Inattentive Idiot
Of course we do, why do you think the Twins didn't want to use their Noble Phantasm on us?
Lord Hargrave's got a mean kick.
Of course we do, why do you think the Twins didn't want to use their Noble Phantasm on us?
could use some reformatting, but... not bad.[X] Try to convince Medea to come with you, to Chaldea.
[X] Write-in
Her words strike you like a sledgehammer, leaving you without breath, too surprised to take air from the hell around you.
How could a magus, no, a Caster, one of the greatest magician of the entire history, let herself die in such a way?
Wasn't the only important thing for a magus his work?!
From the lowest to Lorelei herself no Magus would...should refuse a way too continues his studies, his work.
His life.
You can't understand.
Or more precisely you can, and that scare you because you shouldn't.
Joining Chaldea was error.
Helping Marche instead of seeking knowledge from your better was an error.
Even standing in front of everyone to protect them, while useful, was an error,
An terrible mistake for the rationale, cold Magus you should be....and something that the human you are would do all again in an heartbeat.
But this second, both concur and what you need to do.
Caster shall not forgotten, not by you.
One, the magus, give the words, the fluent language that all magus need to use while talking to an elder, a better; the other give you emotions, raw undiluted emotions that give your words weight.
-You don't care? The person responsible for all of this, for all that happened here is out there...and you are "content" with letting yourself die?
The same person that came flying from the sky, killed two servant and used a dagger against King Arthur is telling me that it's "content" to die while the person that created this mess and is going to do only the root knows what out there?!
Even I, that know you from less than a day, can't believe that a person like you would surrender like that!
I don't have the hubris to even start to imagine what it was to be here, but if you're telling that saving the world, not letting the bastard that made you so desperate and repaying your dept to the people that let you end all this is not enough, i will start laughing at you because you are really an horrible liar-
"And if you really don't know what to do with your life then become my Master"
<You said the last part out loud>
<...I can say i didn't meant in that way>
<you have horrible tastes,you only need to accept it>
Write in because i had that phrase in the back of my mind for the whole time and i needed to write that.
And because it's a bit oblivious that our MC is not a magus in mentality, at least not completely(our fault i suspect.) and i wanted to show the fight between the two.
The Magus, that would ignore a person running away for his studies in magecraft
And the humans that...simply can't do that.
Blow yourself up or leave, i don't care which.
Use it or not, here my two cents.
P.S if you want to change something feel free to give your opinion to create the HOLY GRAIL....i mean, the HOLY WRITE-IN.
could use some reformatting, but... not bad.
it breaks down a bit at the end, though.
I might do that.I started writing English when i joined this forum, so...
Cannibalize it as much as you want.
not that bit, just before it, where you have "I will laugh at you". that seems like a great way to undo any work the bits that came before managed.And i wanted to write that line.
Master Medea and Shielder, the dynamic duo![]()
not that bit, just before it, where you have "I will laugh at you". that seems like a great way to undo any work the bits that came before managed.
Forgot a word. Pretty nice.Write-in appeal; to pride? Mostly. Or maybe more to emotions? I dunno.
The world seems to slow to the speed of honey trickling down from a spoon at afternoon tea. It matches the feeling of your punch-drunk body, but the moment will be fleeting. You understand that instinctively even as emotions rapidly cycle through you, warring with each other. And a part of you just wants to leave well enough alone. There will be challenges enough on the return to Chaldea. The whole world is upside down.
But the whole world is also jeopardy. And whatever rest the Princess of Colchis has earned, the cold analytical mind of a Magus tells you she can't be allowed it. Her powers, her skills, her knowledge could be invaluable in the war ahead. And the chance to learn from observing a Caster from the Age of the Gods is an incalculable prize for any Magus. Chaldea needs her. And you need the opportunity to grow your skills that she represents.
And damn it, you're already tired of people just fading away.
"If you don't care," you grit out through teeth clinched in pain as your body shifts, "then come back with us. Please. We need you. Humanity's going to cease to exist if we fail. And we need you, Princess of Colchis, to help us stop that. And if nothing else this is a challenge worthy of your prowess. So are the stakes.
If we win, we win the entire world. A world full of possibilities. Maybe you can find something else to live for, in that world. But at least if you live long enough to save that world you can fade away knowing that you've shaped a new legend. What more could even this weak Magus of the modern era wish for?"
The world wavered, on the brink of the shift, and you waited breathlessly for her response.
I am kind of sad we couldn't save Olga from being sent to the shadow realm.
Would have been interesting to have Da Chief following us around.
Maybe with Leonardo to help?Why would Medea be able to bring someone back to life? Her Skeleton Warriors aren't even necromantic, they're just dragon tooth things.