If I recall correctly, Eureka canonically crosses with Warehouse 13, which might be a good way to expand things.
It does and maybe… I remember loving that show and then getting frustrated that they defaulted back to "and this is the evil organization you must fight against" honestly they could have kept it going for years without resorting to that
It does and maybe… I remember loving that show and then getting frustrated that they defaulted back to "and this is the evil organization you must fight against" honestly they could have kept it going for years without resorting to that
Yeah the "here's a weird artifact" episode plot generation could have gone on a long time without getting stale so long as they were inventive with the weird, it was the season plots that stunk.
Edit: well that's an issue with grabbing a kid or teen. Grabbing an adult would be… hmm. That has some possibilities but nothing that jumps out at me right this second.
Post-Gold Morning Taylor ending up in Eureka for some reason? I haven't watched a lot of the show, but they have good medical facilities (or she could be sent there because of something that she was working on in college, if she's on the same Earth as the town).
*pouts* I do things other than worm fics/crossovers. Sometimes. It doesn't have to be Taylor!

Ok I want it to be Taylor. It's my first impulse to reach for her as my protagonist. This one if it ever gets off the ground might force me to branch out.
Bought the complete box set of Eureka… currently contemplating the possibilities for crossover fics. Easy enough to add someone. Some device goes screwy and grabs a character from somewhere else. From there things get… iffy. Pretty easy to do a one off episode style fic. Anything longer term… breaks down. Quickly.

Do like the show and have individual episodes, with each update set being a new episode with a new crossover person pulled in.
Eureka is at its best when it's episodic. When combined with it's happy quirky tone it just doesn't really have the backstory or worldbuilding for larger long scale threats to make a decent season arc.

Unless your somehow bringing in a threat or sending Eureka elsewhere (which would actually be pretty easy to justify with the random tech) you don't really have a choice but to go short and episodic.
@Fencer Wanna talk about plot bunnies? I got one for ya. At the end, when Taylor was More Khepri than herself, Contessa took her to a new world, one overflowing with energy and beautiful where she asked her a few questions. Contessa wanted her last moments to be peaceful before she shot her. Contessa, having a change of heart and realizing she couldn't kill her and leave her on this untouched land alone and helpless decides to "Help" her one last time, by dropping her on another earth, by blind firing a portal to a "world that can heal her".

She's dropped off in a church full of flowers in front of one girl who doesn't fully understand her power.

A cross with ffvii. Or, for more drama she can be dropped in the Soldier VR room thus interrupting the spar between the big three before Genesis was injured.

For maximum drama, when the portal opened it gave of MASSIVE energy readings leading everyone to think she came from the Promised Land.
*pouts* I do things other than worm fics/crossovers. Sometimes. It doesn't have to be Taylor!

Ok I want it to be Taylor. It's my first impulse to reach for her as my protagonist. This one if it ever gets off the ground might force me to branch out.

I think you could open up a lot more of Taylor's timeline by playing with the person whose invention goes wrong. My first thought was to suggest alt universe Taylor, but then I kind of kicked myself in the feels when I realized an even better possibility. Alt Taylor's child, whose mother (Eureka!Taylor) died a year or so back. Force Taylor to come face to face with a living embodiment of her own unresolved grief and only able to get back by helping her alternate child resolve their grief (for them to be willing to let her go) and in doing so have to face and resolve her own.
Yo, muse latched onto another plot bunny. I'm like… 70ish percent through writing a worm x welcome to night vale one shot. Which is a lot of fun to write but a pain in the ass do to night vales usual chunked events format. Anyone got any recs for the weather? In true night vale form I'm looking for something basically unknown that never the less evokes feelings. Even if those feelings are just bemused amusement. Like the song about waiting for the bus in the rain. Bonus points if it's about pagan gods/ nature spirits, self doubt, finding a non romantic life partner, or precisely directed extreme violance.
Yo, muse latched onto another plot bunny. I'm like… 70ish percent through writing a worm x welcome to night vale one shot. Which is a lot of fun to write but a pain in the ass do to night vales usual chunked events format. Anyone got any recs for the weather? In true night vale form I'm looking for something basically unknown that never the less evokes feelings. Even if those feelings are just bemused amusement. Like the song about waiting for the bus in the rain. Bonus points if it's about pagan gods/ nature spirits, self doubt, finding a non romantic life partner, or precisely directed extreme violance.
Or the dog park. Do not approach the dog park.
Host of the Queen
AN: you know I think this is the first time I've written a post GM snippet, also my first Welcome to Night Vale snippet. Thanks as always go out to Functionality for betaing my work, especially given this is not a fandom he's familiar with. Also, a big thanks to Sylent-M for introducing me to today's weather.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9f2C0SOdqg

"The golden light of the second shattered dawn has faded, and we are all still here. Welcome, to Night Vale."

"Hello, listeners. The town prophet fell down today, and screamed a prophecy of a nascent goddess. One who is not an angel, which do not exist, and is not a demon, or a glowing cloud, or a monolith of imperceptible material and origins. She is a praying mantis, her size is beyond comprehension as she straddles the borders of many dimensions. Her chitin is a dark gray and speckled with lighter grays and black. Her claws are obsidian, and radiate a beautiful black light. Her face is adorned with nine golden eyes and she wears a crown of ever shifting, golden, fractal crystals. She has come to our home in search of the one she calls, [HOST]."

The speaking stopped, replaced by desperate coughing.

"Apologies, listeners. Properly conveying the thoughts of gods and outer dimensional beings is really hard on the throat. The nascent goddess has declared her name to be [QUEEN ADMINISTRATOR]."

The sound of hacking coughs fills the airwaves again.

"Oh my. I think I'll have to leave off all the connotations and subtext from now on, listeners. Clearly, I've been lax on my throat exercises for speaking higher being intentions from a three dimensional vessel. To be fair, I haven't needed those exercises since I earned my; prophet of the deity's badge. While the deities were impressed by my ability to interpret and relay their intentions, they decided to go with a girl scout prophet, because young female prophets were in vogue at the time."

The radio broadcasts the sound of a throat clearing and a deep breath being taken.

"Queen Administrator explained that she and her Host had been separated by the actions of one she described as, the broken autopilot of a cheating hack with no creativity or productive data creation ability. The last had strong connotations of being a dire insult, listeners."

"When asked for a description of this missing Host, Queen Administrator gave the following description. A warrior of great skill who could face their enemies head on, or disappear and attack from the shadows even on a sunny day on a clear and level field. Who can inflict terror and paranoia by the mere suggestion that they might be nearby. A peerless General who led teams against empowered mortals, and the Engines of Destruction. Who commanded the army which killed Queen Administrator's progenitor, thus saving worlds beyond counting from destruction, and freeing Queen Administrator to ascend beyond her station. Their enemies cower in fear. Their ally's loyalty is repaid in kind. For they care and are kind to those who are deserving. They bring new data to the Queen, never resting, never settling, always pushing to do and be more."

"Or, well, that's the best I can explain without hurting my throat. The simplest translation would be, Best Host. But that lacks a great deal of nuance, wouldn't you agree? Of course, while that is a ringing endorsement of Hosts capabilities and achievements, it is rather lacking in a physical description by which this peerless general might be identified. When asked for a physical description, Queen Administrator became confused. Eventually the nascent goddess offered that Host prided themself on their magnificent hair."

"I immediately thought of Carlos and wondered if perhaps he'd had a more exciting life prior to becoming a scientist. However, Carlos denied it, and Queen Administrator was quick to agree. She agreed that Carlos has magnificent hair, but Host has far more hair than Carlos."

"Queen Administrator said that human descriptors were very hard for her to grasp, but she would try to parse them and give us a description of her Host. In the meantime, be on the lookout for a peerless warrior and general, with a great deal of well cared for hair."

"In unrelated news, a teenage girl was discovered on Old Woman Josie's back porch. The girl looked a frightful mess. She was missing an arm, and her hair was a snarled mess, matted with dust and fresh blood from two gunshot wounds to the back of her head. She was also wearing a strange silk outfit."

"Old Woman Josie declared she believed the teen had been hurt while trying to escape from some kind of horrific sex trafficking ring. Because why else would a young woman be mutilated and shot while wearing a scandalously tight silk outfit? However, Josie wasn't sure how the girl would have made it to her back porch with two grievous head wounds, and insists the girl couldn't have been shot on her porch as she would have heard the gunshots."

"She further reported that the young woman's appearance sent her ang- ah that is to say, her friends who are winged beings, which are in no way angels, into a frenzy. They circled the young woman and made sounds like wind chimes to one another before joining hands and forming a circle around the girl. A white light descended from the heavens and shown upon the girl for what Josie estimated to be three or four minutes. Old Woman Josie described it as annoyingly bright, and said her friends, who this station does not acknowledge as angels, were showboating needlessly. When the light faded the young woman was fully healed. She took one look at Josie's winged friends, paled, and bolted towards town."

"Josie thought the young woman was being ungrateful, but her winged friends assured her the teen was just understandably concerned about a certain unfortunate resemblance."

"The secret police are understandably very concerned about the possibility of a violent sex trafficking ring setting up anywhere near, or heaven forbid, in Night Vale. There is no warrant for the young woman's arrest, as she is assumed to be a victim in all this, and her apparent fear of winged beings shows good sense. They do however wish to take her into protective custody, and find out whatever she knows about this possible human trafficking so that they can shut it down with extreme prejudice, and gratuitous violence. We here at the station offer our loyal protectors our full support in stomping out such heinous criminal activity, and encourage all citizens to call in any information about the now missing teen, or the criminals responsible for her previous condition."

"In lighter news, residents of Night Vale have been calling in all day to report the man in the tan jacket has been seen racing back and forth across the town with an open and empty deerskin suitcase, as he attempts to capture a large cloud of flies. Much to the amusement of onlookers, the flies have taken to hovering above the man's head, just out of reach."

"I have to admit, listeners, this is a serious blow to the man in the tan jacket's reputation. After all, what kind of fly salesmen fails to properly train their flies?"

"Now it's time once again, listeners! That's right, time for another children's fun fact science corner. Today's topic is scorpions! Seeing as we do live in a desert, it seems prudent to introduce our town's children to the wonders, and dangers, of some of our more common local fauna. Scorpions have eight legs, two pincers, and a venomous stinger. Just like spiders they are fully capable of climbing up walls and on ceilings, so they can drop down and surprise you at any time. Isn't nature amazing?"

"Breeds of scorpion common to our area are; striped bark scorpions, liver shredding scorpions, flying scorpions, miniature hell scorpions which reach six feet in length, Arizona bark scorpions, and the giant heavenly scorpions which reach six inches in length and have tiny glowing halos."

"I remember when I was young, we used to go out with hockey sticks, and swat scorpions at one another. Oh, playing dodge the stinger with the gang was always good for lough. Or, it was anyway. Until Jerry died. He never was very good at dodging, and after the fifth sting from a particularly large liver shredding scorpion, well… Anyway, remember kids, scorpions are highly venomous, and they can kill you, so don't go poking your fingers at something that can poke back with venom."

"This has been, children's fun fact science corner."

"We've received word, via the town prophet, Queen Administrator wishes it to be known that, after extensive review, she has pieced together another one of her host's physical traits. Her host is female. She also wishes it to be known that while she continues to search on her own, she greatly appreciates our help in this matter as, without a direct connection, telling humans apart is frustratingly difficult for her. So, be on the lookout for a female warrior of great skill, with long wonderfully maintained hair."

"This just in listeners, we've had our first confirmed sighting of the young woman who was miraculously healed by Old Woman Josie's, winged friends. Big Rico, owner of Big Rico's Pizza, met the young woman briefly after she made it into town. He says she stopped by and asked for a change of clothes, and a chance to clean the blood and dust off in his bathroom. Big Rico gave her an old tan sweatshirt and let her clean up. Big Rico declared that she seemed to be a delightful young woman with her head on straight, and has a real go getter attitude. He expressed his sincere hope that she would be staying in town as he'd like to introduce her to his youngest son, or his daughter."

"When asked why he didn't insist she stay and meet with representatives of the Sheriff's Secret Police, Big Rico only responded that Taylor, the young woman's apparent name, has a healthy sense of paranoia, and that she slipped out the back. More on this story as it develops."

"Today's traffic report is an odd one, listeners. We've seen mass coordinated movements of every insect in town for going on three hours now. This strange insect movement even includes the spiders which tend to hide somewhere on your body. Town arachnophobes are taking advantage of the situation by putting out a bounty on all spiders, and scorpions. However, given the incredible numbers of insects moving through town the bounty is set incredibly low per individual, although larger species such as Tarantulas, are worth extra. So, if you have some fumigators equipment and a wagon to haul around spider corpses, this might be a chance to make some quick money, listeners."

"The city council reached out to insect experts for more information. The experts could offer, no clues. The city council responded to this lack of information with court ordered beatings, until the town prophet informed them the insects are under control of Queen Administrator and are attempting to locate her Host. Further, Queen Administrator lamented that searching would be much easier if she started using mammals again, but that she wouldn't, because Host found that upsetting the last time."

"If you have a crippling fear of insects, or spiders, today might be a good day to stay home with a pallet of insecticide. Otherwise, traffic is clear all across town and you should be able to make great time wherever you might be going! Just don't skimp on the windshield washer fluid, alright listeners? This has been, traffic."

"Another helpful hint from our visiting godling, Queen Administrator. Her host is naturally for a warrior, quite fit. Though she is apparently not the muscular Amazonian figure I had been picturing, and is instead graced with a runner's build. Listeners, I have to admit I feel pretty silly for making that sort of assumption now. Clearly a mortal backed by an otherworldly force such as Queen Administrator wouldn't need to rely on base muscular strength in battle. It feels so obvious now."

"So, if you want this frightfully organized insect swarm to lift, be on the lookout for a woman with long, well maintained hair, and a runner's build who is also a fearsome warrior and accomplished tactician… you know I wonder if she means Tamika Fylnn. Her hair isn't as well kept as Carlos's hair. But it is certainly voluminous. And her victories against the Librarians, and her contribution to the battle to free Night Vale, are very impressive displays of skill. I don't think Tamika has ever mentioned being the Host of an ascending godling before. I should probably send our new intern to investigate this possibility."

"Hey, Marty! I need you to go out and ask Tamika Flynn if she's ever been the Host of an insect themed goddess. Or if maybe one of the lieutenants in her child militia fits the description?"

"No, I get why you would rather just call her and ask, but her mother won't let her have a cell phone until she enters high school, and I'm pretty sure her militia were planning to run drills on the outskirts of town today."

"Yes, Marty, I'm aware of the swarms of micromanaged insects sweeping the city, but it's not like they are going to bite you, they're all being controlled by Queen Administrator. We haven't received even one report of people being bit or stung."

"Look, it's not like the bugs aren't also sweeping the studio, Marty! They do a sweep every five minutes! You can even take the studio van, just get out there and ask Tamika a simple question."

"Yes, yes, we all appreciate you taking one for the team, now get going!"

"Well, now that that's sorted, let's take a minute to talk about today's sponsor. Today's sponsor is Raid!"

"Faced with silence you cannot trust? With shadows you cannot pear into? Nooks and crannies that no matter how you may try, defy your sight and instill paranoia? Is there a buzzing or a hum that sets your teeth on edge? A never ending fear of what you cannot see in the dark, but know could be lurking everywhere? Do glossy black shells and tiny delicate legs cause your stomach to rebel against you?"

"Or maybe you are blessed and know exactly where your enemy resides? Can you see their bastions? Their communities, their fortress's, their hives? Do they openly taunt you with their presences mocking your perceived control of your domain?"

"We understand. We feel the same. And we have prepared for this day. You have prepared for this day. Rise up and reclaim the sanctity of your home! Rise up and cast out the invaders! Rise up and bring death to all the unholy spawn of Beelzebub! Raid! Kill the tiny interlopers where they scurry!"

"A few sharp eyed citizens who have been peeking out of their windows have called in to report Taylor's progress as she moves through the city seemingly unconcerned with roving bands of insects. Listeners, given the reports I must say this young lady is fearless. Not only does her lack of concern for all thing chitinous and creeping show her to be unshakable, but she willingly stared down one of the hooded figures!"

"Yes, you heard that right, listeners! The mysterious hooded figure who occasionally takes small children, the one that we all see doing so, but for reason we cannot explain simply allow it to happen? That hooded figure was in the process of abducting six month old Jeremy Carlson, when Taylor stepped into the hooded figure's way and threatened him or her with a strange knife that radiated a grey mist. The hooded figure was so shocked that someone was actually interfering with their abducting of a child that they became flustered, returned Jeremy to his mother's arms, and ran off!"

"We here at Night Vale community radio are naturally happy for young Jeremy and his family, of course. However, we are… concerned, about the possible repercussions that might arise from this unprecedented stand against the mysterious hooded figures. More on this story, as it develops."

"Oh, listeners, we've just heard back from intern Marty. Sad to say we have found only another dead end. Ah, no not like that. Marty is fine. The dead end is that Tamika has never been the Host of an ascending goddess before, nor have any members of her child militia. Darn, I really thought that it would be her listeners. I suppose Mayor Dana Cardinal technically led an Army in the battle to free Night Vale. However, her role was more that of recruiting them, or rallying them. She wasn't exactly directing anyone in battle."

"I just don't know who else it could be, listeners."

"Oh…. Oh dear. Ah, I've just received an unfortunate report from the Sheriff's secret police. It seems the man in the tan jacket who has been chasing his flies all across town chased them across the road. The same road on which intern Marty was driving the station van. Marty swerved to avoid the man in the tan jacket, and hit a telephone pole. Given that he was only going twenty five miles an hour this should have been a relatively minor accident. Unfortunately, it seems station management replaced the air bags with telescoping spikes… again. To the family and friends of intern Marty, he will be missed."

"I," the speaker sighs, "honestly listeners, I should have seen this coming. Station management does this every three months like clockwork. We've asked them to stop, but they just start screeching from behind their office door, and then the sinks all start leaking something yellow that smells like rutabaga, and fermented ginger. So, we've just resigned ourselves to taking it in for repairs every three months instead, but then we've had insect swarms all day, and we all must have just forgotten to double check the van. Really need to try explaining to management again that the airbags are there for a reason."

"Anyway, listeners, the town prophet has reached out with two more hints from Queen Administrator. Apparently before they were separated Host was seriously injured. Host was also apparently wearing a knife proof and bullet resistant outfit made of… spider silk… Huh. That, listeners, do you think? Could it really be? Well… I think I need to go make a few calls. Ah, but first, let me just leave you, with the weather."

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejt7clgYv2o

"Listeners, for those of you who have spent the day cowering in your homes hiding from the insect swarms, allow me to tell you of the sight you have missed."

"Queen Administrator's massive visage blotted out the Western horizon, all nine of her golden eyes fixed on our little town, and the insects under her control gathered forming a loose circle around her missing Host, around Taylor. Taylor who was evidently not the victim of a horrific sex trafficking ring and was instead the badly injured victor of a war beyond our comprehension, and wearing spider silk, because as Carlos has informed me, it's an incredibly strong material and absolutely knife proof."

"Taylor looked upon the insect swarms without a hint of fear and faced Queen Administrator with flinty eyed determination. Neither spoke as Queen Administrator slowly lowered one of her black light radiating, obsidian claws. Gently Queen Administrator touched the tip of her bladed limb to Taylor's forehead, and for a moment the entire town held its breath. No one moved. Even the insects stopped, anything held aloft by wings actually falling to the ground."

"Well, I'm certain you all heard what happened next. Queen Administrator spoke, declaring her connection to her Host to all of Night Vale. Then like the mirage of a blinking red light atop a mountain, Queen Administrator faded from our sight. Her host bowed her head for a moment as silence reigned over the town. Then, cacophony. Every insect moved in a tsunami of wings and chitin. Taylor was obscured from our sight as the insects of Night Vale dispersed back to whatever unknowable hiding spots they usually frequent. And as they vanished, so did Taylor."

"Perhaps Taylor and Queen Administrator will move on now that they have been reunited. Perhaps they will remain here in Night Vale. I cannot say for certain. I cannot even offer an educated guess knowing so little of their pasts, and motives. But if they do remain, and if they are listening, then I would say welcome. Welcome to Night Vale, welcome to our friendly desert community."

"Oh, listeners, it looks like we're out of time today. Stay tuned next for six hours of the sound of rain on a tin roof, broken only by the intermittent screams of small animals being killed by wolves."

"Good night, Night Vale, good night."
Ah, it's been so long since I've listened to WTNV, I should really start again. Excellent chapter, did a very good job of capturing the tone and feel of a Night Vale episode. Would love more.
Yo, sorry about the delayed reaponses. Was really happy with this one but was in a bit of mood after I posted it. Need more sunshine, good thing the weekends here.
I'm not really planning to do more unfortunately. Don't get me wrong this was a sincere pleasure to finish but…the format of night vale would make this insanely clunky to continue. As is this could be a stand alone incident, or it could be like an episode introducing a new member of the cast who from this point on would flit around in the background of the plot here for a segment and gone again. At which point I'm either inventing night vale episodes whole cloth and ignoring or derailing canon or I work Taylor into canon. The first option would be really hard for me and the later would absolutely murder my will to write more. I've learned the hard way that I just do not like rewriting canon scenes be that word for word or trying to work in an extra character or detail my muse just comes down with ALL the apathy.
100% Phenomenal, absolutely accurate to the source material. Loved it.
That's some of the highest praise I could get, thank you very much!
I've heard about Midnight Vale, but this has inspired me to try and get into it.
This is one of the other highest praises I could get so thank you as well!
2 am plot bunny thoughts. An AU where Dinah never gets powers. Could keep or toss the bank job, but the important butterfly is meeting coil. Without Dinah there to force Taylor's morals to the surface there would be no need for her to want to split of from the Undersiders. A little handwaving to dodge the confrontation where Armsy blows her cover… dunno if coil push as hard without his pet prophet. Tay'd basically never want to leave, never mind feel obligated to… if somehow alexandria decided to pull similar shit as canon with the same results… I mean I could absolutely see the protectorate throwing Legend or Eidolon after them next but on the other hand Nilbog. And if they did back down at that point Tay has infinite villain street cred. Like yes people picking a fight to show how tough they are but also people just coming to follow her just because.

Edit: oh my gosh I'm a dumb ass. No Dinah means crawler kills Coil and the Traveler's and Noel breaks loose. And that would be the best time to pick up the AU. Opening chapter Tattletale makes the call. "Nine are in town boss is dead, travelers are dead and there's a crazy cloning cape the size of a bull elephant rampaging.

No capes in or out under threat of plague. Honestly memetic badass or not I don't think Taylor could keep her people safe in that. Would have to murderize cherish and then just vanish into the storm drains or something because at that point nothing and no one is safe. If jack can't control noelle and she crazy enough I doubt he could do more than set her off… maybe the Siberian kills her but that would still leave the city with the nine and the crazy clones.
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Taylor: "So what, a Tuesday?"
Lisa: "Fair."

Jokes about Mematically Badass Taylor aside, that would be an awesome AU to read about. Warlord Skitter is the best version of Taylor because even as a ruthless villain she had morals and standards and stuck with them. Removing Coil would free her from needing to be as villainous as canon while also putting the pressure down on her to find sources of income for the Undersiders. Unleashing Echidna alongside the 9 would be the absolute worst-case scenario though, since she could start spawning even more evil versions of the 9. Could have the 9 and Echidna be a mutual kill with the Undersiders mopping up the survivors & claiming credit for wiping the 9.

No Dinah means no Prophecy and pushes Gold Morning back by like two decades, giving Taylor more time to become The Warlord and prove herself as a worthy leader for when GM happens or for when it's over.