, looking right at Mina... just as Cob bursts into song, a jaunty tune not too constrained by measure or by rhythm as Goblin songs are wont to be:

Hey, ho brave Sir Relfar he took wing to the wormy stump
Where heads were snapped and feathers fall
Hey ho, watch out for snappers 'r your head'll jump

Alas, it finds poor welcome to ears user to the finer things as knight and bird proceed to sulk in strange synchronicity among the gusts of wind sweeping down from the vents according to some schedule set by the long vanished Nex, or else the whims of some other denizen set loose by the march of entropy.

Cob Perform: 1d20-1 = 2 (Failure)

The trees gain shapes less and less natural as the your path takes you towards the abode of the headsnappers, crowns like pyramids and and rhomboids and on their trunks heavy headed flowers with petals the color of blood that cling to the rough surface with...

"Are those hands?" Mina asks, swallowing sudden nausea and perhaps considering if she should shield Anippe's eyes, though if anything the girl seems fascinated by the macabre sight of a plant with humanoid appendages instead of more traditional graspers. No worse than some of the lesser drow fleshcraft, much less what you had heard of the works of the derro. Still, it does make you reach for a weapon, just in case as you come at last to the most regular and the largest of the trees in this part of the garden and here at last is revealed the secret of how they came by that shape. The boughs are growing around the golden bars of enormous cages still humming with magic.

The former inhabitants though are very much abroad. Things move in the understory, in the tall crass and among the climbing... plants, the hair rises on the back of your neck, the all too familiar feeling of having a weapon trained on eye or throat or heart. Or maybe not a weapon...

At Cob's prompting you notice something silk and pale against the dark leaves, though it is certainly no warmer than them. Had you not seen the sea and some of the things that could come out of fishermen's nets you would not have known to compare it to a starfish the size of of man, that is if a starfish had a mouth in the center of its body that opened like a tooth-filled flower which spits out a smiley 'stem' of a tongue as long as Warty's darting towards Sirim faster than he can get out of the way.

There's a flash as the tongue briefly shines like an eel in the muck and Sirim draws back, smoke 'bleeding' in his wake.

Sirim Reflex: 1d20+6 = 15 (Failure)
Sirim Takes 3 Damage -> Now at 42/45

A moment later screeches and the sounds of wings at once mingle with the rustling of leaves, but before anything more can show itself Sirim calls up. "Is this the hospitality of your kindred?" A challenge if ever you had heard one. Even devils in Hell have some sense of hospitality, if only to lure in the gullible.

Sirim Diplomacy (DC 28): 1d20+14 = 26 (Failure)

It seems to you that the garden itself holds its breath as Sirim....

[] Readies himself for battle

[] Calls on the fire within (+1d6 Mythic Surge)
-[] Write in greeting

[] Looks to Mina for a bit of luck (Use Fortune Hex)
-[] Write in greeting

[] Write in

OOC: Normally I just do this on my own, but since you guys have to decide on what you say to the local blood cult and resources are precious in case it does come to combat I figured I might as well stop here.
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