FTFYKarna with a Luck rank higher than E?!
this must be the work of an enemy servant
Actually, you thought it was the Servant Master system...Karna with a Luck rank higher than E?!
this must be the work of an enemy stand
The power of Leonardo's covert gaze at his golden booty has given him increased Luck while in their territory.Karna with a Luck rank higher than E?!
this must be the work of an enemy stand
Poor Medea, already betrayed.
Poor Hargrave, not allowed to sleep. Not to mention being likely to wake up surrounded by arguments
"My master can not be so dense".I can see the character arc now.
Rostam summons one example of noble, pure hearted half naked manservice after another, trying to find the ideal husbando for Medea so she has something to live for, all the while never realizing the obvious truth.
It's just like one of my Japanese animes!
Nope, sorry.So. Asian character with reptilian themes. Are there any famous dragon slayers that come to mind? From China, Korea, or Japan? (Because those ones have the most mythology available online).
Anyone have any thoughts?
So. Asian character with reptilian themes. Are there any famous dragon slayers that come to mind? From China, Korea, or Japan? (Because those ones have the most mythology available online).
Anyone have any thoughts?
A dragonslayer from China. How sacrilegious can you get?So. Asian character with reptilian themes. Are there any famous dragon slayers that come to mind? From China, Korea, or Japan? (Because those ones have the most mythology available online).
Anyone have any thoughts?
From the top of my head, Dongmyeong comes to mind. Grandson of a river god, who are frequently depicted as dragons or serpents for obvious reasons, born from an egg, and depending on the source, either turns into a dragon upon death or dragons appear to guide him to heaven. Certainly enough dragon and divinity there, at least.So. Asian character with reptilian themes. Are there any famous dragon slayers that come to mind? From China, Korea, or Japan? (Because those ones have the most mythology available online).
Anyone have any thoughts?