Allright. We should do nothing then.
I have my doubts about a dragon, even a young adult one, coming to rob the human settlement on the day of the auction.
What did everyone think about the adamantium when they first heard it? That Urgor fell for fey trickery who pulled a fast one over him.
Now, what do we have here? We have fey clearly interested in the goods, who had the village under lock and key for secrecy, and Gavhaul nonetheless arriving to present himself as a contender.
What were the dragon's exact words, "earthly hands"? Is it a substitute for "mortal hands" that just so happens to exclude fey?
Why did the dragon act now? It's been several weeks since the arrival, and several weeks after the survivors left. It'd be far easier to scare off the villagers without two sets of armed would-be owners who might object to the robbery. What changed?
Our caravan has dropped by, that's what changed.
I'd be up for striking a conversation with the dragon under the assumption that this is one of the fey. Kori did mention trying to talk to the dragon should we cross paths, well, now's the time to own up to his words. This could very well be a real dragon, but if so I suspect it to be acting in concert with our rivals.
That's if we don't want to just give away the goods to maybe-fey acting under who-knows-what reasons or orders.
The Court of Veils is real as they come and is a real problem to the Keth and their fey allies. If you had followed Gavis' directions you would have ended up in a confrontation with a fey lord banished from the Court of Ether and newly established in this part of the Verduran though 'fucking fey politics.'
I suspect 'fey politics' is involved in one way or the other.