Okay everyone-- calm the fuck down everyone!. We're straying outside of the topic of discussion; so please calm down.

Also, do I allow to uses my OCs for the omakes?
I don't think they'll interest people very much, but if you really want to I see no reason why you shouldn't.
Say, Karna's stats even when Uncrowned Arms Mastery is still lower than his canon ones, probably because of the bad summoning STEVE ROGERS Rostam did. Also, anyone have any idea about why ours and Karna's luck stat increased? My own theory is that, for Rostam, we performed some sort of fate-defying deed. Karna, meanwhile, can shift his shown luck stat (but not his actual luck) all the way to A if we increased our bonds with him enough, like how Jinako in Extra CCC somehow did.
Information: Official Staff Communication
ummmm are you allowed to post that?
If I posted it without the spoiler, then I probably would get reprimanded by the mods. But it's anyone's choice if they want to open the spoiler tab.
official staff communication While we appreciate that you have put the image under a spoiler and warning, the Staff feels that this is something that's going to cause problems and so I've removed the image. That will be the extent of the intervention though so provided we all in the future don't post particularly racy images, I think we should all be good.
[information=Official Staff Communication]While we appreciate that you have put the image under a spoiler and warning, the Staff feels that this is something that's going to cause problems and so I've removed the image. That will be the extent of the intervention though so provided we all in the future don't post particularly racy images, I think we should all be good.[/information]

Yeah, hide-sight has graced me with her presence and she then slaps me in the face for my stupidity.

Sorry, won't happen again.
She's here because like us she was judged as compatible with the whole leyshifting and servant summoning procedure. If she hasn't summoned her own servants soon I'll be very surprised.

Was that actually stated anywhere in this story? In canon grand order she was their because of the spirit of shielder with in her, and in this timeline we are shielder.

Marche explicitly freaks out over not having any useful skills and Luvia doesn't try and get her to summon during the Fuyuki mess.
Say, Karna's stats even when Uncrowned Arms Mastery is still lower than his canon ones, probably because of the bad summoning STEVE ROGERS Rostam did. Also, anyone have any idea about why ours and Karna's luck stat increased? My own theory is that, for Rostam, we performed some sort of fate-defying deed. Karna, meanwhile, can shift his shown luck stat (but not his actual luck) all the way to A if we increased our bonds with him enough, like how Jinako in Extra CCC somehow did.

I don't think that his stats are low necessarily because of the circumstances behind his summoning. I think it has more to do with the fact that his Glorious Golden Pecks requires a constant upkeep of 90% of his Prana all the time. Meaning that he is essentially running on fumes, so of course his stats would suffer, because he simply has less to work with.

As for Luck, it seems pretty clear to me that it is as simply a consequence of the Servant Master Social Link becoming stronger. Like how Arturia had shit Luck under Kiritsugu, someone she had a terrible relationship with, while with Masters she actually like, Shirou and Rin, her Luck is actually really good.
Was that actually stated anywhere in this story? In canon grand order she was their because of the spirit of shielder with in her, and in this timeline we are shielder.

Marche explicitly freaks out over not having any useful skills and Luvia doesn't try and get her to summon during the Fuyuki mess.

Well, she should have Magic Circuits at the very least, and she wouldn't be here if she was completely useless. Though, from what I read from translations of F/GO, Marche was a researcher.
Part of me believes that the reason why we didn't get any Command Seals this time is because it was Actually Luvia's summon.

I mean, if this really is Lu Bu, then that would be the second time she summoned a 'succesful if treacherous warrior'.
[X] Speak to your new Servant. Try to assess his abilities and identity.

Acknowledge not the fluffy terror. If he's really interested in making contact he'll probably just hump Rostam's leg or something.

You glance into the dining area, or 'mess hall' as you believe it's called. You see mundanes clustered within. There's no talking. Just the gentle clink of cutlery as they eat their meal of steak and mashed potatoes. Still in shock. You see heads starting to turn to you, the Demi-Servant who's been to hell and back. You quicken your pace. Attention is both unneeded and unwanted right now.

Lol oh man I...completely forgot about the mundane staff. Tbh I bet Lev mostly did too. Because, I mean, of course he would. All things held equal he's working for Solomon or someone/thing of that caliber, and people like that tend to regard mortals as scenery or appetizers in equal turns. Which was probably a blessing in disguise considering that almost all the bombs likely went to wiping out the other Master candidates.

So we have a full or at least mostly fullish base-staff.

And a Caster who runs on science and had pretty balls out military designs when she was alive.

Eat your heart out Fate/Strange Fake Caster. :V

"I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you while I was in the room with you," she says. "I was... distracted. Just press and hold the B5 button for five seconds.

"Then do the Konami Code."

"Yes," you say with more confidence than you feel. "I am your Master."

"Unless you're a Three Star or something in which case I'm melting you down for XP."

I don't think that his stats are low necessarily because of the circumstances behind his summoning. I think it has more to do with the fact that his Glorious Golden Pecks requires a constant upkeep of 90% of his Prana all the time. Meaning that he is essentially running on fumes, so of course his stats would suffer, because he simply has less to work with.

Part of it's that he's a Rider too, he'll have a different stat-layout than his Lancer form given that a fair portion of his power's going to be offloaded on the Pimpmobile Nine Trillion.

Part of me believes that the reason why we didn't get any Command Seals this time is because it was Actually Luvia's summon.

Well. Three Servants, nine seals. Not really seeing the gap. :p
Was that actually stated anywhere in this story? In canon grand order she was their because of the spirit of shielder with in her, and in this timeline we are shielder.

Marche explicitly freaks out over not having any useful skills and Luvia doesn't try and get her to summon during the Fuyuki mess.
She was at the master's orientation and was freaking out about what was said there afterwards. If she was just a researcher rather than a recently recruited master candidate she'd already know everything that was to be said at that orientation before it even began.

Besides, being a master gives her a role other than carrying Four around.
We might have gotten Command Seals. We just haven't checked yet
"Yes," you say with more confidence than you feel. "I am your Master." And you're gaining legendary heroes of the past with alarming regularity. You look down at your arm, inspecting it closely for any sign of a change. Yet despite your best efforts, you see nothing. It seems your mysteriously-bestowed Command Seals have stopped at nine. You can't be too upset, you suppose. It's still triple what most Masters receive.
It sounds like we didn't get any more.
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[X] Speak to your new Servant. Try to assess his abilities and identity.

and then he wasn't ours :V
Nezha, though he's a little boy.
Killing a dragon via chokehold and then ripping out the spine might make him bigger though

So any speculation as to the longterm combat servant team of Chaldea Rostam is going to end up leading?

I'm assuming that we're going to end up with a full set of all seven classes for field ops made up of character either summoned by Chaldea or recruited from the various timelines we fight through.

so Medea for Caster, Karna for Rider, Unknown Snakeskin Fellow for Unknown Class, is our current roster. Any thoughts as to who we might get next.

Considering the Indian theme that seems to be showing up I'm going to say Arujuna for Archer. If only for the interesting dialogue between him and Karna.

On a character development level the best Berserker would in my opinion probably be either Lancelot (Galahad!) or Jack the Ripper (born of the suffering of the disenfranchised. Difficult to control)

Assassin hmm maybe Mata Hari?
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Well, she should have Magic Circuits at the very least, and she wouldn't be here if she was completely useless. Though, from what I read from translations of F/GO, Marche was a researcher.
so, why does everyone assume that Marche and Mashu are the same person, even when they have different names?