Fate/In Glory Of (Worm)

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Prologue 01.03
[X] Try to communicate.

What defined the next few days for Taylor Hebert, quite naturally, was experimenting with her power.

She did run into a problem rather immediately. Two, in fact.

The first being that it was hard to do anything with the giant projection(?) she made from within her home. She couldn't easily measure his height but he was tall enough he couldn't stand up in her bedroom.

The second curtailed the first, namely that after a few minutes of the giant being present, she had a terrible headache and she had to stop, causing him to once more become an ever-present shadow to her.

Several tylenols later—all of which did nothing to alleviate the building pressure – and half a day later she was able to figure out that time did help the pressure- some kind of limit to her power, perhaps?

It was around this time that she started to keep notes on her ability; no reason to half-ass it. Plus it seemed prudent given that her power came with zero instructions, just a faint sense of a non-real muscle. Maybe this is what it had been like for other heroes? Maybe even Alexandria?

She could be hopeful.

The next day found her sitting at the computer, idly wiggling a pencil as she waited for the family desktop to load a webpage.

Her results for the day had been… middling.

Not in power experimentation, rather in where to do it.

As she saw it, there were basically three places she could think of to summon the giant and see what he could do; the boat graveyard, an abandoned building (there wasn't a lack of derelict ones within the city) or outside the city.

The boat graveyard was unique and interesting and… also highly visible. It might have been paranoia, but the idea that going out there seemed an easy way to get found out before she had even started her cape career wouldn't go away. Finding an abandoned building was dangerous, on the other hand. While no one lived in the boat graveyard, all sorts of druggies squatted in abandoned buildings. The kinds of people who do stupid things. Living in Brockton Bay for fifteen years had given Taylor a healthy respect for staying away from the truly desperate.

That left outside the city and her conundrum. She was trying to find a place that was hidden but accessible enough she would not need to go hiking. Especially in the middle of January. It was cold out there.

Hence why she was looking up nearby parks. Or the closest forest.

She wasn't picky.

Taylor looked at her notes she'd collected.

For the most part they were recordings of how long the giant could manifest. He hadn't moved when he materialized- whether that was due to her saying as such or for some other reason, she didn't know.

At present she was able to get a few minutes before she really started to get a headache. Hopefully she could get used to it… or the giant was going to have to be really useful else she got stiffed in the power lottery.

...she really hoped it wasn't that.

It was now Friday, three days left till she had to return to school.

That was far from the forefront of her mind, however. Rather she was thinking about how she was freezing her butt off in the middle of a forest. She should have brought a thermos. Tea would have been nice. Thoughts for next time.

After spending an inordinate amount of time checking to make sure nothing was around, that no one was following her, she tensed that muscle.

Blue-yellow motes fluttered down revealing the giant, his yellow eyes focused on her.

"You're my power, right? Do you listen to me or do I control you…" The words slowly trailed off.

Well there was one way to test this.


She pointed to a tree near the giant. "Hit that tree… please." Even if he only resembled a man, it felt weird to be ordering around something that looked human-ish on a surface level.


It was so quick, she missed the motion, only catching the sound of wood shredding under a greater force, as the top half of the tree went sailing several yards from where he had backhanded the middle of the tree out of existence.

The snow crunched under the wood's weight, as birds cawed in protest at the sudden violence and flew out of nearby branches.

Green eyes blinked as she stared at it.

It took an embarrassingly long amount of time for Taylor's mind to reboot and go 'oh right, he's a literal superpower. He's supposed to be able to do that.'

Well, super strength was one of her power's… powers.

Though just to be sure…

It was dumb. Taylor could admit it was dumb. It still didn't change the fact that she went over to make sure the tree wasn't rotten or made of balsa wood.

One slightly bruised set of toes later from an ill-advised kick, and Taylor was one hundred percent sure that it wasn't fake.

Well, when in Rome...

She gestured to a much older tree.

"Can you pick it up?" The giant stared at her. "Please?"

No response.

She blinked long before it did.

"Pick it up, please?" A different wording perhaps?

It wasn't fast this time, the giant's hands gripped the tree, ignoring the pine needles, before it's bark gave way to ten indents from his fingers digging in with a loud crunch. A crunch that reverberated down it, the ground shifting as the tree was pulled out, roots and all, a mass of dirt coming up with the old roots.

Part of the research Taylor had done the previous day was to find something to give a vague estimate on how to benchmark the giant's abilities. Doing some quick and dirty math, it was at least a few tons. Possibly more with the dirt the roots had pulled up. At least more now that she thought about it, since pulling it up with the roots entrenched as deep as they had been required more effort than if the tree was just lying on the ground like lumber.

Excitement started to build in her. At the minimum it was looking like her power had some super-strength to it. That was good. Something to make notes on after she dismissed it because she sure wasn't going to do that with the limited time she hit the boundary of her power.

In truth it was something of a worry- that the power she got was only good for making her have an imaginary friend that was strong enough to move a bed. Fear never had to be rational.

"You can put it down now."

The tree did not go back into the hole as well as it came out, but that was the price of testing it seems. The tree would be fine. Probably.

With that taken care of, time for the next phase.

"Can you talk?"

It had been bugging her.

For some reason she got the vague idea that it was sentient. There wasn't much in the way she could do to check if others with a similar power felt the same way. Heck, she didn't know of any heroes or villains that had a similar power.

Sadly, nothing greeted her audibly, merely amber eyes.

Never was that easy, was it?

"You can hear me, right?"

She knew it could, else how else would it have been able to commit arboreal-based violence.

No response.

Taylor reviewed her options in her head; the giant listened to direct commands and ignored rhetorical responses. It was very possible it was… unintelligent. Which was on one hand somewhat relieving- she didn't want to be commanding a possible sentient life form. On the other hand… she would have no insight into how its thought processes worked. Like a blackbox.

She hemmed and hawed for a few more moments. What if it lacked the capacity to verbalize?

"Are you able to- please respond in writing to me."

Nothing. Which made sense since she didn't give him anything to respond to.

"Write…" she tried to think of something easy to spell, "...'Bob' in the snow using your finger."

The moment the words left her mouth, the unreal muscle started to strain- similar to how someone would add a ton of weights in the gym to the unlucky person mid-rep.

Taylor felt her eyes start to close unconsciously as she gritted through the rapidly ballooning headache. When she opened them again, the giant was drawing something into the snow. Excitement burst through the pain as she walked up beside him to read it.

...those weren't letters. They were just… squiggles. Similar to letters but letters they were not. Nor did the word 'Bob' contain ten additional letters last time she checked. Another dud. Maybe he was just mimicking human writing? One would think that if the power could understand English it could write in it- maybe it only understood commands as long as she verbalized them?

Take a step forwards please.

After a few minutes of thinking that and nothing happening, that ruled out that out. Which was going to make any heroics the giant was part of require that she was present. Maybe there was a workaround?

Her left eye twitched.

The action made her realize that the headache that had come from the muscle was still building from when she had asked him to write- even if its rate of increase had slowed after he finished with the scribble.

The muscle relaxed.

Blue-gold motes of light covered the giant as he disappeared from view, leaving Taylor with a headache and several notes to make.

Saturday had not been conducive to any further power experimentation.

On the one hand, she had been able to identify that the giant listened to her commands and had some manner of super-strength. That meant the only further testing she could think of was to find his limits for strength or presumably durability, unless he had a more esoteric ability that she had yet to find.

Sadly this could not be done at home as her dad had made sure he was around for a discussion that had been put off for a few days.

Past Taylor had offloaded the decision on transferring to future Taylor. The proverbial future Taylor from a few days ago was now preset Taylor.

Past Taylor was a bitch.

There were a couple of options her dad had presented.

Arcadia High would be her dream pick, the school the Wards supposedly go to, but there was a reason they went there. It was the best school within several counties, a school choice for many. Which was the problem; Taylor's grades weren't… great. Before high school, she could have swung it. Easily. Even before the end of the first semester last year. But now…

She couldn't even be hopeful, truthfully.

At most they might accept her as a pity case.

Clarendon High was the next best option. Physically it was far, far away. Just to get there, she would have to take a bus, or more likely a ride from her dad, past Arcadia. She… didn't know a great deal about it. It was in the nicer neighbourhoods of the southern downtown area, though.

Immaculata was… the most likely to take her. The problem was it was a private Christian school and a school for rich kids, which on some level made Taylor more nervous about it than Winslow. It would also eat through whatever leftover money they had and then some. Her dad would have to get… creative. In his own words.

He didn't seem particularly receptive about this option when they talked about it.

Transferring would end one set of problems, admittedly a horrid set of problems, but cause a new set to emerge. Taylor just knew it as well as knowing that gravity pulled down.

Perhaps the devil you know was better than being thrust into the unknown?

Should Taylor try to get a school transfer?

[] Yes – Into the Unknown

[] No – the Devil you know

Author's Note: To pull back the curtain a bit, what this vote signifies is how much do we want to mess around with canon and win stupid prizes. If the yes option wins, I'll do a roll to see where she goes. Within the roll, it is possible for her to fail and no one accepts her and/or the inertia of her situation causes it to fail.

There will be fallout if the roll fails.

Outside of that, I've loved the response from everyone- I was scared I wouldn't even get five votes and I'm at many times that. Worst part is holding myself back from the discussion so I do not spoil something.
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[x] Yes – Into the Unknown

The beautiful thing about humans, is that they can and will always dream of a better life out there. They will always believe in the best possible outcome, regardless of the consequences:p
I really shouldn't be surprised that the chaos option is getting all the votes...

Still am. Alright, out of curiosity, which of the three new choices are people most interested in?
which of the three new choices are people most interested in?
I'm gonna say Claredon.

Arcadia would be great but considering that based on appearances right now we need a crit to get in.

Immaculata is out of the question, considering Taylor's family doesn't have nearly enough money to risk it.

Plus, Taylor should spend more time with her dad if we want them to mend their relationship :p
[x] Yes – Into the Unknown

Let's invalidate Emma by completely removing her foundation. (The foundation being, prove Taylor is strong to Sophia, so that she can be friends with her again. Really messed up mentality there Emms)
Honestly I feel like its a mixture of PTSD, desperation, and repression.

Does crazy shit to people.

I think what people miss is that Emma, in an environment that Taylor disappears from, is about as stable as before. She went several months without sophia or Taylor contact in canon and was as fine as Emma Barnes ever was in 2011.

Admittedly both Leviathan and the Nine had appeared and disappeared in that time frame so she may have been a bit preoccupied.
Prologue 01.04
[X] Yes – Into the Unknown

By the end of the weekend, they had come to an agreement.

It felt like giving up and spitting on the past year of stubbornness, but Taylor had agreed with her dad to try and transfer, damn Winslow and their assurances this wouldn't happen again. Her mouth tasted of ash when it came to this, it felt like giving up and letting the trio win…

...but their last prank had put her in the hospital. A clean break, as much as one could get, seemed to be the best idea. A new beginning to go along with becoming a parahuman. A nice bookend, even.

That did not get her out of going to Winslow on Monday- they had no idea if they would be able to find a school to transfer her to after all.

100-95, Arcadia

94-70, Clarendon

69-40, Immaculata

39-25, Winslow Neutral

24-1, Winslow Bad

Sunday the sixteenth of January loomed over her as her last day before Winslow.

It was also another day that she couldn't go out for power experimentation as her dad was staying home, stuck filling out forms. Taylor had the vague notion that he would most likely not have approved of her going out to a wood lot by herself in the dead of winter.

That just left her to look over the notes she had made in her notebook.

'Power: Projection? Create the same giant minion(?). Follows verbal commands.'

She was still trying to work out what exactly her power was. It seemed to be creating a singular minion that she could give orders to. At least she was hoping that was the case- the only other apparent alternative was that she was somehow summoning another parahuman. That gave her some distinctly bad feelings.

Taylor strongly ignored that possibility. She was good at ignoring things. No moral quandaries for her, no siree!

'Can't speak. Possibly sentient- unlikely. Mimicry of human actions.'

She had not been able to get it to speak, and it seemed more to be emulating a human's actions than actually being one.

'Able to lift ten tons(?), minimal.'

She would have to find something heavier for it to lift, though that was going to be a search all on its own. It was very important to know what her power could do, what it's limits were.


Taylor had no idea how durable to giant was or even if it would take damage. It could even be that whatever damage it took, she did. She just had no idea and it was next on the docket for power experimentation alongside seeing the limits of its strength.

'Duration dataset: 2-3 minutes, 01/12/11. 4:17, 01/13/21. 6:01, 01/14/21.* 7:46, 01/15/21.

* = When asked to write, the time limit barrier/capacity(?) started to lower.'

At the very least the amount of time the giant could be materialized was increasing. If it had been only the handful of minutes it started with when Taylor started to record, it would have been… less than copacetic.

'Unknown if forced past pain threshold.'

That was definitely something Taylor was not looking forward to testing.

She glanced at the wall mounted clock, suppressing a groan.

Time marched on.

The shadow's master readied for war.

That was the best approximation it could give, either that or a man being led to his own execution.

The girl's motions were stiff, slow and resigned. She was not happy about what she was doing. The longer her morning ablutions went on, the more the shadow's core reasoning was settling on it being akin to going to one's death. It had seen ones who were sentenced to die walk towards their hemlock act the most similar. After they had accepted that their end was near. And stopped trying to escape.

Regardless, the shadow was ready for whatever challenge came. It was mighty, indomitable. There was little chance it would let any harm come to the girl.

The ragged man held a similar look to him, though, if the shadow was any judge of character, it would say that while the girl was resigned to her fate, he had some fire to him. He was talkative. Through the haze that filled it's mind, it could see that it was perhaps surprising to the girl that he was talking in the first place.

Thoughts filed away for later.

It was with that in mind, that the shadow observed the situation around the girl as she once more entered the metal box- larger than the previous metal box (a car its mind supplied). For a relatively tall girl, she was doing a remarkable job of trying to stay non-visible as she stared out of the glass window.

The sun had yet to fully peek out from the waterline when the girl had arrived at her destination.

The shadow observed as her and many similar aged teenagers entered the building, following her. If it had to guess, it would say that this was some form of education- wholly unlike it's own. Through fuzzy memories, it could recall it had only ever had personal tutors, not been part of mass education such as the girl was going through.

Tension threaded through the girl as others avoided her, giving her a significant distance compared to others. Some pointed at her. No, that was inaccurate; many did.

None attacked.

At one point, the girl had stiffened, and it had prepared, only for her to walk in a radically different direction, practically backtracking.

No hostilities were forthcoming.

The shadow watched as the girl turned on a rectangle and started to poke at another rectangle, causing the first one to light up in different patterns. She seemed to relax as its lights changed, becoming more contemplative. It started to assume the threat was over. That was rudely interrupted by a loud noise- something that caused the girl's shoulders to slouch inwards once more as she and the hundreds of teenagers that inhabited the building went to completely different rooms.

In a way, it was mesmerizing that it was done so quickly and orderly. It only saw two beatings before everyone had gotten to their seats. This time, the tutor, a young man spoke for a similar time block. A similar noise rang out before the shuffle began again.

It was here, that the threat made itself known.


Rather, it saw a number of teenagers eyeing the girl.

Two of note stood out.

One whose hair resembled dimming embers had a look in her eyes that twigged memories in the being, that of another girl, smaller and more helpless, whose only family viewed her with dead black eyes and condemnation for the sins of her father. The same who cut her open day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Who created life and threw it away more carelessly than one handled a stalk of wheat.

It was the look of someone wondering how to break another.

The shadow did not like it.

The other reminded it of the beast of Iraklion. A predator that hunted with impunity, all bowed to it, the despot of its corner of the world.

And it was eyeing the girl as prey.

The shadow knew a threat when it saw one.

Taylor had an epiphany in math class.

The giant had been following alongside her, no one the wiser to it, even when people clearly walked through the space it occupied…

...when it started to focus on something else. For the first time she felt something that was not originating from her. A kind of intuition about what was going to happen in the next few seconds.

The giant was going to kill someone.


Taylor had no idea. It was a sure feeling in her bones much like the sky is blue, grass is green.


That she had a pretty good idea, given that the giant was moving in a singular direction. Sophia Hess.


If she had to take a guess, perhaps it responded to hostility? If that was the case, this was going in her notebook. Also if she ever materialized him in the school, he'd go full Carrie. Not ideal.

She felt paralyzed, as if waiting in slow motion for one of her bullies to cease existing in lieu of anything else.

...except nothing happened.

It took an embarrassing amount of time for Taylor to realize why.

She had yet to materialize it.

This did little to assuage her nerves, realizing that someone is microseconds from death. That their life was held in her hands.

This was going to be a long day.

It had been two long days.

In that time, every moment that either Sophia, Emma or occasionally Madison were near her, the weight of their lives fell into her proverbial hands. It would be so easy to materialize her power and just never have to deal with them ever again. So very easy.

And in those last two days, they had done nothing more than give her satisfied looks.

Their inaction was perhaps more stressful.

Maybe they finally had to stop after the locker?

Roll Result: d100 = 71

The shadow watched the girl stare at a piece of paper.

She had been doing that well into the night, the sun having dipped the world into darkness.

The girl seemed… relieved? She kept staring at the writing, and occasionally pinching herself. Letting out the occasional shuddering breath.

She looked up at him. Surprise written across her face.

"I'm going to Clarendon."

What is Taylor going to do over the next week when she has free time?

[] Patrol Even QA thinks this would be ill-advised.

[] Research the cape scene in Brockton Bay

[] Power experimentation

[] Costume/Name/Presentation Preparations

Author's Note: Aaaaand canon is further punted away.

From what I've planned, time blocks will occur roughly in week intervals except when things are happening, like if a full gang war erupted, it might go down to day(s) though Taylor could do far less within each time block. For now she is going to be decently occupied with school and what not so her time block won't be quite as chunky as it should be in the future.

Been loving all the votes and the discussion that's popped up, keep it up!
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Well, that was a surprisingly ideal roll. Cool!

I'm torn between power experimentation and the costume/name thing.

We can do cape scene later once it becomes more immediate right?

(Rip these are all good choices idk what I want here lol)
[X] Research the cape scene in Brockton Bay

Heracles sekai ichiban!

I'm pretty sure that, as great as being able to expand what Taylor knows of her powers would be good, knowing what to expect would be somewhat better. Heracles is pretty simple when you get down to it, insofar as his Berserker powerset is basically "get over there, hit that thing, and don't die when you get hit" which his assumed autopilot could probably handle. Knowing who is who, and who Heracles can actually pancake and who he probably shouldn't is probably more wise?
[X] Power experimentation

Gonna go with this for now because of possible Heracles collateral damage.
Not sure if Taylor can turn down his Madness Enhancement like Chaldea Heracles can, and last thing we need is to kill bystanders by accident.
I'm also kinda curious as to how this specific contract works. Didn't realize how accurate the term shadow is for a servant, considering Shadow Servants are a thing.

QM hasn't mention anything about watching Prisma Illya so I assume that installing Berserker is out of the question here. No bonkers Taylor then. Hmm.
[X] Power experimentation

We can investigate the cape scene later, knowing the limits of Herakles is far more important and also knowing how to tone down his strength because he can in fact pancake a person.
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