[X] Commit social suicide; approach the outcast.
Taylor knew what it was like to be an outcast.
In fact, one could even say that she had more experience in that particular high school social role than any other. They would also, depressingly, be right.
Maybe because this school didn't quite reek of gang violence or maybe because Taylor had been away from Winslow for almost a full week but she… wanted to make someone's life positive. Be the person she had always wanted. The one that would sometimes appear before being forced out by peer pressure.
Even if every instinct in her was screaming at her to not commit probable ostracism on her first day. She knew that those who had interacted with her at Winslow, for however brief it was, didn't tend to be viewed well. Even if it was a few short conversations was all that they had shared.
With all that in mind, she walked towards the rather tall girl.
She seemed rather engrossed in her drawing, viewing the entire cafeteria with darting gray eyes. Said darting gray eyes focused on her as she approached as Taylor came to a realization; how the hell did one start up a conversation based on pity?
Conversations went through her head, one after another as she tried to figure out what would sound the least patronizing when she was in Winslow.
Maybe socializing had not been the best idea?
Abort, abort, abort!
It was too late, eye contact had been established.
Option 1, break eye contact and keep walking.
Curse you ingrained social etiquette, curse you! If this had been Winslow, she wouldn't have said anything. This school was making her let down her guard.
The girl set the art-pad down, practically leaping to her feet in one smooth motion. "Hi! Hello!" she smiled, teeth straight and white as snow, "I'm Nikki! Who are you?!"
"I'm Taylor."
While her face may have been mostly blank, mentally she was cringing. She could do better than that, right? Right?
"That's a cool name!" Nikki replied, her lips not dipping from the smile, "do you want to be friends?!"
Taylor blinked.
Is this normal? This doesn't seem normal. Taylor hadn't had any friends in a long time and she barely remembered a time before she was friends with Emma, let alone actually befriending her, but she was pretty sure this wasn't how friendship usually went in high school.
The girl grabbed the art-pad that she had set down, "Awesome! Cool!" We can do lots of friend stuff together. Here, let me draw you!" Without letting Taylor say a word, she flipped through a bunch of pages in the art-pad before grabbing her pencil and started to sketch in rapid motions.
Green eyes widened in panic as Taylor looked at the paper.
Is this girl making fun of her?
That seemed to be the natural conclusion given in the span of about fifteen seconds she had decided they were friends and started to sketch her. Was it some subtle form of bullying? That would make sense if the school was stricter on cracking down on it then Winslow.
The giant shifted his stance, giving her a reminder of her new and very powerful safety net. One whose usage would not go well. Still. What could it hurt?
Her eyes glanced at her styrofoam container, a motion that Nikki tracked, looking back up at Taylor's face unerringly while drawing, "do you want to sit somewhere for lunch?" 'Other than on the dirty floor' went unsaid.
Nikki nodded, the motion jerky. "Okay! Let's go eat outside! I don't have lunch, someone took mine." Taylor's estimation of her authenticity went up. "But that's okay, they must have needed it!" She turned on her heels in a fluid motion and pointed to the large panes of glass decorating one wall of the cafeteria. "Let's eat outside! It's nice weather today!"
Taylor looked at the windows. It was nice weather outside, as long as one agreed that nice weather involved grey skies, and the snow flurry from mid-January weather. She looked back at Nikki, "Uh, the tables are covered in snow out there." That was being generous, more like half a foot of snow. Also she didn't have a winter jacket with her. Or gloves. Or particularly wanted to eat outside. Or away from others with a stranger. "How about something inside?"
The girl laughed as she returned to sketching, "You Americans are so scared by a bit of cold! Okay friend! Let's sit down at one of the tables! Lead on!"
With some of the faster eaters in the lunchroom now gone, there were free tables, or rather, sections of the long tables. As Taylor took a seat at the nearest one, she finally opened her food and stared at it for a moment, before being pulled out of the view by Nikki sitting down, still sketching apparently.
She didn't seem foreign.
Her skin was pale, and had a dirty blonde hair colour. None of her clothes had any non-English writing on it- admittedly it was mostly smiley faces.
Would it be rude to ask where she's from? No, she gave that as an obvious question, right? Right. "You aren't American?" Taylor asked as she opened the plastic wrap on her silverware.
"Da! I am from Russia!" Oh, European. Neato. "Though, recently things were not so good there. So my parents sent me and my Babuska here ahead of them." She paused for a moment.
The permanently affixed smile on her face slowly fell. Her face became placid, almost sad. "Though. Since my Mother died, my Father has not been the same. I fear he will not be joining us." Instead of her excited, fast pace of talking. Her words were slower with the weight of the subject.
Taylor barely kept herself from choking on her spaghetti at the information. She wouldn't tell anyone that her mom died just after meeting them. What do you even say to that? Give condolences? That would sound absolutely fake. A mere nicety.
"But!" Nikki started, flipping emotions like one would a switch. "I live in America now, where the Parahumans wear costumes and fight like Hollywood! And I have made a friend!" She put her pencil down and turned the art pad around to show a 1:1 sketch of Taylor's head, a near perfect rendition, except for the small top hat resting perfectly atop her head.
Well, that was a nice change in topics.
"Tada! it is you, with a hat!" Nikki said, a beaming smile pasted on her face.
"Have you been drawing a long time?" That actually sounded like what a normal person might say! Success!
"...yes! But no." Nikki admitted. "Had to do a lot of still life, but never got to explore stuff. See?! You don't have a hat but I drew you with one!" She tapped the art before setting the pad down. She seemed quite proud of it, inordinately so in Taylor's eyes. "What do you like to do?!" Nikki suddenly asked.
Taylor finished another bite as she ruminated on what she even did for fun, including one with a meatball, which was surprisingly not plasticky - Clarendon was surprisingly good about their food. "I like reading." She chewed on a breadstick. "I just finished Roadside Picnic." Was that stereotyping to bring it up because Nikki was Russian?
Nikki nodded. "Yes, I have not read that one. I like art, and parahumans here. They are fun, not like ones back in the Motherland." Taylor wouldn't consider the gang problem to be fun. "They do not run the government here. Which makes them less scary, and the colorful costumes!"
"What are they like in Russia?"
"They are like the gangs here, but only one of them, and they run everything. You do what they tell you, or else." Nikki stated, voice serious along with her expression. "No costumes. No fun action fighting. They are military, that is that."
"Is a rage dragon that runs a gang that preferable?"
"Would you prefer him to be the mayor?" Nikki asked as she flipped to another page and began to draw again.
"I will take the city here over a city there. Plus, no Sleeper!" She hummed softly, sketching.
She turned the sketchpad around, it showed a masked Lung with a big head in a suit in front of a podium with a finger raised lazily in the air. "Good?"
Taylor gave a thumbs up as she ate, only for Nikki to start working on something new, chatting about how to shade with different pencils.
At least Taylor wasn't going to be eating lunch alone and had made a maybe friend.
Maybe this won't be so bad?
Taylor was staring at the school with some level of misery haze clouding her mind. Also known as lack of sleep. She had to wake up early to get to the bus and her new school on time.
At least she had a good half an hour to read before classes st-
A shadow covered her, jolting her thoughts.
"Hello Taylor! It's me, Nikki!"
It took Taylor an embarrassing amount of time to realize the girl was inches away from her, with an unwavering smile, staring into her eyes.
Taylor jerked, falling backwards in fright.
A lazy thought floated through her head as Nikki helped her up, apologies rolling off her tongue.
I have regrets.
What is Taylor going to do over the next week when she has free time?
[] Patrol
[] Research the cape scene in Brockton Bay
[] Power experimentation
[] Costume/Name/Presentation Preparations
Author's Note: Hi Nikki!
Go vote!