[X] Plunder an island before plotting your course. If there's one unequivocal advantage you have over the Argonauts, it's in your choice of vessel. Any delay is worth if it you can swell the QueenAnne's Revenge's hold fit to bursting.
Yeah, if we don't plunder anything we will find just how deep into Real Pirates(TM) Zerban went, as Blackbeard's crew may democratically decide to throw us out on the nearest patch of dry land with instructions to build ourselves our own ship, they are going to get rich (and maybe eaten by something, because mythological Greece, but shhhhhh, they don't need to know that tidbit).

But hey, at least that would be an occasion to see if Zerban included Drake, Anne and Mary or any other pirates :V.

Or that literally none of us are capable of building any floating device more complicated than a raft, and that's not exactly a seaworthy vessel :V.

Yes, I know plundering literally anything seems to be winning, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
Yeah, if we don't plunder anything we will find just how deep into Real Pirates(TM) Zerban went, as Blackbeard's crew may democratically decide to throw us out on the nearest patch of dry land with instructions to build ourselves our own ship, they are going to get rich (and maybe eaten by something, because mythological Greece, but shhhhhh, they don't need to know that tidbit).

But hey, at least that would be an occasion to see if Zerban included Drake, Anne and Mary or any other pirates :V.

Or that literally none of us are capable of building any floating device more complicated than a raft, and that's not exactly a seaworthy vessel :V.

Yes, I know plundering literally anything seems to be winning, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
That's another consideration, given that Karna is literally only being kept alive by Asclepius' healing in his Territory, and it's probably a bad idea to have him die.
Wow, that worked excellently. Euryale's insult game is on point. Also, I can't help but wonder if Heracles using Achilles to break the shield was intentional?

[X] Plunder an island before plotting your course. If there's one unequivocal advantage you have over the Argonauts, it's in your choice of vessel. Any delay is worth if it you can swell the Queen Anne's Revenge's hold fit to bursting.

Look, we don't need to do the whole, shoot a bunch of people, stab a bunch of people thing. I mean, we'll probably need to stab someone, but it's not like it'll need to be fatal. Rostam has B-rank Charisma, which is literally enough to declare oneself king and be taken seriously. We have a bunch of very scary people on the ship, including a Gorgon and Blackbeard, whose Noble Phantasm, the one which makes his crew members look scarier than they are, probably has a fear effect, if he doesn't have a fear aura of some description himself.

Clairvoyance might mean Rostam can vaguely guess as to where the least important/richest island is? I'm pretty sure Knossos is no longer relevant to the AoG, now that the Minotaur's been slain, and it was pretty powerful for a while - probably at least partially because Minos did not get involved in a ten year long war in Troy.

So, we can probably figure out where to go, and when we get there, we can do it carrot and stick. Rostam can, in a very calm and soothing voice, explain that the ship he's on contains some of the worst scoundrels and scallywags to ever cut-a-throat, and people should really just give up all their valuables before anything unpleasant has to happen. And if anyone tries to incite people to fight, Arash can probably literally shave them with an arrow. And the next guy. And the guy after that. Might make a write-in with Rostam suggesting something along those lines - I doubt Blackbeard or his men want to risk any unnecessary danger to themselves.

My biggest problem is that we're making Blackbeard very self-sufficient. I realise that he's not actually given any reason to distrust him, but he's a pirate and he's planning to take the Grail for himself. But unreasonable paranoia is unreasonable, and a slugging match with the Argo would probably deplete it pretty badly, so even if he does betray us to try and grab the Grail, we could probably take him.

Asclepius, Penthesilea and Pollux probably won't have a problem with it? They're all from contemporary times, Pollux literally died on a cattle raid, Penthesilea's greatest complaint would probably be about the potential wasted time, and Asclepius is literally watching his father figure die.

Arash and Astolfo are more likely to have a problem with it, Arash literally sacrificed himself to make people happy and Astolfo is a Paladin. That said, Arash would probably understand and Astolfo... I have no clue what the hell Astolfo would decide. It's Astolfo.

Marian would not necessarily approve - she may have been a thief, but she was a very selective one, but she'd probably be understanding - Medea would understand the pragmatic calculus behind the action but would probably give Rostam more than a few mocking barbs about it.
[X] Plunder an island before plotting your course. If there's one unequivocal advantage you have over the Argonauts, it's in your choice of vessel. Any delay is worth if it you can swell the Queen Anne's Revenge's hold fit to bursting.
My literary instincts are warning me that Full Plunder is the most likely tempting trap. It's a cold decision that will put Euryale in the highest amounts of danger, the biggest probability of her getting recaptured or worse, and will also likely make Stheno pretty angry. I won't be surprised at all if this results in her getting caught, and the advantage we gained today was the bought time that we are about to burn on stocking up on power.
My literary instincts are warning me that Full Plunder is the most likely tempting trap. It's a cold decision that will put Euryale in the highest amounts of danger, the biggest probability of her getting recaptured or worse, and will also likely make Stheno pretty angry. I won't be surprised at all if this results in her getting caught, and the advantage we gained today was the bought time that we are about to burn on stocking up on power.
Like Wade said, the alternative is either compromising and risking the worst of both worlds in which we're delayed enough that we can't get to Euryale in time and we're only operating on half-strength, or putting our pedal to the metal, "starving" the crew according to the option, booking it to Euryale to maybe get there before the Argo, and then being in absolutely no state to fight them with a pissed off crew to boot. I'd much rather our chances with a full powered QAR against the Argo even if they recapture Euryale rather than trying to outrun it and their insane artillery advantage with a weaker ship, on top of the whole "keep the pirate ship and its crew which is literally the only thing we have to traverse the singularity intact and happy" aspect of it.
My literary instincts are warning me that Full Plunder is the most likely tempting trap. It's a cold decision that will put Euryale in the highest amounts of danger, the biggest probability of her getting recaptured or worse, and will also likely make Stheno pretty angry. I won't be surprised at all if this results in her getting caught, and the advantage we gained today was the bought time that we are about to burn on stocking up on power.
Possibly, but well all the options have narrative dangers.

All speed will lead to our ship running on fumes and the crew being very angry which will led to explosive situations within our team. We've just seen from Jason that it doesn't matter how good your team is or how well you succeed, if one of your key members is fuming and being crippled, they are going to resent you and try to fuck with you. In this case, for us that team member is the dude carrying our ass everywhere and the one member of our team that has a solid advantage against the Argo. And if in such a scenario the ship literally disappears from under us in battle and we get "You all drowned The End." well we can't even call bullshit on that.

The compromise option is well the trying to have our cake and eat it. If any plundering at all is going to piss off our other Allies or make us lose Euryale, then we might as well make sure the Ship is on top shape. The danger of having only a half tank full is that well you only have a half tank full. Which means we dont have a clear choice once we hit something difficult. At least if we have an almost empty tank we can go ''RUN'' and if we have a full tank we can go ''FIGHT IT OUT'', it's clear and it allows us to make better strategic decisions. Half full makes such decisions a coin flip essentially, because we wouldnt know for sure, which is bad for us in terms of Quick Decisions in the Heat of a Crisis.

And in any case, Blackbeard was probably chosen over any other greek heroes with a ship or any other famous naval commander for a reason, and so we should make use of his abilities even if we don't necessarily like them.
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[X] Plunder an island before plotting your course. If there's one unequivocal advantage you have over the Argonauts, it's in your choice of vessel. Any delay is worth if it you can swell the Queen Anne's Revenge's hold fit to bursting.

Solid arguments so even though I disagree on moral grounds I'd say this is mostly necessary.
Actually wasn't it said that the Queen Anne's Revenge was beating the Argo even when it was running on fumes until Medea Lily put up a the shield which just broke, thanks Herc! So shouldn't we be pretty good even at half-full?
Actually wasn't it said that the Queen Anne's Revenge was beating the Argo even when it was running on fumes until Medea Lily put up a the shield which just broke, thanks Herc! So shouldn't we be pretty good even at half-full?
Gambling like that against a Herc who still has a good handful of NPs he can pull out as well as his dark souls reference Hydra Bow which is already bad enough sounds like a monumentally bad idea. With Karna incapacitated, Chiron dead, and Medea's bond locked, I'd much rather hedge our bets on something we know can be really really good if we allow it to be.
Actually wasn't it said that the Queen Anne's Revenge was beating the Argo even when it was running on fumes until Medea Lily put up a the shield which just broke, thanks Herc! So shouldn't we be pretty good even at half-full?
It was yes, but well this is the Ancient Greece Mediterranean Sea. It's all but guaranteed that the Argo won't be the only naval foe we'll have to fight. Flying Monsters, Sea Monsters, Islands that comes alive to beat the shit of out us, Giants that throw huge rocks at our ship, etc etc etc. All of that is possible and have happened in Greek Myths before.

Back when we had Chiron, he was likely using his clairvoyance to steer the Queen Anne's Revenge away from such things, but well he's dead now and Rostam's mythic sight is not as good and Arash is not from the region so he wouldn't recognize some of the more insidious dangers. If we still had Karna up and Medea was not being a boiling pot of self-hate, we'd be fine at half tank, because the two of them would have given us air superiority which would have dealt with most of those issues.

But we dont. So our best asset both against the Argo and surviving these Seas is the Queen Anne's Revenge and half a tank is not a comfortable margin.
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Like Wade said, the alternative is either compromising and risking the worst of both worlds in which we're delayed enough that we can't get to Euryale in time and we're only operating on half-strength, or putting our pedal to the metal, "starving" the crew according to the option, booking it to Euryale to maybe get there before the Argo, and then being in absolutely no state to fight them with a pissed off crew to boot. I'd much rather our chances with a full powered QAR against the Argo even if they recapture Euryale rather than trying to outrun it and their insane artillery advantage with a weaker ship, on top of the whole "keep the pirate ship and its crew which is literally the only thing we have to traverse the singularity intact and happy" aspect of it.

Possibly, but well all the options have narrative dangers.

All speed will lead to our ship running on fumes and the crew being very angry which will led to explosive situations within our team. We've just seen from Jason that it doesn't matter how good your team is or how well you succeed, if one of your key members is fuming and being crippled, they are going to resent you and try to fuck with you. In this case, for us that team member is the dude carrying our ass everywhere and the one member of our team that has a solid advantage against the Argo. And if in such a scenario the ship literally disappears from under us in battle and we get "You all drowned The End." well we can't even call bullshit on that.

The compromise option is well the trying to have our cake and eat it. If any plundering at all is going to piss off our other Allies or make us lose Euryale, then we might as well make sure the Ship is on top shape. The danger of having only a half tank full is that well you only have a half tank full. Which means we dont have a clear choice once we hit something difficult. At least if we have an almost empty tank we can go ''RUN'' and if we have a full tank we can go ''FIGHT IT OUT'', it's clear and it allows us to make better strategic decisions. Half full makes such decisions a coin flip essentially, because we wouldnt know for sure, which is bad for us in terms of Quick Decisions in the Heat of a Crisis.

And in any case, Blackbeard was probably chosen over any other greek heroes with a ship or any other famous naval commander for a reason, and so we should make use of his abilities even if we don't necessarily like them.

Hmm, well I've been convinced enough to go for this.

[X] Plunder an island before plotting your course. If there's one unequivocal advantage you have over the Argonauts, it's in your choice of vessel. Any delay is worth if it you can swell the Queen Anne's Revenge's hold fit to bursting.

Exactly what does Jason need to do to Euryale and where does he need to do it? Does killing Euryale before that do anything for him? Because if he needs to grab her and then continue on, then I am much happier about this. Because then the Taunt was an unequivocal success.
I just looked at Astolfo character sheet

Collector: B+

The ability of one to acquire not just gold but high quality goods - a 'luck' that draws rare loot into the Servant's possession. Astolfo's career as an adventuring knight was long and storied, such that he requires a Noble Phantasm merely to carry it all.

makes this option look much more interesting.

[X] Plunder the trade routes that intersect your course north. A little interference with history is justifiable given the circumstances, and even a few scant prizes from the Age of the Gods should be enough to quell the worst of the pirates' lust for gold.
Exactly what does Jason need to do to Euryale and where does he need to do it? Does killing Euryale before that do anything for him? Because if he needs to grab her and then continue on, then I am much happier about this. Because then the Taunt was an unequivocal success.
We don't know exactly but we can extrapolate that it probably requires them to be at a specific place and that they need to be kept alive until they reach said place, given that they insisted on capturing one before trying to kill the other, and that Euryale is still alive currently and was only tied up instead of sacrificed.
We don't know exactly but we can extrapolate that it probably requires them to be at a specific place and that they need to be kept alive until they reach said place, given that they insisted on capturing one before trying to kill the other, and that Euryale is still alive currently and was only tied up instead of sacrificed.
It could be that they need to go somewhere religiously significant to conduct their full-on blasphemy, potentially even to Olympus itself, which could explain why Herc in particular is being kept on such a short lead.
It could be that they need to go somewhere religiously significant to conduct their full-on blasphemy, potentially even to Olympus itself, which could explain why Herc in particular is being kept on such a short lead.
Man I wish they have go to Olympus for the final fight and by that time we still have Pollux. He's basically the only one among us who could kill Herk being another son of Zeus and potentially having a Noble Phantasm where he can call down the Lighting of Zeus, which would likely be amplify there, giving us the one thing that might trump even Herakles' bullshit.
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In before its Asterios protecting a village that accepted him for who he is
And then he traps an instance of Nine Lives in the Chaos Labyrinth, but oh noes, he and the Labyrinth he could never escape from are inseparable!

So he explodes right before Arash's eyes, as the inexplicably arabic children of the village sing songs of his bravery.