[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

Three words: Saber Dragon Bros.
[X] Sanson
-[X] Mention that his medical prowess could be useful to Chaldea's medical facilities
[X] Sanson.
--[X] Mention that his medical prowess could be useful to Chaldea's medical facilities.

A doctor who won't shirk his patients to play video games and practice his pirating skills would be useful!
Bah, as if an 18th century doctor would be that useful when it comes to treating people (have we had this discussion before? I feel like we have).

EDIT: Never mind it's singling out as an example not trying to just convince that one person.
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[X] Corday. You doubt she'd be anything but eager and willing to ram a knife in Uvall's thorax, but it pays to be certain.

Poor Jeanne ):
"Yes, burn, burn! Suffer the fate you consigned my holy Jeanne to! Feel those robes you tarnished burn to ash around you! Bask in my Jeanne's radiance in your final moments and take heart in knowing that you unknowingly had a hand in her rebirth!"

"Calm yourself, Gilles. If you overexcite yourself now, you won't have room for the rest of today's activities."

"Of course, my fair maiden. I apologize deeply and unreservedly." Even with your view blocked, you can tell he's bowing. "What shall it be? Are you in need of more familiars? Do you wish me to gather our agents? Just name it, my holy Jeanne, and I will-"

"Shh." She holds up her hand.

"What is it?"

Jeanne d'Arc slowly stands. Her black plate is expertly shaped, conforming to her feminine figure without sacrificing its ability to protect. A skirt the colour of ash flows from the tail of her armour, flapping in the breeze. Her skin is deathly pale, almost bloodless. Her hair is the colour of bleached straw, braided down to the small of her back. She slowly turns her head, bringing the smile on her face into view.

"Because we're being watched."
Unless I'm mistaken, this here was the last time Real!Gilles had any dialogue.

That was 38 chapters ago.
[X] Corday. You doubt she'd be anything but eager and willing to ram a knife in Uvall's thorax, but it pays to be certain.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

I mean, using Sanson as an example seems likely to be unfortunate for convincing Corday.
I sort of want Sanson for his ability to sense evil dudes, but neither of the default arguments appeal to me, so for now its
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear ofthe betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

Because him spending some time together with Orochi sounds cute as fuck and I am curious how Golden Rule works if he is stuck in a dimensional pocket.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that fighting for Chaldea would be an honest cause to fight for, without fear of the betrayal that was his undoing in legend.

Corday and Sanson were basically hyper-competent and got all the good screen-time. Siegfried might have been the Teams Worf but i want to give him another chance. High-tier beat-sticks are also harder to come buy as well.

Plus, do him justice after he was forced to kill himself in Apocrypha to feed that thing.
hmm. that does seem to be a better option. Mebbe it'll work.

[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that Chaldea's cutting-edge magical and technological research facilities might be able to find a way to treat or reverse his mutations.
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Mind you, this doesn't seem like a vote to pick which servant we're taking with us, but rather which servant we should use as an example to convince all of them to come with us.
Sanso might be the one most likely to be seeking death but I'm afraid that addressing him right now could make us lose Corday, so...

[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that Chaldea's cutting-edge magical and technological research facilities might be able to find a way to treat or reverse his mutations.

Siegfried is visibly uneasy of the changes his Monstrous Strenght brought forth, might as well tell him this option is on the table.
Mind you, this doesn't seem like a vote to pick which servant we're taking with us, but rather which servant we should use as an example to convince all of them to come with us.

Then our appeal to Siegfried would probably work the best. These people just lost their leader and cause and currently have nothing. All of these Servants did what they thought was right and now they have the chance to save everything. Sanson doesn't have to be a ruthless executioner and can use his skills altrustically, Corday has a just cause to fight for, Siegrfied doesn't have to carry his team and can be a hero.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that Chaldea's cutting-edge magical and technological research facilities might be able to find a way to treat or reverse his mutations.

We need to look into reducing the effects of Monstrous Strength anyways. It seeems like our Saber has come down with a case of snake-arm.
[X] Siegfried.
--[X] Mention that Chaldea's cutting-edge magical and technological research facilities might be able to find a way to treat or reverse his mutations.

Omega made a good point. We have to look into dealing with the effects of monsterous strength anyways for our Saber. Might as well use it to help convince the others
"But that means you're real too!" you shout, shutting out Avenger's words and the fact that all your muscles are starting to go into spasm. "Your half of the story is just as valid as Avenger's! You are equal to her, and you always will be!
That should be spasms.
You scramble to your feet, obeying without thinking. You turn to the battlefield proper and scan it as quickly as you can, momentarily taken aback at how you could have been so absorbed in the conflict between the Jeannes to have forgotten about it. You catch the moment that the Servants draw back in a semicircle, arranging themselves in an arch with Siegfried as the keystone. You see him standing there in the ankle-deep water of another dimension and raise Balmung high into the air, heedless of the pain the dozen scaled tumours of dragonflesh bursting from his skin must cause him.
Oh boy, he must have used his Monstrous Strength a ton to get those effects.
He brings his sword down, and the marketplace is awash with the colour of pre-dawn twilight. The energy releases in a great arc, rippling outward, vaporizing the water and the water demons alike. Ripping up the cobblestone square, obliterating the buildings, reducing it all to ash and dust. The arc splits in three - the outer edges spill over the breach, continuing on to rip through Rouen's abandoned streets. The centre of the blast pours through, driving into the alien world. An ear-splitting shriek like a thousand needles being driven into your mind splits the air, turns you blind and deaf, makes you sob with pain. The arm of starlight flinches back with pain, retreating into the breach.
And that must have been one hell of a shriek.

Now that the arc's nearly over, anyone want to recap the various mental traumas and things Rostam needs to sit down and think about in the not too distant future? I've lost track.
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So, basically we need to find the optimal option to get most of the Blue Team to join our Justice League?
Well at least Jeanne went out with a Bang.

And the Jeanne on the Throne might have a field day with what went on.
Siegfried and Corday probably have bonded enough that if we can convince one, the other's very likely to come. Sanson is the odd one out here, really.

And somewhere, deep within, I think Sanson also wants to die. He's going to be hardest to convince.

Siegfried will be easier because of his bond with Corday, who's going to be the easiest. Well, there's a reason we upped our social links with them so much.

I'm not sure of what to say to Sieg, tho. "Honest Cause" and "no fear of Betrayal" seems a little weak, and I doubt modern medical technologies can dedragon a person, much less counteract the curse of a dragon from the Age of the Gods.

Siegfried is, in fact, utterly unsuitable as a servant for such a mission as what we're undertaking. He comes with a hard time-limit. In one singularity, he's been forced to tap into Monstrous Strength enough that he's at least 40% dragon, maybe 60%, even. And it's permanent. If he experiences similar levels of heavy fighting, he'll be capped and all dragon within two more such singularities of any intense combat. At least Saber hasn't gone so far.


[X] Corday. You doubt she'd be anything but eager and willing to ram a knife in Uvall's thorax, but it pays to be certain.

We leave it to her to convince Siegfried. She'll do a better job of it.