Fiend: Thread Three, Thread Harder. [Exalted/Worm]

Lancealot said:
It's late and the games I've played I had compassion as my high virtue, so the classic ignore the people being dragged off by the guild or bring the wild hunt a town away down on your circles heads, came up often. Also my GM often made an Infernal demon Urge something very obviously evil. Kill the Bull of the North and all of his followers, that kind of thing. Having not played in a while I've not bothered to read the books lately.
Defending the last bastion of civilization from barbarian invaders is obviously evil?
SolipsistSerpen said:
You do realize the entire point of supervillains using the Number Man for their banking is that the authorities can't track and freeze their assets, right? And she was outed as Defiler before she contacted him, so it's not like anything changed (Daphne's sister isn't even the identity he made the accounts under and Daphne paid for the apartment with cahs so she didn't link her bank info to that). He provides relatively secret banking, information, and even helped her get her starting equipment.

And if she doesn't play ball he can stop helping her. Now, that's probably not a big enough threat to make her stop from fighting the Endbringer but it is a threat she can't take lightly-- she wouldn't even have found the Travelers in time to save Damsel without him, so let's stop pretending him not mentioning anything about the secret hidden member of the Travelers, especially as he wasn't done explaining things when she hung up on him, means he doesn't have anything to offer.

Besides, he has the best available argument possible for her not fighting the Simurgh: If you don't know you're immune to mind control, don't get near her. Then he can paint her vivid images of the Simurgh sending her berserk giant stone form against the other heroes.
Indeed, this is the sort of logical reasoning that people should be using in this story when analyzing it. Some parts are very ontopic, others not so much, but pretty much everything in this post follows logical patterns, behaviors, and analysis based on things that have occured instory. A pity none of you have actually figured out what we're gonna be pulling out of our hats here though. :3
SolipsistSerpen said:
You do realize the entire point of supervillains using the Number Man for their banking is that the authorities can't track and freeze their assets, right? And she was outed as Defiler before she contacted him, so it's not like anything changed (Daphne's sister isn't even the identity he made the accounts under and Daphne paid for the apartment with cahs so she didn't link her bank info to that). He provides relatively secret banking, information, and even helped her get her starting equipment.

And if she doesn't play ball he can stop helping her. Now, that's probably not a big enough threat to make her stop from fighting the Endbringer but it is a threat she can't take lightly-- she wouldn't even have found the Travelers in time to save Damsel without him, so let's stop pretending him not mentioning anything about the secret hidden member of the Travelers, especially as he wasn't done explaining things when she hung up on him, means he doesn't have anything to offer.

Besides, he has the best available argument possible for her not fighting the Simurgh: If you don't know you're immune to mind control, don't get near her. Then he can paint her vivid images of the Simurgh sending her berserk giant stone form against the other heroes.
Wasn't sure the level of influence the Numbers Man has in created protected accounts. I'll accept Taylor's accounts are still valid.
He's going to be questioning her on WTF happened. Right now. In as much detail as possible. To get confirmation that she derailed a Simurgh plan.
SolipsistSerpen said:
Besides, he has the best available argument possible for her not fighting the Simurgh: If you don't know you're immune to mind control, don't get near her. Then he can paint her vivid images of the Simurgh sending her berserk giant stone form against the other heroes.
Who has mind control immunity in canon? I can't think of anyone other than Dragon or maybe Endy. Capes without mind control immunity fight Simurgh all the time, even canon Taylor does, well tries to. That's why they're gathering the New York capes to go fight, they wouldn't be gathering them otherwise. If they only let those immune go they wouldn't have anywhere near enough to even hope of fending her off. They're just really careful about how long people fight Simurgh to try and make sure they don't go crazy

Unless each and every one of Simurgh's attempts to control her count as resisting mental influence instead of just rejecting it for an entire scene Taylor will be somewhat fine fighting her. She'll actually be far more resistant to mind control if she can keep her willpower up. For the others it subtly effects them even if they don't go crazy, letting her put her future plans in place, but with Taylor nothing will effect her unless her willpower hits zero. Her will would probably normally be low right now, but she just completed a motivation.
logiccosmic said:
"How'd you heal that fast?" I asked, somewhat irrationally jealous.
Don't worry, Taylor, that's just your Ophidian side talking ;) .
logiccosmic said:
She shifted her weight, hands wringing, eyes downcast. She looked up at me quickly, before looking at her feet again.

"What," I said, impatient. "We've got to go."
I had to read this line and the paragraph above 6 times before I had any idea why Taylor would say a flat "what" here. Maybe she's asking Damsel why she's being all nervous? In that case you might want to add a question mark or replace "said" by "asked", for clarity's sake. Maybe I'm just not very smart, but even then you might want to help even the comprehension-challenged get this on the first try.
Just to be clear, I am not being sarcastic, I think that the vast majority of the readers won't have a problem with that, I wouldn't say it's badly writted. But it could be clarified a bit, if you think that's worth the bother.
logiccosmic said:
She shook her head, lips pressed into a tight line. [...]

"You don't have to come," I ventured. I wasn't going to force her -
First when you say "shaking one's head" as a response that's usually sideway (for no) while "nodding one's head" is used for vertical movement. So that's something else that could be clarified if she's nodding.
Other than that, I am quite surprised to see Taylor just accept that, I was fully expecting her to social-fu Damsel into submission.

logiccosmic said:
You might want to search the appartment, Taylor, I think you lost your eloquence somewhere around here. :)
logiccosmic said:
They could go get brain surgery. With rusted chainsaws.
You could probably do that, if you really wanted to.
logiccosmic said:
"Defiler," the Number Man said, "It's time. I am calling in the favor you owe."
My guess is that he has calculated that there is a high chance that the Simurgh is doing this to draw out Defiler to her so that she can murder her before she messes up her plans any more, therefore he is ordering to stand down because she isn't ready to face the Endbringers yet.
logiccosmic said:
Author Notes: And then Taylor was a zombie
What? You mean she learned Eldritch Secrets Mastery and no one told me?
Robo Jesus said:
Indeed, this is the sort of logical reasoning that people should be using in this story when analyzing it. Some parts are very ontopic, others not so much, but pretty much everything in this post follows logical patterns, behaviors, and analysis based on things that have occured instory. A pity none of you have actually figured out what we're gonna be pulling out of our hats here though. :3
Personal 'This would be fun' instinct is telling me "He is going to ask Taylor to direct a certain small team of capes". That, or/and possibly force Damsel to participate.
Does Sundancer have any willpower right now? If she doesn't then going after the queen of unnatural mental influence will end badly. I vaguely remember someone saying she had none.
Lancealot said:
If the Guild is the Canada version of the Protectorate then yeah that is evil shit for most people.
Look at what you are doing here. Seriously, take a good look at this sentence and what it means that you chose to write it.

You don't know what destroying the Guild means because you didn't understand what sort of Guild he was talking about, you admit that much there. But you jump to the worst answer possible that would make Infernals look as evil as possible. Instead of looking at what Infernal powers do to their wielders and concluding they are evil, you start with the assumption that Infernal exalts are made evil by their infernal power (because, hello, power from hell) and then look at the evidence for things that look like their powers are making them evil.

But that's not true. First you mentioned limit. How are they worse than Solars about that? There are two differences, Urges and Acts of Villainy.
Urges, by the rules, are decided on by the player, meaning that you only play an Infernal with an evil Urge if you want to play that. Many Urges are things that are not evil (like marrying the red-headed queen of a kingdom to gain control over it) or possibly even good (detroying the giant drug and slaver cartel known as the Guild or keep the undead abominations of the Underworld from your master's Creation). And even if you get an evil Urge? You only get limit for actively opposing it , ignoring it does nothing. So if she did have the Urge of "destroying the Canadian Protectorate teams" she would only get limit from saving the Canadian Protectorate team, staying in the states and acting as if they were no such thing as Canada (something many Americans are very good at) lets her ignore all limit from her Urge. Or she can go there and destroy the organization by replacing it by an even better super-hero organization without ever harming a single soul (that means that lawyers are fair game).
And "Acts of Villainy" can be used to do good, like Taylor sparing Sundacer's life. Or the "saving the orphans" speech described above. Or marrying someone with a terminal disease to dedicate yourself to giving them a happy end. Those lets you seriously cut down on the limit.

That makes Infernal good at Limit Breaking less often than Solars. So if anything their powers make them less evil.

Then you say "Do good things with your evil powers, evil powers fuck with your mind every time you use them until you don't do good things." but that only happens if you take the powers that make you act this way! malfeas and Cecelyne don't appear to have anything like that anywhere in their published Charm set. SWLiHN has a few but they are in a dead end tree and can be safely ignored while you enjoy 99% of her powers. Adorjan and Kimbery have a big Charm tree that start with such a Charm, but they also have large and very powerful Charm trees that include no such thing, so you can take the Kimbery marine powers or Adorjan's combat and mobility ones (the better part of her powers by far) without any issue. The Ebon Dragon ... well, if you don't want to be a dick, you should usually stay away from his Charm set. Not that you can't avoid taking anything that makes you evil (just look at Taylor) but it's a pain to deal with that.
What the Yozi powers are going to do to their wielder is not turning them evil, it is turning them alien. You can take Adorjan's Charms and be a parangon of virtue and superheroism that would make Legend proud, but you are going to be running 24/7 and you are going to learn to love your enemies before teaching them the error of their ways, which people might found ... weird.
But not evil.

Finally becoming strong would lead to destroying what you care about ? Why? I mean other than spending all your time in God Emperor Shintai form.
Robotninja said:
[...] and from ignoring a virtue, which can be something like not killing the shit out of someone who insults you.
I'd like to point out that this is a common misconception that comes from Valor mostly helping in battle. But that doesn't mean you have to respond to every Valor input with battle.
What it forces you to do is respond to insults (and challenges), so a good enough insulting retort is just fine. or if you have to resort to violence you can simply bitch-slap the offender to teach them their proper place. It doesn't mean you have to go all murder-happy on people as soon as someone mouths off to you.

The Valor & insult thing is that Valorous people must "seek retribution" when insulted. It doesn't have to be either violent or immediate. Going after their trade partners to offer them better deal and hurt your offender's finance is perfectly OK. Note that it doesn't have to be disproportionate! Killing someone for being a smartass is (usually) disproportionate retribution to the offense.
That's She Who Lives in Her Name hive mind Charms at work, I believe.

No need to be alarmed, just keep praising the Principle of Hierarchy.
Alectai said:
The favor she owes could very well be "We want you to go do something in a certain way in this fight". Or even "We want you to get in contact with X team and follow their commands in the upcoming battle".

Because there's no fucking way he's stupid enough to tell Taylor "Yeah, you can't fight her yet", especially after his information turned out to have a pretty large fucking hole in it.

So since they can't realistically stop her from hitting the Simurgh, they're going to set things up so that that she at least doesn't get killed in the process.
Hmmmmmmm. How about: "Stay in New York, miss the first set of teleports, tell no one why. Stay ready to fight."

Because the Simurgh is going to end run around everyone the instant they show up and teleport from Montreal to New York.
Of course, he could be calling about something else....

Number Man: Defiler, I'm calling in the favour. Don't leave New York, every prediction I have shows that the trip to Canada is a Feint, She is coming to New York. Kill her there.

After all, she was recruited by him because he wants the endbringers dead.

Edit: Damnit! Ninja'd!
On the other hand, they want Defiler to work with them long term, or so it seems at least. The favor is unlikely to be in your face villainous without an explanation. Most people owe favors to a very shady org. Defiler owes a favor to someone whose advice she's following because the goal is countering a global threat.
He could ask Taylor to surrender Sundancer for her to be taken into custody. Because I doubt Cauldron wants to chance Taylor learning about shadow organisation selling out powers that created Noelle. That way lies badness. And being set on green hatefire. Number Man would very much prefer not being on green hatefire.
illhousen said:
Travelers don't know about the shady conspiracy. They only know that vials that grant you powers exist. And for all they know those vials came from a different world by Simurgh's will (which is technically correct).

If I were to guess, the favor would be something like "don't talk with Legend". Because he knows about the shady conspiracy and he is likely to try to convince Taylor to join the Wards on probation.
True. Both are possible. Travellers not knowing is not the consideration. Cauldron can't reliably predict Taylor, and can't really afford to dispose of her. Giving her even a small chance of uncovering their existence may be deemed an unacceptable risk.
Yog said:
True. Both are possible. Travellers not knowing is not the consideration. Cauldron can't reliably predict Taylor, and can't really afford to dispose of her. Giving her even a small chance of uncovering their existence may be deemed an unacceptable risk.
The risk of asking her to surrender someone she has taken under her wing, after what she just did for Damsel, appears much higher than the risk that Sundancer would somehow link back to Cauldron (especially considering all the other ways she could find out about it).
Yeah, Number man did notice how she snapped when someone was threatening a girl under her protection. I really don't think he failed to notice how pissed she was during the phone conversation, and how far she was willing to go (without hesitation) to rescue Damsel.
Asking her to turn on another of her charge, not just to let them get hurt? He can't possibly fail to understand how much it would antagonize her. Considering the security risk Sundacer represents and Defiler's worth, I don't see that happening.
Chronic said:
Possible. Wasn't Dragons server based in Montreal? The Simurgh destroying her can't be allowed, and Cauldron is one of the few that probably know of her true nature. Evacuating said server so that Cauldron can play around with it and bring Dragon under their control would be a smart move. To everyone else Dragon died when the Simurgh destroyed her home or has been compromised, so noone is going to want to visit her apartment in the middle of the quarantine zone.
I'm pretty sure Dragon is based in Vancouver.
My money is the favour is either full details of what happened, not engaging directly, but instead playing support with Anima at full to fuck with precog, or to stay back because Simurgh is executing a feint.
Ixenathier said:
I don't think the essence messing up precogs is really coming up so far, because everything Taylor does is outside of fate anyway.

This is why i think he'll ask Taylor to lead a team: because every orders she give, everyone under her commands, cannot be seen by precogs except from the moment she gives an order to her next order. So basically, anyone who is with her and follow her is in a black hole for precogs.

Would be good to have Flechette with her~~
"Keep Sundancer, Battery, xxx and xxx alive. Hunt down the rest of the Travelers." The Travelers super serum was one of the best Cauldron ever made, when they were close to perfecting it (before the Simurgh fucked them up). Cauldron has an interest in keeping their powerful clients alive for further research. It would also fall in line with their trend to ask for favors their client would do anyway - until they don't.

Or he'll just ask her to not fucking risk herself against the Simurgh since she counters her precognition.