[X] Corday. You doubt she'd be anything but eager and willing to ram a knife in Uvall's thorax, but it pays to be certain.

I am going to go with Corday.

And good night.
For now, I'm not gonna vote cause I don't like any of these options. We're probably going to need a write in that appeals to everyone.
I'm not sure of what to say to Sieg, tho. "Honest Cause" and "no fear of Betrayal" seems a little weak, and I doubt modern medical technologies can dedragon a person, much less counteract the curse of a dragon from the Age of the Gods.

We do have an Age of Gods Caster...if we can talk her around to pitching in. Although...

"Siegfried come join our righteous cause and fight for truth, justice, and no filthy traitors allowed! By the way, this is Medea, the Witch of Treachery, she's going to be in charge of curing your little dragon problem."

Oh my. That was a touching scene q=q.

Now tho, we have to convince them to come with us and that's going to be hard. I just woke up after 4 hours of sleep dont expect much from me here but ima do some thinking

[ ] Corday. You doubt she'd be anything but eager and willing to ram a knife in Uvall's thorax, but it pays to be certain.

Okay. Corday was basically super cool to us this whole time, and we have a rank with her. I'm prrrretty sure she'd be willing to come with us at this point. She seems like the type to willingly time travel around history just to save humanity on principle. But I'm not sure that this would convince the others that they should come with us.

[ ] Sanson.
--[ ] Mention that his execution skills could be useful to Chaldea's war efforts.
--[ ] Mention that his medical prowess could be useful to Chaldea's medical facilities.

We know that Sanson accepts his role as an executioner to a point, and we've talked to him a lot before. I think Rostam is mildly close to him at this point. There is a chance that the medical option would pique his interests though. Like, I remember some amount of wistfulness about being a doctor and not an executioner. I'm just worried if we'd step out of line mentioning it. Assuming shit is kinda bad and all.

That said, the medical option says to the others that we want them for more than just fighting! And that's potentially a huge thing for Servants that get summoned to fight people, and then just fight people and not do much else.

[ ] Siegfried.
--[ ] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.
--[ ] Mention that Chaldea's cutting-edge magical and technological research facilities might be able to find a way to treat or reverse his mutations.

Didn't we just mention a traitor tho why is that an option zerban pls

Now. Okay so I personally think that Siegfried should totally come with us. Roast Ham, Sieg Fried, obviously fated come on now. But neither of this options appeal to me all that much. Even though the option makes it clear that it's a possibility, it just promises way too much to the poor guy. Also Sieg could totally just go 'nah im just gonna fade out now bye bruh' because he's tired. I can feel his tiredness as if I only had four hours of sleep. Maybe Zerban is a good writer. Maybe I should go to sleep, but right now I'll go and say that Siegfried is my spirit animal. get it dragons heh dragons

But I want Sieg. I do. He has white hair, his wife had white hair, and mostly I just wish we should have had his wife but the husbando part of the parental unit to future best girl is good too.

So in my eyes, this leaves Sanson's options. I'm probably falling for a trap here. Almost certainly.

[X] Sanson.
--[X] Mention that his medical prowess could be useful to Chaldea's medical facilities.

vote sanson
We do have an Age of Gods Caster...if we can talk her around to pitching in. Although...

"Siegfried come join our righteous cause and fight for truth, justice, and no filthy traitors allowed! By the way, this is Medea, the Witch of Treachery, she's going to be in charge of curing your little dragon problem."

Fun little GO fact, Medea requires a lot of dragon's teeth for her ascension. :V

I mean she can probably make him new ones. More humaney ones. He might like that. Much less slicing off bits of your own tongue when you talk.

I have been surfing around the interned until I have discover a fact that you wouldn't believe.

A rumor that Kiritsugu would be a playable servant in F/GO.

I repeat.









I don't if all of you know it already, but I'll be damned if it confirm to it.

I have been surfing around the interned until I have discover a fact that you wouldn't believe.

A rumor that Kiritsugu would be a playable servant in F/GO.

I repeat.









I don't if all of you know it already, but I'll be damned if it confirm to it.
Oh god no, the floodgates that making Kiritsugu a full-blown servant would open will give me an aneurysm.

Second, we have a general thread for general type-moon content like this.

TV - Type Moon General

Please post things like this there in the future.

EDIT: Also, what's the source of this rumour?
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Okay then.

Now, where was I?

Oh yeah.

[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

EDIT: changed vote, thx to the poster right below me :V
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"Well... there isn't really policy in place for something like this," he admits, shrugging helplessly. "The plan was always to go in guns blazing with an army of Servants, not this more, shall we say 'guerrilla' setup. If they're willing to follow you, then by all means ask them. You're the one who was there on the ground, and you're the one with the Seals. Your decision. But make it fast, the singularity's collapsing."

Fulton system gogogogo. CQC them and then hook a wormhole balloon to their ass and send them shooting through time and space. That's the Diamond Dogs way. Also:

[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

I'm not sure saying "Siegfried you have no cause to fear treason in our fight" is a great idea given that Rostam just explained that they are, in fact, fighting against a traitor from Chaldea.

Contextually it's pretty clear that it's, like, "I won't ask you to do a lot of increasingly dubious shit and ruin your life Siegfried". Since Sieg's legend involves a lot of King Gunther going "Yeah no look man I just need you to do this one thing for me okay?" and just piling on and on and on with that until Sieg's life was basically in shambles. And then Siegfried either killed himself or was assassinated by Gunther and his kin depending on the version Zerban's working off of.

So Rostam going "you have no reason to fear treason" is literally just him going "you won't be facing any sketchy shit from me, your Master". Chaldea being betrayed from within is an entirely different kettle of fish and honestly much less important to Siegfried than that guarantee. Plus I like it because Siegfried is well liked (by Corday at least, and Sanson hasn't displayed any particular hostility towards him) and it avoids being perceived as picking sides in the Assassin knife-off while still making a personal, positive statement.

Plus, I mean, when a fairly noble knight pledges himself first, most people would feel obligated to sheepishly follow suit I think. :V

Unless I'm mistaken, this here was the last time Real!Gilles had any dialogue.

That was 38 chapters ago.

Well. Omega.

We could have hung around that part of the fight and seen Gilles go full Ancestor and turn into a giant, eldritch, Resident Evil boss. But someone did a write in that shifted the focus to another option. And unless I'm very much mistaken that means that someone doesn't get to complain about a lack of Gilles.


Nasuverse. A single exceptional 18th century doctor is de facto better at providing medical care than all but the most talented modern doctors in their narrowly tailored areas of specialization. :p

Don't knock Medical Techniques A/Anatomy Study B power pair dude. At that level I'm pretty sure he's basically skilled enough to execute individual cancer cells with a tiny guillotine.

Now that the arc's nearly over, anyone want to recap the various mental traumas and things Rostam needs to sit down and think about in the not too distant future? I've lost track.

The big three are, in no particular order, the true, bitter nature of his relationship with Rider, the uncertainty surrounding his sexuality that ties back into his devotion to his family (somewhat appropriately this came to light during a musical number :V), and losing his not!Father in the form of Lancelot (and Galahad tied into that).

Beyond that?

Getting battered by Brynhildr. Tortured by Carmilla. The death of Bathory. The death of Gilles. The death of Jeanne. Being burned by Lungkata and Jalter. Seeing the insides of Čachtice Castle. Seeing a lot of general death and destruction and maiming. Getting brainfucked by Something Big from the depths of Gilles's ocean hell. Uh...I feel like I'm forgetting some stuff?
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Getting battered by Brynhildr. Tortured by Carmilla. The death of Bathory. The death of Gilles. The death of Jeanne. Being burned by Lungkata and Jalter. Seeing the insides of Čachtice Castle. Seeing a lot of general death and destruction and maiming. Getting brainfucked by Something Big from the depths of Gilles's ocean hell. Uh...I feel like I'm forgetting some stuff?
Stage Fright.
Originally I was going to go, Sanson but Tenfold has convinced me.

[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

Let's hope this works. And that Sanson will go along. Having three Assassins will be invaluable for reconnaissance, especially since two of them have insta-death Phantasms. I mean, imagine the scene - the villain is having their big speech, and out of nowhere, a knife to the heart and a guillotine to the throat.

Villain: "Wait, what?"

Corday: "Presence Concealment, motherfucker!"

Sanson: "Crude, but true. Shall we count this one as a tie? I believe I am still in the lead."
Hmm... I just realised something we've been missing for a while.
Your clothes have changed. You're wearing some kind of belted white leather jacket with black slacks. A Mystic Code. You can feel the power in it, easily comprehended. Magecraft with training wheels, like your Azoth Sword.
Just think of all the XP we've wasted! Although it might not be compatible with our Servant outfit...

... Oh Luvia~
Could you please wear this Miyu-Cosplay so we could have an Invincibility-skill~?

Well. Omega.

We could have hung around that part of the fight and seen Gilles go full Ancestor and turn into a giant, eldritch, Resident Evil boss. But someone did a write in that shifted the focus to another option. And unless I'm very much mistaken that means that someone doesn't get to complain about a lack of Gilles.

Don't blame me, this is all Revlid's fault. He's the one who used his vile teacher magic on me!

If I hadn't, I would've gotten a poor grade and everything!
[X] Sanson.
--[X] Mention that his medical prowess could be useful to Chaldea's medical facilities.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

TOS has convinced me.
Getting battered by Brynhildr. Tortured by Carmilla. The death of Bathory. The death of Gilles. The death of Jeanne. Being burned by Lungkata and Jalter. Seeing the insides of Čachtice Castle. Seeing a lot of general death and destruction and maiming. Getting brainfucked by Something Big from the depths of Gilles's ocean hell. Uh...I feel like I'm forgetting some stuff?

Saber's true form / hints thereto is another matter shunted off into the distant 'we'll deal with this when everything isn't on fire'.

...There's also the possibility Luvia may dock a considerable amount of pay...
[X] Sanson.
--[X] Mention that his medical prowess could be useful to Chaldea's medicalfacilities.

I like this. It would be good to see Dr. Sanson.
[X] Sanson.
--[X] Mention that his medical prowess could be useful to Chaldea's medical facilities.
...There's also the possibility Luvia may dock a considerable amount of pay...
Luvia: "...Hey Shinji, we're isolated from the timestream right?"
Shinji: "Uh I think so, why-"
Luvia: "Alright Hargrave, as, compensation for what occurred in France, you're on janitorial duty for the next decade."
Rostam: *Screaming internally*