10-7 Her Neck of The Woods
[X] Hilda does not try to absolve responsibility, or to downplay her intentions, instead only explain why and express regret. Something like "I am sorry. I stole the scarf back then. I took it with every intention to return it, eventually, but without any idea when I would or even if I could. I was in a place of hurt and I was desperate to reconnect myself with the sky, your scarf was the only connection to it that I thought I could use. I'm sorry, and I will try never to break your trust or do such a selfish thing again."

You pulled the bag into your lap and opened it, revealing now at the bottom just your focuses. Your seashell, your bag of dirt, and Riya's scarf.

"Alright. Riya, I need to tell you something." You said, reaching in and holding her scarf, not yet taking if our yet."

"Alright… everything ok?" She asked, noticing your concern.

"Yea- no? I don't know how much this means to you. Alright. I've been using your scarf as a focus for a while now." You said as you pulled it out and handed it back to her. "It was right after our argument at the military base, and I used my old air focus to make my broom fly. I needed a connection to the sky again, and all I could think of at the time was your scarf. I planned on returning it but I could never figure out how or when. I did a bad thing, I stole from you, and I'm sorry. I promise I'll never steal from you or betray your trust again. I understand if you're angry." Riya took the scarf from your hands. There was a very mixed expression on her face. Confusion, grief, and anger. She gripped the scarf and looked up at you.

"While we were angry at each other, you snuck into my home and stole from me?" She asked, sounding like she was just trying to make sense of it.

"Yes." You said, hanging your head. She put her face against her hand and scrunched up her eyes and mouth. You couldn't tell if she was holding back tears or rage.

"I let you into my home, gave you a place to sleep, shared my drink with you, and you stole from me." She repeated, letting out a sigh. She looked up at you again with an expression of simple acceptance. "I'm angry at you right now. I'm going to need a while to think about this. But I forgive you. Thank you for coming clean." She opened her arms for a hug. You took that opportunity and squeezed her tight.

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back. You opened your eyes to see a woman with hair looking like it was made of leaves, and skin of nearly black bark smiling at the two of you hugging, just laying on the grass resting her head on her hands like she'd been participating in this conversation the entire time. You jumped out of Riya's arms. Dryad. Fuck. This might be one of her trees. Ok, be cool, you knew how to de-escalate if she starts bullshitting about offenses.

"That was an adorable display." She said in an echoey, low voice that made you feel relaxed to listen to. Edgar and Riya both jumped at the dryad just kind of appearing next to you three, and looked to you for guidance on what to do. You suddenly felt much more fearful than you did talking to Madeline a few days ago. "Oh don't look so absolutely terrified, I'm not going to crush your ribcage with a hammer, I just wanted to thank you for decorating my tree!" She said happily, smile growing wider. You finally found your ability to speak.

"I-It was no problem, we were just trying to celebrate the solstice! I'm glad you like it, I spent a long time making every single one of those decorations." You said, smiling, hoping she'd just leave you three alone.

"I could never decorate a tree that way... I hear about other dryads west of here always getting their trees decorated this time of year, but never me. People are scared of my woods, I guess." She said, rolling onto her back while maintaining glancing eye contact on all of you. "You three must be brave then. Very brave. You've made my year, thank you." She said. You could practically feel the request coming. "I have another pine tree a short walk from here, do you think you could make that one pretty too?"

"I don't really think-" You started.

"Just like, one or two ornaments! Just a little to tell my friends about. Oh, imagine getting to say I had two trees bedazzled this year..." She pondered, rolling back over onto her belly.

"Well unfortunately we're out of ordaments! I'm so sorry, I can bring some next time!" You said, maintaining your smile and making sure to give respect in your words where due.

"Just a scarf could work too! Or a lock of hair. Or a piece of your dress! Just something to make my tree prettier. Of course, I can give you something for it! I bet you're wondering all about the extra soul tied up with yours, what if I brought him to the surface to chat with you?" She asked, without a hint of losing composure. Your stomach dropped because she was offering something useful.

[ ] Deny but listen for a better offer
[ ] Deny and refuse all other offers
[ ] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
[ ] Accept (roll Turn On The Charm and write in how to try and swindle the fae out of what she's offering)
[ ] Accept (roll Press The Issue, say what kind, and write in how you argue, lie, or intimidate to get what you want)

Feel free to ask questions if you want clarification of info about this, as Hilda definitely knows a lot about the Fae.
[X] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
-[X] You may not have any ornaments left, but you have an eye for fashion. With the fae's aid, you can find some nice flowers, and plant them in a pattern, so that come spring, her trees will be the centerpiece of a magnanimous display
-[X] You are a pilot, today's the solstice. With invitation, she can visit the village, and a town can hardly deny a pilot bringing a pretty girl to the bar.

Look, some days ou just want to be run out of a town...
[X] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
-[X] You may not have any ornaments left, but you have an eye for fashion. With the fae's aid, you can find some nice flowers, and plant them in a pattern, so that come spring, her trees will be the centerpiece of a magnanimous display
-[X] You are a pilot, today's the solstice. With invitation, she can visit the village, and a town can hardly deny a pilot bringing a pretty girl to the bar.

I love how irresponsible this is. I fully support it and vote for it.
[] Deny but listen for a better offer

Scarf (focus; emotion/connection), hair (self), dress (appearance/identity)? Feels like she wants to take a bite out of us, so I'm leery.

Buuut we do need a new flight focus...

Edit: StoneSaint makes a good point further down
[X] Deny and refuse all other offers
-[X]Politely, but firmly, refuse and leave.
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[X] Deny but listen for a better offer
I don't think we want to talk to the other soul, really. Hilda's got some growing to do. before she's ready.
If she's got a really nice airplane engine hiding somewhere though, we could use one of those.
Into The Wilds
Into the Wilds

The cold wind cut into your face as you walked deeper in the forest, the town's lights vanishing among the trees behind you. Ordinarily, you wouldn't be out this far, but you weren't alone. Edgar was next to you, carrying a heavy box of ornaments just like you were, and ahead of you a pair of badger ears was frolicking through the foliage, darting from tree to tree, apparently asking for directions. She had assured you that the solstice agreement was no mere folktale, that the fae really did respect it, even though the people of the town did not dare believe it. Hilda could be brazen, irresponsible and hardheaded, but she was certain of this, and you trusted her not to lie to you.

That was what made the cold breeze cut that much deeper, and what made the trip through that more fearsome. You'd put it off long enough. You had to tell her. You were just going to carry this box to wherever Hilda wanted it, decorate the tree, hand out the gifts you got everyone, maybe talk a little, and then, no more delays, you were going to tell her.
You had to.

You don't remember how it happened. You remember the night very well, even with the drugs and the fun you had. You and her had enjoyed one another's company, and then she had confessed. The fool's love, the kind of love that seizes the heart when a person first leaves their home ship and meets a boy or a girl in a foreign town. The love that makes you want to throw away your independence, your wings, and settle down right there and then. The love that got a hundred foolish youngsters bound in chains, tied to a life on the ground that did not deserve them. You'd done the responsible thing, hard as it was. You'd turned her down. She didn't take it well. There'd been the fight, you'd lashed out, she hit back, and you left in tears. You'd torn it off, thrown it into your cabin, you must have failed to secure it, and it fell out.

Gifts, if anything, do not make things easier. The ceremony, so different from Home, yet not entirely dissimilar, brought up conflicting emotions. The gifts themselves were worse. Edgar had gotten you knives, elegant and practical, to defend yourselves with. Hilda had gotten you a jacket, which would have gone great with your scarf. You thanked the stars that she had not mentioned it's absence until know, then cursed them for forcing you to bring it up. Later though. For now, you gave Hilda your gift, an entire wardrobe, expensive but hopefully something to make up for the disappointment of what you would bring up soon. Besides, she needed it, her old dress showing the faint stains of motor oil and blood. Hers, and yours as well, you hadn't forgotten that.

That morning, you'd been late as Hilda and Edgar went out to get breakfast and materials. You'd turned the balloon upside down, asked Dipak for help, but to no avail. The bird was clever, and you'd kill the world for him, but today's question just seemed to mystify him. You asked him for help in finding Hilda's scarf, and he'd just repeat her name, loud enough that you'd have to shush him lest she come looking what up. And every time you opened up another bag, he'd start up again. In the end, you got nothing done. You didn't find the scarf. You lost it. You had to tell her, how careless she'd been with your gift, how she was right and you weren't gratefull.

It was time now. No more delays. Hilda seemed like she was going to say something, but you cut her off, lest you delay again.
"I'm so, so sorry. But I lost your scarf. I must have been careless. I hope you can forgive me".
She just stood there, stunned, clearly not knowing what to say...

(Another bad end, clearly).
"I'm so, so sorry. But I lost your scarf. I must have been careless. I hope you can forgive me".
She just stood there, stunned, clearly not knowing what to say...
Fucking phenomenal, lovely ending that feels less like a bad one and more like dramatic irony. I love it. Thank you.
[X] Deny and refuse all other offers
-[X]Politely, but firmly, refuse and leave.
While I do love the idea of trying to divert her, we did just go over that this seems the type that you should absolutely not make any sort of deals or bargains with, on account of the whole "carved open for more pastries" story.
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[X] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
-[X] You may not have any ornaments left, but you have an eye for fashion. With the fae's aid, you can find some nice flowers, and plant them in a pattern, so that come spring, her trees will be the centerpiece of a magnanimous display
-[X] You are a pilot, today's the solstice. With invitation, she can visit the village, and a town can hardly deny a pilot bringing a pretty girl to the bar.
Don’t Count On It
You awoke early. Too early. A low buzzing noise shocked you from your sleep, with your fear of stinging insects forcing you to perk up and sit up in bed. Pre-Dawn's skylight was peeking through the window. That buzzing wasn't coming from inside. Fuck, what was Hilda up to? You ignited your bedside lantern with a spark from your fingers and climbed out of bed in your pajamas, quickly walking to the window and peering out. Off in the field south of town, one of the old planes was uncovered. The buzzing was coming that. Goddesses, the engine was loud.

A girl was clambering into the cockpit. With a bushy black and white tail. And a large bird circling close overhead. Your breath felt cold as you exhaled.

"HILDA!" You yelled toward the hall, and ran there, throwing Hilda's door, and illuminating it, finding it as messy as always with no one in the unmade bed. Her satchel was missing from her bedside, and her boots were gone. You started to hyperventilate. You sprinted to the kitchen, chanting "no" over and over again to yourself, begging the Goddesses to find Hilda there having an early breakfast. Instead you found a note on the kitchen counter, and your grandmother's sword missing from the mantle.

"FUCK!" You shrieked, grabbing the note, throwing open the door, and grabbing your broom from the side of the front door. You sprinted towards the field, just in time to see the monoplane taking off from the ground and skimming the trees. A few fuzzy creatures, gremlins, most likely, tried and failed to grab onto it. You let out a sigh of relief, but then realized you were relieved at the sight of Hilda flying off in a fucking warplane Goddesses know where. There was no way you could catch up to her on your broom.

You threw your broom against the ground and let out a yell of frustration. A few of the coven's women, including Hilda's instructor, ran up next to you, watching the plane pass over the trees. After a few seconds you could see it rise again, flying east.

"Was that-" One of the women began.

"Hilda." You responded. It's ok. She'd come back. She said she'd run away when she was nine and came back by dinner. She'd be back. She'd come back. You repeated to yourself, looking down at the note in your hand.


I'm sorry for taking the sword, and the three coins under your bed. But you really don't need them. I'm going to talk to Frau Madeline since you all won't tell me how to fly on my broom. Tell my instructor she's a bitch for me, please, it's my final request. I don't know when I'll be back. Goodbye, I love you.


You crumpled the note in your hands. Of course she took the Thaler too. You looked to the woods. Amongst the trees, illuminated by fireflies were two figures, a green skinned woman in a leather tunic with a bow, and an olive skinned tall woman with black hair, and robe of flowers. She smiled and gave you a simple wave.

Don't count on it. A voice echoed in your mind, before the nymph turned around and walked back into the woods with her escort.
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Thank your @Texas Red agina for sharing your writing! Also:
"I let you into my home, gave you a place to sleep, shared my drink with you, and you stole from me."
When you put it like that drives home just how and why what we did was *really* fucked up in general and to her specifically. I am so glad we rolled so well (thank your smut bonus)!

Also also:
[x] Deny and refuse all other offers
*gif of octopus climbing inside a coconut and scampering away with the text "NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE"*
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When you put it like that drives home just how and why what we didn't was *really* fucked up in general and to her specifically. I am so glad we rolled so well (thank your smut bonus)!
I was literally planning on having her start a brawl if you missed. So yes, thank you smut bonus. Also yeah, you REALLY fucked up. Like I'm not sure something you could do that would make her more pissed at you. Luckily, you came clean and she cares about you.
Also also:
[x] Deny and refuse all other offers
*gif of octopus climbing inside a coconut and scampering away with the text "NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE"*
I mean, our only deal with the fae worked out pretty well for us. Also, lol, not much point having Fae Mood as the title if we're too scared to interact with them. And of course, there's always the potential ticking time bomb of the dead man's soul within us...
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[X] Deny and refuse all other offers
-[X]Politely, but firmly, refuse and leave.

Nope, fuck this, we're in a very bad position to start trying to bargain with the Fae, and she's not offering anything that difficult for us to do ourselves. We're a witch; if we just apply ourselves properly we should be able to talk to the dead guy in our soul.
Adhoc vote count started by digital2 on Jun 14, 2024 at 5:59 AM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
    -[X] You may not have any ornaments left, but you have an eye for fashion. With the fae's aid, you can find some nice flowers, and plant them in a pattern, so that come spring, her trees will be the centerpiece of a magnanimous display
    -[X] You are a pilot, today's the solstice. With invitation, she can visit the village, and a town can hardly deny a pilot bringing a pretty girl to the bar.
    [X] Deny and refuse all other offers
    -[X]Politely, but firmly, refuse and leave.
    [X] Deny but listen for a better offer
    [X] Deny and refuse all other offers

Looks like Deny and refuse all other offers is ahead by one vote, though there is still time for other voters if anyone's interested. Personally, I'm still holding out hope that Accept wins. I just think Texas Red will be able to write something really interesting if that option wins.
[X] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
-[X] You may not have any ornaments left, but you have an eye for fashion. With the fae's aid, you can find some nice flowers, and plant them in a pattern, so that come spring, her trees will be the centerpiece of a magnanimous display
-[X] You are a pilot, today's the solstice. With invitation, she can visit the village, and a town can hardly deny a pilot bringing a pretty girl to the bar.
[X] Accept (roll Parlay With The Strange and write in two things to offer)
-[X] You may not have any ornaments left, but you have an eye for fashion. With the fae's aid, you can find some nice flowers, and plant them in a pattern, so that come spring, her trees will be the centerpiece of a magnanimous display
-[X] You are a pilot, today's the solstice. With invitation, she can visit the village, and a town can hardly deny a pilot bringing a pretty girl to the bar.
I just think Texas Red will be able to write something really interesting if that option wins.
Awwww, thank you! Alright! Let's tally. I guess accepting wins! Just woke up and I'm ready to roll. I'm gonna need a flat roll, 2d10. I don't remember if we still have an Omake advantage, but if someone can find evidence we do you can add that to the roll if you wish.