Wait a second.

At the end of Hollow Fake, Tamiko supplanted Avenger, didn't she? Meaning that instead of All of the World's Evil cooking around in the Grail, we get our favourite three-headed dragon.

... Considering her taste in anime, is it really a surprise we get the kind of Servants we do?

Well we did just kill the twins, sombody has to take their place. Although if we wind up with a third to make a trio, we're summoning something somewhat sane next time we get options.

Because every hero has a different brand of crazy.
[X] Speak to your new Servant. Try to assess his abilities and identity.

In the last Twenty-Four Hours Rostam has:
-Been drugged and taken to a secret location
-Kept Tutorial Lancer alive
-Been told the world may soon die without warning
-Been impaled in the gut by an explosion
-Fused to a Servant
-Forced to partner with an honestly crass, nearly naked beefcake
-Been cast into the Fray Captain America style
-Trusted the Witch of Betrayal
-Been manhandled like a ragdoll
-Face Tanked a blast that could level a mountain chain
-Learned a Magus he thought was cool turn out to be behind 'End of World' scenario
-Learned he's been hanging out with the ghost of his boss since the explosion
-Barely saved the Witch of Betrayal from suicide by fading
-Summoned yet another beefcake

Am I missing something? Cause this kid needs some sleep.
So I talked to Zerben, and I'm putting this here now.

But before I do, someone stop me before I make a fool of myself!

*Sees Omake below*

Too late.

Some say, that when one story ends another begins. And those people who say that would be right, some of the time. Sometimes the story is just a one time thing, like a season of anime you want to keep going but then the studio shuts it down for no freaking reasons and you just-!

Ok deep breath deep breath, where was I? Oh right. I wa-You know what? Screw the intro, there are two people in a bar that's the setting, deal with it.




Ok fine I'll go into more detail. This bar was simple, ordinary and completely unremarkable establishment. From the handful of tables, mounted menu and simple design, you wouldn't be surprised to find a bar like this in any huge city under the sun. The only thing extraordinary about this place, was the customers it served.

Along with its two baristas.

The first was a tall man with chiseled features that made him look like he was a model chipped out of pure marble. His bearded face along with his shit eating grin made him the most sparkplug looking badass of a man since, well, him, when he was last alive I mean.

He was Enkidu, Lancer of Red for the Hollow Fake Holy Grail war.

The other, of course, was his master. Unlike almost all other females in anime, she had rather average looks. I mean, she would have average looks if you ignored the snow white hair and the three dragon heads hiding in her shadow.

But compared to every other female in fate, she was on the average side for looks.

"Hey!" Lancer shouts to the sky "My master isn't here for bad fanservice jokes!"

I wasn't to go that far, but thanks for taking it that way man.

"Lancer," the barista, the best protagonist in any Fate universe, Tamiko, patted her former servant on the shoulder "He's just trying his best to make this Omake funny."

"Well he's not doing a very good job of it. Why doesn't he just leave it to the professionals? Like Revlid? Or Wade Garret? Or any other funny guy that reads Zerban's stuff? And before you correct me, yes. I do realize I just described half of everyone on SV."

Tamiko shrugs "He got here first?"

Lancer rolls his eyes "Oh that's fantastic, first he get to make the first Omake and as a result. I end up acting OOC! Great writing there @IKnowNothing!"

Can I.. Can I just get on with the Omake?

Lancer you made him sad
that's our job
you get back to making jokes and eating everything in sight
"If someone," looks at computer screen accusingly "Bothers writing me in the characterization that made me best Lancer in the first place. I will."

Hey man! Lay off! This is my first time trying something like this!

"Well then man up and actually write the characters correctly."

Don't sass me boy! Why did I give you two fourth wall braking abilities again?

"Probably for the bad joke you have planned later."




Tamiko, command seal his mouth shut.


Damnit woman I thought you were on my side!

"I'm not on anyone's side." The former protagonist even had the gal to smile at the screen!

Lancer smirked "You mad?"

ALL THE TIME AT THIS RATE!:mad::mad::mad:

*Ahem* calming down now.

Anyway, as if one cue for something, there was a knock at the door. Both Lancer and Tamiko look away from the fourth wall and focus on the door. From behind the small wall of wood, both protagonists could hear the sound of someone arguing with two others. Tamiko glances at Lancer "Did you give Jacob and Archer an invite?"

Lancer raises an eyebrow "After that mistake with the Berserker twins and Rider? Master, I'm a Lancer, my luck sucks ass but my intelligence is still good."

"Then wh-"

"Why don't we ask the narrator?"

"Because we need to get into character, so grab a glass and start cleaning!"

Lancer holds his hands up in surrender and does as his all powerful master asked. A second after the two had gotten into position the door to the bar bursts open reviling three figures. The first was a tired looking boy with a huge celtic shield strapped to his arm. The other was a man who could give even Enkidu Lancer a run for his money in the beafcake, sparkplug looking, snarking badass department. The third was Caster Medea, she needed no introduction or description. On her shoulder sat a fluffy spy creatures that went by the name of four.

"Wow, you are lazy with descriptions."

No more sass out of you!

Tamiko ignored the silent fourth wall braking argument between Lancer and the narrator. She smiled kindly "Welcome! Can I get the three of you anything?"

The boy with the shield on his arm nodded "Just something to help us on our way."

"Master isn't old enough or strong enough to hold any liquor."


"In fairness master," Medea interjects "He has a point. You aren't old enough to enjoy the more adult of drinks."

"It would impair your already amazing decision making skills."

"Hey! I've been doing alright so far."

Medea and Rider shared a look before glancing at their master. Tamiko looked between the three of them "So, am I missing something important?"

"Nothing major." Rider said taking a seat at the bar "My master here just has a habit of making uninformed choices."

"Quite." Medea agrees, taking a seat next to Rider.

"Oh? Like what exactly?" Lancer asked innocently.

"He trusted Medea here to help him."

If Tamiko had a drink in her mouth, she probably would have spat it out in a comical manner. Instead, she just choked up for a bit. When she finally was able to breath again she waved her hands "Ok time out, let me get this straight."

She pointed a finger at the shield user "You. The master. Chose to trust Medea? She's the Witch of Betrayal! The reasons for not trusting her are in her title alone! I mean, no offense."

"None taken." Caster deadpanned.

The master of Rider and Caster shrugged "So what if I did? It was a good idea at the time. You would have done the same thing in my position."

"What kind of position was it?" Lancer asks.

"The world was dead, all of humanity was gone and all the help I had was Rider here,"



"How is she?"

"How do yo-Never mind. This fury thing."


"And two others, to help me against a group of corrupted servants. It was the best choice available."

"Yeah," Lancer said "Because there's no way thinks can't get any worse then that. You did the best that you could."

"Are you mocking me?"

"Master if you have to ask that, you should probably already know the answer."

Lancer smirked and points at Rider "I like this guy."

Well he is a bit like you. But he has invincible skin and you kind of, well don't.

"Let's not get into that." Tamiko said quickly.

"Who are you talking to?"

"No one." All of the servants plus Tamiko said at the same time.

The shielder type servant raised his eyebrow "What's going on here?"

Tamiko glanced at Lancer "I don't know what you mean."

"I don't believe that. For the simple reason I don't even remember why I came in here. I just arrived outside the door. What's going on here?"

Oh shit.

"What's going on?" Tamiko asked nervously.

His fourth wall is breaking too soon.

"Well then write that he looses his memory or something!" Lancer screamed.

I would, but I can't.

"Why not? You are the writer of this story are you not?" Rider asked.

Don't you start too!

"Karna, shut up! I'm sick and tired of your snark!"

A moment of silence ensued in the bar as Shielder looked Rider up and down "How do I know your true name?" he asked, his entire body shaking in fright.

Oh I fucked up didn't I?



Lancer ignored the narrator and handed the master of Rider and Caster a glass of something "You probably saw it in the quest thread." Lancer said nonchalantly.

LANCER! I'm try to not brake reality by making his fourth wall brake!

"Meh, in for a penny in for a pound."


"You don't have my command seals."

Oh fuck you!

Medea, who thankfully was ignoring the conversation, put a hand on her master's shoulder "Master are you ok?"

Her master kept shaking for a few seconds before he went completely still.

"I'm a protagonist."

Medea blinked "I'm sorry master could you speak up."

Rostem looked at his servant, and his eyes were completely devoid of hope and life "I'm a protagonist in a @ZerbanDaGreat fate quest."

He then slammed his head hard against the bar counter "I'm going to die painfully aren't I?"

Tamiko gently tapped his shoulder in reassurance "No. You'll be fine."

"She's lying. You gonna die." Lancer smirked.

"Painfully." Medea added.

"With all of your hopes and dreams crushed and everyone you know and love killed right in front of you." Rider finished.




You know for a demigod son of the sun god, you have no bedside manner.

Rider shrugged "It doesn't matter."

"He's right."

Medea looked at her master before holding up a hand "We'll take three of everything you have on the menu."

"Coming right up." Tamiko said moving to the back.

Rostem, who's head was still on the bar, silently sobbed to himself "What kind of sick writer put me in this situation?"

On Medea's shoulder, Four's eyes glowed red for a second "Heheheh all according to the keikaku."

Medea blinked "Did this thing just talk?"
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I wonder if the dude we just summoned is Lu Bu. He doesnt really fit the description especially well but he would sort of fit with the whole fear of betrayal stuff we have going on. His interactions with Karna could also be hilarious.

In addition Lu Bu is who I would give my players if I was the QM of a quest like this, just to enjoy their paranoia.
I would not be terribly surprised if this was Li Shuwen again.
[X] Speak to your new Servant. Try to assess his abilities and identity.

I'm pretty sure Four is with Marche because there's no way he managed to leave her so early! Unless she just fainted, which is possible.
Lu Bu? We must max our Social Links with this man.

"So, Marche seems friendly and supportive, I think I might..."

"She's probably planning to betray you. We should betray her first and kill her."

"Um. Okay. Well. I was talking to Rider the other day, and he said...you know, he's just so aggravating the way he always..."

"It's probably a sign that he's going to betray you. We should kill him."

"I....see. Well. On that note, might I ask what your opinion of Medea is?"

"The sorceress? She's fine. I can't really think of any good reasons we should kill her. Not right now, any way."
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[X] Speak to your new Servant. Try to assess his abilities and identity.
Wait have we summoned Lạc Long Quân ,the Dragon Lord of Lạc because that would be awesome.

Well overall Rostam is out of the cursed hellhole of the Fuyuki timeline, has gained some manner of respect from Karna, has recruited Medea (and is going to have to do damage control to keep things from exploding their and has now summoned a another servant.

Not bad for his first day on the job.
[X] Speak to your new Servant. Try to assess his abilities and identity.

Couldn't save Olga Marie but we saved Medea. Bitchin. Just need to make sure the rest of our crew doesn't fucking ruin it.

and a new servant already.