Finding the Spark (Pathfinder 1E Quest)

I think the most important part of this encounter was that Cob just got an awesome new badger hat. That's much better than the stinky armor he was so attached to for a while.
Indeed, he is now officially a distinguished gentleman and was worth the whole mission just for that. :D
Two of leaders and some small fry did escape, but hopefully not gonna come after us later.

[X] Goldfish

[X] Spectate Pisca attempting to drink the fluids recovered from the pirate under the supervision of a resurrected Saenar

it's hopefully amusing? Hopefully.
[X] Return to Augustana in order to rebuild the Dancing Slurk and recover Gorok's tribe
-[X] Make one last trip to a suitable merchant to purchase at least two more Greater Teleport scrolls (2,275 gold each), three Mirror Sight scrolls (375 gold), and three Dimension Door scrolls (700 gold each).
--[X] Also try to find a scroll of Summon Ship (700 gold) and two Unseen Crew scrolls (1,125 gold each). It isn't a bad idea to have a backup plan to evacuate Gorok's tribe, just in case.
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Added this to my plan. Even if we continue with the Dancing Slurk plan, it doesn't hurt to an alternative, just in case.

--[] Also try to find a scroll of Summon Ship (700 gold), a scroll of Trade Wind (150 gold), and two Unseen Crew scrolls (1,125 gold each). It isn't a bad idea to have a backup plan to evacuate Gorok's tribe, just in case.

EDIT: @DragonParadox, I added attempting to find a scroll of the Trade Wind spell to my plan as well. It's a 3rd party spell, so I wanted to run it by you to see if it is acceptable? It would be a good one for Mina to learn that can reduce our travel time at sea.
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Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jan 2, 2025 at 8:06 AM, finished with 15 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x] Return to Augustana in order to rebuild the Dancing Slurk and recover Gorok's tribe
    -[X] Make one last trip to a suitable merchant to purchase at least two more Greater Teleport scrolls (2,275 gold each), three Mirror Sight scrolls (375 gold), and three Dimension Door scrolls (700 gold each).
    --[X] Also try to find a scroll of Summon Ship (700 gold), a scroll of Trade Wind (150 gold), and two Unseen Crew scrolls (1,125 gold each). It isn't a bad idea to have a backup plan to evacuate Gorok's tribe, just in case.
    [x] Return to Augustana in order to rebuild the Dancing Slurk and recover Gorok's tribe
    [X] Spectate Pisca attempting to drink the fluids recovered from the pirate under the supervision of a resurrected Saenar
    [x] Return to Augustana in order to rebuild the Dancing Slurk and recover Gorok's tribe
    -[X] Make one last trip to a suitable merchant to purchase at least two more Greater Teleport scrolls (2,275 gold each), three Mirror Sight scrolls (375 gold), and three Dimension Door scrolls (700 gold each).
    --[X] Also try to find a scroll of Summon Ship (700 gold) and two Unseen Crew scrolls (1,125 gold each). It isn't a bad idea to have a backup plan to evacuate Gorok's tribe, just in case.
Arc 10: Post 12: A Sketch Most Sinister
A Sketch Most Sinister

23th of Kuthona 4707 A.R. (Absalom Reckoning)

Though the city's arcane merchants have not yet recovered from your last bout of spending what had so recently been the governor's gold, you are able to find the two more scrolls of far travel, one stained rust red as though it had failed to save it's previous owner fast enough, and two conjurings of a more maritime bent. 'Superstitious sailors scorn binding the wind to their will, but we are a more discerning sort,' a man who smells and looks like he had recently bathed in perfume oils informs Mina again in her Osiriani guise, only stoking her suspicion more, but as far as she is able to discern the magic does what one would expect it to. A pity there were no mirror mages abroad, but they more common in Korvosa where rumor holds the young queen keeps them busy plying to her vanity. Your own journey won't take you quite as far as that...

  • 5,500 gp

The world twists and in a moment you're back outside the Hog's Side, the din of the Shipyard District absent the nasal quality of metropolitan Taldan, which many along the inner sea mark as a sign of imperials having their noses in the air. All in all you are looking forward to sleeping away the day....

"Ah... Gorok, Kori, I think we have a problem," Mina tipped her head towards where a ragged piece of parchment clung to the wall of the inn, hammered in place with nails already rusting in the salt air:

Ten Ten Thousand Sails for apprehension of proof of death of the Sorceress Most Vile, purveyor of poisons bone-boiler, and drinker of blood, the savage flesh-ripper lizard-beast, and their ghoulish thrall. They find themselves accompanied by a goblin-demon of cretinous countenance and reek most rotten.

The drawings that accompany the rather sparse description leave no doubt as to who they mean, even if Mina appears to have her hair replaced with a pile of straw, you had gained the pallor of a corpse, and Cob has a toothy maw that takes up more than half of his face. Even Warty's there, feasting on a corpse while Gorok raises a bloody axe above them.

Interested are given what looks like a solicitor's address in Old Town, not the kind of person one would expect to be able to deal with 'crazed murderers' or the corpses thereof.

"Aspis?" you ask, your glamor already shifting into the first generic human face you can think of rather than the human-like iteration of your true features you normally use.

"Who else would it be?" Mina, who had done likewise and making herself seem much older in the bargain. "How is this legal? Isn't Andoran meant to have laws?"

"Who says it has to be legal?" you muse, as you were are hardly in the best part of town. "Not the worst, but we aren't dwarves either... I think we should try to get our bearings before we make anything of our new infamy one way or another...."

What do you do?

[] Seek out the Pathfinders, if it is Aspis they will know and have reasons to help you, but that would also be the first place any associated of Gavhaul might look for you

[] Go to the Forester's Endowment, having helped them in the matter of House Vaelyn they might be inclined to at least share some information

[] Try divining some answers before you speak to anyone
-[] Write in question

[] Write in

OOC: Enjoy.
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Oh, Aspis. You so silly.

Speak with the City might be good for getting a feel for what question to divine?

Edigt: @DragonParadox Oh! question about Dispel Magic and Deeper Darkness.

If we drop a stone with DD on it, and someone cast the spell Dispel Magic to remove the effect (a Targeted Dispel, if I read the page right) and succeed on their caster check to do so, the DD spell is ended.

What happens if two stones with a DD on each on them are dropped in the same space, and someone tries a Targeted Dispel against the DD spell?

Does that Dispel Magic only target one instance of DD?
Or does it target both instances with one CL check, or does it target both but needs to make two separate CL checks, one against each DD?
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Oh, Aspis. You so silly.

Speak with the City might be good for getting a feel for what question to divine?

Edigt: @DragonParadox Oh! question about Dispel Magic and Deeper Darkness.

If we drop a stone with DD on it, and someone cast the spell Dispel Magic to remove the effect (a Targeted Dispel, if I read the page right) and succeed on their caster check to do so, the DD spell is ended.

What happens if two stones with a DD on each on them are dropped in the same space, and someone tries a Targeted Dispel against the DD spell?

Does that Dispel Magic only target one instance of DD?
Or does it target both instances with one CL check, or does it target both but needs to make two separate CL checks, one against each DD?

Those are two distinct spells and so would require two distinct uses of dispel magic to get rid of. Yes that does mean you can create what is basically unidspellable darkness by stacking the effect a hundred times in a room (and certain dark-loving mages do that)... but that does not apply to the light spell. One light spell of a level high than the Deeper Darkness and every single instance is dispelled.
Those are two distinct spells and so would require two distinct uses of dispel magic to get rid of. Yes that does mean you can create what is basically unidspellable darkness by stacking the effect a hundred times in a room (and certain dark-loving mages do that)... but that does not apply to the light spell. One light spell of a level high than the Deeper Darkness and every single instance is dispelled.
Suppressed for the duration of the light spell, I thought? (So dispelling the higher level light spell will let the DD spell have an effect, again)

But next time we do Deeper Darkness-rock shenanigans (when we have prep time), I'm going to argue to have two rocks (attached to eachother with string or something) prepared rather than one :D.

Oh, darn. We forgot the PoSK for that level 1 spell that you can cast at the end of the day to give people rerolls.
Shit... :o

Well, there is a reason we invested so heavily in anti-divination amulets and Hats of Disguise.

The Pathfinders are probably our best bet for getting a decent report on what's happening, but before that we need to do some information gathering of our own.

Let's find a quite place to setup, take some precautions, then have Cob use an Ears of the City spell before Kori does his Divination.

[X] Justifiable Paranoia
-[X] Find a quiet, reputable looking inn where we can rent a room for week.
--[X] Kori uses Shadow Enchantment to cast Bestow Insight (Perception) on Cob, then Inspired Spell to cast an Extended Ears of the City spell on Cob. This will allow Cob to make 18 separate Gather Information checks using a +23 Perception bonus, with each check equaling 1d4 hours of effort.
---[X] Kori will then perform a Divination to determine who placed the bounty on our party, unless Cob's information gathering session indicates he should look in a different direction.
--[X] Before we set out for an inn, Sirim uses Wild Arcana to cast a Detect Scrying spell. After we are in our room, he begins working to learn the Summon Ship spell scroll, unless more pressing matters arise.
---[X] He also tasks his Summoned Draconic Ally with finding a hidden alcove or out of the way perch it can use to keep an eye on visitors to the inn. It will use telepathy to describe the appearances of those who enter the inn, along with anyone nearby who seems unusual or suspicious.
--[X] Before we set out for an inn, Mina uses her Pass Without Trace SLA on everyone then uses Wild Arcana to cast a Communal Mask Dweomer spell on everyone to hide the magical auras of their Disguise Self spells. After we are in our room, she begins working to learn the Trade Winds spell scroll, unless more pressing matters arise.
--[X] Before we set out for an inn, Pepper uses his Figment's Fluidity ability to change his Evolution points, once more gaining the Shapeless Familiar feat. This time, he selects a raven as his alternate form. Like Sirim's Draconic Ally, he will keep the inn's exterior under surveillance while keeping us informed of anything of note while disguised as a raven.
-[X] The Iruxi accompanying us will have to ride in our Type 2 Bag of Holding until we can get settled at the inn. We will regularly open it to allow fresh air inside, and Mina will offer to use her Slumber Hex on them so they won't be conscious for what promises to be an uncomfortable trip. If all three can't fit in the bag, two will travel in the bag and the third will walk with us using Sirim's Hat of Disguise to appear Human.
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So, we probably aren't going to be able to build a new Dancing Slurk here, at least not in a timely manner. That's the sort of thing that will attract a lot of interest and scrutiny, and the more eyes pointed our way, the more likely someone will look at us using the sorts of spells that let them see through a Disguise Self effect.

We aren't in danger of someone casually seeing through our disguises, but renting out a drydock and building a new type of stone boat will move us well past the casual prying stage for sure.

Unless we can get a handle on who is hunting us and solve the issue quickly, which seems somewhat unlikely, I think we should quietly poke around town for as short a time as we can manage, try to find some last minute supplies, then teleport directly to Gorok's tribe.

We've got the Summon Ship and Deathwine scrolls for Sirim to learn. With some additional spells duplicated using Inspired Spell or Wild Arcana, we have everything we need to push Sirim's caster level for Summon Ship up to 11th, which will allow us to Summon a Longship for 22 days if we use one of our Extend Spell gems. The only thing we absolutely need to make it work is a miniature longship carving worth 1,000 gold (unless @DragonParadox will maybe let us use our Folding Boat as a spell focus for it? It's much more valuable than that and it's larger form is somewhat similar to a Longship, if smaller).

We didn't have any luck finding Unseen Crew scrolls before we left Cassomir, but Augustana is a major shipping hub and Andoran's main naval base, so there is a good chance they're available here. If we can't find any, we will probably need to resort to Mina casting Skeleton Crew spells to provide a crew for our ship on the way back. That requires corpses, though, so we would need to find them somewhere, or make some from Chellish...volunteers. @DragonParadox, what are the views of Gorok's people on necromancy? Specifically, would they be opposed to us temporarily animating the bones of some of their dead to help sail them to a new home?

If we do this, we should also purchase as many travel rations as we can fit in our Handy Haversacks and Bags of Holding. With 86-ish tribe members to transport at sea for at least a couple weeks, food is going to be an issue, even if they're able to bring along a lot of preserved supplies when they leave. We can supplement whatever we bring with fishing along the way.
The only thing we absolutely need to make it work is a miniature longship carving worth 1,000 gold (unless @DragonParadox will maybe let us use our Folding Boat as a spell focus for it? It's much more valuable than that and it's larger form is somewhat similar to a Longship, if smaller).

Spell components are very specific, it is the nature of this kind of magic so alas no

@DragonParadox, what are the views of Gorok's people on necromancy? Specifically, would they be opposed to us temporarily animating the bones of some of their dead to help sail them to a new home?

It is not entirely beyond the pale as it would be for say Ustalavic peasants, but it's an unusual enough request that you would need a good argument to bring before the tribe. The dead are to be called on for wisdom in Iruxi culture not strength of arm and it's not like they have not noticed all the Bad Stuff (TM) that happened over the last 10.000 tears because someone though that would be a good idea. They have legends about the Whispering Tyrant, everyone has legends about the Tyrant.
It is not entirely beyond the pale as it would be for say Ustalavic peasants, but it's an unusual enough request that you would need a good argument to bring before the tribe. The dead are to be called on for wisdom in Iruxi culture not strength of arm and it's not like they have not noticed all the Bad Stuff (TM) that happened over the last 10.000 tears because someone though that would be a good idea. They have legends about the Whispering Tyrant, everyone has legends about the Tyrant.
Sirim: "Hold my imaginary ale, I've got this."
Are first wanted poster! @Goldfish can you add to plan to collect it? I'm sure Cob would love to have it. :D

More seriously, its a good thing we invested in disguise stuff.

[X] Goldfish
It is not entirely beyond the pale as it would be for say Ustalavic peasants, but it's an unusual enough request that you would need a good argument to bring before the tribe. The dead are to be called on for wisdom in Iruxi culture not strength of arm and it's not like they have not noticed all the Bad Stuff (TM) that happened over the last 10.000 tears because someone though that would be a good idea. They have legends about the Whispering Tyrant, everyone has legends about the Tyrant.
Could frame it as bringing their bones along to be resettled in new home since I doubt they want to leave them behind if they can swing it.
Could frame it as bringing their bones along to be resettled in new home since I doubt they want to leave them behind if they can swing it.
This is a good idea. A standard Longship can carry 150 people, including 10 crew and 40 rowers, and Gorok's tribe was at 86 people remaining last we checked. The ship would have plenty of room to bring a lot of ancestral remains.

With our group, the 3 Iruxi with us, and 9 Skeletal Crew members, it won't be too crowded to bring the tribe and dozens of Iruxi skeletons.
Also symbolic, their ancestors helping to resettle their descendants before resting again.
We might end up with so many skeletons dedicated to the cause that we have enough available to put 40 of them on rowing duty instead of needing the Iruxi to help with that. If we have a full crew of tireless rowers who can work 24/7, along with the effects of a Tail Current spell cast by Sirim and a Trade Wind spell cast by Mina, that could shorten the trip by quite a bit.