Of course Urgathoa would be involved in this somehow. Let this be another lesson to us to
never split the party. I should have known better, even with the initial assumption we were only going to be separated for most of one day.
A DC 26 Will save for the Mummy is serious business. That's likely the effects of some flavor of Control Undead spell, a 7th level Necromancy spell. To have a DC that high, it would need to be used with a casting stat of 28 (or 24 or 26 if Spell Focus feats are involved). Either way, a very powerful effect, possibly Divine in origin, and it is going to have a caster level of at least 13th level, if not much higher. Attempting to Dispel is would be very unlikely to succeed, if it's even possible.
I think we have one chance to temporarily buy some time to get more answers. With the party split, Kori cursed, and the uncertainties of the situation, it would be a bad idea to follow the Mummies into the water.
A Magic Circle Against Evil spells, if Kori can cast it, will give the Mummy Noble another chance to resist, along with providing a buff to his saving throws to do so.
[X] You can try something
-[X] While they are still non-hostile, Kori will attempt to use Inspired Spell to cast an Encouraging Magic Circle Against Evil spell, then he will approach close enough to them, escorted by Gorok and Cob, so that the effect encompasses the Mummies. It will give them another chance to resist the force compelling their obedience. If Kori cannot overcome the curse or they fail to resist the compulsions, we will let them go for now. We can consider exploring the depths of the pools or further investigating the pools once Mina and Sirim have returned.