Honestly Joko is so reliant on his Immortality that the idea of him getting bodied like the Midgame Boss he wishes he wasn't puts quite the smile on my face.
Also given Varesh's status as a Climax Boss style enemy I want to try and make her more OP than Joko anyways.
My vision with her is that she's very good at two things, but nerfed in other aspects to start with because corruption. I think it makes a nice contrast to Joko's borderline Jack of All trades, but fucked over by his negative traits some more forever.
I might have also gotten carried away fanfic style with the invisitext oh no oh geez...
Varesh Ossa
Age: 25
If you count the time she spent as a human.
Titles: "Warmarshal of Kourna," "Prophet of Abaddon," "Margonite Commander "
Diplomacy: D20 => 8+4 +4 -10 =8 (People see you as untrustworthy considering you transformed yourself into a demon and kickstarted an Apocalypse)
Martial: D20 => 17+4 +4 +10 +5 =35 (Your capabilities on the battlefield are renowned and feared, even when you lost you furthered the prophecy, led your foes into a trap, or Both!)
Stewardship: D20 => 6+4 +4 -10 =4 (You've lost interest in logistics in recent times, considering that the numbers of your forces are limited only by the amount of time you have to summon them.)
Intrigue: D20 => 5 +4 +5-10 =4 (You discarded even the faintest veneer of subtlety long ago.)
Learning: D20 => 9 +4 +5 =18 (It was your efforts that translated the Apocrypha into the modern dialect, and none can deny that you still hold the potential to improve.)
Piety: D20 => 19 +4 +10 +5 =38 (What warrior priestess worth her ritual weapons would be seen without knowledge of both the Arcane and the Divine?)
Personal Combat: D20 => 11 +4 +10 +19 =44 (Even a fraction of your power and focus was able to delay your foes long enough for the boundaries between Tyria and the Realm of Torment to weaken enough to allow mortals reliable travel between them.)
You failed to kill them... and they went on to slay Abaddon! They halted the inevitable you were so certain of! Even with your new form and a small army of demons it wasn't enough!
Generals' Tutelage: You were raised from an early age with the expectation of becoming Warmarshal, and your people began to see your potential for Greatness. (+4 All)
Unifier of the Army: You rallied the totality of the provincial Military to your side in the belief that you could unify the continent under your banner, (+4 Diplomacy, Martial, Stewardship)
Did they found themselves disappointed when you united the peoples against you? Can anyone still believe in you, knowing what you've done to the world?
Apocryphal Knowledge: Your mentor in the ways of The Gods, Dervish philosophy, and the Principles of Ascension, General
Kahyet, risked much to bring you the answers to your questions on the Sixth God. And you studied in that faith together, one meeting her end to buy you the time to ensure your studies gained results, and you becoming more than you once were in time. (+10 Martial, Piety and Personal Combat, +5 Learning and Intrigue, apply half Piety to Personal Combat.)
Tokens of Secret's Power: Your many rituals have
warped Evolved you into one of your Master's greater warriors: (+5 Martial, Piety, Demons in Starting forces and the Ability to summon and create more... Possibly even Demonic Heroes?)
The bloodshed, the sacrifices, the warfare started because of your dreams, It has to have meant something?
Demonic Visage: Once you could have called
yourself beautiful, but the changes matter not to one as devoted as yourself: (-10 Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue)
At least, that's what you've been telling yourself lately.
Nightfall... Averted?: Perhaps one of the reasons you devoted yourself so thoroughly to Abaddon was in the belief that His victory was inevitable... You no longer feel His Presence, though the power He granted you remains. Does the potential for change even exist for one so far gone, who has done so much in the name of surviving the end as a servant? (Chance to defy your newfound nature as pure evil?)
Equipment Traits:
Margonite Armor: Your robes of office were remade much like you were, becoming enchanted armor suited for one of your status: (+10 to combat and survival rolls)
Demonic Weapons: Your war scythe and javelins were painstakingly forged by the Margonites you summoned to serve as an adequate instrument of violence in those moments when you choose to not utilize magic. (+10 to combat rolls)
Scroll of Apocrypha: The translated and compiled form of the knowledge General Kahyet sacrificed her old bones to grant you, containing everything from the knowledge of how to surpass mortal limits, rituals for summoning demons both generic and unique, and everything you had ever learned about the Prophecy of Nighfall. (+10 to magic based rolls and grants one reroll on a failed Piety or Learning action)
You wonder if sometimes you and yours would have been better off if Kahyet had never found what you had sought in those ruins...