Fallen Fantasy Worldbuilding Thread (No SV, Help Cyber Go Insane in Fantasy Land Together)

Yeah but he's a cheating self rigous ass with a dark god in his corner.

While everyone else is playing "Have you seen my god" since Vailanor got trashed.
Oh great....
And one of the few who don't is Hyrule, because of all of their patron goddess's reincarnations running around, busy trying to take back their kingdom from a souped up Ganon....
That, will probably make things difficult. Gods aren't invincible, but those whom could fight gods and win are probably a prestigious few...
One thing I kinda wonder is how the whole Inheritance cycle bonding thing between the dragon and rider might interact with other magic and/or potentially 'friendship power'...
I'd like to try my hand at adding another faction, because this Earth isn't in enough trouble as it is.

The Cult of Secrets -Middling Power-

Long ago, the Gods of Humankind were Six in number. After witnessing the sheer devastation their greatest gift to the peoples of Tyria could bring forth, the vast majority agreed to place strict limitations on mortal powers. All but one, however.

Abaddon, God of Oceans and of Secrets, was incensed at what was in his mind the Defilement of his greatest work. This disagreement would escalate into a war which would create the Desolation and Transform Abaddon's most loyal followers by and large into Demons. But the Remaining Five could not Strike Down their Brother. Instead they imprisoned him and the Soul's he had effected in a Realm of Torment, where his Secrets, Nightmares, and worshipers would be confined for Eons.

While Abaddon himself could not escape his Torment, his Demons could, and they would influence mortals towards bringing about his Release at Nightfall. And the Apocrypha of his teachings remained. Mortals seeking the power to resolve their troubles were always appealing targets, and in time Mortals would make a choice only a Mortal could make.

And while the Cult succeeded at opening the Gates of Torment and unleashing the Torment Demons and Margonites upon the World. An old General found herself making a Choice only a Mortal could make.

The God of Secrets is dead, but Lady Kormir of Truth remains busy contending against His Demons.

But the Last Leader of Secret's cult has received a second chance, and finds herself asking: "If Even Gods can taste of Death, Could they also Taste of Resurrection?"

QUEEN- Warmarshal Varesh Ossa

A young woman descended from the legendary hero who defeated the Lich Lord Joko, said to have once been a dedicated patriot loyal to her people. Her status as the Prophet of Abaddon has changed her people from the humans of her land, to the Demonic Margonites who serve the God of Secrets.

In one life she spent her goodwill and the lives of her people upon the Altar of fulfilling the Prophecy and freeing her God. She found herself risen anew over her own corpse as a leader of Margonites, only to be promptly slain again by the heroes she had antagonized.

With a third chance at life given by the current strangeness, will Varesh overcome her new nature and become the great ruler her people believed she could be? Or will she give herself even further in Body and in Soul to a God who can no longer answer her prayers?

LAND- The Kourna Province

A harsh land of plains and scarce rivers, the common folk unite under an understanding of security via military force. With the cult working in the shadows to ensure that the only generals in power are those under their Prophet's control, a sinister air continues to grow where the innocent look away. Perhaps somewhere deep down, they know that their lands will be one of the first to see the Torment Demons and their Master's emerge?

RULE- More Blood For My Rituals!

Whatever justifications Varesh once held for seeking power from a deliberately forgotten God have long since been washed away by it's corruptive influence. Her rule in her first life quickly grew harsh, caring little for the casualties she took if it made her a greater servant to her Lord. Even her sole surviving General and Mentor chose to align against her after she began to openly blaspheme against the other Five Gods.

What few individuals who seek to resist her rule are already attempting to do so, a matter not helped be Varesh's newly demonic visage and power visibly beyond accepted limits. Rumors that her Distant ancestor may once again be practicing guerilla warfare will likely only serve to intensify efforts to resist her rule.
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Leader: El Presidente
El presidente is quite a mysterious leader. But one that always had solid conviction and ambition, even though some question if he is just one man as claimed, suggesting he was really a long line of El Presidentes keeping up the charade of being a man seemingly unaffected by time considering he not only was he the first Govorner of Tropico back when Pax Brittania was the name of the day, but also steered Tropico through the frought waters of the World wars. Throughout his, or the dynasty's tenure, depending on what you believe, Tropico has weathered many storms, ranging from mad scientists, angry superpowers, international Cartels, mother nature, and even stuff like voodo priests, superpower-sponsored rebels, celebrity international rebels, despots and many others. The one constant is the push for progress, to better the isle and the lives of its people, albiet with mixed results. But, El Presidente is an almost legendary organizer, and while not super knowledgeable in other fields, his advisors and his own keen management skills have proved time and again to be enough for Tropico to not only survive, but thrive. Which, also involve keepig the main island factions such as the intellectuals, communists, capitalists, and such happy or placated enouth to not raise trouble themselves, against El Presidente or the other factions.

Land: *Relatively* insignificant islands

Prior to Tropico's growth, they were rather insignificant. Though to be fair, they still are relative to the rest of the world from where they came from. They may have some surprisingly advanced tech there such as a supercomputer, but the parts and such are largely sourced from land that didn't come with the event, which leaves such assets near priceless for the island. The islands have a certain beauty which combined with the well organized sectors, led to a rather successful tourist industry, which brought problems along with boons. Especially with the presence of some sites with supernatural or holy significance. The land holds many mysteries, which bring equal parts boon and bane for the people there. The islands also hold many hiding places, which have been used by smugglers, rebels, spies, pirates, and many other types of indaviduals, whom benefit from so much cover

Rule: Glory Of Tropico!
Tropico, is an island with a strong national spirit. Fostered by a leader, or leaders, whom put major investment in the wellbeing of the citizen, preferring to let the good conditions, and occasional chairity win elections over election fraud or shutting them down. But, of course there are always those that may not fully agree, with Betty Boom being the most vocal anti-presidente, with the leader of the main rebels faction being the elusive Marco Moreno, whom had at times ended up in awkward teamups due to the fact that he simply doesn't like ANY nation that was in tropico's world, with the self-professed communist not liking the communist regimes much better than the Capitalists, due to not finding the communists communist enough. And of course, even with current stability, the various parties have been clashing as always, competing for not only recruitment, but also El Presidente's attention.

Truthfulness may vary. Honestly, I decided to try and make a tropico from around the middle of the cold war. Which is ahead of the Valkyra chronicles faction in tech level, but...
Its TROPICO, a backwater that somehow gets relevant through crazy and the leadership of El presidente and his advisors/faction representatives, so 3rd world trying to push into second world, which likely will be a limiting factor, especially with the scramble to stay financially stable after the event, thanks to the fact that, well...
How could you manage to make money without trade or tourists in tropico, without abusing prisons and using the modern era office buildings?

And as far as their state. Crisis mode as El Presidente and others scramble to secure their finances, with the various factions that vie for El president's support and attention assisting as a collapsed economy isn't good for anybody. Though that may not fully stop the bickering as this is Tropico after all. Kinda pulled from all of the tropico series, minus modern times and time travel mostly. Which, doesn't help as the factions I kinda envision as factions in their own right vying for influence, whom may or may not have some form of militia in part due to tropico being a weirdness magnet.

Character sheet wise?

I would hazard stewardship being the leader's/leaders best stat, with diplomacy a close second, considering the faction wrangling and the fact that city planning and such takes center stage through the whole series.
El Presidente will fit right in if SHINRA is here...why not.
...Now I can't help but wonder what other leaders would think of the madhouse that is TROPICO.

And certain characters that may or may not exist such as the alchohol lover reverend esteban, whom somehow manages to become the representative of the religious faction, in spite of his love of alchohol. Which, would serve as an interesting juxtaposition with Sister Francesca, the jaded nun whom is very cynical, and could be a foil with Esteban's more 'fatherly' demeanor. The ridiculous factions, that are usually at odds at each other turning rulership into a tightrope of faction pleasing, and then there are the high concentration of strangeness that leads them to be hardly phased by other's strangeness...
Now before I start working on a Character sheet for Varesh, I just wanted to share this scenario idea I had a while ago.

Joko Vs Aragorn

Joko, "Must I do everything myself? I'm a Genius!"

Also Joko, (Gets bodied by Arrogance of Evil Disadvantage, loses out on magic because Andurial.) "Well At least I'll get up again in a few turns-"

(Aragorn aces roll to break Joko's immortality.) "OH NO!"
Normal Tropican day.

Roll for special event: Triggers rogue mad scientist invention outbreak
Everyone: Here we go again

The Capitalists: "Hey, everyone wants more money right?" :D Gets in another cat-fight with the communists. Agreeing on police importance somehow butinevitably finding something else to argue about.
The Industrialists. "Time to Swindle*cough* I mean trade with people." They love industry, they REALLY LOVE industry. Often clashing with the environmentalists, they have similar interests to the capitalists, but very focused on industry as they look to be the next Industry barons, compared to the capitalist's interest in more sustainable service industry.

The Religiousts: "WE WANT MORE CHURCHES." (In the background Reverend Esteban is 'debating' on the use of pubs as houses of worship, and it isn't going well.) And then they ask to get a giant Jesus statue built because why not? While Reverend Esteban is progressive, the faction as a whole is not, leading to clashes with the secular intellectuals and the communists.

The Loyalists: "Why U NO BAN ELECTIONS!" Annoying yes-men that wants presidente for life, or the heat-death of the universe whichever comes first. Essentially all they want is El Presidente to rule forever and brag about himself.

The Nationalists: "FOREIGN INFLUENCE OUT!"*Those Guys* whom nobody likes, whom hates refugees, and somewhat Isolationist. Somewhat neonazi, hence, well....
The Conservatives: Somewhat more respectable than the Nationalists, but not by much. Glorifies the good ole days, and hates immigrants. Clashes with the Intellectuals as a result.

The Intellectuals. "Get more schools!" *Runs off to work on a new prototype*"I SHALL SHOW THEM!!!" They want more education, high tech stuff, and look down on the Religeous faction, as well as the communists. Somewhat snobby when it comes to the 'uneducated', though Ms. Pineapple is a bit unique, shall we say. Also, has a decent ammount of mad scientists in their groups, though they tend to have minders for a reason...

The Communists. "We really could use more houses for the common worker."Somehow, the more reasonable of the factions, with their representative being among the most grounded and reasonable of the group. Tret the workers right and they' be fine. Though they do clash with the Religiousts and the Intellectuals, and aren't fully above it all.

The Militarists. "THREATS MAY COME FROM EVERYWHERE. WE NEED MORE TROOPS!" They want a big army, which is indeed useful. But of course they clash with everyone else, and their representative, General Rodriguez is a self-admitted armchair general, and well, while his paranoia has come in handy, has done some bizarre requests such as a ROLLERCOASTER for some unfathomable reason.

The Environmentalists. "Protect the Planet!" They are hippies, that is the best way to describe them. They are against anything that may harm the planet, and will push the end of certain practices no matter how impractical it is. Which, their hardline stance leads to clashes with the industrialists and intellectuals, as well as the occasional clash with the communists.

Outsiders: WHAT

Edit: Forgot Environmentalists, added them...
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Honestly Joko is so reliant on his Immortality that the idea of him getting bodied like the Midgame Boss he wishes he wasn't puts quite the smile on my face.

Also given Varesh's status as a Climax Boss style enemy I want to try and make her more OP than Joko anyways.

My vision with her is that she's very good at two things, but nerfed in other aspects to start with because corruption. I think it makes a nice contrast to Joko's borderline Jack of All trades, but fucked over by his negative traits some more forever. I might have also gotten carried away fanfic style with the invisitext oh no oh geez...

Varesh Ossa

Age: 25 If you count the time she spent as a human.

Titles: "Warmarshal of Kourna," "Prophet of Abaddon," "Margonite Commander "

Diplomacy: D20 => 8+4 +4 -10 =8 (People see you as untrustworthy considering you transformed yourself into a demon and kickstarted an Apocalypse)

Martial: D20 => 17+4 +4 +10 +5 =35 (Your capabilities on the battlefield are renowned and feared, even when you lost you furthered the prophecy, led your foes into a trap, or Both!)

Stewardship: D20 => 6+4 +4 -10 =4 (You've lost interest in logistics in recent times, considering that the numbers of your forces are limited only by the amount of time you have to summon them.)

Intrigue: D20 => 5 +4 +5-10 =4 (You discarded even the faintest veneer of subtlety long ago.)

Learning: D20 => 9 +4 +5 =18 (It was your efforts that translated the Apocrypha into the modern dialect, and none can deny that you still hold the potential to improve.)

Piety: D20 => 19 +4 +10 +5 =38 (What warrior priestess worth her ritual weapons would be seen without knowledge of both the Arcane and the Divine?)

Personal Combat: D20 => 11 +4 +10 +19 =44 (Even a fraction of your power and focus was able to delay your foes long enough for the boundaries between Tyria and the Realm of Torment to weaken enough to allow mortals reliable travel between them.) You failed to kill them... and they went on to slay Abaddon! They halted the inevitable you were so certain of! Even with your new form and a small army of demons it wasn't enough!


Generals' Tutelage: You were raised from an early age with the expectation of becoming Warmarshal, and your people began to see your potential for Greatness. (+4 All)

Unifier of the Army: You rallied the totality of the provincial Military to your side in the belief that you could unify the continent under your banner, (+4 Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship) Did they found themselves disappointed when you united the peoples against you? Can anyone still believe in you, knowing what you've done to the world?

Apocryphal Knowledge: Your mentor in the ways of The Gods, Dervish philosophy, and the Principles of Ascension, General Kahyet, risked much to bring you the answers to your questions on the Sixth God. And you studied in that faith together, one meeting her end to buy you the time to ensure your studies gained results, and you becoming more than you once were in time. (+10 Martial, Piety and Personal Combat, +5 Learning and Intrigue, apply half Piety to Personal Combat.)

Tokens of Secret's Power: Your many rituals have warped Evolved you into one of your Master's greater warriors: (+5 Martial, Piety, Demons in Starting forces and the Ability to summon and create more... Possibly even Demonic Heroes?) The bloodshed, the sacrifices, the warfare started because of your dreams, It has to have meant something?

Demonic Visage: Once you could have called yourself beautiful, but the changes matter not to one as devoted as yourself: (-10 Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue) At least, that's what you've been telling yourself lately.

Nightfall... Averted?: Perhaps one of the reasons you devoted yourself so thoroughly to Abaddon was in the belief that His victory was inevitable... You no longer feel His Presence, though the power He granted you remains. Does the potential for change even exist for one so far gone, who has done so much in the name of surviving the end as a servant? (Chance to defy your newfound nature as pure evil?)

Equipment Traits:

Margonite Armor: Your robes of office were remade much like you were, becoming enchanted armor suited for one of your status: (+10 to combat and survival rolls)

Demonic Weapons: Your war scythe and javelins were painstakingly forged by the Margonites you summoned to serve as an adequate instrument of violence in those moments when you choose to not utilize magic. (+10 to combat rolls)

Scroll of Apocrypha: The translated and compiled form of the knowledge General Kahyet sacrificed her old bones to grant you, containing everything from the knowledge of how to surpass mortal limits, rituals for summoning demons both generic and unique, and everything you had ever learned about the Prophecy of Nighfall. (+10 to magic based rolls and grants one reroll on a failed Piety or Learning action) You wonder if sometimes you and yours would have been better off if Kahyet had never found what you had sought in those ruins...
Trying my hand on a possible El Presidente Character Sheet.

El Presidente

Age: ??? looks around 29, but has reportedly Served for Multiple Generations

Titles: El Presidente

Diplomacy: D20 => 15+5 = 20 (Leading a nation with so many factions vying for influence is not easy, especially when you need to juggle them on top of more direct threats.)

Martial: D20 => 10+1 = 11

Stewardship: D20 => 18+10 + 5 = 33 (Resource management and the economy is the lifeblood any nation will live or die on, more so than any other aspect of the nation. Fortunately you know how to manage such very well.)

Intrigue: D20 => 14+5=19 (You were in one of the flashpoints of the great spy games that was the Cold war, which on top of facing more secretive enemies, such as the great frameup pulled by Nick Richards. Though you have always been the one reacting to such clandestine operations, other than those heists led by Penultimo.)

Learning: D20 => 10 (You know a thing or two, but Penultimo, Ms. Pineapple and her group has always been the one pushing science forward as you focus on managing the island)

Piety: D20 => 5 (You are El presidente, while you deal with the weird and supernatural on a daily basis, you have more important things to deal with.

Personal Combat: D20 => 12+5 = 17 (you have gotton pretty respectable in a fight. There are certainly better people, but fighting ability doesn't help a nation grow.)

War Vet: While you may not be a tactician, you have proven yourself fighting alongside your own forces, as. +1 Martial, +5 Personal Combat. Bonus relations, especially for the militarist faction thanks to reputation for bravery

The Enigma: You are an enigma. Cleverly concealing your nature to build up a degree of mystique while preventing the enemy from accurately ascertaining your capabilities. Malus to all rolls to Learn of your traits and abilities. +5 Intreigue

Steady Leader: You have led Tropico through so many different kinds of threats, ranging from superpower proxy wars, voodo priests, unplugged ocean, there is very little that would truly throw you off.

Tropico's Champion: You may not be a military Genius, a mad scientist, or A legendary fighter. But those Weren't really what Tropico needed. You have saved tropico again and again through careful balancing of demands and clever resource allocation. While others like Ms. Pineapple and Penultimo may have came up with quite a few plans to survive, it was only through your skilled negotiation and planning that they could be enacted by Tropico in time. + Diplo +10 Stewardship. Bonus in certain interactions, especially with internal factions.

Ruler's Eye: You have a certain talent. Whenever it is a natural skill, one honed through the time ruling, or something more mundane, you are able to read the state of a nation. Not merely stuff that most leaders get, but getting the pulse of the people, how much of their needs that aren't met, the prevalence of specific political parties and the dedication to said parties, the quality of services, and other small but important details. Unlocks special options in both rulership and adventures. +5 Stewardship

Tried my hand at a character sheet. Blending canons a bit(minus modern times-time travel), and essentially as a character. Well, I tried to write him as a sort of ruler/manager hero, shown with stewardship being the one exceptional stat, with diplo and Intrigue being the next most able out of necessity. Though Ruler's Eye reflects the information the game gives the player as a very keen eye towards understanding dynamics of society, and various influences/problems which would also be his main advantage in adventures.

Age: ??? looks around 29, but has reportedly Served for Multiple Generations

Titles: Loyalist Representative

Diplomacy: D20 => ???

Martial: D20 => ???

Stewardship: D20 => ???

Intrigue: D20 => ???

Learning: D20 => ???

Piety: D20 => ???

Personal Combat: D20 => ?


CloudCuckoolander: Either he is a colossal idiot or a Genius. His ideas either create big disasters, or stops big disasters, but either way it is gonna seem dumb. He did once burn the only source of food in a useless attempt to flush out rebels once, and at another time, he used windmills to get the island to dodge an attack somehow. Amplify all crits and increases the chances of both. Offers unique choices.

Chief Wonder Stealer: Somehow, he is able to lead operations to steal wonders. How he does it, unclear, but either he somehow does it, or he stumbles upon replica's to steal. Decidedly unclear. Special options, and Bonus rerolls for said special options, though the rerolls typically come with asking for something, or taking more time

Well. Not sure if this sheet is even applicable, but well...
Penultimo's thing is big fail or big success, it'll always look like something dumb because he is Penultimo. And well, gave no stats and the CloudCuckoolander trait, cause well. He dndwise would probably be the go big or go home type, he either fails totally or somehow succeeds to impressive success with little in between.
Most of the Eldunari he enslaved have gotten lost in the Transfer.
Or got murdered by Other forces tryingto get back to him.

Or stolen by other factions.
Ah, okay. Thanks for giving me a frame of reference.
Yeah, We are throwing around very powerful people.

Also aragorn's stats aren't as large as say Euron's because Duendain gain stat growth in large batches, based on expirence.
....One thing I wonder is how things might turn out if El Presidente meets with Aragorn?

Aragorn is a paragon whom is a man of action, leader from the front whom has a tendancy to get into fights with nations whom follow the path Numenor did during their downfall....

El Presidente is a practical and brilliant planner, leveraging all of his skills and insane insight on society to turn a backwater into a proud and relevant nation in spite of the limited resources and the chaos brought by the island's weirdness magnet tendencies....
I'd say that during the transfer, the ties he had placed on the Eldunari to bind them to him got shaken loose.
He managed to quickly bind a small number of them again. The others used a sudden boost of the ancient Dragon Magic that Inheritance!Dragons can sometimes channel under special circumstances to either self-destruct or teleport and scatter all over the new World. Probably mentally flipping him off as they did so.

On one hand, this has left old Galby much weaker then he has ever been for the last century.
On the other hand, he is keenly aware of that...and knows that simply sitting in his castle and plot his ultimate plan is no longer an Option since he isn't nigh-invincible anymore, hence why he once again has to directly and actively take the reigns of his Empire.