Edited the character sheet in the original thread post a bit to make the descriptions of abilities more clear. Also just updated it for how they currently are.
[X] Catch the enemy spread out (Only be shot at by AA guns or Aircraft, never both in one round)
Spreading out seems really good, but won't matter if/once we manage to beat all the enemy aircraft. Taking less flak will also make it a lot easier to focus on who we're fighting though, of course. Hmm, tricky innit. If we are able to spot them properly then Edgar might be able to bomb the AA whilst/after we fight off the airwings?
7-1 Trying Something New
[X] Catch the enemy spread out (Only be shot at by AA guns or Aircraft, never both in one round)

You usually didn't have time to think while flying. Steering the flight stick and holding it steady was a constant workout, so you didn't have much capacity to think past how much it sucked. Edgar's plane was hooked up with copilot controls though, so you routinely traded off the responsibility of flying when the other was getting tired. When it wasn't your turn to pilot, you spent a lot of time looking out at the mountains. You killed someone on your last mission. You hadn't really had a chance to think about it until now, but you absolutely killed them. You didn't feel bad about it, he was a fascist, but you had no idea who he was. You knew nothing about him, not even any identifying features. He was most likely burnt to a crisp and crashed down in the mountains somewhere, far from anyone who could tend to his body. You hoped his soul wouldn't be stuck. You wouldn't wish that on anyone.

The path to your objective was fairly simple, it was basically just following a single deep ravine for dozens of kilometers until you found what you were looking for. The airship you escorted there had a navigator to keep you all on course, so even if it was night you still made it there in as close a shot as completely straight. The floodlights of the opposing military base soon came into view, scanning the night sky for signs of attackers. You were spotted, your engines were loud, but it seemed that the only anti-aircraft weapons they had were on the other side of the base, with the others most likely destroyed in a previous engagement.

Warplanes launched from the runway as you approached, followed by a comparatively enormous airplane looking like either a transport, or a heavy bomber. It was a huge biplane, with the general outline of a Teicher Mammut with a closed cockpit with a flat sheet of glass as a wind screen, with four uncovered engines on its lower wings for thrust. What set it apart was the two large turrets resting above and below the cockpit, and half shredding wings. It had either been in storage since the war ended, or had just seen combat without being repaired. Or they just didn't bother to repair it after getting it in a fight last time. It was flanked by the usual c.10 Arntwerke three man swarm the Gotha blight flanked their prized assets with. Wait, no, Goths, the Goths, not Gotha, Gotha had been dead for nearly two decades. Felt weird your brain immediately went to that, though.

"THEY'LL TRY AND BOARD THE AIRSHIP WITH THAT BIG ONE! WE GOTTA TAKE IT OUT!" Edgar screamed over the roar of the engine, briefly turning his head to look at you. "ITS BUILT LIKE A TANK! ILL GO FOR THE MAMMUT PILOTS, ONLY WAY TO TAKE IT DOWN! YOU KEEP THE LITTLE ONES OFF US!" Edgar continued, before turning back and boosting directly towards the swarm, as Riya's plane soared above for just that purpose too, though she might actually have the firepower to take it down herself.

Current Altitude: 25/29 (Ground is 21)
Current Speed: 21/21 (Altitude)
Toughness: 9/9
Strain: 40/40
Fuel: 9/9
RPM: 1/7
Wear: 0/5
Edgar's Plane

Kind of a weird way of doing this, but I really don't know how else to do it. The perspective is going to be Hilda's, but you're going to control both characters with their own respective stats. I know this may be complicated, and might be shit, but I do want to try it out. If you need Edgar's stats, once again, look at the first post in the thread.

What I want y'all to do is to write in the combat round you want to perform. List the actions you want taken, in order, and say who does what. We'll roll them in order and summarize as usual.

[ ] Write in the combat round you want to preform with both characters.
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Hmm, shredding wings?

Time to ignore what Edgar told us to do, and resort to magic.
-[ ] Hilda : Use the wind focus to create a massive headwind for the bomber, making it have a greater Indicated Airspeed, in the hopes of forcing it's engines into overdrive, and it's wings to overstrain.
-[] Edgar : Go for one of the small planes, given that your coworker doesn't know how to listen
-[X] Hilda : Use the wind focus to try and push one of the smaller planes into the bomber, and maybe each other as well.
-[X] Edgar : Go for one of the pilots from above, and try to distract them and the gunner from the impending collision. Bait them into paying attention to you.
-[X] Hilda : Use the wind focus to create a massive headwind for the bomber, making it have a greater Indicated Airspeed, in the hopes of forcing it's engines into overdrive, and it's wings to overstrain.
-[X] Edgar : Go for one of the small planes, given that your coworker doesn't know how to listen

Edgar is proposing a decent strategy. Given that we have brain damage, I have elected to ignore it.
Just to make sure everyone knows, Hilda does not currently have brain damage. That's been healed up from the magic brain regeneration juice the off screen doctor gave her. She's back to her old self, just probably a bit more jaded by that experience.
-[X] Hilda : Use the wind focus to try and push one of the smaller planes into the bomber, and maybe each other as well.
-[X] Edgar : Go for one of the pilots from above, and try to distract them and the gunner from the impending collision. Bait them into paying attention to you.

I vote we try doing what Edgar suggests!
-[X] Hilda : Use the wind focus to try and push one of the smaller planes into the bomber, and maybe each other as well.
-[X] Edgar : Go for one of the pilots from above, and try to distract them and the gunner from the impending collision. Bait them into paying attention to you.
-[X] Hilda : Use the wind focus to try and push one of the smaller planes into the bomber, and maybe each other as well.
-[X] Edgar : Go for one of the pilots from above, and try to distract them and the gunner from the impending collision. Bait them into paying attention to you.

Thank you again @Texas Red for sharing your work with us! Solid touch to showing that Hilda has misgivings about using her firemagic in such a direct way on the enemy, even if they where Nazi Scum
Alright, first thing to do is to roll the spell! The way I'm interpreting this is you're trying to create a collision.

Full success means you'll create a head on collision between a small plane and the big one.

Partial means you do it, but the gust coming from your backside wildly jostles the your prop, adding 2 RPM.

Failure means the gust makes you just spin out.

NOW ROLL +WILD! So 2d10+3.
I'll roll for the collision damage they suffer.

Edit: Disappointing, honestly.
Texas Red threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Mammut Smuggler Damage Total: 14
8 8 6 6
Texas Red threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Littl Fighter Damage Total: 7
2 2 5 5
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Now for Edgar. This is kind of weird cause I'm interpreting "Going for one of the fighters" as attacking them to draw attention. So you'll be rolling open fire, and then dogfight to make the bait convincing.

You don't need to roll Dogfight since you're kinda sneaking up on them in the dark and no one really saw Hilda do the magic. Math is the same as usual but since Edgar's Hard is the same as his Calm, +3, you should probably just roll that instead of Draw A Bead which would invite a hard move. You can rapid fire as normal if you want advantage, but it's not necessary. Please state if you want the absolute range to be Knife or Close.

After that's resolved.

So, you're trying to bait them into trying to focus on you instead of the airship, so this is Dogfight+Keen.
  • +1 for higher speed
  • +4 from agility
  • -2 from the other functional fighters, one is recovering from the grand slam.
  • -2 from Edgar's Keen.
I'd Prefer Close so we have range to maneuver and play keepaway from their superior number of guns?

Does that make sense?
Kinda. Things move too fast for that condition to last very long, but getting to Knife will put us at more risk.

Egar has a belt-fed gun, so no need to reload. I think the first, cleanest shot is the best one to take risk on, especially if we're still kinda sneaking and not obvious yet. I think we should Draw a Bead for +1 Crit Dice, and also Rapid Fire. I think we can stay out at close though.

Edit: 17! Good shot Edgar.
Tetragramm threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Open Fire! 3d10+4 Total: 18
5 5 6 6 7 7
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I'll roll crits.


Let's have him crit the uhhhhhhh guns. No more guns. You were probably in the firing arc. Alright someone roll that dogfight!
Texas Red threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Crits +4 to both Total: 39
8 8 17 17 14 14
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