Arc 10: Post 55: Secrets in Swolen Pages
Secrets in Swollen Pages
18th of Abadius 4708 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)
While Gorok still isn't entirely at ease with letting the pair go from the way his right hand lingers near the hilt of the fey-blade, the fact that you hold no animus against them carries some weight, the fact that it would be either time consuming or dangerous to drag them back in chains carries even more.
"Go now and know we will be at the keep at least on the morrow. If he does not find us there, I will find him."
"Yessir," the words flow together with the speed that only fear can breed.
While the deaf donkey certainly doesn't hurry down the path, it isn't for lack of trying on the part of the two smugglers.
As the land continues to sink the more you meander southwards soon the path transitions from clay to a collection of haphazardly placed logs, preserved by the same mud that pulls at your heels with the mantle of soft evening the air that comes alive with all manner of buzzing life, most of it unwelcome. Oh what I wouldn't give to be blessed with scales right about now, you think as you try to distract yourself by following the path of the luminous dancers in this twilight procession. 'Fireflies' they are called, though the name hardly seems apt to you, they are far more bright than warm as they swarm with what one might imagine to be a sort of curious awe around Warty. Whimsy aside, it's not long before the regular lines of mortared stonework rise from the mire ahead.
Some of the towers are high enough that one can still catch a glimpse of the original plan, with a fair bit of imagination and allowances for the merciless hand of time. What had once been a square fortress boasting an inner and outer wall, both about twenty feet high with the towers reaching up a further ten above those, now more resembled a collection of islands of moss-covered stone. Most of the rooms within are bare of both the remains of original habitation and later interlopers, unless one counts the bones which, according to Gorok, might have been the doing of swamp snap-jaws as easily as more discerning hunters. There are two exceptions to the pattern. Someone had set up a platform by the south gate sturdy enough for half a dozen archers and dragged over a brazier for them to light their arrows aflame there, as well as a few simple snare traps along the stairs leading up. And near the middle of the structure....
"Books! Lots a moldy books!" Cob reports, having keep the fastest into the various nooks and crevices. "Magic all over. Maybe it broke down?"
Being far from an expert himself, Cob couldn't tell you what kind of magic, only make a guess as to its power, More than the faint gleamings of petty conjurer, but less than the steady glow of the most powerful magics you posses, a dim half-light of enchantment.
To the southwest, opposite to where you had entered the ruins, is another oddity: a patch of blue-green fungus tall enough to reach almost to Gorok's chest. Ironstems he calls them, poisonous to everyone, but particularly virulent against the fey. Finally there are two pools of deep water right where the pair you met on the road say there are and the carp aren't shy about showing themselves there.
"Library?" Gorok motions towards the larger tower.
"I'm not Sirim, but I'll see what I can make of it..."
Waterlogged tomes sag on shelves that seem too ancient to bear their weight and yet they do. Trails of greenish black slime ooze between their spines like ichor as the air is laden with the scent of arrested decay... and with the magic that Cob remarked on. A spell of preservation... sputtering to an end, though the fact that it had lasted so long is remarkable, as is the fact that none of the ruins previous inhabitants thought to take any of the tomes.
Akorian Spellcraft: 1d20+9+1d6 (Mythic Surge) = 28 (Success)
What do you do?
(PCs can be assigned to only one action, though more than one can be assigned to any single action. The iruxi will attempt to perform any action left over within the limits of their skills)
[] Start refurbishing the ruins
-[] The South Tower
-[] The Central Keep
[] Try to take out the books and find the source of the magic
[] Harvest the mushrooms, no reason why you can't add them to your alchemical stores
[] Start fishing
[] Write in
OOC: Enjoy.
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