Hmm, I can do Dogfight! too, I guess.

Edit: 10. Does that mean we get shot a bunch while distracting them, or fail to distract? Or some new and exciting kind of failure?
Tetragramm threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Dogfight! 2d10+1 Total: 9
6 6 3 3
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7-2 Too Much Attention
You know what, fuck it, I think I have the perfect hard move for baiting someone too well.

"I'VE GOT A BETTER IDEA!" You shrieked back, reaching into your bag and running your fingers over the soft, delicate blue scarf you'd borrowed for the time being, and extended your hand above the group of fascists. You ripped your hand down, envisioning a waterfall pouring down and blasting the monoplane just above the big one. A moment later, the plane started spinning like it had collided with something, and recovered briefly, with its nose pointed directly down. It collided with the Mammut, splintering wood and canvas all around, bouncing off and tumbling in a spin towards the rocky cliffs below. You laughed and threw your hands up at the fact that it actually worked. An enormous gust of wind hit you on the fact, making your plane do a brief death wobble and causing a horrible grinding to come from the engine, before it subsided back to normal.

"YOU DID THAT?!" He asked, laughing loudly too, before shifting the plane to lock onto a single little plane. You held on tight and racked your LMG for when the time came to blast a motherfucker. "WE'RE GONNA BAIT THEM TO FOCUS ON US!" He yelled just before he got within range to open fire at the aircraft was targeting, opening fire with a deafening series of bangs. WAY louder than your plane's gun, it sounded like a crack of thunder every time he fired it. The plane that had unfortunately caught the ire of Edgar was nearly torn in half from it, with its gun simply flying off into the night below. It immediately turned around and began to retreat. Edgar whooped loudly and turned left, flying through the group who was now reacting to your presence while shooting off a couple wild bursts of bullets to taunt the enemy. While flying underneath the tail of the Mammut, a splitting cracking noise along with a rough rocking hit the aircraft. You looked over the edge of the cockpit, and found two enormous metal spikes connected to a long metal chain running back to the belly turret of the enormous plane.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Edgar asked, starting a circle around the enemy duo of airplanes.

"ITS A… TWO HARPOONS? I THINK? ITS TWO BIG FUCKING HARPOONS ON A CHAIN!" You responded, wondering how the hell these dickheads had gotten this big when they used tactics like this.

"IF I TRY AND PULL IT OFF IT MIGHT RIP THE PLANE IN HALF!" Edgar said while looking back at the chain, gritting his teeth.

Current Altitude: 25/29 (Ground is 21)
Current Speed: 16/21 (Altitude)
Toughness: 1/9
Strain: 40/40
Fuel: 9/9
RPM: 3/7
Wear: 0/5
Edgar's Plane
Status Effect: Pooned!

Probably should say Edgar's personal moves considering you're controlling him today as well. He has Ideomotor Response, basically a magic autopilot, Deep Ones, which allows you to call out to your patrons for a +1 forward, and Written In Ink, which doesn't really matter mechanically for him, he just has a lot of glowy tats. Fischer moves are special because if most people see Fischer shit, like a magic autopilot or dripping blood on something to bless an item, they either take a stress or break trust from being creeped out. So keep that in mind if you want to use any of them for Edgar.

[ ] Same as last time, write in the next round. You're probably gonna want to do something about those harpoons.
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[] Stability is for Shooting Accurately
- Hilda: Use the LMG to pour fire into the gunner and cockpit. Keep them from shooting you, and maybe get the pilots. If they're fixed in place relative to us, this should be easy.
- Edgar: Ideomotor Response can hold the plane steady while you climb out and disconnect the harpoons, and even after, long enough to get back in.

[X] Brooms are for Flying
- Hilda: Use your broom to fly out and disconnect the harpoons.
- Edgar: Ideomotor Response can hold the plane steady while you climb back and take over the rear LMG to shoot up the bomber.

I'm thinking I like the broom better, but only because brooms are cool.
[X] Brooms are for Flying
- Hilda: Use your broom to fly out and disconnect the harpoons.
- Edgar: Ideomotor Response can hold the plane steady while you climb back and take over the rear LMG to shoot up the bomber.
Combining these two is hilarious, especially if Hilda gets freaked out

- "You just let go of the controls"
* "And you jumped out. Which of the two is weirder here?"
[X] Brooms are for Flying

Brooms are cooler. Also, if we slip while pulling on a harpoon, we're a lot safer than Edgar, who might just
Now, I'm gonna treat this as a patch fix on Hilda's end, but technically wingwalking, so you get to roll Daring! You'll take 1 stress from this though, as I remember wingwalking saying that you take a stress from it but even if it doesn't you're dangling your legs over 500 meters of NOTHING on a BROOM. So that's gonna be 2d10+4. NOW ROLL!
So, I'd say the bomber is at close range, but I'm going to treat it like an airship since it's a large, steady target that isn't really maneuvering, meaning you move two range bands closer effectively when opening fire. Your absolute range is close. That means an extra crit die free, or drawing a bead to target a specific part, but not getting that extra crit die and having your effective range start at close as usual. All ordinary decisions about open fire apply as usual, whoever rolls decided all that technical shit. Remember it's Edgar firing the LMG.

Edit: To clarify I am asking you all to roll.
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Crit time!!


And since it's even you choose what you hit! I'm assuming you're hitting the turret to escape the chain.
Texas Red threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Crit Time! +4 Total: 24
8 8 16 16
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Crit Time 2! +2 Total: 2
2 2
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7-3 Action Movie Shit
A lightbulb went off in your head. "I'LL GET IT!" You said as you grabbed your broomstick and tucked it between your legs. You PRAYED, literally, that the maximum height you could fly wasn't two meters off the ground like you tested in the hanger. This was fucking insane, but you were nothing if not daring. You unhooked the tether keeping you attached to the cockpit and put it through the bindings of the broomstick. If you fell, you could at least grab the stick to hopefully remount. You put one foot out of the cockpit, feeling your stomach drop the five hundred meters you were staring down. You could see the flaming wreckage of the plane you slammed into the Mammut down there, and for once you cursed your ability to measure range. You grit your teeth, took a shaky breath, and stepped out completely, feeling the stick stop your fall and keep you on level flight with the Osprey.

"GET IT? WHAT DO Y-WHOA WAIT HILDA!" Edgar protested as he watched you step out of the gunner seat. You willed the stick to twist and planted your boots on the fuselage, wrapping your hands around the left harpoon and yanked, pulling with your legs, your arms, and your core, but it just wouldn't budge at all. You tried the right one, and it was equally completely stuck. You had another idea, and looked at your pointer finger, and ignited it like a candle, mentally concentrating the flame down into a welding torch like flame. You put all the effort you had into it, and held your finger to the harpoon, trying to cut it, but it just wouldn't even turn red.

"I CAN'T GET IT OFF!" You screamed, looking to Edgar, who looked like he was whispering something to his dashboard. Then he let go of the controls, got up, and climbed into your seat, gripping your LMG.

"GET DOWN!" He yelled, twisting the gun on its rails towards the Mammut as you threw your head back, still holding onto the harpoons with your boots against the plane. The barrel ignited in a long burst, and craning your neck, you saw the belly turret be torn apart by the hail of fire, and releasing you both from the tether of the harpoons, with the chains just hanging slack. A tiny bit of extra drag you could handle. You turned your head back towards the cockpit, seeing the stick and the cranks moving on their own. It unnerved you. You'd never seen an autopilot before, but you knew they existed. This was unnatural. This was something that made you feel wrong on a primal level. You had to deal with that later though. Edgar swung himself back into the cockpit, and took the controls again, and you dragged yourself back into your gunner seat as you realized your broom could NOT keep up with the Osprey for long.

[ ] Let's choose what the goobers do next again!
[X] plan just shoot them.
-[x] Edgar Eyeballs to try to see if there are other combatants still in the air
-[x] Hilda shoots the Mammut.
It unnerved you. You'd never seen an autopilot before, but you knew they existed. This was unnatural.

Lol, said the lady on the FLYING BROOM.

Both Plans have the same problem: we shoot down the Mammut we are connected to by harpoon, we *we will literally for down with the ship*.

[x] More than one way to skin a cat
- Edgar Eyeballs to try to see if there are other combatants still in the air
- us Fire Magics to Double our LMG's damage
- pour bullets into where the harpoons were shot from, the dream being we shake loose or destroy where the lines are connected to the enemy ship

Another delightful round of updates, thank you shin for sharing your writing @Texas Red
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Alright, time for Eyeball! That's gonna be Keen+Visibility at Advantage since Hilda is also looking. So that's 3d10(take two highest)-1.
Womp Womp. Open fire for Hilda. All usual choice rules still apply.