[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] A grenade. Okay now you're really playing with fire but you know pirates had proto-grenades and if there's a problem that can't be solved with explosions you don't want to encounter it in the first place.
[X] Fourstam. He is your teacher and the leading authority on these things after all. Sure his vocabulary's distinctly limited at this point, but maybe he can still figure out ways to offer you advice? But then again, you'll never hear the end of anything he sees you do.
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] The buckler Leonardo made for you. It's not going to block Noble Phantasms or anything, but it's light and manoeuvrable and tough.
[X] A grenade. Okay now you're really playing with fire but you know pirates had proto-grenades and if there's a problem that can't be solved with explosions you don't want to encounter it in the first place.
[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful.
[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.

[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?

[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful?

[X] Fourstam. He is your teacher and the leading authority on these things after all. Sure his vocabulary's distinctly limited at this point, but maybe he can still figure out ways to offer you advice? But then again, you'll never hear the end of anything he sees you do.
That's a hell of an update. Of all the times for Medea to be bond-locked. Also, Chiron...

Blackbeard looks at you out of the corner of his eye. "For the right audience, aye." He winks, then chuckles. "The crew are cowards, cut-throats, thieves and liars but they fear Blackbeard more'n they love gold or their own lives, to a point. Yer a good boy - Hargrave, wasn't it? - an' you have the look of a man that can keep a secret. Men are scared half-shitless of ya too. So... here an' now, we can be Edward Thatch and Rostam Hargrave, but out there in front 'o the scallywags we're Blackbeard an' the insane whoreson that beat a man half to death with 'is whole back missin'."

He reaches out and offers you the bottle.


He's not an idiot. He knows the state of your hands. He looks you in the eye and you don't break that gaze. You snatch the grog bottle from his hand and slam back a gulp of the amber liquid. It burns your throat going down, sears your sinuses, but after the swigs you've taken from Shuten's brews this is downright pedestrian.

Niiiiice. I really want to bring Blackbeard along now. For all that we can draw parallels between Jason and Rostam, Blackbeard also leads a crew of assholes with poor communication skills - they're just less prestigious.

" 'course not. What are yeh, mad?" Blackbeard replies lightly. "We'll look for it tonight, just us Servants without those rum-blind rats stumblin' around behind us. We shift it closer t'shore wherever it is, make a big show o' huntin' it down at first light - y'know, make a wee game of it."

Penthesilea's expression rides the line between disgust and disbelief. "You treat your men like children?"

"I treat 'em like pirates. One of 'em's a lot worse when 'e gets cranky." Blackbeard starts moving around the circle of Servants, clicking his fingers and pointing at people in turn as he speaks. "Penny, Pollux, two of you stay here. Know you sure as shit ain't in the mood fer a treasure-hunt and we need you back here holdin' the fort anyway. You, Twink Tucker-"

"Is that my pirate name?" Astolfo exclaims excitedly.

"-sure. Scout the place out, top to bottom. You lass-" he points at Marian "-ground level, got the look of a proper woodsman about you." He points at Luvia next. "You, pick some fights. Ain't no one gonna want to fuck with you tonight once the grog starts flowin' then." He points at Marche. "You..."

The silence stretches on just long enough to be awkward.

"Prob'ly best you stay on the ship an' look after our guest," he finishes, glancing at the rest of you all again. "One of you'll go fetch 'er when the grub's done, yeah?"

See? He's even English as well! Practically Rostam's spiritual twin.

The water's purer than anything you've tasted in a long time, fresh and sweet and ice-cold. You immediately refill your cup.

Walter Shrewing's translation of the Odyssey said:
The goddess ushered them in, gave them all seats, high or low, and blended for them a dish of cheese and of barley meal, of yellow honey and Pramnian wine, all together; but with these good things she mingled pernicious drugs as well, to make them forget their own country utterly.

Pain shoots up your spine. You arch it to the limit, screaming in sudden agony as it feels like every nerve fires at once. Your fingers shudder and flex randomly, clawing at nothing, grasping at the air as a pair of invisible hands grip your skull and squeeze. The world distends around you. You're a puppet, your strings savagely yanked this way and that by a cruel, unseen puppeteer. You're nothing but clay, being moulded into something more to the sculptor's liking. You're twisting and crunching down into something... strange...

Having given them this and waited for them to have their fill, she struck them suddenly with her wand, then drove them into the sties where she kept her deine. And now the men had the form of swine - the snout and grunt and bristles; only their minds were left unchanged.

Sorry, I literally had lessons on Circe two weeks ago at Uni (talk about good timing), and I had the book out to look over once I read the book.

"If it's too long I could always try twisting it into a sorta braid-bun arrangement. Trendy and practical! Just need to uh, find a pin."

Oh, the Artoria hairstyle? Hmmm. Yeah, I think that'd look good. Also, Marche's perspective! This is super new. Also, good that we brought her along - we may have ended up as Fourstam, which while adorable, would have been somewhat limiting.

In the centre of it all stands a woman. Olive-skinned and looking like an absolutely stunning early-mid forties, though you're sure she's plenty older than that underneath. Her lambent golden eyes and back-length hair like spun sunlight is a big clue there. Her dress is an Ancient Greek-style thing in white and gold, shimmering through a hundred other hues as if pearlescent as it flutters around her hips, stretched taut over the pregnant swell of her stomach. In her hand she grasps an ebony staff topped with a sunburst wrought from pure gold.

So, quick primer. Circe, sister to Aeetes (father of Medea) and Pasiphae (mother of Asterios), daughter of Helios and Perseis (a sea nymph), so she's basically a Divine Spirit/Elemnetal? She's also a powerful sorceress, thought that may be helped by her status as an Elemental/Divine Spirit giving her a little bit of additional access to Gaia . She has an interesting role in the Odyssey, in that she is both an obstacle that Odysseus must overcome, but also a guide who reveals the path Odysseus must take to get home. Of course, you can also read her telling him to go through all this dangerous shit, like the Underworld, the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, ending up on the Isle of Helio's cattle, as her trying to fuck him and his crew's day up. OTOH, AoG Greece, she could have been literally been telling him the best possible route to Ithaca from her Island.

Potentially useful, if we can get her friendly to us, is that she knows basically everything that happens on the Mediterranean - or at least most of its mythic geography. She might be able to guess where Jason is going/give a more precise descriptor for Euryale's location then "over in that direction." Like being at Crete.

[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful?
[X] Fourstam. He is your teacher and the leading authority on these things after all. Sure his vocabulary's distinctly limited at this point, but maybe he can still figure out ways to offer you advice? But then again, you'll never hear the end of anything he sees you do.

Look, you need to take the mystery box. It's just the done thing, especially in a quest based off of a gacha game. Rope is rope - it's useful to have. Fourstam is nice because he's probably read the Odyssey - maybe he knows about moly? The rapier may not be strictly necessary - the creatures Circe surrounded her house with were tame

Outside, there were lions and mountain wolves that she had herself bewitched by giving them magic drugs. The beasts did not set set upon my men; they reared up instead, and fawned on them with their long tails.

but better safe than sorry.

Also, I am reluctant to say Circe's got everyone - Marian has Herblore and Druidcraft, and is an adept woodswoman, she has the best chance of being undetected and noticing the drugged food/water. Since it doesn't explicitly mention her being caught, and I remember the last time we wrote off a Robin Hood as having lost...

That and if she hasn't been caught, she gets to see Fourstam, which will be hilarious.
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Okay so I didn't hallucinate FouRostam while I was in a sleep deprived state after all


[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful?
[X] Fourstam. He is your teacher and the leading authority on these things after all. Sure his vocabulary's distinctly limited at this point, but maybe he can still figure out ways to offer you advice? But then again, you'll never hear theend of anything he sees you do.
You know, if all the humans turned into Four's... Then isn't there an actual chance that Four turned into a human!

There's a bishie Four somewhere out there to be found!
I can't believe Four was a Precure fairy this whole time.
[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful?
[X] Fourstam. He is your teacher and the leading authority on these things after all. Sure his vocabulary's distinctly limited at this point, but maybe he can still figure out ways to offer you advice? But then again, you'll never hear the end of anything he sees you do.

Man I just realized that depending on whether Marian got away we would have just wiped out here if we had chosen to not bring Marche with us to this singularity that's crazy.

You know, if all the humans turned into Four's... Then isn't there an actual chance that Four turned into a human!

There's a bishie Four somewhere out there to be found!
Just imagine what Reynard would look like and do in this situation because this screams shenanigans.
[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you.
[X] Fourstam
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] Rope.
[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful?
[X] Fourstam. He is your teacher and the leading authority on these things after all. Sure his vocabulary's distinctly limited at this point, but maybe he can still figure out ways to offer you advice? But then again, you'll never hear the end of anything he sees you do.

Seeing Marche's POV really brings home of how much she makes me think that she's a main character that got lost on the way to the check-in station leading to Rostam stumbling in and the interviewer shrugging and said "close enough".

And no matter which way the ships sail it is now a proven fact that no matter what, Marche will forever be Best Girl.
[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you.
[X] Fourstam
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] Rope.

Fuckin' Marche Gaiden, I am all for this shit yo.
[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful?
[X] Fourstam. He is your teacher and the leading authority on these things after all. Sure his vocabulary's distinctly limited at this point, but maybe he can still figure out ways to offer you advice? But then again, you'll never hear the end of anything he sees you do.
You shake your head. "No, but I'm sure I would've sensed something by now if something was wrong."
Well that statement is always a good sign.

Pain shoots up your spine. You arch it to the limit, screaming in sudden agony as it feels like every nerve fires at once. Your fingers shudder and flex randomly, clawing at nothing, grasping at the air as a pair of invisible hands grip your skull and squeeze. The world distends around you. You're a puppet, your strings savagely yanked this way and that by a cruel, unseen puppeteer. You're nothing but clay, being moulded into something more to the sculptor's liking. You're twisting and crunching down into something... strange...
The last thing you hear is a woman's musical laughter.
We're on an island... and we're being turned into something... oh my god it's Circe. I fucking love Circe.

In the centre of it all stands a woman. Olive-skinned and looking like an absolutely stunning early-mid forties, though you're sure she's plenty older than that underneath. Her lambent golden eyes and back-length hair like spun sunlight is a big clue there. Her dress is an Ancient Greek-style thing in white and gold, shimmering through a hundred other hues as if pearlescent as it flutters around her hips, stretched taut over the pregnant swell of her stomach. In her hand she grasps an ebony staff topped with a sunburst wrought from pure gold.
And she's preggers.

And a version of Four with pink hair and lavender eyes is sitting on her shoulder.
Oh my god it's Astolfo

"My my, but you have been busy."

A voice from the beach. Not hers, familiar- Medea? You can't let that one go. You creep back up the side of the barrel and peek over the top.
"Clearly you are working through something personal here," Medea says drily.

"I could say the same about you, darling." The woman rests her staff against her other shoulder and stretches out her hand. "Come on. Tell Auntie Circe all about it."
Oh sweet, it's a family reunion. Also two of my favorite characters from Greek Mythology, together and interacting, forgive me for being excited. Hopefully we can solve this without having to kill Circe or Medea.

Rostam's shield, lying flat in the sand and shaking intermittently.

You creep close, squat down, work your fingers under the rim, and lift.

"Four!" the black-and-red Four beneath squeaks as it squirms out from beneath its prison and starts jumping on your thigh. "Four! Fou-four, fou-fou-fou-four!"

"... Rostam?" you ask uncertainly. "Uh... if you can understand me, 'four' twice."
Oh my god. This is officially the best detour.

You swallow and suck in a hissing breath through your teeth, slapping your hands down on your thighs. "Hokay so uh, bits you missed from being under a shield. This was Circe's island, apparently! So that's a fun surprise! And she just left with Medea and most of the crew and what I assume was all the Servants too because she had what I'm pretty sure was Astol-Four with her at the time!" You're even higher-pitched than normal, your voice taut like a steel wire. "So uh, it's starting to look like Asclepius and Stheno and I are the only able-bodied people left from the whole Queen Anne's Revenge group with a crazy witch hanging around so that's fun! That's great! Feeling pumped about that haha..."
Shit, I know the start of a panic spiral when I see it.

"Of course I'm alright! I'm not the one in danger of being kidnapped by Team Rocket!" You run your fingers through your hair, raking it back hard behind your ears. Deep breaths, Marche. In and out. In and out. Listen to that little voice inside telling you it's okay. Some real self-affirmation shit. In and out. In and out. " 'cause you know what I'm gonna do?"
"I'm gonna go rescue everyone!"

"You don't think I will? Asclepius is kinda busy making sure Karna doesn't die and it's not like Stheno knows what the hell to do any more than I do!" You gesticulate passionately to back up your point. "What'd you bring me for if not to help?"

"Yeah, well... too bad, you lack the opposable thumbs to stop me," you retort.

[X] The rapier Leonardo made for you. You haven't exactly taken fencing, but it's not rocket science right? Stick them with the pointy end. Plus the other surprise inside.
[X] Rostam's shield. Heavy as hell for someone like you, but it's a magic-enhancer too right? With a piece of his Crest it'll probably respond. And if all else fails it'll take a beating.
[X] Rope. When isn't rope useful?
[X] Something from Astolfo's bag. He left it in his room like a prat and you can't shift it yourself, but maybe you'll get something good from the lucky bag?
"I treat 'em like pirates. One of 'em's a lot worse when 'e gets cranky." Blackbeard starts moving around the circle of Servants, clicking his fingers and pointing at people in turn as he speaks. "Penny, Pollux, two of you stay here. Know you sure as shit ain't in the mood fer a treasure-hunt and we need you back here holdin' the fort anyway. You, Twink Tucker-"

"Is that my pirate name?" Astolfo exclaims excitedly.

"-sure. Scout the place out, top to bottom. You lass-"
I'm still reeling from Blackbeard calling Astolfo a twink
Astolfo demands to take Four with him on his scouting trip because he is, quote, 'starved for walkies'. You see no reason to refuse him. Four shoots you a look of ultimate betrayal as he's carried away, no doubt to be smothered with as much love as he was by Nero.

You know every time this happens to him I cant help but think he's screaming "No don't touch me! I am Cath Pallug, I am death and slobber!" :p

You and Luvia whirl as one to find the party turned into a nightmare. All across the beach men are dropping to their knees and screaming. Shuddering and convulsing, clutching their heads or extremities, howling themselves hoarse as they warp and change. You hear the crunch of bone as joints bend the wrong way, as faces split in two and grow outward.

Oh shit we in for some bloodborne shit now.

And a version of Four with pink hair and lavender eyes is sitting on her shoulder.

" 'stol-fou!" the pink Four on the other woman's shoulder squeaks.

Never mind, we're in for some fucking lols. Oh this is gonna be good. :rofl:

Rostam's shield, lying flat in the sand and shaking intermittently.

You creep close, squat down, work your fingers under the rim, and lift.

"Four!" the black-and-red Four beneath squeaks as it squirms out from beneath its prison and starts jumping on your thigh. "Four! Fou-four, fou-fou-fou-four!"

"... Rostam?" you ask uncertainly. "Uh... if you can understand me, 'four' twice."

"Four!" the incensed Pokemon squeaks, and appears to do its best to bitchslap you.

...And it just. Keeps. Getting. Better.

I cant breathe, laughing to hard.