Playing around with crossovers for two of my all time favorite series. Honestly, I started with the premise of crazy wizards try to summon powers from beyond their world and grab onto shards which ends up bringing the capes attached to the shard. Picked a moment I liked and ran with it. But the farther along I got the more I realized I was forcing it to work. It's plausible, but it feels unwieldy. It seemed fine when I thought about it in vague details, but the more I wrote, the more I slipped into character… I don't know anymore. Still, I wrote it, and I have a snippet thread for a reason so here we go.
As always, thank Functionality for betaing my random ass snippets from nowhere I keep telling him he doesn't need to but he keeps agreeing anyway..
The Chronicles of the Black Company x Worm
An excerpt from the annals of the black company; the book of Croaker
In days past the rebel circle of eighteen commanded by right of sorcerous power, but that didn't mean they were the rebel's only sorcerers. Just that they were some combination of the strongest, best tacticians, and most connected. Most just laid claim to the first of those three qualifications, but after years of fighting all were at least passable commanders. It also didn't mean the rest of the rebel sorcerers were happy with that state of affairs.
The rebel was only slightly less prone to infighting, politicking and backstabbing then the Taken are, a low bar to be sure.
For that alone hearing that a group had tried to prove their chops and move up was hardly surprising. The fact it went horribly wrong and blew up in their faces was amusing and a little odd. Wizards are as a rule a paranoid and cautious lot, overreaching like that only occurred when their egos outgrew their paranoia. Not common, but not unheard of either. Often those are the stories that end with the greatest amount of collateral damage. The Lady and her sorcerous enforcers, the Ten who were Taken, being freed is a prime example. They had been buried for generations, until one man ambitious enough to go looking for lost knowledge made the mistake of failing to properly chain Lady to his will. That had seen the rise of Lady's Empire and all the suffering which came with it. An Empire which should continue to function on inertia even though Lady's sorcerous power is now gone and she is abandoning her role in it.
But I digress; in that case the rebel had tried some sort of summoning with the intent of sicking their conjured evil on the Lady's forces. According to the rumors they succeeded, and wherever they pulled from decided to throw a dozen extras after the first.
Rumors claimed some nasty big monster poured out first and spat out twisted humans that blasted away with a whole host of magical mayhem. That caught everyone so off guard they failed to bind the damn thing and it went on a killing spree that threw the whole rebel line into chaos. Then while everyone was busy, a host of strangeness followed in the first monster's wake. And all the conjured nasties took to fighting one another and anyone that took a swing at them.
The Hanged Man and Stormcaller, two of the Taken, sat back and let chaos reign for a time before stepping in to mop up the rebels and put down the conjured nasties. Only to find a good chunk of the crazies were human, speaking languages unknown, and all slinging their own brand of magic.
The Taken being none too subtle, and even less polite, decided to draft the survivors for the Lady.
The resulting fight wrecked Stormcaller's flying carpet, cost the Hanged Man a foot, and caused the death of all but one of the summoned sorcerers. The lone survivor was a girl, supposedly in her mid teens. Poor kid was shipped to the Lady that very night.
Would that I had recorded more details when the incident was fresh in my mind and the rumors less distorted. But the incident occurred on a different front, and meant little and less to us at the time. Then it faded into memory and we forgot. Forgot and heard nothing more of it right until the battle at Charm. After the dead had piled up, and the flies were given free rein to multiply in the freshly deceased. When the first line of our defense was set to break, everything that crawled or buzzed rose up in a wave and started trying to drown the rebels with their bodies. Only lasted as long as it took some of the surviving Circle to whip up a spell to kill the lot dead, but it had bought us an hour.
Only at the time we assumed it was one of the Taken playing a new trick. No one made the connection. Not until a year later when rumors of the Lady's knife in the dark started to spread. That was the first any of us heard the name Skitter. But it wasn't the last. Not by a long shot. That girl got around, and wherever she went the rebel died. Sometimes it was precise, all the leaders died before Lady's troops swarmed in to scoop up the spearman. Other times a town would wake up and every rebel in the city or town was dead. Killed by venom, or drowned in bugs, or strung up to hang on cords of spider silk.
And every time, without fail, no one managed to get so much as a glimpse of the girl.
One girl all on her lonesome outdoing us at our own game. Damn but if it didn't sting at first, and once we'd grown used to being outdone? Damn me but we wanted to buy the girl drinks until she told us how the hell she managed it. One Eye and Goblin were particularly vocal on both counts. The pride of our tame wizards is easily pricked, and their curiosity for a good trick to plagiarize only slightly less easily peaked.
When the Company betrayed the Lady and joined the rebel, under the command of Darling, we never saw her. Lady kept Skitter busy rooting out our eyes and ears throughout the Empire.
Neither did Skitter appear for the final battle against Lady's late and unlamented husband, the Dominator. I do remember asking Lady about that. Her response was that the young woman wouldn't make it in time and that her skills, while impressive, would be of little use.
That had been the last I'd thought of the young woman. Something which left me much chagrined when on the day of our departure from Opal a tall young woman with silky black hair, a lithe figure, and a harsh expression seemingly carved from stone stepped out of a shadow to lay a long dagger, black as pitch and clearly an object of at least some power, against Lady's neck. She wore black leather armor over gray silk clothes, and all under an unassuming gray cloak. From her person a swarm of insects rose. Hornets spread out in a wave until every man aboard was staring down at least a double handful of stingers. Spiders I recognized as being potentially lethal crawled across her arms and every manor of winged nuisance known to this part of the world swirled across the ships deck like a living cloud of malice.
Lady, for the first time since before the battle at the Barrowland, seemed afraid. Despite the not insubstantial amount of steel, we had on our side the living plague was giving us all pause.
"Skitter." Lady's voice was unsteady, and she spoke only loud enough to be heard over the swarm, and then only by those of us who were already close.
The ship's Captain and those guards Lady brought with her all had hands on steel, but blanched at the name.
"I should slit your throat and feed your corpse to the crabs." The young woman said, never taking her eyes off of Lady despite the many folks, myself included, that were sizing her up for a blade through the ribs.
"I-" Lady started to speak but fell silent as Skitter pushed the blade ever so slightly forward, dimpling, but not breaking, skin.
"You are a tyrant who, when presented with a teenage girl possessed of a unique ability, chose to bind me to your will and have me murder hundreds for the crime of rebellion when you and your nation mean nothing to me." Anger, sharp as steel, backed her every word.
"I know your nature. I know that letting you breathe is most likely a mistake someone will live to regret." The pressure of the blade eased and the flat caressed her neck as it slid forward and back an inch or so, right over the artery. "One stroke, and I'd be over the side before anyone could stop me. A day and I'd be out of the city. A week and I could disappear." She sounded wistful.
"So why aren't you?" I surprised myself by asking.
The young woman smirked and finally turned her face away from Lady to look at me.
"Because, Captain, I am known to those sorcerers that remain. None of them are as strong as even the weakest of her latest batch of Taken, never mind the original Ten, but they know of me, and my abilities do not offer me any protection against their forced control. Not if they catch me by surprise at least."
I had to ponder that one for a moment, but it seemed fairly straightforward. She was good, but if she stayed sooner or later she would become someone else's knife in the dark. After slipping free she wasn't in any hurry to be forced into service again.
"So, what is it you want from us? A trip across the sea?" I asked.
The young woman shrugged with one shoulder.
"I'm not cut out to be some farmer's wife. Politics would see me murdering idiot officials by the dozens, and I have little interest in ruling over some tiny fiefdom when I know that all it would take is someone with twice the skill or power of your pet wizards to seize whatever home I tried to make. If I stay in the Empire, someone will decide to collect and use me."
She pulled her knife away from Lady's throat. Lady took three long steps back until she was slightly behind and to my left. The swarm thinned out and backed off slightly.
"I'm very good at what I do, Captain, and those are skills I hear the Black Company values."
And if that wasn't an offer fit to leave a man tongue tied.
"It's a tempting offer." I answered. "But diminished as we are, I can't afford to have two members of the Company at each other's throats."
Skitter slowly and pointedly turned to look at Goblin and One Eye before turning back to me with a raised eyebrow.
"Alright yeah, but they came to me like that and for all their huff and fuss they aren't prone to pulling steel on one another." I countered.
The woman shrugged.
"Captain, I'll swear not to kill her, I'll even promise not to harass her, if you'll promise I can be the one to slit her throat when she betrays you, and that I get my orders from you, not her. I won't follow her."
That was more than a fair deal, but it did leave me with a burning question.
"Why all this then? Why the threat and the show? You have to know this isn't the best first impression?"
Her eyebrow traveled up again.
"Isn't it? I just proved I can sneak aboard a fully alert military vessel, that I can take its full crew, the Company, and her guards by surprise. I'm not sure I could make myself more impressive without calling down a full swarm."
"You also proved you want to knife one of my people for revenge." I answered drily.
The woman shrugged.
"I need to get the hell out of here more than I need revenge. I need a new job and you're the only crew that needs my skill, and lacks the kind of magic it takes to force my compliance." She gestured at Lady with a knife. "Eventually she will betray you and give me my chance for revenge."
"You seem awfully willing to let go of a grudge you're willing to kill for." I said skepticism dripping off my words.
The woman's knife spun in her hand before she rammed it home into its sheath.
"Whatever she did to me, it wormed into my mind. Made me a slave to her will, blunted my ability to choose for myself." She glared at Lady. "It affected my mind. I hate that on principle, never mind having it done to me." She spat. "But even now that her spell is broken something lingers." Her eyes are black and as warm as jagged ice. "I can loath what she did, but not her. I only managed to hold a knife to her throat by focusing on the act itself instead of the one who did it. I feel lost without someone to answer to. I don't have the time to try and work through that, so I need to pick someone that won't put another spell in my brain. I think I'd need to be following orders to kill her." She looked at me. "I give it a month until she tries to betray you, six at the outside. When that happens, you give the order, and I'll drown her with flies and spiders."
Knowing Lady there was every chance Skitter was right. Without her magic she wasn't much of a threat, but Lady was bringing along a whole troop of soldiers at least to the edge of the Empire, and a wagon load of mystical trinkets besides.
"And if she never does?"
The woman blinked like she had never even considered the possibility.
"She's the Lady, she is command, and power, and betrayal. She was all those things before she went in the ground and she couldn't change when she broke loose. She won't change now. If you think she has or will, you're a fool five times over."
Looking around at the rest of the men I saw mixed reactions. Goblin nodded vigorously wanting her along, so naturally One Eye shook his head just as hard for the sake of disagreeing with Goblin. Lady naturally seemed opposed, and the rest seemed amiable if not enthused. Which left the final decision with me.
Saying yes would certainly leave me in hot water with Lady, which would be an unfortunate trend to continue, but by reputation alone Skitter was worth a spy ring and a platoon of assassins. Never mind the sort of chaos she could unleash on a battlefield if there wasn't a sorcerous heavyweight to counter her. More to the point I suspect she was even being honest, or else we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
"Welcome to the Black Company."
With a smirk the young woman nodded to me and settled herself against an out of the way wall like that was that and she hadn't just threatened murder. If she really can interact with Lady without drawing blood or acting catty to the point it disrupts the chain of command, she might actually fit in. Time will tell.