Oooh! I like this one. It always felt a bit of a waste to me how Rowling offed one of the politically strongest straightlaced powerhouses.

Agreed, hell I think the same way about Sirius being killed. Such an interesting character and she just offs him. The same emotional impact could've been had with Lupin but nope she kills off the more amusing and interesting Marauder to create "drama".
Agreed, hell I think the same way about Sirius being killed. Such an interesting character and she just offs him. The same emotional impact could've been had with Lupin but nope she kills off the more amusing and interesting Marauder to create "drama".
But of course. How else was she going to get Nym nocked up and leave 18 year old PTSD suffering Harry with a kid and grieving grandmother to support after the final battle?
But of course. How else was she going to get Nym nocked up and leave 18 year old PTSD suffering Harry with a kid and grieving grandmother to support after the final battle?

Those things could've happened over the course of year 5. In fact it doing it that way and Harry would probably be even more traumatized. If Tonks died at that last battle and Remus died during the DoM battle in the way Sirius did it could've made some really interesting character growth for both Harry and Sirius.

But sadly she didn't do that and decided to go for immediate emotional impact rather than long term character development.
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Agreed, hell I think the same way about Sirius being killed. Such an interesting character and she just offs him. The same emotional impact could've been had with Lupin but nope she kills off the more amusing and interesting Marauder to create "drama".
If I recall correctly, her original plan was to kill Ron instead, but she changed her mind. Would have made for a much better series, in my opinion. No, I don't mean that to bash Ron, but his character got stuck repeating faults, removing him would have given other Weasley's room to shine, and having Sirius as an adult firmly in Harry's corner would fill a lot of plot holes. And don't get me started on the Deathly Hallows being pulled straight out of her ass as a deus ex machina.
Good thoughts and good points but Harry hadn't given details of his life with the Dursley's. Taylor's just running off intuition and assumption at this point. Taylor would not murder petty civilians even if they are guilty of child abuse. And possibly most important of all Taylor wanting to make the Dursley's pay for all they've done is hardly a bad thing in my mind. Good for the developing camaraderie.
I would agree that Taylor just up and killing Harry's relatives does seem rather out of hand, and all the more in light of Contessa's parting words and Taylor's already established thoughts on how that sort of thing could just offer unnecessary complications, but there is definitely a possibility for Taylor to take a route of doing something or another that is very uncompromising.

This is Taylor at the absolute apex of her Skitter career. If the Dursley's try to cause a problem... well, one way or another, they won't, most likely, and indeed "one way or another". Taylor—Skitter—is not especially the sort to let people stand in her way when they're being disagreeable with her own aims. She tends to actually be almost weirdly tolerant at the same time if other parties will be themselves tolerant of her priorities, but if others are at cross purposes with her or disinclined to be cooperative, they tend to serve as an example for Lisa's assessment there towards the end on Taylor's idea of negotiating.

If the Dursley's attempt to make a problem of themselves, Taylor being "diplomatic" at them can do a wonderful job of causing them to reevaluate things and come to a more convenient decision, or find that they can't do anything about it. If they don't want Harry and his "new wife" staying with them, and for whatever reason Taylor believes that the two of them do in fact need to stay there regardless of whether or not the Dursley's themselves are there, bullying them into deciding that they honestly really should drop everything and go on a nice long summer vacation could entirely possibly end up happening, or just as well the Dursley's getting evicted unless they just deal with it. If she has no desire herself to be there, however, she could instead just summarily turn right back around and leave and throw the Dursley's objection at Dumbledore or whoever as an argument trying to build a case for indeed not staying with them, though depending on the circumstances she may or may not also be accompanied by a trail of bugs filching the contents of their wallets on her way out.

Taylor's character opens up a lot of possibilities. If she does take up a cause, she'll just categorically pursue it no matter what. If she doesn't, though, she just as well could potentially be completely indifferent, or act completely indifferent regardless of actual preferences. She gave everything to save Dinah on sheer principle, but was also was perfectly willing to work with some decidedly unsavoury individuals to do what she felt simply needed to be done sometimes, and she didn't really let the past matter much to her unless indeed she felt it actually needed to matter. With such a character, there's plenty of room for Taylor to decide upon a vendetta against the Dursley's to just be portrayed appropriately in the writing, be thoroughly dismissive of a petty triviality in the face of far greater concerns, or instead alternatively take a very calculated and pragmatic approach similar to a grudgeful vendetta but as a means to an end for no further reason than its convenience due to Harry and the impact thereof.

One last thought I have before I go to sleep for the night @Fencer, but seriously consider butterflying away Amelia Bones being killed during this summer before the 6th Year. Having a nearly blank slate character that is known to be stern but fair and competent around that works in law enforcement would be highly beneficial to this story I think. It was a thought that occurred to me right before I decided to head to bed, and I figured it's worth mentioning now before you write any more chapters just yet and I might've forgotten when I fall asleep. Her being around for that interview in the Observation room also makes a lot of sense. Hell it makes more sense than Dumbledore being there.
Mm. It could work. There are new factors in play. Those could be spun as causing relevant effects fairly straightforwardly, given the setup.

We have an opening for quite the kerfuffle in the Ministry over Harry's misadventures when he's such a high-profile figure of his connections and got married, but under very peculiar and potentially quite dubious circumstances, that further brought in a seemingly quite inviolably attached foreigner—and minor at that—of unknown background to sensitive matters. Meanwhile, Amelia Bones is, herself, precisely the person for which this could be written as her problem.

If her department is responsible for trying to wrangle a lot of the formalities and issues involved here, hey, maybe she just stays working late one evening and it happens that highly ambiguous and mostly undefined attack on her in canon would have gotten her had she was home then, except she isn't, so it just doesn't happen. If the narrative calls for more justification for why the same thing doesn't just happen a different way, it can still be made to work easily enough. Amelia Bone's death could be held as some circumstantially-dependent affair such that necessary prerequisites with certain Death Eaters being available at the time or whatever can't pull it off later, or try, only for changed circumstances to obviate her death still: maybe she was going to get around to improving her home's defences and just never got around to it before it was too late in canon, maybe Death Eaters who do it originally and would try again later after an initial failure get preoccupied with something else, or maybe they find that instead of staying at work late, she brought work home with her that evening, and Death Eaters have the unfortunate luck to run smack into Dumbledore or get Skitter'd. Butterflies can cause more butterflies.
Honestly Sirius' death is imo pretty clearly a way to resolve a narrative problem of sorts.

He's Harry's godfather, and the only direction to really advance his story while keeping him alive is to try to clear his name. If that succeeds, there is even less reason than before for Harry to keep returning to an entirely nonmagical and unhappy life with the Dursleys between books - which is clearly the formula, allowing Harry to be ignorant of changes between school years and reaffirming the nonmagical world as a thing that exists and stinks to keep aspects of the fantastical otherworld vibe going. If it fails, then you have to spend time and energy outside of Hogwarts explaining why in order for it to have weight for the characters and the readers, which again isn't what Rowling wanted to be writing about.

Now, I think both of those options would have been more interesting and that frankly it kind of wasted the time that is spent on Sirius, but that does seem to be why imo.
If I recall correctly, her original plan was to kill Ron instead, but she changed her mind. Would have made for a much better series, in my opinion. No, I don't mean that to bash Ron, but his character got stuck repeating faults, removing him would have given other Weasley's room to shine, and having Sirius as an adult firmly in Harry's corner would fill a lot of plot holes. And don't get me started on the Deathly Hallows being pulled straight out of her ass as a deus ex machina.
Deus ex machina that arguably did very little. The invisibility cloak was useful, the wand was a gimmick stick and the stone…. So under utilized. "Does dying hurt? No it's like going to sleep. We're so proud of you."

*urge to throttle author rises* sure when I was younger it was all suitably dramatic and yeah it was great that they were there to comfort him but come the fuck on! It's his Mom Dad and Uncle!!! The should have been crying and cursing out fate! Not just reinforcing the fucking Martyr complex! *thunks head off wall*
If I recall correctly, her original plan was to kill Ron instead, but she changed her mind. Would have made for a much better series, in my opinion. No, I don't mean that to bash Ron, but his character got stuck repeating faults, removing him would have given other Weasley's room to shine, and having Sirius as an adult firmly in Harry's corner would fill a lot of plot holes. And don't get me started on the Deathly Hallows being pulled straight out of her ass as a deus ex machina.

I never knew that and it definitely would have been better for the story. And I for one hate Ron. He's not a great friend. A good one perhaps but in no ways should he be considered Harry's best friend. That spot goes to Hermione without a doubt, she's always had his back (discounting the HBP book thing), even when Harry doesn't think so. The entire Hermione gets upset at Harry over the potions text in year 6 thing never made a lick of sense to me, it was so out of character. Yeah Hermione is a rules stickler, but she's willing to forgo them in order to do what's right and help her friends, for examples see every other book. Ugh that entire 6th book was just bad, bad, bad.

Meanwhile, Amelia Bones is, herself, precisely the person for which this could be written as her problem.

Yeah that was my thought as well. Plus one of her own subordinates is responsible for it! Granted Tonks was borderline blackout drunk, but still Bones getting involved now to handle Tonks' fuckup and conveniently missing her own potential death would be a nice thing.

@Fencer, question for you regarding the timeline. Book 6 took place in 1996-7 if I remember correctly, is that still the case here? Because if so I imagine that'd be further culture clash for Taylor to deal with.
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@Fencer, question for you regarding the timeline. Book 6 took place in 1996-7 if I remember correctly, is that still the case here? Because if so I imagine that'd be further culture clash for Taylor to deal with
I mean sure. But also not really? Homophobia might piss her off giving she dealt with the Empire and Legend changed the culture on Bet. but she shouldn't even run into that. People will look down on her for being underage, and not a witch, and probably for being American but I'm not sure how a twenty year difference would be a huge shock… she'd likely be offended at what they call cell phones and computer, but magical world, she won't have access anyway most of the time. am I missing something here?
I mean sure. But also not really? Homophobia might piss her off giving she dealt with the Empire and Legend changed the culture on Bet. but she shouldn't even run into that. People will look down on her for being underage, and not a witch, and probably for being American but I'm not sure how a twenty year difference would be a huge shock… she'd likely be offended at what they call cell phones and computer, but magical world, she won't have access anyway most of the time. am I missing something here?

I was more referring to the tech level and car aesthetics than anything else, but yeah I'm expecting a bit of the first things you mention but not much. It's a bit strange to think of now, but even into the early 00's the Internet wasn't as big a deal as it was later on, particularly once the smartphone got around. My grandparents on my stepfather's side didn't get home internet until '03 I think. No I was just curious to know if you were keeping the timeline accurate to Canon and if so wanted to know if Taylor's realized she's not in the same time period anymore.
I really find this a stretch since as far as I remember Krecher is magically bound to the black family. The idea that he would not know on sight who he needs to serve via magical bs is unlikely.
Taylor is magically bound to Harry through marriage though, and as Harry is Kreacher's master at this point in time, that makes her his mistress. So long as Kreacher doesn't just drop dead of shock / rage / and shame at having a muggle / in-human thing as his mistress, he has to obey her. There's no way he'd miss that.

Also, Taylor with vicious Kreacher as a minion. You may now shudder.

I'm not a big fan of the idea here, but Taylor getting magic might not be impossible. There's at least one other fic where Taylor starts picking up some magic as QA starts learning it in the background, though her ability to cast is negligible and very little has actually happened in that fic aside from Taylor nearly killing Umbridge on day 3 of school. Or you could go the 'Contessa did it route' and Taylor will be very surprised to hear not only does her story check out completely (even found her deceased / thoroughly Obliviated 'parents') but that she somehow has magic now she just hadn't touched a wand yet.

All I really ask is that it doesn't turn into a Dumbledore bash fic. It's just too overdone.
I was more referring to the tech level and car aesthetics than anything else, but yeah I'm expecting a bit of the first things you mention but not much. It's a bit strange to think of now, but even into the early 00's the Internet wasn't as big a deal as it was later on, particularly once the smartphone got around. My grandparents on my stepfather's side didn't get home internet until '03 I think. No I was just curious to know if you were keeping the timeline accurate to Canon and if so wanted to know if Taylor's realized she's not in the same time period anymore.
I think there would be enough different that any one thing wouldn't even really stand out amongst all the rest, but collectively all indeed lend to quite the clash. Taylor's new circumstances put her in a completely different dimension than Earth Bet, in the past, in another country, and embedded in a very distinct sub-culture within that country, in which the people involved tend to have some pretty outlandish and unpredictable abilities. That stands to be just plain weird, really.

On the other hand, though, this is Taylor. She's at least intellectually aware that there are other worlds out there, so it isn't completely out of context for her, even if she wasn't expecting it to actually be really relevant to her on a personal level, and her normal in any case is far from what most real-world people would consider anything at all like normal. The differences could also somewhat blend rather than stack, too, at that. Perhaps most significantly, though, she is pretty good at just coping and going along with things as they happen; yeah, this has all been pretty jarring, but, well, she kinda has to just deal with it, so she'll deal with it. Of course, that doesn't mean at all that she has to like it.
Taylor is magically bound to Harry through marriage though, and as Harry is Kreacher's master at this point in time, that makes her his mistress. So long as Kreacher doesn't just drop dead of shock / rage / and shame at having a muggle / in-human thing as his mistress, he has to obey her. There's no way he'd miss that.

Also, Taylor with vicious Kreacher as a minion. You may now shudder.

I'm not a big fan of the idea here, but Taylor getting magic might not be impossible.... All I really ask is that it doesn't turn into a Dumbledore bash fic. It's just too overdone.

I also wouldn't mind her eventually getting magic though she'd be seriously behind in terms of knowledge and likely power, so she'd be capable of extremely basic things at best for a year or four. As for Kreacher I imagine Taylor will end up being somewhat of a refreshing change of pace for Kreacher, a ruthless and cunning mistress to serve that is also the new Lady of the House? Yeah he's going to be ecstatic to help her. Granted he's likely going to get ordered to never help Bellatrix again and Harry isn't going to be a friend to him for a while for his part in helping kill Sirius, but Taylor will be willing to work with him as long as he defers to her.

All true. Personally I just think she hasn't really noticed it yet due to a couple reasons. First is she's still in a bit of Shock from finding herself married at the age of 16, which is understandable. Even Taylor is probably not doing very well at finding herself in this situation because it's completely unexpected. Facing down Leviathan and the S9, sure she can deal with that since that's probably easier for her to handle than suddenly finding herself married for life to a handsome stranger her own age. Taylor doesn't do emotions well. I'm expecting her to have a bit of a breakdown soon after she finds herself in a "safe" place like Grimmauld, and without something or someone to plan for. Which could serve to have Harry really connect with her on an emotional level since they haven't done so yet.

Secondly remember she doesn't have her glasses, she's borrowing a duplicated pair from Harry if I read and interpreted that particular part correctly, so she might not be looking at things all that closely with her actual eyes.
All I really ask is that it doesn't turn into a Dumbledore bash fic. It's just too overdone.
This is a stance I can respect, but I'm going to be honest it's going to be hard to not do by accident… hell even trying not to this could be hard to respect. tactics and strategy are just about nonexistent and plot driven in HP. Too the best of my knowledge the order participated in just two fights during the whole of the war. The department of mysteries and Hogwarts. Doubtless there were minor clashes that didn't make it to the books because our POV was on the run, but that's it. Taylor is going to look at their strategy of observation and nothing else and want to strangle the lot of them. With good reason even. Hogwarts is similar to Winslow but with one gang and a whole host of victims that don't fight back only moderated by the fact the baby DE's don't want to be expelled.

Dumbledores idea of opsec is hoarding all the critical bits of information and only acting on the bits that apply directly to Voldemort. Which, yeah, he's important but most of the time it's his followers going out and doing the murder rape and torture. Take them away and the man's not conquering anything.

Dumbledore hands out the info on Voldemort one drop at a time and offers Harry zero combat training or advice. Did Dumbledore even share info with the DMLE before the ministry fell?

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying he's evil but he's just… ughhhh. Seriously Taylor and Dumbledore are about as opposite as you can get in terms of tactics and if I ignored that I wouldn't be writing Taylor in character.

You're right that it's going to be hard not to do even by accident. Personally I'd advise you try to portray him as an overworked and old man that isn't prone to change but is willing to admit he's wrong. He's made mistakes, and if I remember correctly he acknowledges that at the end of Book 5. Something about how "Great men make mistakes that affects whole societies" or something like that.

Frankly I think showing him as someone who Taylor clashes with initially, but gets around to softening his stance is what you should do. Because he could be an extremely positive influence on Taylor as much as she is on him. I'm not saying have him cave immediately but him bending a little, and that increasing over time, would be in character for both of them I think. Dumbledore has probably the greatest chance to soften Taylor's outlook on interpersonal relationships, at least over time and I can see him deciding to do just that considering that's she's now permanently bound to Harry. He can't get rid of her without permanently alienating Harry, even right now Harry would react poorly to Taylor being hurt due to his "Saving People Thing".
Even if Dumbledore isn't evil, incompetent, or other from his perspective or Harry Potter canon context, he's going to come across as such from Taylor's viewpoint, as she's not only from out-of-context, but is very much predisposed to see a manipulative teacher in negative light.
Even if Dumbledore isn't evil, incompetent, or other from his perspective or Harry Potter canon context, he's going to come across as such from Taylor's viewpoint, as she's not only from out-of-context, but is very much predisposed to see a manipulative teacher in negative light.

I'd agree if she wasn't told specifically to act with caution by Contessa. She's going to be at least a little open and I doubt an experienced educator like Dumbledore won't be able to tell she's not the biggest fan of people in authority and be able to act in a way to not set her off. She's not going to be extremely open towards him at first, but its not an insurmountable obstacle to an experienced teacher.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying he's evil but he's just… ughhhh. Seriously Taylor and Dumbledore are about as opposite as you can get in terms of tactics and if I ignored that I wouldn't be writing Taylor in character.

Allow me to help you out with this with a very simple view point. Dumbledoor is from a time where two armies still lined up politely to shoot at each other. He has no idea how to deal with terrorists. None of the Wizards do. The closest is Moody and I don't think even he knows.
I'd agree if she wasn't told specifically to act with caution by Contessa. She's going to be at least a little open and I doubt an experienced educator like Dumbledore won't be able to tell she's not the biggest fan of people in authority and be able to act in a way to not set her off. She's not going to be extremely open towards him at first, but its not an insurmountable obstacle to an experienced teacher.
Ummm actually contessa just told her not to kill people off the cuff. Aaand I honestly can't remember dumbles getting challenged by a nominal ally ever, never mind a child so that's… very debatable. How he'll react.

Allow me to help you out with this with a very simple view point. Dumbledoor is from a time where two armies still lined up politely to shoot at each other. He has no idea how to deal with terrorists. None of the Wizards do. The closest is Moody and I don't think even he knows.
*cackle and falls off stool* can't wait for Taylors first impression of moody.
Allow me to help you out with this with a very simple view point. Dumbledoor is from a time where two armies still lined up politely to shoot at each other. He has no idea how to deal with terrorists. None of the Wizards do. The closest is Moody and I don't think even he knows.

Pretty much this. Guerrila Warfare is not something he's used to, even with having fought with Ol Tommy boy before the Potters died. He has the capability to get used to it without a doubt, but it's not in his current paradigm of the world. Indeed it's not even in Moldy's point of view either, not really. He resembles modern Terrorists in that he uses fear as a weapon with devastating effects but he isn't really great at tactical thoughts. He can scheme and strategize outside of combat very well, but in combat he's not extremely flexible as we saw in the Graveyard and DoM and even in the final battle. Harry and Neville doing the unexpected really threw him for a loop.

Ummm actually contessa just told her not to kill people off the cuff. Aaand I honestly can't remember dumbles getting challenged by a nominal ally ever, never mind a child so that's… very debatable. How he'll react.

Point but again this is from Contessa, she's a walking Deus Ex Machina. You can use those words to influence Taylor however you want. It's up to you really. As for Dumbledore being confronted he was by Harry at the end of Book 5 if I remember correctly, it's been a long long time for me as well since I read the book. Harry was pretty upset, and rightfully so, from what I recall and Dumbledore went on to explain his view on mistakes, mainly that even he can make them and it gets bad when he does, and then the prophecy. He was a bit ham handed at the end and Harry was definitely in Shock by that point after his anger and adrenaline ran out. But he has dealt with angry teens. Not always perfectly but Taylor is a complete unknown, so he's likely to be very careful with handling her. He understands Harry, but Taylor? She'll warrant a lighter touch.

I also can't wait for her to meet Moody, they'll get along great. A thought occurs to me, but I could see Taylor and Fawkes getting along very well, for all that Taylor has done it's always been with the thought of trying to do the best for those she cares about which I imagine counts for a lot with Phoenixes. The sheer wonder of Fawkes might be able to help crack her shell, and I could see Dumbledore bringing Fawkes with him when he first meets Taylor to see how Fawkes reacts to her and vice versa. Fawkes' songs can influence the listeners mood. I imagine Hedwig is going to be interested in sizing up Harry's new companion as well. Where is she by the way?
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Point but again this is from Contessa, she's a walking Deus Ex Machina. You can use those words to influence Taylor however you want. It's up to you really. As for Dumbledore being confronted he was by Harry at the end of Book 5 if I remember correctly, it's been a long long time for me as well since I read the book. Harry was pretty upset, and rightfully so, from what I recall and Dumbledore went on to explain his view on mistakes, mainly that even he can make them and it gets bad when he does, and then the prophecy. He was a bit ham handed at the end and Harry was definitely in Shock by that point after his anger and adrenaline ran out. But he has dealt with angry teens. Not always perfectly but Taylor is a complete unknown, so he's likely to be very careful with handling her. He understands Harry, but Taylor? She'll warrant a lighter touch.

I also can't wait for her to meet Moody, they'll get along great. A thought occurs to me, but I could see Taylor and Fawkes getting along very well, for all that Taylor has done it's always been with the thought of trying to do the best for those she cares about which I imagine counts for a lot with Phoenixes. The sheer wonder of Fawkes might be able to help crack her shell, and I could see Dumbledore bringing Fawkes with him when he first meets Taylor to see how Fawkes reacts to her and vice versa. Fawkes' songs can influence the listeners mood. I imagine Hedwig is going to be interested in sizing up Harry's new companion as well. Where is she by the way?
Right lot to reply to. Taylor doesn't know Contessa, or her power, or her goals, or motivations. Taylor's calling her crazy bitch. And yeah she hasn't just offed anyone but that's more her being true to herself than anything to deal with hat ladies advice.

Dumbledores response to harry ranting at him was a conciliatory admittance of guilt, and then sending him right back to the Dursley's again. Then sharing a lot of unnecessary background info while beating around the bush about the critical bits… Taylor has no history with him and no trust for authority… that's not going to cut it for her.

Fawkes meets Taylor reaction… now that needs some serious thought because her intentions matter but Taylor is also queen of lying to herself… Fawkes telling Taylor she can be better…. Hmmm as long as Dumbledore doesn't try to hijack the message for his personal philosophy.

Hedwig was told to take a weak and go on a hunting trip.
So here's a few thoughts about Dumbledore and the Order.

Dumbledore doesn't really have a successor.
He has people like Moody, McGonnagal and Snape in specialized roles.
He's got some competent part-timers who help out when they can.
He's got some less-competent people who have a lot more time to help.

He doesn't have anyone suggesting an alternative plan, partially because they don't know everything and they know it, so they trust him to have "some reason" for his decisions.
And he also doesn't have anyone full read-in on all the pieces, which means no one is in a position to present an alternative plan, so they don't need to know...
It's nicely circular.

Now that could be seen as an autocratic cult-leader unwilling to share power.

Considering Dumbledore's past, it's more likely that the argument with Grindlewald made him less likely to fully trust people, and his own regrets make him unwilling to train someone to follow in his footsteps.
Having someone say they want to be "just like him" would horrify him.

The way this goes down in canon is that Harry basically is dropped into the role after Dumble's death.
His status as Boy-Who-Lived combined with "Dumbledore's plan" forces him to make it up as he goes along the entire 7th year.
Hilariously unprepared.

In a way, the best way to help the Order would be somebody literally forcing themselves into the decision loop.
That would add redundancy and an alternate perspective on plans.

Unfortunately most stories prefer to just reject the entire Order and make their own mistakes with their own group.

So really, Taylor needs to usurp Dumbledore.
It's for his own good.
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Taylor has no history with him and no trust for authority… that's not going to cut it for her.

Fawkes meets Taylor reaction… now that needs some serious thought because her intentions matter but Taylor is also queen of lying to herself… Fawkes telling Taylor she can be better…. Hmmm as long as Dumbledore doesn't try to hijack the message for his personal philosophy.

Hedwig was told to take a weak and go on a hunting trip.

Fair point though with regards to Contessa Taylor's ignorance is not really important in regards to her power, Contessa could say almost anything to get a desired result regardless of whether Taylor knows about her or not was more what I was trying to get across to you.

And Dumbledore has definitely made mistakes. Though I'd say the impact in this story if sending him off to the Dursley's was lessened by Vegas. That being said if Dumbledore isn't being depicted as some stereotype played perfectly straight like a Greater Good version, where he ends up being portrayed as almost cartoonishly evil at times and pushes his philosophy past the point of reason, he might treat Taylor with caution. I hope you do choose to depict him in a bit more favorable light. He's certainly flawed, but I imagine he can see a lot of himself and Grindelwald in Taylor which might make him a bit more tolerant even if she doesn't immediately reciprocate that. She did things for the Greater Good, not always great or legal things but she was forced to make hard decisions.

And yeah Fawkes breaking her shell by singing a song of hope or just general good things was what I was going for. I imagine that Fawkes could break a lot of Taylor's discomfort with authority figures just by hanging around her and a skilled and experienced educator like Dumbledore would likely see that. Emotional Service Animals have been a staple of teaching for centuries, even if the practice wasn't really formalized until pretty recently. And if Harry explained enough about his second year for Taylor to not be confused about the Diary remark he probably informed her about Fawkes' song influencing him to continue fighting the Basilisk, so she shouldn't be very upset about it despite it being a "Master" effect.

Yeah that's my read on him as well for the most part. Taylor being forced into this situation is the breath of fresh air he and the Order needs to increase their effectiveness. I wouldn't say she needs to usurp him, but him taking her under his wing as an "apprentice" in order for her to be trained to serve as a symbol and voice of reason alongside Harry is a realistic outcome once they warm up to each other which is the best way to avoid bashing Dumbledore, or leaning into a caricature like sometimes occurs in Fics. At least those are my thoughts on it. Taylor isn't going to trust Dumbledore at first, she's been burned too much but I don't think he realistically would needlessly antagonize her. Dumbledore trying to get her to open up slowly is the healthiest way I can see this playing out.
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